Reality check on electric cars

So much for what the fuck you know!

Electric vehicle registrations continue to rise in absolute numbers, with 32,522 new registrations in November 2021 (21,726 BEVs and 10,796 PHEVs). The market share last month was 28.1%. ... As shown in the chart, the number of electric vehicles as a proportion of all new vehicles showed a significant increase in 2020. While estimates varied widely from more than 20% to about 90%, the survey on average that executives expect 52% of new vehicle sales to be all-electric by 2030.

I know they are a loser as anyone with a brain the size of a pea also knows. They are junk and offer no real world solution to climate change.
I know they are a loser as anyone with a brain the size of a pea also knows. They are junk and offer no real world solution to climate change.

There is no solution to what is not defined. No one has yet defined 'climate change' (other than as a snipe against the Church of Global Warming).
The Problem has not been defined either.

If people want to buy a car that is basically useless for cross country driving, and smugly transfer their emissions to power plants, and have that kind of money to burn, that's their choice.

I have no problem with someone wanting an electric car. I DO have a problem with making me pay for their car or forcing me to buy an electric car.

By banning the internal combustion engine, closing power plants, and destroying their water collection systems, the SOTC is putting themselves in their own cleft stick.

They will not be able to charge their cars, get supplies from trucks, trains, ships, aircraft, or anything else that uses an internal combustion engine, and they can sit in the dark watching the fires they can no longer fight and do some serious navel gazing.

People are leaving the SOTC for a reason.
Better hope you aren't in a Tesla... The battery goes below a certain point, and you own a brick!

Not sure where you are getting that from.
Sounds like an old wives tail.

Tesla batteries are broadly similar to your phone's batteries.
Lithium Ion 'family' based.

Sure, it is not good for the battery to let it go to zero.
But it will by no means cause the battery to fail if you do (unless there is something, structurally wrong with your battery).
Easily, but it's very difficult to outrun the radio.
Been there and done that. Not doing that again.

Besides, I already lost a whole summer with a blown
motor, I'm not losing my license again just to make an
ass out of a cop (that really pisses them off!).

I did the same thing.
I ended up in jail over it.

And you are DEAD right.
Some cops FREAK OUT[/SIZE] if you try to outrun them.
They take it as you are disrespecting them.

When I got caught, I had been drinking.
They tested my breath back at the police station.
When I blew just under the limit?
The arresting officer started yelling.
I mean it...yelling.

'Fuck!!! What do you mean he is under? Test him again?'

And I had been VERY polite to the guy (only idiots do otherwise).
And I had hit nothing/no one during the chase.
It was at 2 a.m. roughly.

The funny thing was?
The further up the legal ladder I got (arresting officer, holding cell, court, prison).
The most respectful (with exceptions) the police/guards got.

The police at the station treated me like I had raped their dog.
It was a quiet, high-income, low crime city...that was probably why.

Whilst the guards at the prison treated you fine - so long as you did the same.
And you blew them every day - kidding (it's every other day - kidding).

Sorry...did not mean to hijack your point.
I get carried away.
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Okay. That's the only reason?

Adrenaline rush.

The more dangerous the activity?
The greater the rush
The greater the high afterwards.

First time I skydived?
After about 3 hours - this high kicked in (I was not expecting it).
For the next 3-4 hours I felt the happiest I have EVER been.
Not angry or aggressive.
Absolutely happy.
Far better than doing crack (and that - can be - fantastic).
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HA! Motor is finished. It's pushing 538 HP according to the builder's dyno sheets and 517 ft. lbs. of torque. This thing is gonna be a gas guzzling ear shattering rocket ship on wheels at 2100 lbs. and should top out at over 160 MPH. Can't wait to get it here, installed, running and spitting venom again. Spring can't come soon enough!

I did the same thing.
I ended up in jail over it.

And you are DEAD right.
Some cops FREAK OUT[/SIZE] if you try to outrun them.
They take it as you are disrespecting them.

When I got caught, I had been drinking.
They tested my breath back at the police station.
When I blew just under the limit?
The arresting officer started yelling.
I mean it...yelling.

'Fuck!!! What do you mean he is under? Test him again?'

And I had been VERY polite to the guy (only idiots do otherwise).
And I had hit nothing/no one during the chase.
It was at 2 a.m. roughly.

The funny thing was?
The further up the legal ladder I got (arresting officer, holding cell, court, prison).
The most respectful (with exceptions) the police/guards got.

The police at the station treated me like I had raped their dog.
It was a quiet, high-income, low crime city...that was probably why.

Whilst the guards at the prison treated you fine - so long as you did the same.

Sorry...did not mean to hijack your point.
I get carried away.
Hey, no problem.
I was about half lit on Southern Comfort, but didn't get busted for that. Even had the bottle between the seats.
After overheating my engine in a drag race, I was just cruising thru town running stop signs in 3rd. gear and a
cop was sitting with his lights off at one. Saw his lights and cracked it. I got 2 1/2 blocks from my driveway, hit
3rd. instead of 1st. and stalled it rounding a turn. It was a Ranchero with a worked Cleveland in it. I was sitting
on the tailgate when the cop got to me. He got the book out and started writing. He was mad as hell because he
knew I had him beat. He asked me what if a kid ran out in front of me? I said kids shouldn't be out at 1:30. He was
fuming! I knew he was gonna get me for everything he could anyway.I had a stack of citations 1/8" thick. I got a
lawyer and the judge knocked it down to 28 points and $2500 in fines and set me on foot for awhile.

Yeah, the good old days. Except for a hiccup or two (maybe three), I'd do it again. I had a good time.
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I'm gonna have to be careful. I've had high HP cars before, so I'm no stranger. I've had this car for going on 5 years now.

After all of this is it still love?

I assume we are talking about the one which has been so demanding of attention and money, and you keep saying yes.
Hey, no problem.
I was about half lit on Southern Comfort, but didn't get busted for that. Even had the bottle between the seats.
After overheating my engine in a drag race, I was just cruising thru town running stop signs in 3rd. gear and a
cop was sitting with his lights off at one. Saw his lights and cracked it. I got 2 1/2 blocks from my driveway, hit
3rd. instead of 1st. and stalled it rounding a turn. It was a Ranchero with a worked Cleveland in it. I was sitting
on the tailgate when the cop got to me. He got the book out and started writing. He was mad as hell because he
knew I had him beat. He asked me what if a kid ran out in front of me? I said kids shouldn't be out at 1:30. He was
fuming! I knew he was gonna get me for everything he could anyway.I had a stack of citations 1/8" thick. I got a
lawyer and the judge knocked it down to 28 points and $2500 in fines and set me (:wink3:) on foot for awhile.

Yeah, the good old days. Except for a hiccup or two (maybe three), I'd do it again. I had a good time.

Thanks for the details.
The highlighted part made me laugh out loud.

If you are decent person to others.
Sounds like we could have hung out when we were younger.

Speaking of your wink?

When mine finally got to court and I was out of jail?
They knocked it down to dangerous driving and took my license for 2-3 months (I forget which).
But two days later?
I had a license again...legally

See, my mother was Canadian but I was born and raised in America.
So I can live in either place. dad was British.
So I could probably live/work there as well.

The legal trouble was in Southern Ontario, Canada (I had come up to visit some friends).
My buddy and I had just left a bar.
And I was racing to a Wendy's across town to eat something.
That is when the cop chased me.
I thought I was over the limit - so I booted it.

But I was driving an old, Dodge Magnum boat.
When I knew I was gonna get caught - I asked my friend if he was ready to run.
Middle of the night in that city would have been easy to get away from the cops.
EVERY SINGLE one of my Canadian friends would have LOVED to run for the fun of it.
But not this guy...which is fine (I can respect that).
So once I realized he was not going to run?
I knew I was I stopped the car, got out and put my hands on the roof.

When the court date finally came?
And they took my license?
That same day I jumped on a plane (I was 21) down to Iowa to stay with my mother.
Next day?
I got an Iowa driver's license (legally) and was driving as soon as my sister-in-law drove my car down from Canada the following week.

By the way?
The only reason - in the end - that they threw me in jail was because I had Iowa license plates on my car. obstructing police criminal record from when I was 17 probably did not help.
The judge thought I was a 'risk to flight'.
So they would not let me leave until the trial.
But since none of my family was around - I had no one to vouch for me.
Thus I was fucked.
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After all of this is it still love?

I assume we are talking about the one which has been so demanding of attention and money, and you keep saying yes.

I dunno. I haven't got her heart yet.

Yes. When I sell her, I should get my money back out of her, or at least most of it. The loss would be what it cost to have fun as long.
I dunno. I haven't got her heart yet.

Yes. When I sell her, I should get my money back out of her, or at least most of it. The loss would be what it cost to have fun as long.

Thanks for the update.

I know people who do cars.
Thanks for the details.
The highlighted part made me laugh out loud.

If you are decent person to others.
Sounds like we could have hung out when we were younger.

Speaking of your wink?

When mine finally got to court and I was out of jail?
They knocked it down to dangerous driving and took my license for 2-3 months (I forget which).
But two days later?
I had a license again...legally

See, my mother was Canadian but I was born and raised in America.
So I can live in either place. dad was British.
So I could probably live/work there as well.

The legal trouble was in Canada (I had come up to visit some friends).
So, the same day I had the court date?
I jumped on a plane (I was 21) down to Iowa to stay with my mother.
Next day?
I got an Iowa driver's license (legally) and was driving as soon as my sister-in-law drove my car down from Canada the following week.

By the way?
The only reason - in the end - that they threw me in jail was because I had Iowa license plates on my car. obstructing police criminal record from when I was 17 probably did not help.
The judge thought I was a 'risk to flight'.
So they would not let me leave until the trial.
But since none of my family was around - I had no one to vouch for me.
Thus I was fucked.

I switched cars with friends. I had two, so they didn't know who was driving what. I had to go to the State Representative to get my license back. PennDOT lost my license and wouldn't issue me a new one (don't ask me why, they just said they can't). Fortunately, my father and the State Rep. were friends, so he went right in there and got my license back and in his office for me in a few days. PennDOT miraculously found it:rolleyes:
Thanks for the update.

I know people who do cars.
I know a few in the body and performance business.
I like to go to car shows. Good people there with nice rides. Older generation hangs out with the classics, the kids with their low-riders and tuner cars..
I quit working on cars when they started putting fuel injection and all the other shit on them. I do maintenance on them, but forget that electrical shit.