Republicans running scared, Iraq War closer to its end.

Don't ask...

May I ask who is the "we" and who is the "them" you are referring to?

'Black' as well as darla et al are 'AirAmerica'...bankrupt in all areas of the spectrum..they are frauds...they claim to be that which they are not...end of story...but it is still fun watching them pull the proverbial dirt back into their graves!
US... I think there are plenty of sheeple on both sides of the aisle. It is the moderates within each party and those that are unaffiliated where you will find those that truly try to think for themselves. Those that try to describe the "other" party as mindless sheep are typically a sheep themselves.

so.... baaaaack to the flock with ya. :)
Younever were...I just played along with your baiting!

LOL, have fun digging your hole deeper.
I retire today it is impossible to piss me off.

Now you would be correct if you said I never wanted to be a SGT.
But then we often get things we don't want.
Yeah thats you...Mr. Cut and typical

LOL, have fun digging your hole deeper.
I retire today it is impossible to piss me off.

Now you would be correct if you said I never wanted to be a SGT.
But then we often get things we don't want.

Like your record speaks for itself...:FootMouth:
My record does speak for itself in that reagrd, I have gotten many things in life I did not want. Some I deserved though ;)
So the proverbial 'if you agree with me you're using your brain and if you don't you're a sheeple'?

That's original.

Nope you are still quoting the bush line.

You have to understand there are more than just yes and no soloutions to issues.
Keep it going....

So the proverbial 'if you agree with me you're using your brain and if you don't you're a sheeple'?

That's original.

then watch USC backpeddle and fall apart at the seams...unless he aquires the aid of his 'Dog Pile' buddies...cippie and darla,,,airamerica frauds...oh yeah don't forget 'Black' the phoney
Nope you are still quoting the bush line.

You have to understand there are more than just yes and no soloutions to issues.

I'm not quoting Bush I'm saying it myself. Yeah, I'm well aware everything is not black and white one or the other. Dude used an "us vs. them" senario that I responded to. Not there are many shades of gray. Thus my response "if you agree with him you are using your brain if not you are a sheeple".
May I ask who is the "we" and who is the "them" you are referring to?

The "we" is those of us who saw through the fraud of Iraq and didn't engage in calling those who didn't "unpatriotic" or "unamerican". The "we" who supported our troops by demanding that we get them out of Hell. The "we" who saw through the lies and machinations of the Powell's, Rice's, Cheney's, and the rest of the neocon horde. The "we" who knew this was all about oil from the beginning, knew Bush was following orders from PNAC, and this would end just as miserably failed as it has.

The "them" are those who didn't.
I just call em' like I see em'...randy/darla is a jerk...she baits and runs like hell when called out...then begs for her loyal followers to bail her sorry ass out!...sad state of affairs for a soul guy to fall for...get a grip ya really are!

From a "soul guy" .. thank you very much for that bit of South Park wisdom, but I, being older than 12, have no concept of why someone as old as you obviously are, would spend such time on a message board making a mockery of the sum of your life.

Is this what your life comes down to? ... Sitting in front of a computer making a fool of yourself? Begging for cyber-sexual favors. Calling a woman you don't even know a "bitch". Pretending that the culmination of your life's work is such that people actually care about what you call OR what you see.

Surely you've achieved some good in your life that tugs at you when you lapse into your perverted barbarian character that tells you that you're better than that. Surely there is something within you that says .. you are a man ... with a code of bushido, of honor, and of dignity.

Her "loyal followers" .. yes, that would be me .. but I'd defend a woman I didn't like from someone disguished as a man calling her a "bitch".

Life is different for us all dude, but I think I'd rather slit my own throat than embarrass and shit-stain my life by engaging in the behavior you do.

Hopefully, your parents don't have to watch what you've become.
US... I think there are plenty of sheeple on both sides of the aisle. It is the moderates within each party and those that are unaffiliated where you will find those that truly try to think for themselves. Those that try to describe the "other" party as mindless sheep are typically a sheep themselves.

so.... baaaaack to the flock with ya. :)

I disagree. Leadership doesn't come from the middle and it doesn't come from people sitting on a fence.

On the issue of Iraq the difference was quite clear. There was a right and a wrong. Sitting in the middle accomplished nothing but acquiescence and capitulation to evil. The change in the mood of America to the war in Iraq is because all those people who sat on the fence finally decided to come down and take a position .. the same position that those who thought for themselves, not swayed by the media, not swayed by right-wing attacks, and not swayed by the emotion of 9/11, took years and hundreds of thousands of dead bodies ago.

I used to wonder how was it that it took so long for this country to end slavery. Where were the "good" people? As I studied it, I realized that they were "moderates" sitting on the fence, too scared/intimidated/confused to take a moral stand.

Moderation has its place, but when your house is on fire, you can't depend on those sitting on the fence to help you put it out. You have to look around and gather people who are actively, ie; activists involved in rolling up their sleeves and ACTING to put out the fire.
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From a "soul guy" .. thank you very much for that bit of South Park wisdom, but I, being older than 12, have no concept of why someone as old as you obviously are, would spend such time on a message board making a mockery of the sum of your life.

Is this what your life comes down to? ... Sitting in front of a computer making a fool of yourself? Begging for cyber-sexual favors. Calling a woman you don't even know a "bitch". Pretending that the culmination of your life's work is such that people actually care about what you call OR what you see.

Surely you've achieved some good in your life that tugs at you when you lapse into your perverted barbarian character that tells you that you're better than that. Surely there is something within you that says .. you are a man ... with a code of bushido, of honor, and of dignity.

Her "loyal followers" .. yes, that would be me .. but I'd defend a woman I didn't like from someone disguished as a man calling her a "bitch".

Life is different for us all dude, but I think I'd rather slit my own throat than embarrass and shit-stain my life by engaging in the behavior you do.

Hopefully, your parents don't have to watch what you've become.
Well stated. if there ever was a male bitch. it is him.
So the proverbial 'if you agree with me you're using your brain and if you don't you're a sheeple'?

That's original.

No, it's much easier than that.

If you went along with the Bush Administration .. you're a sheeple. It has nothing to do with agreeing with me.
No, it's much easier than that.

If you went along with the Bush Administration .. you're a sheeple. It has nothing to do with agreeing with me.

With all due respect sir, I have my own opinions. If Bush or any other politician chooses to agree with me, that makes me a "sheeple"? Again, sorry sir, with all due respect I disagree. If your opinions sir need to come after a politician (or political party) you agree with announces them then you are free to be a follower. As an African-American you are most likely a follower yourself sir as y'all vote in lock step larger than any other group. (No personal disrespect to you or any other African-American with that comment.)

And hey, I love my boys in East Oakland and they love me. We do not discuss politics. We are just homeboys. However, with your definition my boys may be the biggest "sheeple" around.

Much love blackascoal. Keep it real my friend. Enjoy talking with you. Look forward to many more discussions. Take care.