Republicans running scared, Iraq War closer to its end.

Events in the UK have further scared the republicans and is like ly to push them even closer to searching for a way out of Iraq.

Gordon Brown WILL pull british troops out of Iraq leaving the US completely on its own.

Washington uneasy over Brown’s anti-war ministers

Gordon Brown’s appointment of ministers critical of the Bush Administration and the Iraq war has triggered unease in Washington after the departure of its close ally, Tony Blair.

Although the new Prime Minister emphasises his belief in the importance of Britain’s relationship with President Bush and the US, he has also delivered what one Pentagon source described yesterday as “some conflicting signals”.

The same source said that “eyebrows had been raised” over the decision to give a senior ministerial job at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office to Lord Malloch-Brown, the former Deputy UN Secretary-General, who has attacked Mr Bush’s “megaphone diplomacy” and America’s attitude to multilateralism.

Brown gives up the power to declare war

Gordon Brown will this week propose surrendering historic powers delegated to previous prime ministers by the monarch as part of a wide-ranging programme of constitutional reform.

The reforms are expected to involve Mr Brown giving up royal prerogatives traditionally exercised by the prime minister, such as the power to declare war without parliamentary approval or to appoint bishops to the Church of England.


Brown is not Tony "the puppy" Blair.
"The good news is that one day color won't matter because we will all be so intertwined, intermarried, and interrelated that this conversation will be laughable.

We are all the same people now, color just confuses that reality."

true.... I am already a Ritz (cracker with a tan)

That's funny :)
It's like getting a history lesson from "li'l Bush"

On that note -- for those (SF?) who are interested, Comedy Central will be airing the first three episodes of "Li'l Bush" this coming Wednesday night at 10:30 Eastern. SF in CO you're MT, right? Do you subtract from Eastern or add to Pacific?

I'm assuming that this is for those who've missed the opening episodes of the show.
Events in the UK have further scared the republicans and is like ly to push them even closer to searching for a way out of Iraq.

Gordon Brown WILL pull british troops out of Iraq leaving the US completely on its own.

Washington uneasy over Brown’s anti-war ministers

Gordon Brown’s appointment of ministers critical of the Bush Administration and the Iraq war has triggered unease in Washington after the departure of its close ally, Tony Blair.

Although the new Prime Minister emphasises his belief in the importance of Britain’s relationship with President Bush and the US, he has also delivered what one Pentagon source described yesterday as “some conflicting signals”.

The same source said that “eyebrows had been raised” over the decision to give a senior ministerial job at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office to Lord Malloch-Brown, the former Deputy UN Secretary-General, who has attacked Mr Bush’s “megaphone diplomacy” and America’s attitude to multilateralism.

Brown gives up the power to declare war

Gordon Brown will this week propose surrendering historic powers delegated to previous prime ministers by the monarch as part of a wide-ranging programme of constitutional reform.

The reforms are expected to involve Mr Brown giving up royal prerogatives traditionally exercised by the prime minister, such as the power to declare war without parliamentary approval or to appoint bishops to the Church of England.


Brown is not Tony "the puppy" Blair.

That second part is particularly interesting. Lucky England, I wish we were ushering in the same change here.
On that note -- for those (SF?) who are interested, Comedy Central will be airing the first three episodes of "Li'l Bush" this coming Wednesday night at 10:30 Eastern. SF in CO you're MT, right? Do you subtract from Eastern or add to Pacific?

I'm assuming that this is for those who've missed the opening episodes of the show.

I missed them, I just started watching it. Thanks Thorn!
How about pride in european achievements in general, clothes, houses, machines, refinement, an actual real god instead of animistic gnomes, sprites, and entities, etc.
Pray tell, "WHAT real God???? and who is to say he doesn't beleive in the same God as you do ??because he has a different skin color??? And the other things you mentioned have nothing to do with skin color.
African-Americanascoal was already taken. :)

Besides, it didn't have the same ring to it.

And who cares if ones screenname is white as snow? That makes a lot more sense than AssHatZombie.

For those who wonder, African-Americans/blacks have had a different and unique experience in America. My screenname merely acknowledges that experience. When I was growing up in the 60's, we were almost ashamed of our blackness. It says that my perspective is not just black, it's black as coal.

I see no reason why that should be offensive to anyone.
Only to biggots. And to be perfectly accurate. I don't give a rat's ass what color you skin is. I am much more interested in the color of your heart. And that I have already learned.
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How clever...

Only to biggots. And to be perfectly accurate. I don't give a rat's ass what color you skin is. I am much more interested in the color of your heart. And that I have already learned.

So since all hearts are 'Red" I suppose this means Native Americans are cool...thanks donny!
I'll give you a hard F... for being ignorant enough to think that white people can discriminate against white people for being white.

I'll give you a hard F... for being ignorant enough to think that white people can discriminate against white people for being white.

It does happen...just read this forum...whites attack whites all the the lib sector...just for minority stick your hard or was that soft 'F' where the sun no longer shines!
Whites may attack whites... but how fucking ignorant are you to think that they are attacking each other BECAUSE THEY ARE WHITE?