Republicans running scared, Iraq War closer to its end.

Ok, Ass, prove it, quote the post (the passage)where I said race was meaningless and just a color -and I don't mean in your erroneous misinterpetation and idiotic opinion. Show it in black and white.

You said it, now prove it.
You've got to be joking, right? AssCap? Actually address a direct challenge to one of his "positions?" HAHAHAhahahahahaha!

That's a good one, doniston. :)
You've got to be joking, right? AssCap? Actually address a direct challenge to one of his "positions?" HAHAHAhahahahahaha!

That's a good one, doniston. :)
It's time SOMEONE did Then let him explain why he won't. (and in this case I am sure I can guess the answer.Strangely enough for him, it would even be a logical response)
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it is a misnomer, there are may thing associated with Africa, and the Negroid race, which are there because of herritage, not skin color. and skin color is what we were talking about. Right???

OMG a liberal used the "N" word and not a peep from blackascoal and others!...amazing-simply amazing!
OMG a liberal used the "N" word and not a peep from blackascoal and others!...amazing-simply amazing!

I'm sure of it now .. you were NEVER an officer in the US military, in fact, I'm not sure you even graduated from high school.

Anyone dumb enough to believe that "negroid" is the "N" word could not have graduated from high school.


You're an embarssment to yourself
OMG a liberal used the "N" word and not a peep from blackascoal and others!...amazing-simply amazing!
And you think Negroid is a bad word? how about Caucoid, and mongoid? the other two races. This proves what kind of an idiot you are.
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And you think Negroid is a bad word? how about Caucoid, and mongoid? the other two races. This proves what kind of an idiot you are.
This, BTW, is not current in Anthropologic science. This was taught long ago, but now it is understood that the genetic differences are so small that it is more a social than a genetic construct.
This, BTW, is not current in Anthropologic science. This was taught long ago, but now it is understood that the genetic differences are so small that it is more a social than a genetic construct.

Which I stated some time ago ..

Negroid is a largely-archaic term used to describe one of the "three races of man", a view now mostly regarded as an over-simplification of the spectrum of human diversity. Negroids are the most genetically diverse of the historically defined races, including both the world's tallest ethnic group (African Tutsis) and the world's shortest ethnic group (African pygmies).

Archaic, but still useful in distinction.
Which I stated some time ago ..

Negroid is a largely-archaic term used to describe one of the "three races of man", a view now mostly regarded as an over-simplification of the spectrum of human diversity. Negroids are the most genetically diverse of the historically defined races, including both the world's tallest ethnic group (African Tutsis) and the world's shortest ethnic group (African pygmies).

Archaic, but still useful in distinction.
and where it is most dominent is in stature and shape. most specifically of the head, (Note,, this is variable since there is so much intermingling,thus it does not alway breed true. ) However:

Textbook Mongoids have round heads, usually flat noses, and an extra skin around the eyes which supplies the slanted appearance. and are usual small in stature. (including some pigmies)

Texbook Negroids have Blocky Square heads, large lips and mouths and wide noses. and their status varies greatly----- but there is some evidence that many of the pigmies are actually mongoids.

Texbook Caucoids, have oval heads, narrow noses and thin lips, much smaller than either of the other two races. and naturally slim bodies However, that varies greatly depending on ethnicity.

Mongoids come in all colors, as do both Caucoids and Negroids, however Negroids most often are darker, all the way to ebony.
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Ok, Ass, prove it, quote the post (the passage)where I said race was meaningless and just a color -and I don't mean in your erroneous misinterpetation and idiotic opinion. Show it in black and white.

You said it, now prove it.
That has been your main argument all along. It's all just pigment and pigment is meaningless. I found 2 or three posts of years on a quick glance where you make that assertion.

I'm saying that skin color has tended to be similar in groups with shared culture, I guess due to a families comfort in sticking close together, and the genetic basis of pigmentation. So when people discuss RACE it's not really about color, it's about people with a shared identity on some level.

Generalizations are a valid conceptual tool, by the way. But I understand that in your left wing kooky town critical thinking is a dying art.
That has been your main argument all along. It's all just pigment and pigment is meaningless. I found 2 or three posts of years on a quick glance where you make that assertion.

I'm saying that skin color has tended to be similar in groups with shared culture, I guess due to a families comfort in sticking close together, and the genetic basis of pigmentation. So when people discuss RACE it's not really about color, it's about people with a shared identity on some level.

Generalizations are a valid conceptual tool, by the way. But I understand that in your left wing kooky town critical thinking is a dying art.

You said you found 2 or 3 posts .. but you didn't POST any of them.

When people talk about RACE, they're talking about RACE, not people with shared identity Racism isn't identityism. On some levels, we all share the same identity.

I can't think of a more generalized term than "identity".
You said you found 2 or 3 posts .. but you didn't POST any of them.

When people talk about RACE, they're talking about RACE, not people with shared identity Racism isn't identityism. On some levels, we all share the same identity.

I can't think of a more generalized term than "identity".

I don't have to post them. He KNOWS this was his position. Racism IS identityism. This is actually the core teaching of academic multiculturalism and "whiteness" studies.
I don't have to post them. He KNOWS this was his position. Racism IS identityism. This is actually the core teaching of academic multiculturalism and "whiteness" studies.
That part is correct "I" know what my position is, You only assume what it is. and remember the old saw. To "ASS U ME" makes an ASS out of U and ME
I don't have to post them. He KNOWS this was his position. Racism IS identityism. This is actually the core teaching of academic multiculturalism and "whiteness" studies.

It may come as a surprise to you that there are whites who IDENTIFY WITH and live among blacks. In many urban environments like Detroit, if you close your eyes you'd have no idea what RACE the person is that you're talikng to .. just as there are blacks who IDENTIFY WITH and live among whites and would pass the same "close your eyes" test.

IDENTITYISM is the English term most often used to represent the Sufi philosophy of oneness or unity of being known as Wahdat-ul-Wujood or Wahdat al-wujud.

Race and ethnicity are defined by PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS, not identity.

Anthropology provides evidence that all human beings are genetically African.

Racial prejudice is the natural reaction of fear and suspicion automatically stimulated in the brain by the appearance of someone PHYSICALLY DIFFERENT from ourselves. This explains why humans naturally feel more comfortable around people of the same skin color.

Racism does not explain the cause of slavery in America, but rather the other way around.

Asians in one part of the world may have a completely different identity, culture, and lifestyle than asians in another part of the world but still share the same RACE .. which is true of every race.

It's really not that difficult.
It may come as a surprise to you that there are whites who IDENTIFY WITH and live among blacks. In many urban environments like Detroit, if you close your eyes you'd have no idea what RACE the person is that you're talikng to .. just as there are blacks who IDENTIFY WITH and live among whites and would pass the same "close your eyes" test.

IDENTITYISM is the English term most often used to represent the Sufi philosophy of oneness or unity of being known as Wahdat-ul-Wujood or Wahdat al-wujud.

Race and ethnicity are defined by PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS, not identity.
I'm not sure you're right about that.
Anthropology provides evidence that all human beings are genetically African.

Racial prejudice is the natural reaction of fear and suspicion automatically stimulated in the brain by the appearance of someone PHYSICALLY DIFFERENT from ourselves.
But it's not usually the color. it's real or perceived stereotypes about "how those people act". Their culture.
This explains why humans naturally feel more comfortable around people of the same skin color.

Racism does not explain the cause of slavery in America, but rather the other way around.
I mentioned this previously in the thread. People didn't hate blacks because they were blacks, it was because they were slaves.
Asians in one part of the world may have a completely different identity, culture, and lifestyle than asians in another part of the world but still share the same RACE .. which is true of every race.

It's really not that difficult.

So whay are there racial checkboxes on official documents?
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I'm not sure you're right about that.

What race is Tiger Woods?
What race is Eninem?
What race is the child of mixed parents?
What race is Obama?

It has nothing to do with who they identify with and everything to do with their physical characteristics and color is one of the physical characteristics.

But it's not usually the color. it's real or perceived stereotypes about "how those people act". Their culture.

As I've said, color is one of the physical characteristics by which one's race is determined. How would a racist determine who to be racist against if not by their physical characteristics. They aren't asking people "how they act or live". They make those determinations based on what they look like.

I mentioned this previously in the thread. People didn't hate blacks because they were blacks, it was because they were slaves.

That's not true either because we were hated long after we ceased being slaves. Slavery caused many whites to re-examine their belief in their superiority and the MECHANISM of slavery was a reaction to the reality that their superiority did not exist.

So whay are there racial checkboxes on official documents?

Census is the only reason I can think of
What race is Tiger Woods?
What race is Eninem?
What race is the child of mixed parents?
What race is Obama?

It has nothing to do with who they identify with and everything to do with their physical characteristics and color is one of the physical characteristics.

But it's not usually the color. it's real or perceived stereotypes about "how those people act". Their culture.

As I've said, color is one of the physical characteristics by which one's race is determined. How would a racist determine who to be racist against if not by their physical characteristics. They aren't asking people "how they act or live". They make those determinations based on what they look like.

That's not true either because we were hated long after we ceased being slaves. Slavery caused many whites to re-examine their belief in their superiority and the MECHANISM of slavery was a reaction to the reality that their superiority did not exist.

Census is the only reason I can think of

And eminem is considered a white boy acting black. and tiger a black man acting white. They're fringe elements. People associate certain cultures WITH the color, and that's why they claim they judge.

America had villified blacks to assuage guilt over slavery. People invent theories of superiority to justify slavery, much like globalists assert that anyone who doesn't agree with them and acceptance of their totalitarian rule must just be stupid, and therefore destined to die in evolutionary process (the elites decision to kill them off).