Reality check on electric cars

Holy SHIT!!!
Where do I begin?

First - what is with the big text? You got a small dick you are trying to make up for?

Second - your 'conversation' was from NINE YEARS AGO!!!

Third - Chevrolet stopped manufacturing the Volt over two and a half YEARS ago!

Fourth - the Volt is NOT an E/V. It is a hybrid.

Fifth - electricity charges are about 14+ cents. Not $1.16?!?

Sixth - I gotta say them again. Your source is from NINE years ago, the Volt is no longer being made and was NEVER an E/V.

Seventh - A 2022 Chevrolet Bolt starts at $31,000 and has a range of 259 miles.

To recharge a Bolt costs about $417.60.
Oh...I am sorry.
That is not to charge it once.
That is to charge it for a FRIGGING YEAR (at 12,000 miles usage)!

I have a suggestion for you.
The next time you want to start another thread?
I suggest that instead of typing with your fingers?
You bash your head/fists on the keyboard.
And I guarantee you that, that thread's OP will make FAR more sense than this one's did.

Have a nice day.

You are a pistol.
no......why were you stupid enough to think I had?.......

School is in.

You see that little thing on the end of my my post to you?

That is called a 'question mark'.

That means I was asking a question.
Not making a statement.

Gee..I sure hope you got that now.
Should help you in your life.

School is out.

So...just how much of that $1.16 were you assuming was eaten up by 'subsidies'?

Or you can just answer honestly and say you had NO IDEA what you were talking about and were just guessing?

The choice is yours?

That means I was asking a question.
Not making a statement.

okay, why did you ask a stupid question?

So...just how much of that $1.16 were you assuming was eaten up by 'subsidies'?

I made no claim any of it question was, if the person I was responding to insisted that non petroleum sources of energy were much cheaper than petroleum sources, I ASKED (did you notice I was asking a question and not making a statement? If you notice things like that it should help you in your life) if his rates for comparison take into consideration the federal subsidies for the non-petroleum sources....
The Volt is mine and as I said over and over to you, I almost never run the ICE. Almost never.
Electric car owners top off their charges. They almost never are low enough to require a long charge. And your stats demand a level 1 charger. The better ones are much faster.
They are getting faster all the time.
I have an electric car. I know what it is like. My son has 2. I do not look to electric haters for information.

How much did it cost to upgrade your home electrical system and install the charging station? Don't lie.
okay, why did you ask a stupid question?
Questions cannot be 'stupid'.
Only living things with intelligence can be 'stupid'.

Care to rephrase that?

And I will answer it (once it makes sense).

I made no claim any of it question was, if the person I was responding to insisted that non petroleum sources of energy were much cheaper than petroleum sources, I ASKED (did you notice I was asking a question and not making a statement? If you notice things like that it should help you in your life) if his rates for comparison take into consideration the federal subsidies for the non-petroleum sources....
You did NOT ask that.

You typed the following?

'because you're the one denying what he your numbers include subsidiess?.....'

BTW - I sincerely advise you to not try and be 'cute' in your discussions/debates.

I mean no offense...honestly.

But I genuinely believe that you are neither intelligent enough nor educated enough to 'do it' properly.

But...that's up to you.
Questions cannot be 'stupid'.
Only living things with intelligence can be 'stupid'.

Care to rephrase that?

sure.....why did you ask a stupid question, why did you follow it up with a stupid post, and why do you deny my question is a question?

seriously, if this is the best you have to offer, I won't be giving you a whole lot of attention......
sure.....why did you ask a stupid question, why did you follow it up with a stupid post, and why do you deny my question is a question?

Okee dokee.

Please show us all how ANY of these definitions applies to a written word/phrase?

seriously, if this is the best you have to offer, I won't be giving you a whole lot of attention......

Is this a threat?
Because it sounds more like a gift (based on our dealings so far).

Please...feel free to give me NO attention if that makes you happy.
Okee dokee.

Please show us all how ANY of these definitions applies to a written word/phrase? .

??...../shrugs......the question raised by a stupid person is a stupid question..........

as for "no attention", its yours.......though I find it hard to believe an attention whore despises attention......not sure why Dillon liked you.....but then I've never really paid much attention to him either.....
??...../shrugs......the question raised by a stupid person is a stupid question..........

In other words...none of them do.

So instead of admitting it?
You try an ad hominem instead. trolls never change.

as for "no attention", its yours.......though I find it hard to believe an attention whore despises attention......not sure why Dillon liked you.....but then I've never really paid much attention to him either.....

Ummm...are you having a stroke?
No it counts is a discussion about electric cars.
You consider an electric car a hand grenade?? :D

No, electric cars are just electric cars. There is no almost about an electric car. They are either an electric car or they are not.
A hybrid car is NOT an electric car, despite being able to use an electric motor to drive the car. It is a gasoline car with an extra large battery.
All this info that should have taught you something,
The info and numbers I gave are from GM and Tesla. Why you disagree with those sources is beyond me.
does not even talk about the pollution and health impacts. Those are huge too.
Define 'pollution'. Define 'health impact'. Buzzword fallacies. Void argument fallacy.
If you were fair and open about electric, you would not fork out so much disinformation.
The information I gave is from GM and Tesla.

If you want to drive a hybrid, feel free. If you want to drive an electric car, feel free. If you want to drive a gasoline car, feel free.

Electric cars have certain advantages, among them typically good snow traction and quiet operation (too quiet!). They do not eliminate the use of fuel though. They must be charged. That means power plants that typically burn some type of fuel such as coal, oil, or natural gas. That energy has got to come from somewhere. Wind power won't cut it. Solar power won't cut it.

Electric cars require 10-12 hours of charge from drained battery to full charge. That is using the high performance charger. You cannot shove electrons into the battery at any faster rate. This will give a typical electric car a range approximately 300 miles (about the same as a tank of gas in an ICE car). This makes the electric car impractical for open road use or work vehicle use.

A gasoline car can be refueled in about 5 minutes.
An electric car can be 'refueled' in about 10-12 hours.
A hybrid car is a gasoline car. It's only difference is that it has an extra large battery and can be top-off charged for use on short commutes as an 'electric' car.

Electric cars are not new. The batteries today's cars use are a new design (the Li-ion chemistry), allowing for a very light battery with low internal resistance. The original designs used the lead-acid battery, making them extremely heavy, and a central axial motor, which are much less efficient than field rotor motors used today as individual traction motors.

Today's electric cars can easily achieve freeway speeds, have good torque, and handle good in snow and adverse conditions. What they lack is useful range. 300 miles a day is not a useful range on the open road or for a work vehicle.

I haul heavy equipment from place to place. I drive to other cities rather than fly on an airline. I fly my own airplane. Electric airplanes are not practical due to the weight of the batteries (yes, even Li-ion). There is very little useful payload capacity on such aircraft.

Electric and hybrid cars may work for you, but they don't work for me or for the trucking industry, the railroad industry, the shipping industry, or even just the guys that haul materials everywhere to build and maintain roads and businesses. Your selfish attitude ignores all those trucks, trains, aircraft, ships, and even Amazon that use gasoline or diesel powered vehicles to make your life possible.
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Zero. I use the charger that came with the car and plug it into the garage outlet.
I got a letter from DTE saying they will sell me an upgraded charger and install it for 700 bucks. Then will give back 500 in deals. I will likely do that. But I have no problems with the 120 chargers.
You consider an electric car a hand grenade?? :D

No, electric cars are just electric cars. There is no almost about an electric car. They are either an electric car or they are not.
A hybrid car is NOT an electric car, despite being able to use an electric motor to drive the car. It is a gasoline car with an extra large battery.

The info and numbers I gave are from GM and Tesla. Why you disagree with those sources is beyond me.

Define 'pollution'. Define 'health impact'. Buzzword fallacies. Void argument fallacy.

The information I gave is from GM and Tesla.

If you want to drive a hybrid, feel free. If you want to drive an electric car, feel free. If you want to drive a gasoline car, feel free.

Electric cars have certain advantages, among them typically good snow traction and quiet operation (too quiet!). They do not eliminate the use of fuel though. They must be charged. That means power plants that typically burn some type of fuel such as coal, oil, or natural gas. That energy has got to come from somewhere. Wind power won't cut it. Solar power won't cut it.

Electric cars require 10-12 hours of charge from drained battery to full charge. That is using the high performance charger. You cannot shove electrons into the battery at any faster rate. This will give a typical electric car a range approximately 300 miles (about the same as a tank of gas in an ICE car). This makes the electric car impractical for open road use or work vehicle use.

A gasoline car can be refueled in about 5 minutes.
An electric car can be 'refueled' in about 10-12 hours.
A hybrid car is a gasoline car. It's only difference is that it has an extra large battery and can be top-off charged for use on short commutes as an 'electric' car.

Electric cars are not new. The batteries today's cars use are a new design (the Li-ion chemistry), allowing for a very light battery with low internal resistance. The original designs used the lead-acid battery, making them extremely heavy, and a central axial motor, which are much less efficient than field rotor motors used today as individual traction motors.

Today's electric cars can easily achieve freeway speeds, have good torque, and handle good in snow and adverse conditions. What they lack is useful range. 300 miles a day is not a useful range on the open road or for a work vehicle.

I haul heavy equipment from place to place. I drive to other cities rather than fly on an airline. I fly my own airplane. Electric airplanes are not practical due to the weight of the batteries (yes, even Li-ion). There is very little useful payload capacity on such aircraft.

Electric and hybrid cars may work for you, but they don't work for me or for the trucking industry, the railroad industry, the shipping industry, or even just the guys that haul materials everywhere to build and maintain roads and businesses. Your selfish attitude ignores all those trucks, trains, aircraft, ships, and even Amazon that use gasoline or diesel powered vehicles to make your life possible.

Time to charge. Your numbers are ancient. Chargers have gotten better and faster. And rarely do you go from zero to full. You just plug it in at night and in a short time, you are topped off. If you \go shopping, they have free chargers to top off. So do restaurants.
Who drives 300 miles in a day? They should not get an elctric.

For God sakes man..use your head.

You are seriously suggesting that the US government subsidizes EVERY Kilowatthour of power American's use to the tune of about $1 each?

Do you know what that would cost?

Try roughly about $3.8 TRILLION dollars a year.

You want to show us all where EXACTLY in the federal budget there is TRILLIONS of dollars - every FY - for 'electricity subsidies'?

About $4 billion/yr, actually.

Bonneville Power Administration (hydroelectric dam maintenance including powerplant maintenance, distribution grid, etc.
Wind power projects (property acquisition, construction, tax incentives, distribution)
Solar power projects (property acquisition, construction, tax incentives, distribution)
Tennessee Valley Power Authority (distribution grid, 'green' energy incentives).
Texas Power Authority ('green energy incentives' and distribution).

These are, of course, some of the major spending. There are numerous smaller projects and spending.
Holy SHIT!!!
Where do I begin?

First - what is with the big text? You got a small dick you are trying to make up for?

Second - your 'conversation' was from NINE YEARS AGO!!!

Third - Chevrolet stopped manufacturing the Volt over two and a half YEARS ago!

Fourth - the Volt is NOT an E/V. It is a hybrid.

Fifth - electricity charges are about 14+ cents. Not $1.16?!?

Sixth - I gotta say them again. Your source is from NINE years ago, the Volt is no longer being made, was NEVER an E/V and juice costs about 1/8'th of what your OP said it does.

Seventh - A 2022 Chevrolet Bolt starts at $31,000 and has a range of 259 miles.

To recharge a Bolt costs about $417.60.
Oh...I am sorry.
That is not to charge it once.
That is to charge it for a FRIGGING YEAR (at 12,000 miles usage)!!!
(my dick felt small just there - hence the large type)

I have a suggestion for you.
The next time you want to start another thread?
I suggest that instead of typing with your fingers?
You bash your head/fists on the keyboard.
And I guarantee you that, that thread's OP will make FAR more sense than this one's did.

Have a nice day.

The cost to charge a Bolt per year depends on how much you use it and where you charge it (electricity prices vary widely).
Your reference to Valley Chevy is a false authority and specifies a made up number (argument from randU fallacy).

Like all electric cars of this size, the TIME it takes to charge it is the issue (about 10-12 hours from fully drained to full charge).

The Volt was a hybrid design. It is not an electric car.
School is in.

You see that little thing on the end of my my post to you?

That is called a 'question mark'.

That means I was asking a question.
Not making a statement.

Gee..I sure hope you got that now.
Should help you in your life.

School is out.

So...just how much of that $1.16 were you assuming was eaten up by 'subsidies'?

Or you can just answer honestly and say you had NO IDEA what you were talking about and were just guessing?

The choice is yours?

What $1.6 trillion? Where are you getting this number?