Reality check on electric cars

and exactly how is our current electrical grid going to handle topping off millions of car batteries every night, it will blow up. its a fantasy.

It's amazing how in the 30's the electrical grid was not able to provide electricity to the majority of rural homes and farms. And then within 20 years every one of those homes and farms had electricity.
I wonder how that happened? The 1930's "current" electric grid didn't exist by the 1950's. Somehow you think in 2021 we can't upgrade our electrical grid because we are too stupid, too lazy, too cheap? We won't have tens of millions of electric vehicles topping off until well into the 2040's.

We currently can top off millions of cars with our current system because 10 million cars spread out over the country will hardly be noticed on our current grid. We see more power surges on a 100 degree day in most parts of the country then could possibly be produced by 10 million cars. 200 million air conditioners all pulling 30 amps draw a hell of a lot more power than 10 million cars charging at 30 amps or even 60 amps. The current prediction is 18 million electric cars by 2030 with sales of about 1.4 million a year. This idea that our electrical system will blow up is delusional on your part.
and exactly how is our current electrical grid going to handle topping off millions of car batteries every night, it will blow up. its a fantasy.

It won't blow up. There are safety systems in place to shut down problem circuits if load exceeds supply. All it will really mean is that more power suppliers will be built, probably fired by natural gas or oil. Some will be fired by coal.

The grid is not power users or power suppliers. It is the interconnecting system. It generates no power of its own.
The grid may need to be expanded in certain areas to carry the additional current.
It's amazing how in the 30's the electrical grid was not able to provide electricity to the majority of rural homes and farms.
There are still homes and farms without electricity (other than what they generate themselves).
And then within 20 years every one of those homes and farms had electricity.
Nope. Not every home and farm has electricity.
I wonder how that happened?
The Rural Electrification project was a government subsidy program for power companies to expand the grid, and for government run grid administrators (such as Bonneville Power) to expand their distribution grid. It would've happened anyway, given enough time.
The 1930's "current" electric grid didn't exist by the 1950's.
It still does.
Somehow you think in 2021 we can't upgrade our electrical grid because we are too stupid, too lazy, too cheap? We won't have tens of millions of electric vehicles topping off until well into the 2040's.
Irrelevant. It doesn't matter if the grid can handle the cars charging or not. It will simply be expanded until it does. If power plants need to be built, the quickest way to build coal, oil, and natural gas fired plants.
We currently can top off millions of cars with our current system because 10 million cars spread out over the country will hardly be noticed on our current grid.
There is no national grid.
We see more power surges on a 100 degree day in most parts of the country then could possibly be produced by 10 million cars.
Irrelevant. The 10 million cars will be additional load, not a replacement load.
200 million air conditioners all pulling 30 amps draw a hell of a lot more power than 10 million cars charging at 30 amps or even 60 amps.
Irrelevance fallacy. Argument from randU fallacy.
The current prediction is 18 million electric cars by 2030 with sales of about 1.4 million a year.
This idea that our electrical system will blow up is delusional on your part.
True, but not for the reasons you mention.
Pivot fallacy. Attempt to void. No argument presented.

Are you that stupid? You claim they will run out of power. I showed you how to find the charging stations. Can you do google? The argument was not there because you have nothing. I proved to you your claim was false.
Are you that stupid? You claim they will run out of power. I showed you how to find the charging stations. Can you do google? The argument was not there because you have nothing. I proved to you your claim was false.
Insult fallacies. Hallucination. Word stuffing. Assumption of victory fallacy. Attempted proof of void. Trolling. No argument presented.
It's amazing how in the 30's the electrical grid was not able to provide electricity to the majority of rural homes and farms. And then within 20 years every one of those homes and farms had electricity.
I wonder how that happened? The 1930's "current" electric grid didn't exist by the 1950's. Somehow you think in 2021 we can't upgrade our electrical grid because we are too stupid, too lazy, too cheap? We won't have tens of millions of electric vehicles topping off until well into the 2040's.

We currently can top off millions of cars with our current system because 10 million cars spread out over the country will hardly be noticed on our current grid. We see more power surges on a 100 degree day in most parts of the country then could possibly be produced by 10 million cars. 200 million air conditioners all pulling 30 amps draw a hell of a lot more power than 10 million cars charging at 30 amps or even 60 amps. The current prediction is 18 million electric cars by 2030 with sales of about 1.4 million a year. This idea that our electrical system will blow up is delusional on your part.

yes, the grid has been increased significantly in the last 90 years. No one ever said otherwise. But what fuels have supported that massive increase? Mostly coal, oil, natural gas, some hydro, and tiny amounts of wind and solar.

But what you environmental wackos are asking for now--------everyone drive electric cars, electric 18 wheelers, electric trains, electric buses etc can never be supported without massive increases in the grid capacity. and yes, all that overnight recharging will blow the grid and there will never be enough wind mills and solar panedl to support that kind of demand. BTW, do you know that each windmill requires 60 gallons of lubricating oil to keep it moving? Yes, evil oil is required for bird killing windmills.

I want to see us move away from fossil fuels too, but its foolish to try to do it before the technology can support the needs.

and you lefties want this to stop climate change, right? Well 1. the climate has been changing for hundreds of millions of years and man has never had anything to do with it. 2. pollution is bad but pollution does not cause climate change-------------pollution causes pollution.
My son just bought a Jaguar I-Pace, mainly for his wife's 80 mile round trip commute. Range is 250 miles, recharges from 0 to 100% at 42 amps in 12 hours. Gotta have a second car for trips.
800K+K Americans dead from Covid-19.
Governments taking away are freedoms as fast as possible as justification for 'fighting' it.
Millions of Americans forced into poverty by the 'pandemic'.

Possibly millions of Americans put in danger as their surgeries are put on hold.

And you feel the urge to come on here and not only tell everyone about your son's new Jag?
Which is fine.
But then feel the need to tell us all that a $70G car is his 'second car' everyone has one?

My guess is that you have all the compassion of a very sensitive, fire hydrant.

Happy Holidays.
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You are showing a twisted brain. Topping off is what electric car owners do, Read something so your bubbling errors will be corrected. Type into your phone :"charging stations in (then your zip code).

It looks like a lot. (This is a metropolitan area) What if someone is ahead of you, though?
The cost to charge a Bolt per year depends on how much you use it and where you charge it (electricity prices vary widely).
So do gasoline powered cars.
So what is your point?
Your reference to Valley Chevy is a false authority and specifies a made up number (argument from randU fallacy).
It's a 'link'.
And if you read it?
You would see that all the article did was take numbers and add them up based on outside sources in all of Arizona.
It was NOTHING to do with 'Valley Chevy'.

Like all electric cars of this size, the TIME it takes to charge it is the issue (about 10-12 hours from fully drained to full charge).
Your data is out of date.
Many EV owners have 240 volt charging units at home.
Plus, there are over 4,400 fast charging spots in America (and growing FAST in number) that allow you to charge 100 miles range worth in only 30 minutes.

Besides, even if all you had was 120V charging?
So what?
The Bolt has a 259 mile range.
The average American drives 14,263 miles per year.
That is less than 275 miles a week.
So, you use the Bolt all day.
And top it up on your 120V outlet while you sleep.
No biggie.

The Volt was a hybrid design. It is not an electric car.

Not sure why you typed this seeing as I did in my post.
But whatever.

It looks like a lot. (This is a metropolitan area) What if someone is ahead of you, though?[/QUOT
There are usually several. The rightys on this board keep spreading the myth that owners run the car to zero. that is simply not how it works. You are not desperate to get a charge as a rule. It would be nice to top off if you can, but if not, you plug in at home.
EV owners think ahead. If you can top off in a restaurant, you do. If not, no big deal.
Biden's infrastructure plan will install lots of top-flight charging stations across the country. He is looking ahead. Rightys are still living in the past.
yes, the grid has been increased significantly in the last 90 years. No one ever said otherwise. But what fuels have supported that massive increase? Mostly coal, oil, natural gas, some hydro, and tiny amounts of wind and solar.
Past production is not evidence of future production. Prior to cars, trains and planes, travel was done by horse. That doesn't mean horses are the reason we have more travel now than we did before.
But what you environmental wackos are asking for now--------everyone drive electric cars, electric 18 wheelers, electric trains, electric buses etc can never be supported without massive increases in the grid capacity. and yes, all that overnight recharging will blow the grid and there will never be enough wind mills and solar panedl to support that kind of demand.
No one is demanding that all happen tomorrow. It is not something that will happen in the next 5 or 10 years. The problem is you can't see past today. Some of us can plan for 40-50 years from now. That's a good thing otherwise you would still be reading by candlelight and riding a horse into town.

BTW, do you know that each windmill requires 60 gallons of lubricating oil to keep it moving? Yes, evil oil is required for bird killing windmills.
A rather silly argument on your part. You are attempting a straw man that doesn't even make sense. No one is arguing that all products from fossil fuels will disappear in the next 30 days. A windmill that uses 60 gallons of oil uses a lot less fossil fuel than a car that uses 400 gallons of gas and 1.25 gallons of oil per year and the windmill can power over 1600 electric cars per year for that 60 gallons of oil.

I want to see us move away from fossil fuels too, but its foolish to try to do it before the technology can support the needs.
And you say this right after your idiotic arguments about how renewables will never produce enough electricity? Is this your "I can't be a racist because I have a black friend" moment? "I can't be a luddite because I want to move away from fossil fuels while I argue that we can never move away from them."

and you lefties want this to stop climate change, right? Well 1. the climate has been changing for hundreds of millions of years and man has never had anything to do with it. 2. pollution is bad but pollution does not cause climate change-------------pollution causes pollution.
It's nice to know that the American continent is still covered with prairies and old growth forests since man is not capable of changing his environment. /s
So do gasoline powered cars.
So what is your point?
You don't charge gasoline cars (unless they are hybrid designs).
It's a 'link'.
And if you read it?
You would see that all the article did was take numbers and add them up based on outside sources in all of Arizona.
It was NOTHING to do with 'Valley Chevy'.
Denying your own Holy Link now? :laugh:
Your data is out of date.
Many EV owners have 240 volt charging units at home.
Plus, there are over 4,400 fast charging spots in America (and growing FAST in number) that allow you to charge 100 miles range worth in only 30 minutes.
So you get to drive a weak-ass car with a mostly dead battery for 100 miles. Wonderful. Oh...that also means no heat, no use of the entertainment system, no use of the wipers, etc.
Besides, even if all you had was 120V charging?
So what?
The Bolt has a 259 mile range.
Which is less than 300 miles. You just denied your own argument.
The average American drives 14,263 miles per year.
That is less than 275 miles a week.
Argument from randU fallacy. False authority fallacy.
So, you use the Bolt all day.
I don't have a Bolt. I don't want one. It can't do what I need to do with a car.
And top it up on your 120V outlet while you sleep.
No biggie.
Won't make it through the day.
Not sure why you typed this seeing as I did in my post.
But whatever.
Probably should've paid attention then.
Redfish and Into the Dark are showing why rightys are so disparaged. They are making terrible arguments that are way behind science and fact. Their charges are nearly comedic. This is just the latest iteration of their loss of logic and rejection of science. People like them are why the epidemic stays alive. They fight for pollution and diseases that infect millions of Americans.

It looks like a lot. (This is a metropolitan area) What if someone is ahead of you, though?[/QUOT
There are usually several. The rightys on this board keep spreading the myth that owners run the car to zero. that is simply not how it works. You are not desperate to get a charge as a rule. It would be nice to top off if you can, but if not, you plug in at home.
EV owners think ahead. If you can top off in a restaurant, you do. If not, no big deal.

Won't work for open road use or vehicles that have to work all day.