Reality check on electric cars

The problem with batteries (portable stores of electricity) is that electricity is not portable? Really?

Batteries as a portable fuel for large-scale use like charging a vehicle are totally impractical.

In the real world, you can move electricity using a battery, or a power line.

Power lines aren't portable. Extension cords are, but are impractical over somewhere between 150 and 300 feet depending on the size of the wire in them.

Almost anything you would put at the end of a road would require electricity, so you will find that almost all roads have electrical lines near them. Not to mention, I see obvious sources of solar power in the picture, but gasoline has to be trucked in from thousands of miles away.

If something like a billboard was in the middle of nowhere, then solar is a great choice for that niche use. If you build a house in the middle of nowhere, you can get power without running a line to the house, including trucking in a fuel like natural gas.

A fuel cell is a form of battery.

It is a chemical reaction sort of like a battery, but doesn't result in discharge over time. Fuel cells are practical. Batteries are a dead end.
It'd still take half an hour or more, and being a block from your house when you don't have a thousand feet of extension cord is the same as being on the moon. You have to charge a vehicle to a level above minimum to drive it, while dropping in a couple of gallons of gas will get you to a gas station. The problem for battery cars is that electricity isn't portable.

Live in Arizona some time.


Much of the state looks like that.

The best technology would be hydrogen or ammonia fuel cell. The fuel is portable, it can be introduced into existing infrastructure easily, and eliminates most of the problems with battery cars. But we are stuck with anti-science, progressive leftist, retards that think batteries are the solution.

Ahh, cool! No wonder the Arizona Cobra Club is so big.
I always said first responders were at risk of fumes and fire when approaching an accident involving an electric car.
All gasoline powered engines, and almost of diesel powered engines, use electricity. You might not have the connector yet, but if there is enough electric cars, then every tow truck would have the connector. Much like tow trucks will often carry some gasoline, they would also carry a battery constantly topped up by electricity of the tow truck.

Worth noting that if you do not have a gas tank, and are not willing to siphon gasoline, you must tow an ICE car to a gas station too.

Nope. You need not tow at all. Simply walking with a gas can is enough.
Much like converting to cars put huge numbers of horse shoe makers out of business.

People that make horse shoes (they're still there!) are called blacksmiths, and also make quite a few other things, such as fireplace tools, iron railings, knives, repair and make farm equipment and tractor attachments, etc. They are not out of business. Indeed, it's a popular hobby as well. Foundry work, a related job, is used to make cars.
Sweet Jesus Wally, you are a genius. Why didn't Elon Musk think of that? We could just have a gasoline powered tow truck drive to the EV and connect it's generator to the disabled vehicle and wait for 12 hours while it recharges. Who woulda thunk?

Also worth noting, if I ever run out of gasoline I just push a button in the headliner and a vehicle will deliver me a gallon or two of gasoline.

...or you could even walk for it, just carrying a gas can.
Would you put 10 gallons of gasoline into a car that has run out of gasoline? No, of course not. You only need to put enough fuel into a vehicle to get it to the next refueling station.

...which only takes a minute or two. Unfortunately for electric cars, recharging them to make to the charging station takes hours using a portable generator. It's easier just to tow it.
Why did you bring up 10 gallons of fuel? As far as recharging an EV, you have to get to a charging station. What is more convenient dumping in a gallon or two of gasoline and gaining another 50 miles or so or you tell me how long it would take a portable generator to give your EV enough to do the same?

The whole EV thing is stupid wally. It's a cute toy, that makes lefties feel good, but does nothing for the planet. America is not set up for 100 million EV's. Brandon as usual is doing it all ass backward.

Build the infrastructure and make sure no one anywhere is suffering brownouts, THEN start producing EVs for mass production. At this point in time, we are not even close to forcing the public into electric vehicles.

No one should be forced into ANY type of vehicle. Let the market decide. If someone wants to buy an EV, let 'em. So what? They can put up with them and their problems, and think they are 'saving the planet' (or some other smug attitude like that). If someone wants to buy a gasoline powered car, let 'em. So what? They can then put up with them and their problems, and fuel up in a few minutes instead of taking hours to recharge.

Government manipulation of markets is fascism. That is the very definition of fascism.
It is easier for me to plug a device into a wall electrical socket, then to go to the store, buy a gas container, go to a gas station, get the gasoline, and finally get home.
Contextomy fallacy. Getting stuck on the road HAS NO WALL ELECTRICAL SOCKET, which takes many hours (and even days) to charge an electric car!

If you're the sort of idiot that runs out of fuel, it's a LOT EASIER to walk with a gas can or have someone bring a gas can to you than to plug in and recharge hour electric car when it's stuck out on the road. YOU ARE NOT AT HOME, dumbass!
So it really depends on the exact situation, and what you are prepared for.
That IS the exact situation being discussed here...YOU ARE NOT AT HOME. You are stuck on the side of the road out of fuel (or charge). Do not try to shift context to your home!
No one should be forced into ANY type of vehicle. Let the market decide. If someone wants to buy an EV, let 'em. So what? They can put up with them and their problems, and think they are 'saving the planet' (or some other smug attitude like that). If someone wants to buy a gasoline powered car, let 'em. So what? They can then put up with them and their problems, and fuel up in a few minutes instead of taking hours to recharge.

Government manipulation of markets is fascism. That is the very definition of fascism.

Correct, but right now we are being rapidly pushed in this direction. Right now evry time you recharge a Tesla, all the information stored in that vehicle, mileage, speed, destinations, etc. is all downloaded into a Tesla database. I assume all the EVC manufacturers will have the same and with the ability to randomly shut off power both to change and operate the vehicle, you are quickly at their mercy.

Give me a '50s Chevy or Ford pickup, and a dozen or so sets of points and plugs, some oil filters, and I am good to go for a long time when the SHTF.
You said that you would have to fully charge an EV to let it drive away.
He never did. Word stuffing.
Well to fully refuel a ICE takes at least 10 gallons.
Argument was never made. Word stuffing.
Obviously, with both you would just want the minimum refueling to get them to a refueling location.
Which he already argued. Pay attention.
Refueling an electric car only requires an outlet, so they tend to be closer than gasoline stations.
Nope. They aren't. You also need a cable rated for that current to reach the outlet. What if you don't have one? They aren't cheap!
That is preferable, but not required "have to". You have to get to some form of electricity, which is just about everywhere in our society.
Not so much in the SDTC. Blackouts are common due to poor (and in some cases missing!) infrastructure.
It was not too long ago that America was not setup for 100 million ICE's. If anything, we are a lot further along than when the ICE was introduced. We already have an electrical grid that is in desperate need of an upgrade.
Since the SDTC has systematically been dismantling their electrical grid, and now depend on things like Hoover dam for their power, they are woefully unprepared for masses of electric cars...all while attempting to mandate them.
We are going to have to upgrade our electrical grid. That is just reality. So it really is not going to cost that much more to get ICE's... Assuming the technology works out.
The SDTC has dismantled much of it's power generating capability. Do you know how many YEARS it takes to build power plants? The fastest ones to build use coal or natural gas.
Now you may say, what if they technology does not work out? We need to invest in the future, even knowing some of that investment will fail. If not, we will be left in the stone age.
The SDTC is a so-called '3rd world' nation. Crime is rampant with open looting in both Los Angeles and San Francisco, it has systematically dismantled it's power generating capacity and water collection capacity, and is trying to mandate electric cars!

Wally, you are confused again.
1. Where did I say you would have to fully recharge your EV with BTW a special inverter generator 99% of the time powered with gasoline?
2. You lose the concept of just pushing my SOS button on the headliner and someone will bring me a couple of gallons of fuel. It's called AAA.
3. An electrical outlet is closer than a gasoline station? How friggin long is the extension cord you carry in your (just guessing ) Prius?
4. This Administration is not investing in anything but solar, wind energy, and choo choo trains, a technology from the 1800's I might add.

Why are you alt lefties always so stubborn?
We are done here.

The longer the extension cord, the thicker the wire has to be. EV charging requires high amperage connections. That means a long reach with some seriously beefy wire. That's assuming, of course, that he's lucky enough to find an outlet (and whoever owns it is willing to let him use it!), within reach of his extension cord in the first place! It is also assuming that he is carrying such an extension cord!
Ford recently raised the price of all their electric vehicles by about $7500 too...the amount The Oligarchy gives you for buying an electric car. So did Tesla and others.

Same thing universities did when federal student loans became easy to get...

When government subsidizes something you get more of it.