Republicans absent from March on Washington

As opposed to DP where knuckle dragging conservatives like you engage in a cyber circle jerk day after day after day.

Your intelligence is blinding!

Other Whites are laughing at you to hide their embarrassment.

I don't give two shits what whites like you think. You think you are sucking up to niggers like BAC. They laugh behind your back. Whitey who thinks he is down with the negro.

Oh sure SamBAC gives you "props" now. But ask Howey or Grind how that works out for ya if you dare disagree with BACPanther. Well you can't ask Howey ;)
So do you think they deserved invites(which they got even though they probably shouldn't have), do you guys also want invites to speak at events celebrating Roe v Wade too?

I dot give two shits if they were invited and less that they didn't go. Today's civil rights group if you want to call it that is a sham.

If the GOP went niggers like BAC would say it isn't enough
we've been around the mulberry bush about that a hundred times. Parties can and do change their stripes. No one is trying to hide from the fact that the democrat party used to be the party of southern racists. We did. Along about 1948, however, things started to change. That was when HHH gave the keynote address at the DNC... he laid out the fact that racism was no longer going to be the hallmark of our party. Strom walked out... ran as a dixiecrat... came back to the party after getting his ass kicked... and finally, realized that the democratic party was no longer the party it used to be and finally switched parties to the one where his beliefs were more closely held. A few years back, however, the senior republican in all of government stated that we would be a better country today if we had elected Strom as a dixiecrat president in '48. Times change. Parties change. Blacks in America know that. Racist whites do as well.
having trouble remembering where you are again?.....

no...and more importantly, I know where I am NOT. I am not on a board where there are only a handful of liberals and the rest are troglodytes like you. That would be DP and I am glad I am not longer there, just as I am sure they are glad I am gone. YOu could stay over there all the time and that would be real nice.
no...and more importantly, I know where I am NOT. I am not on a board where there are only a handful of liberals and the rest are troglodytes like you. That would be DP and I am glad I am not longer there, just as I am sure they are glad I am gone. YOu could stay over there all the time and that would be real nice.

dude, take your hate back to Howie's board....