Republicans running scared, Iraq War closer to its end.

So you are either drunk... or simply ignorant. Which is it?

You know, the two are not necessarily mutually exclusive.

I give BB more credit than you do SF. I say, he may very well be both!
You can also find shows about serial killers. A long list of white ones.

Does that mean that "whites are pretty bad"? Or, are you just simplistic and stupid?

you're simplistic and stupid. You think the solution to racial strife is revenge against white people. That's why you like policies which make it legal to discriminate against them. This really is the content of your intellect on this issue.
It's taught everday in universities. All minorities are told to be proud, period. Whiteness is deconstructed as an illusion, and anti white race based preference systems are lauded as the noble answer to all human conflict.

I repeat, that's really stupid.

All humans, all people should be proud and there is absolutely nothing in a country that is overwhelmingly white that tells white people not to be proud.

What I've learned about racism is that it is a mechanism for those who THEMSELVES feel inferior. If indeed one thinks themself "superior", why would they be concerned about inferior others.

Let me give you the sports analogy .. which you may be able to comprehend better. ... For years blacks were denied the opportunity to play quarterback in football. It was said that quarterback was too cerebral a position for blacks to play. Sure, they could run fast and were strong, but quarterback took brains, and blacks just didn't have it.

That was racism.

Then the doors got kicked open, not too long ago, and blacks began to successfully play at the quarterback position. Now you look around and there are black quarterbacks everywhere. Half of the NFL has black quarterbacks and the college ranks are full of them. The number one pick in the NFL draft was a black quarterback.

Point is that blacks have always been able to play quarterback, but they were denied doing so by people who feared their own inferiority, thus the mechanism of racism was used to cover their own fear.

Today, some people, like you obviously, think that because everyone else is getting a fairer opportunity, that must mean that people are being taught that there is something wrong with you .. which is FAR from the truth.

I can make that very same analogy in business, academia, and every level of enterprise in America. There is nothing wrong with you, but society recognizes that blacks have been oppressed in the country for almost 400 years and smart people, conscience people, people with brains are doing what they can to make a better America.
"Turn of the century History...guilt over the slave trade..caused some to discriminate over the influx of European immigration...this is not rocket science!"

Please, provide us some examples of this historical US discrimination that is based on people being white.

And blacks weren't discriminated against because they were black, it was because they were slaves.
Whites are pretty great, aren't they?

this is just childish.

So, agree that you were wrong when you said our nation never celebrates european culture...because we all know that the romans, the greeks, and the vikings, etc, have all been widely celebrated for their accomplishements and achievemnents.
"Quit with the lib argument...if ya don't agree with me ya must be drunk or on drugs...this is really getting old...grow up pot head!"

1) I am not even close to being a lib... although that part of your comment should generate a chuckle or two amonst the libs on the board.

2) It is not a question of disagreeing with you. It is the fact that you pull random crap out of your ass and yet believe it is either relevant or substantiated.

your idiotic assumption that "no black person" would call themselves blackascoal was called into question because there is no way you could know that. It was ignorant of you to say such and ignorant of you to continue that line of thought. So you are either drunk... or simply ignorant. Which is it?

Well said.
I repeat, that's really stupid.

All humans, all people should be proud and there is absolutely nothing in a country that is overwhelmingly white that tells white people not to be proud.
Except universities focused on undoing this pride.
What I've learned about racism is that it is a mechanism for those who THEMSELVES feel inferior. If indeed one thinks themself "superior", why would they be concerned about inferior others.
ok, blackascoal.
Let me give you the sports analogy .. which you may be able to comprehend better. ... For years blacks were denied the opportunity to play quarterback in football. It was said that quarterback was too cerebral a position for blacks to play. Sure, they could run fast and were strong, but quarterback too brains, and blacks just didn't have it.

That was racism.

Then the doors got kicked open, not too long ago, and blacks began to successfully play at the quarterback position. Now you look around and there are black quarterbacks everywhere. Half of the NFL has black quarterbacks and the college ranks are full of them. The number one pick in the NFL draft was a black quarterback.

Point is that blacks have always been able to play quarterback, but they were denied doing so by people who feared their own inferiority, thus the mechanism of racism was used to cover their own fear.

Today, some people, like you obviously, think that because everyone else is getting a fairer opportunity, that must mean that people are being taught that there is something wrong with you .. which is FAR from the truth.
No. I think it because it's happening.
I can make that very same analogy in business, academia, and every level of enterprise in America. There is nothing wrong with you, but society recognizes that blacks have been oppressed in the country for almost 400 years and smart people, conscience people, people with brains are doing what they can to make a better America.

Racial disrimination against whites will never make america better.

"Turn of the century History...guilt over the slave trade..caused some to discriminate over the influx of European immigration...this is not rocket science!"

Please, provide us some examples of this historical US discrimination that is based on people being white.

and you have the nerve to call me a drunk...History 101 friend...were you asleep in class or what?...The Italians and Irish were discriminated against at the turn of the century...they were white for the most part...The Italians were called Waps and Mafia..the Irish big, dumb and stupid...well friend the Irish went on to become Cops...and the Italians...lovers and creators of needed trades...they did not cry foul...they just worked hard and moved up the latter...kinda akin to the Orientals of the same period...they were also discriminated against...anymore BS from the wannabee conservative liberal sympathizer...:argue:
this is just childish.

So, agree that you were wrong when you said our nation never celebrates european culture...because we all know that the romans, the greeks, and the vikings, etc, have all been widely celebrated for their accomplishements and achievemnents.

I didn't say our nation never celebrates european culture. I asked if it's ok to be proud of european traditions.
Except universities focused on undoing this pride.

ok, blackascoal.

No. I think it because it's happening.

Racial disrimination against whites will never make america better.

That would be called unfounded and irrational FEAR.

Are you also afraid of hispanics, arabs, asians, especially the Chinese, and everybody else that doesn't look like you?

Are we all here to "take over"?
Do you celebrate Christmas or Kwanzaa? .. I do Kwanzaa

If you celebrate Christmas you're celebrating european culture

Im talking about people and Im talking about pride. I'm not talking about culture and Im not talking about celebration.

Is black pride a valid construct? if so, so is white pride.
Im talking about people and Im talking about pride. I'm not talking about culture and Im not talking about celebration.

Is black pride a valid construct? if so, so is white pride.
One which most people celebrate in more nationalistic ways, rather than purely ethnic ones. Being proud of one's Celtic or Scandinavian heritage, say. Blackness is an ethnic identity pretty much only in the Americas and, to a lesser extent, parts of Europe. Places where "blacks" of many nationalities and cultures were forced together into a dehumanized mob and robbed of their history and tradition.

In abstract, there's nothing particularly offensive about "white pride" I suppose. You just try it though and see where it gets you. Go ahead, be my guest.
Im talking about people and Im talking about pride. I'm not talking about culture and Im not talking about celebration.

Is black pride a valid construct? if so, so is white pride.

The good news is that one day color won't matter because we will all be so intertwined, intermarried, and interrelated that this conversation will be laughable.

We are all the same people now, color just confuses that reality.
Not true old wise one...

One which most people celebrate in more nationalistic ways, rather than purely ethnic ones. Being proud of one's Celtic or Scandinavian heritage, say. Blackness is an ethnic identity pretty much only in the Americas and, to a lesser extent, parts of Europe. Places where "blacks" of many nationalities and cultures were forced together into a dehumanized mob and robbed of their history and tradition.

In abstract, there's nothing particularly offensive about "white pride" I suppose. You just try it though and see where it gets you. Go ahead, be my guest.

According to Islam..women do not have to wear burkas or stay away from places of worship for men only...nor are they exempt from jobs or driving cars etc...this is a 'cultural event'! Islam has become a radical extermist organization..why don't y'all attack Islam extremist rather than our troops and our involvemet in Middle East Policy/war of the Crusade reborne :hij: ... see I am learning how the libs play!
"and you have the nerve to call me a drunk...History 101 friend...were you asleep in class or what?...The Italians and Irish were discriminated against at the turn of the century...they were white for the most part...The Italians were called Waps and Mafia..the Irish big, dumb and stupid...well friend the Irish went on to become Cops...and the Italians...lovers and creators of needed trades...they did not cry foul...they just worked hard and moved up the latter...kinda akin to the Orientals of the same period...they were also discriminated against...anymore BS from the wannabee conservative liberal sympathizer..."

Again drunkboy... they were NOT discriminated against because they were white. They were discriminated against because they were italians and irish.

Or are you indeed saying that white people are discriminating against white people for being white?

But please, continue with your "history" lessons drunk boy. No one is disputing that the Irish and Italians were discriminated against. We are just trying to point out to your ignorant ass that it wasn't due to their being white. It was due to their heritage. If you don't understand the difference between the two, then you are truly far more ignornant than drunk.
"The good news is that one day color won't matter because we will all be so intertwined, intermarried, and interrelated that this conversation will be laughable.

We are all the same people now, color just confuses that reality."

true.... I am already a Ritz (cracker with a tan)
"and you have the nerve to call me a drunk...History 101 friend...were you asleep in class or what?...The Italians and Irish were discriminated against at the turn of the century...they were white for the most part...The Italians were called Waps and Mafia..the Irish big, dumb and stupid...well friend the Irish went on to become Cops...and the Italians...lovers and creators of needed trades...they did not cry foul...they just worked hard and moved up the latter...kinda akin to the Orientals of the same period...they were also discriminated against...anymore BS from the wannabee conservative liberal sympathizer..."

Again drunkboy... they were NOT discriminated against because they were white. They were discriminated against because they were italians and irish.

Or are you indeed saying that white people are discriminating against white people for being white?

But please, continue with your "history" lessons drunk boy. No one is disputing that the Irish and Italians were discriminated against. We are just trying to point out to your ignorant ass that it wasn't due to their being white. It was due to their heritage. If you don't understand the difference between the two, then you are truly far more ignornant than drunk.

It's like getting a history lesson from "li'l Bush"