Republicans absent from March on Washington

You never said he wasn't invited, you said he was invited.

He was invited as a spectator and he told them to stuff it.

There were an estimated 20 thousand people there as spectators outside the Dem inner circle and none of them received special "spectator invitations."

He didn't get invited to sit near the podium with all the liberal big hitters so he declined.

Oprah did meanwhile.

well why should he be placed with the people who have actually helped people instead of tried to keep them from voting?
Remind me, what do Democrats say about Justice Clarence Thomas?

What I say about him is that he is a man who got where he is via affirmative action, yet he does not want others to have that ability. I also don't believe him to be very intelligent based on his writings.

He is the only Supreme Court Justice to have ever received an Unqualified Rating by the ABA upon his nomination to the S. Ct.
It was Eisenhower that passed the 1957 Civil Rights Act and LBJ that voted against it.

Unbelievable..........hey Cletus its the 1964 Civil Rights Act that had any teeth to it and Demos sponsored it and a Demo LBJ signed it. No amount of history rewriting can undo that.

Currently Repubs along with their Neocon cohorts on SCOTUS are trying to turn back the clock through voters rights. This is really what conservatives truely believe in.
What I say about him is that he is a man who got where he is via affirmative action, yet he does not want others to have that ability. I also don't believe him to be very intelligent based on his writings.

He is the only Supreme Court Justice to have ever received an Unqualified Rating by the ABA upon his nomination to the S. Ct.

He was also a lawyer for Monsanto before going on to SCOTUS, Monsanto is the biggest maker of chem weapons in U.S. and pesticides which have been linked to many deaths.
He was also a lawyer for Monsanto before going on to SCOTUS, Monsanto is the biggest maker of chem weapons in U.S. and pesticides which have been linked to many deaths.

I read that over 11 million gallons of Agent Orange was sprayed over Vietnam, a truly mind boggling figure.
Unbelievable..........hey Cletus its the 1964 Civil Rights Act that had any teeth to it and Demos sponsored it and a Demo LBJ signed it. No amount of history rewriting can undo that.

Currently Repubs along with their Neocon cohorts on SCOTUS are trying to turn back the clock through voters rights. This is really what conservatives truely believe in.

The 1957 Civil Rights Bill aimed to ensure that all African Americans could exercise their right to vote. It wanted a new division within the federal Justice Department to monitor civil rights abuses and a joint report to be done by representatives of both major political parties (Democrats and Republicans) on the issue of race relations.

Eisenhower, perhaps shocked by the news broadcasts of Little Rock, publicly supported the bill (it was, after all, his Attorney-General who had produced the bill). However, the final act became a much watered done affair due to the lack of support among the Democrats. The Senate leader, Lyndon Baines Johnson, was a Democrat, and he realised that the bill and its journey through Congress, could tear apart his party as it had right wing Southern senators in it and liberal west coast ones.

In keeping with Congressional procedure, Johnson sent the bill to a judiciary committee which would examine it for flaws, controversial and unconstitutional points etc. This committee was led by Senator James Eastland - senator for Mississippi. Committee heads have great powers in changing bills and altering them almost beyond recognition. Eastland did just this especially after the very public outburst by Senator Richard Russell from Georgia who claimed that it was an example of the Federal government wanting to impose its laws on states, thus weakening highly protected states rights of self-government as stated in the Constitution. He was most critical of the new division which would be created within the Justice Department

Johnson had other reasons for taking his stance. No civil rights act had been introduced into America for 82 years. If this one went through successfully and had support from both parties, it would do his position within the Democrats a great deal of good as he had plans in 1957 to be the party’s future presidential candidate. If he could get the credit for maintaining party unity and get the support of the South’s Democrats for ‘killing the bill’, then his position would be greatly advanced. If he was seen to be pushing through the first civil rights act in 82 years he hoped to get the support of the more liberal west and east coast Democrat senators.
What I say about him is that he is a man who got where he is via affirmative action, yet he does not want others to have that ability. I also don't believe him to be very intelligent based on his writings.
He is the only Supreme Court Justice to have ever received an Unqualified Rating by the ABA upon his nomination to the S. Ct.

So you oppose Affirmative Action, albeit selectively.