Republicans absent from March on Washington

Since when does the Speaker of the House need an invitation to show up at a rally at the Lincoln Monument?

Seriously, Whaaaaaa, they didn't invite us... Is that really what you want to go with?
Since when does the Speaker of the House need an invitation to show up at a rally at the Lincoln Monument?

Seriously, Whaaaaaa, they didn't invite us... Is that really what you want to go with?

Is the Speaker of the House God or something? "Here I am everyone stop what they are doing because I'm here..."
I see that you've let the cat out of the bag, looks like it was deliberately turned into a political event.

I don't give a fuck about the cat or the bag.

Fuck republicans.

Do you think I would give a rats ass about a Reagan celebration and wonder why I didn't get an invite?

Don't be stupid .. er.
Let me repeat this one more time to see if I can find someone who can answer ..

Why should anyone have gone out of their way to invite republicans .. who are opposed to everything black.
because not all republicans are like that and it would be the nice thing to do. More flies with honey, etc.
well it's relevant if one is going to claim "hmm well we invited people but they blew us off"

Wrong, lots of republicans were invited? Do I need to post that truth again?

You're still not explaining why anyone should have gone out of their way to invite anti-black republicans?

Republicans don't like black people. black people don't like republicans.

Where is the news?
because not all republicans are like that and it would be the nice thing to do. More flies with honey, etc.

Speaking personally, fuck that.

Republicans who are not like that could have easily just shown up to demonstrate they are not like that.

Celebration of Zimmerman has slammed that door shut for perhaps all time.
Wrong, lots of republicans were invited? Do I need to post that truth again?

it's my contention that it is a possibility that many were not invited and the ones that were invited were those that the inviters knew couldn't make it. This might have been done to score political points.
it's my contention that it is a possibility that many were not invited and the ones that were invited were those that whoever did the invites knew couldn't make it to score political points.

That's not a contention, it's a fantasy. You can tell because zero evidence has been offered to support this. Though, Tom did ruminate and decide that "something is afoot" so you have that...which means you have zero evidence.
well darla I did say I was speculating and I didn't know all the details above. I am thinking out loud. This is D.C. though and it's certainly nothing that is so outside the box to be impossible. This type of stuff happens all the time. Don't you watch house of cards?
Let me repeat this one more time to see if I can find someone who can answer ..

Why should anyone have gone out of their way to invite republicans .. who are opposed to everything black.

Just my opinion but for there to be an improvement in the relationship it is going to take work from both sides. I don't agree with the Republican mindset of we'll never get the black vote so don't waste any time in trying (so just writing blacks off) nor do I agree with your mindset of just fvck Republicans and we'll have nothing to do with them. There has to be communication and working together.

We could obviously get way deeper into this but that's my belief in a nutshell.
Just my opinion but for there to be an improvement in the relationship it is going to take work from both sides. I don't agree with the Republican mindset of we'll never get the black vote so don't waste any time in trying (so just writing blacks off) nor do I agree with your mindset of just fvck Republicans and we'll have nothing to do with them. There has to be communication and working together.

We could obviously get way deeper into this but that's my belief in a nutshell.

As usual, I respect your opinion brother .. but the time for improvement has passed. Republicans embarked on this journey of hate all by themselves .. a journey that continues to this day. Let them find a way out of their own evil making by themselves .. and if they can't .. the only way they may see the inside of the White House is with a visitors pass.

As you know, I've typically been harder on democrats than I have on republicans .. simply because democrats are the party that should know better. The Zimmerman trial changed all that. I see republicans as nothing short of evil .. and I'm far from being alone in that sentiment.
They should have been there. Major failure on leaderships part. Wrong.

You're right.

Now tell me how many black conservatives were there.

Tell me how many got invited. And please no last second token invitations if you will.

Why did you have to be a black liberal to be invited such as Queen Oprah herself?
well darla I did say I was speculating and I didn't know all the details above. I am thinking out loud. This is D.C. though and it's certainly nothing that is so outside the box to be impossible. This type of stuff happens all the time. Don't you watch house of cards?

House of Cards - watched a few episodes but it was too nasty for me. I don't like to see people screwing other people just because they can

Re the event - the repubs who were invited could have changed their schedules; pols do that all the time. W. Bush does get a 'bye' since he had surgery. The rest of them? they showed where their priorities lay.

Those who weren't invited - could have called the organizers and said "Hey, I'd love to speak at the event"