Remake The Confederate Flag

Yes it is perfectly possible the South would have formed an alliance with us, I don't see that as a bad thing at all. The South being dependent on cotton exports would have been forced to abandon slavery by the Brits.

Sure Tom. You would have bent over backwards to preserve a system you had outlawed over 30 years previous.

Slavery was never going to be abolished in the short-term, except by secession and war. That seems to be the fact that modern apologists forget when they look back at the world of 1860. The North was conceding slavery in the short-term in order to appease the south. What modern people also don't understand is that the legality of slavery was never enough - the south refused to be talked to about the future of slavery and found the subject of abolition morally offensive. They also believed that slavery would collapse if it couldn't spread west. That is really why they moved for secession. Having it protected for the succeeding few decades was not the problem.
exactly. The South went to war not because the North was going to end slavery in the South but because the rest of the nation prohibited them from exporting it to the western territories. This was the provocation that started the secession crises. Not abolition.
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Talking about slaves, did you think that the Chinese in California building the railways were free men? I was given to understand that they were indentured slaves for the most part. Did the British use slaves in Canada?
Yes. They just weren't considered citizens by many. Particularly the (expletive deleted) Irish who were competing with them for jobs.
Look, I understand what it means to be proud of where you're from. Unfortunately in the South their flag is a symbol of the worst elements of their culture. Gap tooth racist yokels. So my niece, who is into photo shop, designed a new Confederate flag that both white liberals and racial minorities can accept and that good ole boy Bubba's can fly in pride with out being pegged as gap toothed racist yokel.

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So what do you think? :)
Hello kitty would never allow its self tied to such a bad image as the confederate flag.

they have an image to maintain
Yes because of course that is what happened to Canada and Australia. The North was so civilised that they decimated the Indian nations using the US army as a proxy for the railway barons. You are letting prejudice control how you view the South, I maintain that the Brits would have built the infrastructure needed like they did in Australia, Canada, South Africa and India to name a few.
No I'm not. The Brits would have done what the did in the Caribean, the Middle East. They would have only invested in infrastructure that profited King Cotton. They also would have pitted southern States against each other to prevent them from acting in a unified manner in a classical British divide and conquer strategy just as they did the RAJ and American Natives in the North East and Canada whom the Brits used as useful tools against the French and Americans only to discard them like so much trash when there numbers had been decimated by the British wars and were no longer of any use to them. Just look at what happened to the mighty Iroquis league because they made the huge mistake of siding with British interest instead of the French. During the American Revolution the Brits incited the Iroquis to go to war against the Americans and when they no longer were useful to the Brits the Brits abandoned them to Sinclairs army, then refused to provide them food or shelter or an material support after Sinclairs Army destroyed their villages. The Brits just callously stood by and did nothing while tens of thousands of their Indian allies starved or froze to death.

So trust me, Lincoln and his government understood perfectly well the consequences of permitting secession in regards to the European powers. In fact their was only one European power during the American Civil War that supported the Union cause. Ironically it was Russia.
No I'm not. The Brits would have done what the did in the Caribean, the Middle East. They would have only invested in infrastructure that profited King Cotton. They also would have pitted southern States against each other to prevent them from acting in a unified manner in a classical British divide and conquer strategy just as they did the RAJ and American Natives in the North East and Canada whom the Brits used as useful tools against the French and Americans only to discard them like so much trash when there numbers had been decimated by the British wars and were no longer of any use to them. Just look at what happened to the mighty Iroquis league because they made the huge mistake of siding with British interest instead of the French. During the American Revolution the Brits incited the Iroquis to go to war against the Americans and when they no longer were useful to the Brits the Brits abandoned them to Sinclairs army, then refused to provide them food or shelter or an material support after Sinclairs Army destroyed their villages. The Brits just callously stood by and did nothing while tens of thousands of their allies starved or froze to death.

The British built over 40,000 miles of railways in India, they also managed to stop many abhorrent practices like Sati. If they treated the people in the Carribean so badly you might want to explain why so many Jamaicans and Barbadians came to Britain after WW2 and considered it to be the mother country. The same is true of the many people from the Indian sub-continent who came over here as well.

I have also heard your theories about the Canadian Indians before, it may well be true what you say but that happened in the 18th not the 19th century. Anyway any transgressions by the Brits pale into insignificance compared to the genocide perpetrated by Americans on the indigenous Indians. Something that was entirely fuelled by pure greed and avarice. I wonder if know how many treaties were broken by the US government?

In 1830, Congress chose to disregard Indian treaty guarantees when it passed the Indian Removal Act, a bill engineered by President Andrew Jackson. Despite its language suggesting a voluntary and fair "exchange" of lands, the act opened the door for the militias of trans-Appalachian and Southern States to simply drive the Indians across the Mississippi by force. The Indians' destination was to be an "Indian Territory" set aside west of Iowa, Missouri, and Arkansas.
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The British built over 40,000 miles of railways in India, they also managed to stop many abhorrent practices like Sati. If they treated the people in the Carribean so badly you might want to explain why so many Jamaicans and Barbadians came to Britain after WW2.

I have also heard your theories about the Canadian Indians before, it may well be true what you say but that happened in the 18th not the 19th century. Anyway any transgressions by the Brits pale into insignificance compared to the genocide perpetrated by Americans on the indigenous Indians. Something that was entirely fuelled by pure greed and avarice. I wonder if know how many treaties were broken by the US government?
Those aren't theories Tom. Those are the actual Historical facts. I've read extensively of the Iroquis involvement wit the British in North America in both the Seven Years war and the American Revolutionary War and I know all to well not only the American acts of genocide against them but the British culpability in their destruction via agents like Waragiyaga (Sir William Johnson).
Those aren't theories Tom. Those are the actual Historical facts. I've read extensively of the Iroquis involvement wit the British in North America in both the Seven Years war and the American Revolutionary War and I know all to well not only the American acts of genocide against them but the British culpability in their destruction via agents like Waragiyaga (Sir William Johnson).

Again have you got anything from the 19th century, when your forebears were decimating the Indian tribes?
I think that from the outside looking in it's easy to ridicule that flag and label the people that have different feelings about it. I personally have no problems with the confederate flag but I do understand why some people may have different feelings towards it. Having or flying that flag does not mean that you are a racist or that you even have racist tendencies. There are obviously racists that do have and fly that flag of course but there are racists that fly the US flag too. I have a large confederate flag, a large US flag, and a large Texas flag that i'll switch out and attach to the back of my truck on occasion for fun if I am going to be driving through some country roads or going to an event or something. My opinion on the confederate flag is if you don't like it and you don't want to be associated with it then you don't have to own one, fly one, or even like it, but if you do then that's fine too. To many many people it's a flag of heritage and history, and to many others it's a symbol of the civil war and slavery. I have one and if i'm labeled for it by people that I don't even know then so be it, I don't know them and they don't know me so why be upset about it, but for the people that do know me they know that it's not about race for me and many others.
independent thought. I always admire that. whatever historical reason ( and there were many) for the Confederate flag -
it's too closely associated with racists assholes who coopt it it, and not true southern heritage.

I do think it's going way too far when actual monuments are being taken down ( victims of Political Correctness)-
when at least the actual soldiers did fought for their states (more then any "confederacy") so their honor should be respected and venerated.

It would be a travesty for ex. to remove the Confederate monuments from Gettysburg. It's part of our history.
If the actual soldiers could reconcile, sure we can too - so far removed.


Cemetery Ridge - 1915 50th Anniversary
flying this flag means you are a racist

It means you don't care that the entire world sees it as the flag of racism.
flying this flag means you are a racist

It means you don't care that the entire world sees it as the flag of racism.

I don't give a fuck what you think. You can come try and take it if you have the balls. Of course I would give you 10 seconds to get off my property and then you would join your buddy Trayvon
flying this flag means you are a racist

It means you don't care that the entire world sees it as the flag of racism.

I can promise you that I am not a racist, and really outside of the US I doubt that many people know what that flag is to be honest.
if you fly this flag knowing what it means to so many Americans of all colors It means you dont care about those Americans and our history of racism.

Yes you are a racist if you fly this flag
independent thought. I always admire that. whatever historical reason ( and there were many) for the Confederate flag -
it's too closely associated with racists assholes who coopt it it, and not true southern heritage.

I do think it's going way too far when actual monuments are being taken down ( victims of Political Correctness)-
when at least the actual soldiers did fought for their states (more then any "confederacy") so their honor should be respected and venerated.

It would be a travesty for ex. to remove the Confederate monuments from Gettysburg. It's part of our history.
If the actual soldiers could reconcile, sure we can too - so far removed.


Cemetery Ridge - 1915 50th Anniversary

I mostly agree. The only part where I kindof disagree is about how the flag taken over by racists. I agree that if I were to fly the Confederate flag that some people that don't know me or that are only wanting to see one side of the coin will automatically judge me and label, but to me it's just a flag that is a part of my state's history along with five others.
if you fly this flag knowing what it means to so many Americans of all colors It means you dont care about those Americans and our history of racism.

Yes you are a racist if you fly this flag

All flags carry some meaning both good and bad to groups of people. I'm sure there are many people that view the US flag with disgust too, but we proudly fly that one as well.
I don't give a fuck what you think. You can come try and take it if you have the balls. Of course I would give you 10 seconds to get off my property and then you would join your buddy Trayvon

I don't want your racists rag

you have a right to fly it

I have a right to call you a racist for flying it you racist
All flags carry some meaning both good and bad to groups of people. I'm sure there are many people that view the US flag with disgust too, but we proudly fly that one as well.

if you fly this flag knowing It represents the MURDER and Enslavement of the relatives of Americans your a racist

you are a racist if you fly this flag
