Republicans absent from March on Washington

If I were Speaker of the House and was not invited I would have showed up and insisted on being involved. If they prevented me from being involved Id have thrown a fit, if for no other reason than to show my constituents that I support the spirit of the event and want to recognize its historical significance!

Tell me why these people weren't invited.

Condoleezza Rice

Judge Clarence Thomas

Thomas Sowell

Herman Cane

Allen West

Tell me if you will please.
SO - Dungheap posts a link about why the Rep Tim Scott wasn't invited to speak. He had already declined to attend, so why would they ask him to speak, since he already said he wouldn't be able to be there?

After that, there are at least three posts from conservatives asking why Rep Scott wasn't invited to speak.


here's the link again:

Because he was invited too late and other duties made it impossible for him to attend just like it was planned.
Tell me why these people weren't invited.

Condoleezza Rice

Judge Clarence Thomas

Thomas Sowell

Herman Cane

Allen West

Tell me if you will please.

They aren't current politicians. Herman Cain (you could at least get his name correct) and Allen West are jokes anyway. Thomas Sowell is an idiot. I don't know that ANY supreme court justices were invited. As this article says "In any case, complaining that a first-term Senator and a Supreme Court Justice who rarely speaks at public events weren’t invited seems somewhat hypocritical when other top Republicans were invited and turned the invitation down." ( ) Condoleezza Rice isn't a politician either.

Now, are you going to come up with another list of black republicans?

Key thing is - REPUBLICANS WERE INVITED AND THEY ALL SAID NO. And only George W Bush had a legitimate excuse.
So all the successful blacks I mentioned are nothing but a bunch of Uncle Tom sellouts.

Would you confirm that professor?

I didn't call them successful .. you did .. nor do I give a damn about their supposed 'success.'

Nor did I call them 'Uncle Tom sellouts' .. because I don't really give a damn what they are. Their numbers are so small they are meaningless .. which is what I call them and how I treat them.

Meaningless .. and the only people who care about them are republicans .. and even then, only for the dog and pony show.
I didn't call them successful .. you did .. nor do I give a damn about their supposed 'success.'

Nor did I call them 'Uncle Tom sellouts' .. because I don't really give a damn what they are. Their numbers are so small they are meaningless .. which is what I call them and how I treat them.

Meaningless .. and the only people who care about them are republicans .. and even then, only for the dog and pony show.

The list gets trotted out to wave around to say "we have blacks too". How condescending.
They aren't current politicians. Herman Cain (you could at least get his name correct) and Allen West are jokes anyway. Thomas Sowell is an idiot. I don't know that ANY supreme court justices were invited. As this article says "In any case, complaining that a first-term Senator and a Supreme Court Justice who rarely speaks at public events weren’t invited seems somewhat hypocritical when other top Republicans were invited and turned the invitation down." ( ) Condoleezza Rice isn't a politician either.

Now, are you going to come up with another list of black republicans?

Key thing is - REPUBLICANS WERE INVITED AND THEY ALL SAID NO. And only George W Bush had a legitimate excuse.

It doesn't make any difference and nice try but no cigar. the event was SUPPOSED to be about black achievement and how far blacks have advanced since King's I have a dream speech. So again, tell me why the list I provided containing some of the most successful blacks in the country weren't invited.

It wasn't about black achievement which explains why degenerate black comics were there and these successful black conservatives weren't. It was nothing but partisan hack, liberal political BS from Barrack Obama on down.
The list gets trotted out to wave around to say "we have blacks too". How condescending.

Just me but I don't see it as condescending. When someone says there are no black Republicans or black conservatives I don't see an issue with pointing out some of the high profile ones (no question the list is short though). What's condescending to me is white people calling black conservatives or Republicans sell outs or Uncle Toms or saying they aren't really black as if white people are the ones who determine who is really black.
The list gets trotted out to wave around to say "we have blacks too". How condescending.


They've been the party of exclusion since the Southern Strategy.

Now they wonder why the door is closed.

Fuck 'em .. every one of them.

Had it been up to me I wouldn't have invited a single one.
You're still not telling me why any republican should have been invited.

They hate black people .. and lets not do the PC song and dance .. they hate black people.

i mean this is an entirely different argument in relation to why I even entered the thread, so I am not inclined to really bother with it.
It's a free board and everyone can do what they want but I don't get why people respond to him. Sometimes he trolls as a liberal, sometimes he trolls as a conservative. He just likes to stir sh*t up. Why play into it?

I guess the same reason you follow Desh around.