Reality check on electric cars

Any cop that freaks out (literally) like he did over a harmless chase that resulted in no damage or injury and lasted all of a minute or two.
And was NEVER high speed?
Is mentally unbalanced and should not be a police officer.

What the fuck is this psycho going to do when he catches someone who DOES do a high speed chase?
Shoot him?
Beat him to death.
That cop was a whacko.

I was engaged to a cop's daughter.
I knew lots of police officers whom would agree with me.

Respect is EARNED.
Not given away.

You do not get to speak for all cops. You only get to speak for you. Omniscience fallacy.
Disrespecting a cop is not going to end well.
Well, I do not know about that.
There are about a BILLION rumors about Tesla's.
Chemistry is chemistry. You are simply ignoring chemistry. You are also ignoring computer engineering in Teslas.
My only point was that they will not 'brick' if they go to zero charge in a snowstorm.
Yes they will.
No Lithium Ion-family battery (that I know of) will.
Yes it will.
If the snow storm lasts for months?
Then yes.
Just an hour. If you go to zero charge, the battery is suffering permanent damage.
If what you saying were to be true?
Tesla would HAVE to warn their owner's about that BIG TIME!!!
Or they would destroy their fabulous reputation.
Tesla DOES warn you about it.
BTW - I LOVE Tesla cars.
Not so the company.
Fine. Your choice.
They seem to be in the black now.
But the ONLY reason they survived this long was their stock price.
As they did not post a profit for ANY fiscal year for over 13 FY's (I believe).

And the two reasons their stock price went nuts was the Fed pumping up the markets and tree-huggers whom masturbate to pictures of Elon Musk.
I don't care if they masturbate the tree itself. They still bought the stock.
Yes it will.

There you go again...clearly just guessing/making shit up without ANY evidence to back it up.

Maybe you better talk to this person then whom drained her EV to zero in the winter?

We are done here.

I can only put up with so many of your 'guessing/making shit up whilst offering NOTHING to back them up' posts per day.


Chemistry is chemistry. You are simply ignoring chemistry. You are also ignoring computer engineering in Teslas.

Yes they will.

Yes it will.

Just an hour. If you go to zero charge, the battery is suffering permanent damage.

Tesla DOES warn you about it.

Fine. Your choice.

I don't care if they masturbate the tree itself. They still bought the stock.

I don't do these and you know it.

Bye now.
You do not get to speak for all cops. You only get to speak for you. Omniscience fallacy.
Disrespecting a cop is not going to end well.

Thanks Granny.

If a police officer is going to to literally act insane every time a perp does not act 'respectfully enough'?
Especially now that most of them have body cams?
They will have VERY, short careers.

You don't agree?
Guess how much it matters to me?

We are done here.
There you go again...clearly just guessing/making shit up without ANY evidence to back it up.
I don't need evidence. Electrochemistry is based on theories of science. You just want to ignore it.
Maybe you better talk to this person then whom drained her EV to zero in the winter?
They are not on this forum.

We are done here.

I can only put up with so many of your 'guessing/making shit up whilst offering NOTHING to back them up' posts per day.

So you say the opposite, and put up conversations that back me up.

You are locked in paradox. You cannot argue both sides of a paradox. It's irrational.
Thanks Granny.

If a police officer is going to to literally act insane every time a perp does not act 'respectfully enough'?
Especially now that most of them have body cams?
They will have VERY, short careers.

You don't agree?
Guess how much it matters to me?

We are done here.

Extreme argument fallacy. Trolling. No argument presented. If you want to disrespect a police officer, be prepared for the consequences of that decision.
Idiotic memes. Helping idiots think they are owning the libs when they are just proving how stupid they really are.

Coal produces 19.3% of US electricity.
Renewables produce 19.8% of US electricity.
Nuclear produces 19.7% of US electricity

Oh? How stupid is the premise?

Where does the other percentage of power come from, dumbass?

You're up to less than 60%. What accounts for the other 40% of the power?