Reality check on electric cars

Libtards never seem to think about this... Yet they're panicking about "not enough oil"... Crazies!

Yeah, I know. They still think oil comes from dinosaurs or something. They seem to think the same thing about methane for some odd reason. Both are renewable fuels. Lithium is not a renewable resource. It could be a recyclable one though, but the cost of recycling lithium is even higher than mining it, and requires a lot of energy to accomplish. Charging the batteries also requires energy and a lot of time.

The coal, oil, or methane fired electric car. Based on higher and higher priced lithium.

Did you see to joker that suggests using something besides lithium for making batteries? That will obviously result in a much heavier car. Some people just don't understand the periodic table of the elements.
It will, but batteries only need replacing every 5-9 years. The saved money will more than cover it.

Battery replacement costs approx $25,000 on a Tesla Model 3. I could buy quite a lot of gasoline for that, even at today's prices.
The Tesla can't tow anything, not even an empty utility trailer. My truck routinely tows my tractor and heavy materials.

My truck is cheaper, does a better job, and I can refuel it in a few minutes, not hours.
Battery replacement costs approx $25,000 on a Tesla Model 3. I could buy quite a lot of gasoline for that, even at today's prices.
The Tesla can't tow anything, not even an empty utility trailer. My truck routinely tows my tractor and heavy materials.

My truck is cheaper, does a better job, and I can refuel it in a few minutes, not hours.

Tesla is a poor choice, I agree.

My mechanic charges $6,000 for replacement in my specific car.
I pay $0.13 per kilowatt hour, I have a hard time believing anyone pays $1.16. My plug-in Hybrid takes about 10 hours for a full charge and I get about 16 miles from that charge. Most days I only travel about 10 miles a day. One day a week I drive to a regular meeting that is about 8 miles north, I can just make it to the meeting and back to my office on a full charge, on those days, I charge while I am at the office (free to me) and that afternoon I have enough charge to take my daughter to dance class and get her back home. If I do much more than my regular routine I use gas, but not much, it gets 36 MPG in hybrid mode.

I get about 4 Miles per kilowatt hour.

Doing the math I am saving $250 a month and the payment on this car is cheaper than it was on my truck.

While this type of hybrid is not economical for everyone's driving patterns, it is for mine.

BTW, it plugs into a regular outlet, if I paid for a Tesla style outlet to be installed in my house it would charge in 3 hours and take more electricity out of the grid. I am okay with the slow charge.

you have already lost, anyone that uses payments for reasoning instead of actual money does not know his finances from a hole in the ground, Good bye
It’s actual money silly!

You are not describing actual money. You are describing your own estimates, which have no basis. Indeed, some of your estimates are based on a compositional error fallacy.

If you want to spend that much on a car, go for it. If you think you're 'saving the planet', you're deluded.

I'll keep my truck. It can tow. I can refuel it in just a couple of minutes. It's a lot cheaper than your mostly useless and expensive car that takes you hours to charge.
You are not describing actual money. You are describing your own estimates, which have no basis. Indeed, some of your estimates are based on a compositional error fallacy.

If you want to spend that much on a car, go for it. If you think you're 'saving the planet', you're deluded.

I'll keep my truck. It can tow. I can refuel it in just a couple of minutes. It's a lot cheaper than your mostly useless and expensive car that takes you hours to charge.

The hybrid car I bought was less than my Truck, and they gave me more for my truck than I paid for it three years ago.
So you don't mind a smaller less efficient car than a regular gas car. Gotit.

Of course, the Left doesn't. They are into religious dogma and being adherents to it. Doesn't matter that solar and wind don't work, they're the systems mandated by the prophets--profits?-- like AlGore (one word). Battery cars are dogma, therefore you can suffer as much economic hardship as required to own one because it's good for your immortal soul or something like that.
Of course, the Left doesn't. They are into religious dogma and being adherents to it. Doesn't matter that solar and wind don't work, they're the systems mandated by the prophets--profits?-- like AlGore (one word). Battery cars are dogma, therefore you can suffer as much economic hardship as required to own one because it's good for your immortal soul or something like that.

Physics isn't their strong suit, after all.

It still takes the same power to move the same weight no matter where it comes from. You still have to charge the batteries. Energy isn't created out of nothing.

Much of this nonsense is driven by the Church of Green, which argues Man is running out of fuel (dead wrong, since oil and methane are renewable fuels).
A lot of it comes from the Church of Global Warming, which argues Man is warming the Earth using a Magick Holy Gas such as carbon dioxide (dead wrong, since you can't create energy out of nothing). The Church of Global Warming believers often erroneously refer to carbon dioxide (a naturally occurring gas in the atmosphere absolutely essential for human life on this planet), as carbon (a fuel...typically in the form of coal).

Both religions stem from the Church of Karl Marx....Democrats.

ALL of them are fundamentalist style religions, compelled on attempting to prove their religion True.

Solar power is the most expensive method of generating energy, joule for joule. It's piddle power.
Wind is the 2nd most expensive method, joule for joule. It's also piddle power.

Whole solar farms and whole wind farms feed power out through what looks essentially like a normal distribution line. A power plant using coal, oil, or methane has high tension lines (often several!) coming out of them.

That should tell you something. You're an electrician. You know the difference in what these lines can carry.

Electric cars certainly don't do anything to "save the Earth". The Earth doesn't need saving, for a start. It's big enough to take care of itself.
While oil and methane are renewable fuels, lithium is NOT a renewable resource. There is only so much of it, and it's not enough to manufacture the batteries for electric cars on the scale these losers want to compel you to. There's only one direction THAT market can go, and that's up. Way up. Lithium could conceivably be worth more than gold or even platinum. Remember what happened to palladium as soon as it's use became mandated for catalytic converters (essentially a pollution to pollution converter)? That's small potatoes compared to what would happen to lithium. That's not going to make these expensive cars any cheaper!

Fuel is still needed to charge the batteries, to mine and process the lithium, and even to build and deliver the car. Trucks, trains, and power plants are so ignored these days it's out of sight, out of mind for these Democrats, mostly city dwellers.
