Republicans absent from March on Washington

Should someone should start a thread titled "Blackasshole & Poet Absent from March on Washington"?


Why don't you start it you ignorant rejected clown?

It would fit right in with your record numbers of ZERO replied threads. :0) You've got about 6 or 7 on just the first page of threads alone. :0)
See what you did there? Totally ignored the issue at hand? Yeah, so the Democrats were the KKK 90 years ago. WTF is your point in the 21st century?
It's his favorite strawman. He won't touch the fact that southern conservatives are the same KKK racist they were back I 1928, that the solid south then was Democrat and that the solid south now is Republican.

It's a shame that the GOP has been so co-opted by Southern conservative ideology. It's the primary reason I left the party. The GOP abandoned it's values to win elections by adopting the Southern strategy. What a shame.
It's understandable that liberals lack the ability to refute the facts I deal in, hence the lack of replies to the irrefutable.

It's understandable that liberals lack the ability to refute the facts I deal in, hence the lack of replies to the irrefutable.


:0) NOBODY replies to your stupid shit.

ZERO replies to MOST of what you post .. a record number of ZERO replies threads..

You wouldn't know a fucking fact if it slapped you in the face.

In this thread alone, you've repeatedly claimed that republicans weren't invited.

You lied.

All Invited Republicans Declined Invitations To Speak At March On Washington Commemoration

“We had a very concerted effort, because this is not a political moment. This was about us coming together as a community, so we wanted to be sure that we had all political representations,” Daughtry said. “We attempted very vigorously to have someone from the GOP participate and unfortunately they were unable to find someone who was able to participate.”

House Speaker John A. Boehner (Ohio), the highest-ranking Republican in Washington, was invited to attend Wednesday’s gathering but declined because of a scheduling conflict, aides said.

Boehner was in Jackson Hole, Wyo., and had no public schedule Wednesday but has been headlining dozens of GOP fundraisers nationwide this month. Aides noted that he led an official congressional commemoration of King’s “I Have a Dream” speech on July 31 at the U.S. Capitol that other top congressional leaders attended.

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) received an invitation to attend 12 days ago, which was too late to change scheduled political appearances Wednesday in North Dakota and Ohio, aides said.

You were too fucking dumb to check and see if republicans had been invited before you made yourself into an ass AGAIN. :0)
He's just the only black face in the Senate now .. he's not the only black face to be a Senator. He was appointed, not elected as other black senators have been. Where was he? Only conservatives care?

So liberals lied when they claimed to have invited Republicans?
No, they celebrated a national heroes anniversary.
Lets play that again here just to make a point. This is, with maybe the exception of The Gettysburg Address, the greatest speech ever given in American history.

Let's take just 15 minutes to listen to greatness and ignore the discord that the short sighted like AWM would sow. Lets take a few minutes to honor something greater than ourselves and someone's inspired moment of greatness. Let us listen.

Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it, aren't they?

So what you learned from history is that if one group of people used to believe one thing, they must still believe it 90 years later? Even if the membership has completely switched regions of the country and demographics?
It's his favorite strawman. He won't touch the fact that southern conservatives are the same KKK racist they were back I 1928, that the solid south then was Democrat and that the solid south now is Republican.

It's a shame that the GOP has been so co-opted by Southern conservative ideology. It's the primary reason I left the party. The GOP abandoned it's values to win elections by adopting the Southern strategy. What a shame.

Its the Southern strategy that has completely alienated me also.
So what you learned from history is that if one group of people used to believe one thing, they must still believe it 90 years later? Even if the membership has completely switched regions of the country and demographics?

Did I say that?

BTW, did you ever read your posts on Kaitlyn Hunt to your electorate?
At least George W Bush sent a statement

Racism should be deplored regardless of the party one belongs to. Yes, the GOP was stupid to not be there.