Republicans absent from March on Washington

No, not really. My actions and words are always consistent. Don't worry, I won't let you come into the city and let the evil black man get ya! lol

Buddy, I am always packing. I am not worried about the negroes. I don't hang out in those areas. Hell, the blacks I am friends with don't go to those areas. Does that make them racist? Remember Jesse Jackson's famous line about being followed at night and breathing a sigh of relief when he realized it wasn't a black guy?

Now you can pretend these truths aren't true because they make you feel uncomfortable and because JPPs token negro gives you pats on the back. But, ignoring the truth doesn't make it any less true.
Buddy, I am always packing. I am not worried about the negroes. I don't hang out in those areas. Hell, the blacks I am friends with don't go to those areas. Does that make them racist? Remember Jesse Jackson's famous line about being followed at night and breathing a sigh of relief when he realized it wasn't a black guy?

Now you can pretend these truths aren't true because they make you feel uncomfortable and because JPPs token negro gives you pats on the back. But, ignoring the truth doesn't make it any less true.

Yeah sure, internet tough

I don't remember nor am I gonna search for anything you claim, you are as lacking in credibility as the homeless alky on Main St.

Funny thing, i'm around brothers all my life but have never had problem 1, i'm guesing you got your ass handed to you and it was your fault? Maybe you deserved it? Maybe you did something stupid like projected your ignorant racism and somebody took offense and rightly fucked you up?

Yeah thats it, I know it, i'm almost always right.
ILA quit being a fucking racist asshole.


I have that nasty thing on ignore .. but everyone should know the depth of his dementia. He's a glaring example of right wing thought, and republicans with brains should look to people like this evil nasty piece of shit for the answer to why your party is so rejected by mainstream America.

Did I mention demented? That thing creates threads about me. :0) You know that motherfucker dreams about me.

But I won't talk to it ,, because it's nasty .. and in his desperation it reaches into the Racist Handbook for Dummies, by Ron Paul: Chapter 8, Black Stereotypes.

Rape white women. :whoa:



No, I don't rape white women .. but I have big strong bi-racial son by a white woman that would beat your ass for suggesting it.


It's just an ignorant thing with a typewriter .. and no power.

But IT is the answer to all the nonsense republicans have been spouting throughout this thread.
Your welcome my friend. Love clowning racists, its my favorite thing to do.

Me too .. although I'm told that I should just ignore them, but why would I want to do that when they are just so much fun .. and dumb .. an most of all, COWARDS.

You hit the nail right on the head .. and only a white male could put his cowardice in perspective just as you've done.

Let me do this one more time :0)


I have that nasty thing on ignore .. but everyone should know the depth of his dementia. He's a glaring example of right wing thought, and republicans with brains should look to people like this evil nasty piece of shit for the answer to why your party is so rejected by mainstream America.

Did I mention demented? That thing creates threads about me. :0) You know that motherfucker dreams about me.

But I won't talk to it ,, because it's nasty .. and in his desperation it reaches into the Racist Handbook for Dummies, by Ron Paul: Chapter 8, Black Stereotypes.

Rape white women. :whoa:



No, I don't rape white women .. but I have big strong bi-racial son by a white woman that would beat your ass for suggesting it.


It's just an ignorant thing with a typewriter .. and no power.

But IT is the answer to all the nonsense republicans have been spouting throughout this thread.

I post who I want to when I want to. You got that boy?
LOL, so many libs post "This message is hidden because (insert name of superior debater) is on your ignore list" repeatedly and then continue to read and respond to those people. Are they masochistic?
LOL, so many libs post "This message is hidden because (insert name of superior debater) is on your ignore list" repeatedly and then continue to read and respond to those people. Are they masochistic?

I have always found that amusing. Rune does this quite frequently. And then there is SamBAC who claims to ignore me but then posts via proxy through others. The porch monkey isn't ignoring anybody. Shmekelchick is no different.