Still stinging that you didn't know about the Nicene Creed or the fact that the majority of the earth's Protestants adhere to it as a critical point of the faith?
And when you do you lie about it.
So why weren't you honest about the colligative properties discussion? You claim you only ever had high school chemistry which means you didn't learn it like that, you learned it like everyone else does and you wouldn't have mentioned entropic effects. That's a sign you googled. Look you can lie about it all you want, I've actually taught intro chemistry classes so I know you were googling.
(Or running to one of your books to hit up the index )
You SELDOM write in your own words. 99% of the threads you start are nothing more than a quote from someone.
OF COURSE! Some of this stuff I haven't looked at for 40 years. But I'm not the one who flips their fuckin' lid and screams about googling like you do. THE ONLY REASON I'm TAKING YOU TO TASK FOR IT IS BECAUSE YOU ARE A HYPOCRITE ABOUT IT.
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if people google stuff. It's when they use it like an accusation of wrong doing like you did that it becomes a deal.
You really are galled that I know more science and religion than you do. It has to hurt. Especially when you and Doc are afraid I'm gay that makes you even MORE MAD.
Post a link to the post I didn't know what the Nicene Creed wase, and post to anywhere I mentioned colligative properties.