Republicans absent from March on Washington

"LOL" @ you.

There are black people and there are niggers. Just as there are white people and white trash.

I guess but as far as I know Whites were never enslaved so the term "White trash" is probably not as offensive to white people as "nigger", which was used to refer to them by whites while they were enslaved, is to Blacks. I don't know, I am now considered by many to be a Northeast/Midatlantic educational elite and we don't use such terms except to illustrate the idiocy of others(mostly Whites)......but given that i'm 99.9% correct.

Typical, liberals want it both ways.

Don't be jelly, i've got the market cornered on intelligence. Its not my fault you are not as brilliant as me, you probably need 5 mins after tying your shoes to let the headache subside.
Who gives a fuck if he was or wasn't? The better question would be "did he deserve to be invited?" Answer would be no.

So he wasn't invited.

The GOP Senator from South Carolina spoke at a King anniversary event and penned an op-ed for The State newspaper, but his absence - along with that of the Republican Party - is raising eyebrows. 'We attempted very vigorously to have someone from the GOP participate and unfortunately they were unable to find someone who was able to participate,' an organizer said.

The only current African American member of the U.S. Senate, Tim Scott, was not invited to speak at the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech, even though high-profile celebrities including Oprah Winfrey and Ambassador Caroline Kennedy were included in the lineup.

The South Carolina Republican instead marked the occasion speaking at a King anniversary event in North Charleston. He also penned an op-ed for The State newspaper, entitled, "March on Washington created legacy of opportunity."

So he wasn't invited.

The GOP Senator from South Carolina spoke at a King anniversary event and penned an op-ed for The State newspaper, but his absence - along with that of the Republican Party - is raising eyebrows. 'We attempted very vigorously to have someone from the GOP participate and unfortunately they were unable to find someone who was able to participate,' an organizer said.

The only current African American member of the U.S. Senate, Tim Scott, was not invited to speak at the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech, even though high-profile celebrities including Oprah Winfrey and Ambassador Caroline Kennedy were included in the lineup.

The South Carolina Republican instead marked the occasion speaking at a King anniversary event in North Charleston. He also penned an op-ed for The State newspaper, entitled, "March on Washington created legacy of opportunity."


Doesn't matter, wouldn't bother me 1 bit if the Uncle Tom wasn't invited.
Thanks for admitting what the libs deny.

I've never said they all weren't or were invited. Why the hell should they have been invited? Fuck em, they can sit on the outside looking in after what they and conservatism has done to this country.
You never said he wasn't invited, you said he was invited.

He was invited as a spectator and he told them to stuff it.

There were an estimated 20 thousand people there as spectators outside the Dem inner circle and none of them received special "spectator invitations."

He didn't get invited to sit near the podium with all the liberal big hitters so he declined.

Oprah did meanwhile.

Oh gee. you mean he couldn't say "I WOULD LOVE TO ATTEND AND CAN I SPEAK"? He couldn't say that?

He said "I can't attend" (in a very nice note). So when they were deciding on speakers and came to his name - they had to say "gee, CAN'T INVITE HIM TO SPEAK BECAUSE HE ISN'T GOING TO BE THERE"

God, you are so determined to read insult into this from the civil rights community when all the insult came from republicans.

You are such an asshole. Go chew a carrot, asshole.
Oh gee. you mean he couldn't say "I WOULD LOVE TO ATTEND AND CAN I SPEAK"? He couldn't say that?

He said "I can't attend" (in a very nice note). So when they were deciding on speakers and came to his name - they had to say "gee, CAN'T INVITE HIM TO SPEAK BECAUSE HE ISN'T GOING TO BE THERE"

God, you are so determined to read insult into this from the civil rights community when all the insult came from republicans.

You are such an asshole. Go chew a carrot, asshole.

Is that what they're complaining about? The appointed senator of eight months that nobody ever heard of before is crying because he didn't get invited to join the bastions of the civil rights movement on the podium last weekend in D.C.?

Did he think he deserved to speak because he's black?
