Republicans running scared, Iraq War closer to its end.

And then what happens when the troops come home?

Hopefully lessons will have been learned, right-wing war-mongering will have been exposed, progressive politicians will win in '08, and the investigations of the Bush Horde will begin in seriousness.
No modern, unpopular american war has ended without bipartisan consensus (vietnam, korea).

To get bipartisan consensus, the Dems are going to have to give the GOP some sort of face-saving they (the GOP) don't have to admit that John Murtha was right two years ago.

There will be some grand compromise, allowing the GOP to install their prefered language and semantics, in a funding bill or other mechanism that starts bringing troops home.

There will be some give and take, but it will not allow republicans to come out of this unscathed. It is the republicans who are anxiously scrambling for a way out of their own trap and no amount of language will convince the American people that they have done anything other than sede to the reality on the ground.

Even the Pentagon is now talking timelines.
Yes! I like it Sister Comrade!! :)

Seriously though, there will be reprocussions whether we stay in Iraq or whether we leave. If we leave what will happen? What will happen in Iraq and how will that effect us now and in the future?

I think that people who say they "know" what's going to happen when we leave are bs'ing. I don't think that anyone really knows. We can speculate, but can't know. The thing is, we cannot mantain this invasion, it's destroying our military. So we are going to leave. And whatever is going to happen when we leave, is going to happen whether we leave tomorrow, or ten years from now.
Hopefully lessons will have been learned, right-wing war-mongering will have been exposed, progressive politicians will win in '08, and the investigations of the Bush Horde will begin in seriousness.

I mean in terms of what will happen in Iraq and the Middle East and what effect, if any, will that have on the U.S.
I mean in terms of what will happen in Iraq and the Middle East and what effect, if any, will that have on the U.S.

Who knows?

This much is for sure though: Iraq will continue to be unstable for years. They'll have their civil war - just like their having now.

There's not a chance in hell of al qaeda "taking over" Iraq and the oil as Bush likes to lie about. There's barely a few thousand foreign fighters in iraq affiliated with al qaeda, and the majority iraqi shia will never let a small group of sunni militants "take over" iraq.
Yes! I like it Sister Comrade!! :)

Seriously though, there will be reprocussions whether we stay in Iraq or whether we leave. If we leave what will happen? What will happen in Iraq and how will that effect us now and in the future?

What will happen is the nationalists will take over and eventually, create a better Iraq. There will be tremendous reprocussions for the US because what we did was insane. The world is looking elsewhere for leadership and we've not only empowered Iran beyond their wildest dreams, we've also made the EU, China, and even Russia more influential.

Even the reason why we started this war, oil, will get further from western control. The Iraqis know this war is ending and they probably feel no compulsion to sign the "let me rape your country" Iraq Oil Law.

I expect Maliki and much of his puppet government will be taking up residence in South Beach.
Who knows?

This much is for sure though: Iraq will continue to be unstable for years. They'll have their civil war - just like their having now.

There's not a chance in hell of al qaeda "taking over" Iraq and the oil as Bush likes to lie about. There's barely a few thousand foreign fighters in iraq affiliated with al qaeda, and the majority iraqi shia will never let a small group of sunni militants "take over" iraq.

Al Queda might also be taking up residence in South Beach. They are not supported by the Iraqi people and the nationalists are already killing them.
Al Queda might also be taking up residence in South Beach. They are not supported by the Iraqi people and the nationalists are already killing them.

Conflating the war in iraq with al qaeda, is the last lie Bush has to play though.

Of course the iraqi shia and iraqi nationalists won't let al qaeda "take over"....but, try telling that the Rush Limbaugh's radio audience!
I mean in terms of what will happen in Iraq and the Middle East and what effect, if any, will that have on the U.S.

Nothing good can come of this for the US. We've been exposed as the "war is a business" nation that we are. The parties looking for solutions throiughout the mideast will look beyond American leadership. This actually bodes well for the Palestinians and less well for the Israelis.

We've been exposed unlike any other time in American history, including Vietnam.
What will happen is the nationalists will take over and eventually, create a better Iraq. There will be tremendous reprocussions for the US because what we did was insane. The world is looking elsewhere for leadership and we've not only empowered Iran beyond their wildest dreams, we've also made the EU, China, and even Russia more influential.

Even the reason why we started this war, oil, will get further from western control. The Iraqis know this war is ending and they probably feel no compulsion to sign the "let me rape your country" Iraq Oil Law.

I expect Maliki and much of his puppet government will be taking up residence in South Beach.

That is pretty much the future as I see it as well, maybe 10 years from now.
Conflating the war in iraq with al qaeda, is the last lie Bush has to play though.

Of course the iraqi shia and iraqi nationalists won't let al qaeda "take over"....but, try telling that the Rush Limbaugh's radio audience!

The Limbaugh/Coulter/Hannity/Boortz flock of brainless lemmings have been exposed for what they are. They will be far less influential in American politics.

The real question is how smart are the American people.

Overall, Americans have not been too intelligent throughout this horror.
I feel a change in the current. Before I felt that there would be no way for the Rs to gain in the next election. Now I am not so sure.
That's right! And everyone is going to have to wear a pink hat. Our time is near. BB can't stop us. ;)

Oh yes we can...just one night with a real conservative and you would change your ways girl...never mind can't help ya out I am committed!...Maybe damo can spare some time though!
The Limbaugh/Coulter/Hannity/Boortz flock of brainless lemmings have been exposed for what they are. They will be far less influential in American politics.

The real question is how smart are the American people.

Overall, Americans have not been too intelligent throughout this horror.

Sadly, they're not used to thinking for themselves. How can this be encouraged to change?
Sadly, they're not used to thinking for themselves. How can this be encouraged to change?

I'm curious if anyone has ever thought to themselves "I wish I could think for myself"? It seems that everyone believes they think for themselves and if peolpe don't agree with you then they must obviously not be able to think for themselves because it they did they would agree with me.