Reality check on electric cars

Redfish and Into the Dark are showing why rightys are so disparaged.
They are making terrible arguments that are way behind science and fact.
No science here...move along...move along...

Science isn't 'fact'. A fact is not a proof nor a Universal Truth. Learn English. Buzzword fallacies.
Their charges are nearly comedic.
What charges? Buzzword fallacy.
This is just the latest iteration of their loss of logic and rejection of science.
Inversion fallacy. You are describing yourself again.
People like them are why the epidemic stays alive.
No. DEMOCRATS is why the 'epidemic' stays alive.
They fight for pollution
Define 'pollution'. Buzzword fallacy. Void argument fallacy.
and diseases that infect millions of Americans.
Hallucination. Stop making shit up.

Trolling. No argument presented.
You don't charge gasoline cars (unless they are hybrid designs).

Denying your own Holy Link now? :laugh:


So you get to drive a weak-ass car with a mostly dead battery for 100 miles. Wonderful. Oh...that also means no heat, no use of the entertainment system, no use of the wipers, etc.


Which is less than 300 miles. You just denied your own argument.

Argument from randU fallacy. False authority fallacy.

I don't have a Bolt. I don't want one. It can't do what I need to do with a car.

Won't make it through the day.

Probably should've paid attention then.

Okay...we are done here.

There is NO WAY I am going to get into some Super Bowl of Multi-Quotes.

They almost ALWAYS lead to a complete mess of incoherent blather.

I did not read what you will have to agree to disagree.


No science here...move along...move along...

Science isn't 'fact'. A fact is not a proof nor a Universal Truth. Learn English. Buzzword fallacies.

What charges? Buzzword fallacy.

Inversion fallacy. You are describing yourself again.

No. DEMOCRATS is why the 'epidemic' stays alive.

Define 'pollution'. Buzzword fallacy. Void argument fallacy.

Hallucination. Stop making shit up.

Trolling. No argument presented.

The decision is whether you are dishonest ot stupid. I lean to stupid. It is sad how you think saying the opposite line after line is debate. Then throw in a misuse of fallacy. None of what you say is true. By the way, electric cars are very quick and full electrics have a range of 300 miles.
Make up some more shit.
Okay...we are done here.

There is NO WAY I am going to get into some Super Bowl of Multi-Quotes.

They almost ALWAYS lead to a complete mess of incoherent blather.

I did not read what you will have to agree to disagree.


Argument of the Stone fallacy.
The decision is whether you are dishonest ot stupid. I lean to stupid. It is sad how you think saying the opposite line after line is debate. Then throw in a misuse of fallacy. None of what you say is true. By the way, electric cars are very quick and full electrics have a range of 300 miles.
Make up some more shit.

Denial of logic. Inversion fallacy. Bulverism fallacy. Argument by repetition fallacy (chanting). Void argument fallacy. Trolling. No argument presented.
Past production is not evidence of future production. Prior to cars, trains and planes, travel was done by horse. That doesn't mean horses are the reason we have more travel now than we did before.
No one is demanding that all happen tomorrow. It is not something that will happen in the next 5 or 10 years. The problem is you can't see past today. Some of us can plan for 40-50 years from now. That's a good thing otherwise you would still be reading by candlelight and riding a horse into town.

A rather silly argument on your part. You are attempting a straw man that doesn't even make sense. No one is arguing that all products from fossil fuels will disappear in the next 30 days. A windmill that uses 60 gallons of oil uses a lot less fossil fuel than a car that uses 400 gallons of gas and 1.25 gallons of oil per year and the windmill can power over 1600 electric cars per year for that 60 gallons of oil.

And you say this right after your idiotic arguments about how renewables will never produce enough electricity? Is this your "I can't be a racist because I have a black friend" moment? "I can't be a luddite because I want to move away from fossil fuels while I argue that we can never move away from them."

It's nice to know that the American continent is still covered with prairies and old growth forests since man is not capable of changing his environment. /s

your comments are so naive and uniformed that they do not merit responses. I will let you live in your ignorance, enjoy.
It seems weir that rightys cannot understand that wind and solar have eliminated the need to build more pollution pots, oil and gas refineries. It has taken away the need for erecting more pollution creators. It does not make them go away in a flash. It will be slow and steady progress. Rightys are luddites and against progress.

NO one is against progress, but most are against stupidity disguised as progress. When alternative energy is financially viable, the free market will provide it. Government mandates and interference just delay real progress.
Denial of logic. Inversion fallacy. Bulverism fallacy. Argument by repetition fallacy (chanting). Void argument fallacy. Trolling. No argument presented.

Fallacy fallacy ^^

The fallacy fallacy occurs when a poster, almost always Into the Night but sometimes it's gfm7175 who insists they are not Into the Night, in order to avoid addressing the topic and to try make themselves look more intelligent then they really are claim other posters are using fallacies without explaining how the poster created a fallacy.
NO one is against progress, but most are against stupidity disguised as progress. When alternative energy is financially viable, the free market will provide it. Government mandates and interference just delay real progress.

Lots of people are against progress. Some are so bad that they refuse to accept science and facts. As the post I provided shows you, alternative energy is reaching 30 percent of energy production across the globe. That shows it is financially viable and also why it is growing.
Our government protects and finances fossil fuels.
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your comments are so naive and uniformed that they do not merit responses. I will let you live in your ignorance, enjoy.

So you think 60 gallons of lubricating oil is equivalent to 640,000 gallons of gasoline and 2,000 gallons of engine oil?
Wind turbine requires 60 gallons of lubricating oil in a sealed system that lasts for over a year.
Wind turbine provides enough electricity in a year for electric vehicles to travel 19,200,000 miles which in an ICE vehicle at 30mpg would require 640,000 gallons of gasoline and 2,000 gallons of engine oil even if you only change the oil every 12,000 miles.

So you don't have evidence that the American continent is still covered with prairies and old growth forests? That would be the only way your argument that man can't affect his environment could possibly be true.

As to your claim that the electrical grid can't currently charge millions of electrical cars -

The current electric grid is perfectly capable of charging millions of cars over night.
On the average night the electrical usage in the US drops by 100,000,000 kwh from the peak during the day. If we simply assume that is for 4 hours that gives us 400,000,000 kwh of electricity for charging cars over night that can be handled by the current grid with no changes at all. That 400,000,000 kwh would top off 40,000,000 electrical vehicles.

But if we look further, we see the peak load on the grid is only for about 6 hours per day and only during the 3 summer months. That would leave us with a current grid that could give us over a billion kwhs or more capacity per day to charge cars even during the peak electrical usage of summer. Then during the other 9 months we would have well over 2 billion kwhs of capacity with the current grid. Then if you simply require a smart charger similar to what electric utilities use for cycling air conditioners on and off you can control when and how those cars charge and likely increase the capacity even further.

The problem is not the current neighborhood electrical grid. That is perfectly capable of handling the charging of electrical vehicles at night with a few tweaks to control so all vehicles aren't charging at the same time. But then that's just me being naive enough to actually do the research. Feel free to continue on in your ignorance while calling me naive.
Are you that stupid? You claim they will run out of power. I showed you how to find the charging stations. Can you do google? The argument was not there because you have nothing. I proved to you your claim was false.

Charging stations are not power sources. They are power terminals. You still have to generate the power.
Past production is not evidence of future production.
So? In the SOTC, they are shutting down their power plants!
Prior to cars, trains and planes, travel was done by horse.
Without those power plants, the SOTC will be back on horses to get around.
That doesn't mean horses are the reason we have more travel now than we did before.
Horses are faster and go further than walking. That's more travel, dude.
No one is demanding that all happen tomorrow. It is not something that will happen in the next 5 or 10 years. The problem is you can't see past today. Some of us can plan for 40-50 years from now. That's a good thing otherwise you would still be reading by candlelight and riding a horse into town.
You are describing future life in the SOTC. They are shutting down their power plants.
A rather silly argument on your part. You are attempting a straw man that doesn't even make sense.
Fallacy fallacy. Paradox.
No one is arguing that all products from fossil fuels will disappear in the next 30 days.
You are. A rather lunatic vision of the future.
A windmill that uses 60 gallons of oil uses a lot less fossil fuel than a car that uses 400 gallons of gas and 1.25 gallons of oil per year and the windmill can power over 1600 electric cars per year for that 60 gallons of oil.
A wind generator (not a windmill) cannot power 1600 electric cars per year. It does not generate sufficient power. Remember, there is also the demand for power for other purposes, like cooking, heating and cooling homes and businesses, running traffic lights, running street lights, running server farms, etc.
And you say this right after your idiotic arguments about how renewables will never produce enough electricity?
Oil is a renewable fuel. So is natural gas. Coal we don't know, but there is plenty of it.
Is this your "I can't be a racist because I have a black friend" moment?
Racism. Straw man fallacy. Insult fallacy.
"I can't be a luddite because I want to move away from fossil fuels while I argue that we can never move away from them."
Inversion fallacy. It is YOU that is the Luddite. You want to move away from perfectly usable renewable energy sources.
It's nice to know that the American continent is still covered with prairies
Yes they are.
and old growth forests
It was never covered in old growth forests. Old growth forests are dead forests. Wild animals are scarce there for a reason. Forests are better managed now. There are more trees than there ever has been in the United States.
since man is not capable of changing his environment. /s
He certainly is. Why would you think otherwise?
It seems weird that rightys cannot understand that wind and solar have eliminated the need to build more pollution pots, oil and gas refineries.
Define 'pollution'.
What is wrong with oil and natural gas? Wind is the 2nd most expensive method to generate power, and it's not always available. Solar energy is the most expensive, and it only works during the day.
It has taken away the need for erecting more pollution creators.
Define 'pollution'.
It does not make them go away in a flash. It will be slow and steady progress. Rightys are luddites and against progress.
Your 'progress' is like the SOTC, which is shutting down it's power plants. They import almost all their power now. If that gets cut off, they will be sitting in the dark gazing at their own navel.
NO one is against progress, but most are against stupidity disguised as progress. When alternative energy is financially viable, the free market will provide it. Government mandates and interference just delay real progress.

Bingo. They don't want a free market. They want government manipulation of the energy market. They want fascism. Some want government ownership of the energy market. They want communism.

Both are forms of socialism. Both are theft. Both can only be implemented by oligarchies or dictatorships.
Fallacy fallacy ^^

The fallacy fallacy occurs when a poster, almost always Into the Night but sometimes it's gfm7175 who insists they are not Into the Night, in order to avoid addressing the topic and to try make themselves look more intelligent then they really are claim other posters are using fallacies without explaining how the poster created a fallacy.

YALSA. Denial of logic. Redefinition fallacy. Trolling. No argument presented.
Lots of people are against progress.
Such as you.
Some are so bad that they refuse to accept science and facts.
Such as you.
As the post I provided shows you, alternative energy is reaching 30 percent of energy production across the globe.
I assume you mean by 'alternative energy' the use of wind and solar. It is nowhere near 30 percent of energy production in the world. It is currently 3.7% in the world. Source:

Wind is the 2nd most expensive method of producing electrical power and is inconsistent, and requires large amounts of real estate or expensive sea mounted devices.
Solar is the most expensive, and only works during the day.
That shows it is financially viable and also why it is growing.
Attempted proof by circular argument fallacy (fundamentalism). Denial of government subsidies and energy market manipulation (fascism), necessary to implement wind and solar power on a wide scale.
Quite the opposite. Perhaps you haven't been listening to Obama, Biden, Pelosi, AOC, Newsom, or any of the other nut cases trying to shut down power plants and manipulate the energy market.