Republicans running scared, Iraq War closer to its end.

With all due respect sir, I have my own opinions. If Bush or any other politician chooses to agree with me, that makes me a "sheeple"? Again, sorry sir, with all due respect I disagree. If your opinions sir need to come after a politician (or political party) you agree with announces them then you are free to be a follower. As an African-American you are most likely a follower yourself sir as y'all vote in lock step larger than any other group. (No personal disrespect to you or any other African-American with that comment.)

And hey, I love my boys in East Oakland and they love me. We do not discuss politics. We are just homeboys. However, with your definition my boys may be the biggest "sheeple" around.

Much love blackascoal. Keep it real my friend. Enjoy talking with you. Look forward to many more discussions. Take care.

Much love to you my brother, and I take no offense from your thoughts.

As for my being African-American, which I am, which votes in lock step more than any other demographic, which we do, and my voting in lock step with them, for the most part, you are correct on all counts. We are a communal people by nature and by necessity. When you spend nearly 400 years under attack, survival forces you to circle the wagons and fight the cowboys as a group. It's one of the reasons why we survived and my brothers, the American Indian, did not. I'm also part American Indian (Ogala), as are a great many African-Americans. It's a fascinating story if you aren't aware of it .. but that's another story.

You'll notice in my definition of sheeple that I did not define it as "following a politician who agrees with you", being a conservative, republican, or anything else but following the Bush Administration. I recognize that I'm talking in generalities here, but in my opinion, those who did have a special cross to bear. "Sheeple" is the very least of what they should be called. They, and I don't know if you did or not, followed the worst president in American history into the worst military disaster and blunder in American history. The blood of countless innocent people are on their hands, including the blood of our own brave men and women in uniform who have died, been blown apart, and traumatized for nothing. Dead for nothing.

The reprocussions and fallout from this disaster will last for generations. It has resulted in the loss of power, influence, respect, and stature for America all over the world. We've just spent every last drop of goodwill this nation gained from our heroic efforts in WWII. Anti-Americanism is at an all time high, and now, most people in the world believe that America is one of the most dangerous nations on earth, and history has just written that to be a fact.

The real tragedy of this "sheeple blowback" is that nothing could have been more obvious, more right in your face obvious than the lies and deceptions of the Bush Administration. One would almost have to be a lobotomy candidate not to recognize it. "Mushroom clouds in 45 minutes" .. that requires a lobotomy for anyone who fell for that bullshit. Iraq had been under sanctions for 12 years .. and they snuck and built a nuclear reactor? .. Lobotomy.

EVERYTHING about the Bush Administration is covered in the filth of lies and stench of deception. From stealing the office (twice), to secret meetings with their oil corporation masters, to the fraud of 9/11, the fraud of the attack on Afghanistan, the fraud of WMD and Saddam (which was following the orders of PNAC who told them to invade Iraq "even if evidence didn't exist"), Jessice Lynch directed by Jerry Bruckheimer, Pat Tillman, the fraud of the toppling of Saddam's statue, the fraud of the Iraq Oil Law, fraud on top of fraud which continues even to this day as they try to hide documents and evidence of their evil.

I have a daughter who is on her THIRD tour of duty in Iraq. I'm up this early in the morning after a night full of nightmares. You'll have to excuse me sir if you have problems with my definition of people who capitualted to a very obvious horror.

"Sheeple" .. hell .. anyone who has supported the Bush Administration should wear that with pride. They should have it engraved into their foreheads and wear it like a Scarlet Letter. They should call their own children sheeplets. It is the least they could do for what they have done to this nation.

I also recognize the capitulation and cowardice of the democrats .. which is one reason why I'm not a democrat. But they are guilty of cowardice, the Bush Administration is guilty of contrived evil, sheeple are guilty of incredible ignorance. Now Bush is looking at 26% approval and the sheeple are trying to slide/blend back into the world of people with brains, some claiming they've been here all along.

Finally, on that African-American lock step thing .. it's too bad that the rest of America didn't lock step with us. We've never supported this war, we've never supported Bush or his neocon horde. His approval among blacks was 2% years ago and only 9% voted for him. Had the rest of America lock stepped with us, countless people will still be alive and America would still be looked upon as the leader of the free world.

Perhaps you should spend time talking to the brothers in East Oakland about politics.
Last edited: interesting Blackascoal!

From a "soul guy" .. thank you very much for that bit of South Park wisdom, but I, being older than 12, have no concept of why someone as old as you obviously are, would spend such time on a message board making a mockery of the sum of your life.

Is this what your life comes down to? ... Sitting in front of a computer making a fool of yourself? Begging for cyber-sexual favors. Calling a woman you don't even know a "bitch". Pretending that the culmination of your life's work is such that people actually care about what you call OR what you see.

Surely you've achieved some good in your life that tugs at you when you lapse into your perverted barbarian character that tells you that you're better than that. Surely there is something within you that says .. you are a man ... with a code of bushido, of honor, and of dignity.

Her "loyal followers" .. yes, that would be me .. but I'd defend a woman I didn't like from someone disguished as a man calling her a "bitch".

Life is different for us all dude, but I think I'd rather slit my own throat than embarrass and shit-stain my life by engaging in the behavior you do.

Hopefully, your parents don't have to watch what you've become.

Well I suppose I could come into a forum and write term papers and or thesis to impress everyone with my 'superior intellect' real or imagined as you do...however message boards are mostly for entertainment case you did not notice.The young lady whom you so eloquently defended has a history of calling males in the this and other forums far greater names than I did of her.
She is a big girl and can defend herself quite well...She enjoys pushing buttons for shock value...I enjoy taking the bait for entertainment sake! As for your sexual inuendo that you tried to place upon me...sorry, Cypress uses that twist constantly to no anyone who reads how I respond can see I was not the initiator of sexual I play along with the innuendo thrown out...hell does everyone else in here...the only difference being is that libs start it then complain and cry when it is thrown back in their proverbial faces...and they fail to admonish their own is 'always' the conservatives who are accused of what the libs start!..Have a nice day Professor!:viol:
Good Lord....

blackascoal has been 'Replying to this thread' for over 45 minutes...I suspect I will see a diatribe of the 'thesis' kind real soon...or not!

Taking a nap while waiting for the infamous reply from non other than...'Blackascoal'...I suspect I will see alot of quotes and such...minus the quotes from those libs who started the fray! Just a thought mind ya...but almost a guarantee!
Well I suppose I could come into a forum and write term papers and or thesis to impress everyone with my 'superior intellect' real or imagined as you do...however message boards are mostly for entertainment case you did not notice.The young lady whom you so eloquently defended has a history of calling males in the this and other forums far greater names than I did of her.
She is a big girl and can defend herself quite well...She enjoys pushing buttons for shock value...I enjoy taking the bait for entertainment sake! As for your sexual inuendo that you tried to place upon me...sorry, Cypress uses that twist constantly to no anyone who reads how I respond can see I was not the initiator of sexual I play along with the innuendo thrown out...hell does everyone else in here...the only difference being is that libs start it then complain and cry when it is thrown back in their proverbial faces...and they fail to admonish their own is 'always' the conservatives who are accused of what the libs start!..Have a nice day Professor!:viol:

Pardon me if my comment seemed overly academic. It wasn't meant to be. "Superior intelligence" .. ok .. I'm going to take that as a joke. I think people who claim to be superior anything are sick. I make no claim to such sickness.

I understand that you're an ex-military man, even an officer. If so, surely you understand the code. As a gentleman yourself, is my defense of a woman so out of place? Isn't "bitch" out of bounds. Even if all you claim about her were true, that's still out of bounds. If you get mad at me, not suggesting that you aren't already, would you call me the "n" word. I don't believe that you would, not because you couldn't but because it's out of bounds.

Even though message boards are sort-of entertaiment, we still have to stay in bounds my brother or this wouldn't be entertaining at all. It would just be a bunch of disconnected neanderthals hurling vulgarities at each other, proving nothing. Because we stay in bounds, it actually appears like adults discussing important issues of the day, and occassionally, we all learn something we didn't previously know.

Am I sounding academic again? .. I'm sorry. I'm just kinda fucked up like that. Probably has something to do with my mother.

As far as "libs starting shit" .. for the last almost 8 years, liberals and anyone else who did not goosestep to right-wing talk-radio inspired bumper-sticker braindead nonsensical illogic, was labelled "unpatriotic", "unamarican", "loony", "communist", "terrorist sympathizer", and a host of silly names by conservatives like yourself.

The hubris was overflowing and the Right was drunk with power threatening to mow down any idea counter to what they so fervently believed. Now that the inescapable truth is known and the idiocy of what you so fervently believed has been exposed as .. well .. idiocy, now the Right feels threatened and have gone into hiding. Many of the hubris filled knuckleheads who used to wage idocy war on message boards have disappeared. Can't take the truth-filled boot up the ass.

So I applaud you at least sticking around .. although you will be on the recieving end of that boot if you say something stupid. At least we don't call you "unamerican".

You have a nice day as well my friend.
Much love to you my brother, and I take no offense from your thoughts.

As for my being African-American, which I am, which votes in lock step more than any other demographic, which we do, and my voting in lock step with them, for the most part, you are correct on all counts. We are a communal people by nature and by necessity. When you spend nearly 400 years under attack, survival forces you to circle the wagons and fight the cowboys as a group. It's one of the reasons why we survived and my brothers, the American Indian, did not. I'm also part American Indian (Ogala), as are a great many African-Americans. It's a fascinating story if you aren't aware of it .. but that's another story.

You'll notice in my definition of sheeple that I did not define it as "following a politician who agrees with you", being a conservative, republican, or anything else but following the Bush Administration. I recognize that I'm talking in generalities here, but in my opinion, those who did have a special cross to bear. "Sheeple" is the very least of what they should be called. They, and I don't know if you did or not, followed the worst president in American history into the worst military disaster and blunder in American history. The blood of countless innocent people are on their hands, including the blood of our own brave men and women in uniform who have died, been blown apart, and traumatized for nothing. Dead for nothing.

The reprocussions and fallout from this disaster will last for generations. It has resulted in the loss of power, influence, respect, and stature for America all over the world. We've just spent every last drop of goodwill this nation gained from our heroic efforts in WWII. Anti-Americanism is at an all time high, and now, most people in the world believe that America is one of the most dangerous nations on earth, and history has just written that to be a fact.

The real tragedy of this "sheeple blowback" is that nothing could have been more obvious, more right in your face obvious than the lies and deceptions of the Bush Administration. One would almost have to be a lobotomy candidate not to recognize it. "Mushroom clouds in 45 minutes" .. that requires a lobotomy for anyone who fell for that bullshit. Iraq had been under sanctions for 12 years .. and they snuck and built a nuclear reactor? .. Lobotomy.

EVERYTHING about the Bush Administration is covered in the filth of lies and stench of deception. From stealing the office (twice), to secret meetings with their oil corporation masters, to the fraud of 9/11, the fraud of the attack on Afghanistan, the fraud of WMD and Saddam (which was following the orders of PNAC who told them to invade Iraq "even if evidence didn't exist"), Jessice Lynch directed by Jerry Bruckheimer, Pat Tillman, the fraud of the toppling of Saddam's statue, the fraud of the Iraq Oil Law, fraud on top of fraud which continues even to this day as they try to hide documents and evidence of their evil.

I have a daughter who is on her THIRD tour of duty in Iraq. I'm up this early in the morning after a night full of nightmares. You'll have to excuse me sir if you have problems with my definition of people who capitualted to a very obvious horror.

"Sheeple" .. hell .. anyone who has supported the Bush Administration should wear that with pride. They should have it engraved into their foreheads and wear it like a Scarlet Letter. They should call their own children sheeplets. It is the least they could do for what they have done to this nation.

I also recognize the capitulation and cowardice of the democrats .. which is one reason why I'm not a democrat. But they are guilty of cowardice, the Bush Administration is guilty of contrived evil, sheeple are guilty of incredible ignorance. Now Bush is looking at 26% approval and the sheeple are trying to slide/blend back into the world of people with brains, some claiming they've been here all along.

Finally, on that African-American lock step thing .. it's too bad that the rest of America didn't lock step with us. We've never supported this war, we've never supported Bush or his neocon horde. His approval among blacks was 2% years ago and only 9% voted for him. Had the rest of America lock stepped with us, countless people will still be alive and America would still be looked upon as the leader of the free world.

Perhaps you should spend time talking to the brothers in East Oakland about politics.

That's very true. Before Americans turned against this war, (some as you note, pretending they never were for it), I marched in anti-war protests. And when Israel invaded Lebanon last summer, I protested in NYC with an Arab coalition. Even in NYC, we were harrassed by passerbys. Most especially, protesting the Israeli invasion. What I quickly learned was, whenever you walked past an African-American, whether they were alone or in a group, you were going to get positive feedback. Very positive. This held true even with cops.

My friends and I would talk about it a lot. Why weren't they fooled, we would wonder? And the only thing we could figure was, that unlike white people, black people know what it means when you send troops over to another country. They know a lot of non-white people are going to die, and I think they also know, that by and large, Americans don't care that much about those deaths.

It was so prounounced that my friends and I just ended up having fun with it whenever we were doing anti-war actions. We would make jokes that played on the stereotypes a lot of whites have, if they see two or more black people together. We'd say, uh oh, there's a group of white guys lurking on that street corner up there, and I don't like the way they're looking at us, we better cross the street.
Taking a nap while waiting for the infamous reply from non other than...'Blackascoal'...I suspect I will see alot of quotes and such...minus the quotes from those libs who started the fray! Just a thought mind ya...but almost a guarantee!
You've made the samr type of comments towards me when I didn't respnd immediately.

Everyone. unlike you does not stand over the board gleedfully contemplating his next opportunity to make an ass of himself-- Course you can't really accomplish your end. No one can improve on nature.
Well I suppose I could come into a forum and write term papers and or thesis to impress everyone with my 'superior intellect' real or imagined as you do...however message boards are mostly for entertainment case you did not notice.The young lady whom you so eloquently defended has a history of calling males in the this and other forums far greater names than I did of her.
She is a big girl and can defend herself quite well...She enjoys pushing buttons for shock value...I enjoy taking the bait for entertainment sake! As for your sexual inuendo that you tried to place upon me...sorry, Cypress uses that twist constantly to no anyone who reads how I respond can see I was not the initiator of sexual I play along with the innuendo thrown out...hell does everyone else in here...the only difference being is that libs start it then complain and cry when it is thrown back in their proverbial faces...and they fail to admonish their own is 'always' the conservatives who are accused of what the libs start!..Have a nice day Professor!:viol:

BB, I call you names. Pretty much, just you. You've never known me on another forum, so what on earth are your babbling about?
Taking a nap while waiting for the infamous reply from non other than...'Blackascoal'...I suspect I will see alot of quotes and such...minus the quotes from those libs who started the fray! Just a thought mind ya...but almost a guarantee!

Dude, I took my dog for a walk .. and given that he saved my life about 3 months ago .. when he wants to go for a walk, he gets it.

It took me about 5 minutes to respond to your post.

Pardon me if my comment seemed overly academic. It wasn't meant to be. "Superior intelligence" .. ok .. I'm going to take that as a joke. I think people who claim to be superior anything are sick. I make no claim to such sickness.

I understand that you're an ex-military man, even an officer. If so, surely you understand the code. As a gentleman yourself, is my defense of a woman so out of place? Isn't "bitch" out of bounds. Even if all you claim about her were true, that's still out of bounds. If you get mad at me, not suggesting that you aren't already, would you call me the "n" word. I don't believe that you would, not because you couldn't but because it's out of bounds.

Even though message boards are sort-of entertaiment, we still have to stay in bounds my brother or this wouldn't be entertaining at all. It would just be a bunch of disconnected neanderthals hurling vulgarities at each other, proving nothing. Because we stay in bounds, it actually appears like adults discussing important issues of the day, and occassionally, we all learn something we didn't previously know.

Am I sounding academic again? .. I'm sorry. I'm just kinda fucked up like that. Probably has something to do with my mother.

As far as "libs starting shit" .. for the last almost 8 years, liberals and anyone else who did not goosestep to right-wing talk-radio inspired bumper-sticker braindead nonsensical illogic, was labelled "unpatriotic", "unamarican", "loony", "communist", "terrorist sympathizer", and a host of silly names by conservatives like yourself.

The hubris was overflowing and the Right was drunk with power threatening to mow down any idea counter to what they so fervently believed. Now that the inescapable truth is known and the idiocy of what you so fervently believed has been exposed as .. well .. idiocy, now the Right feels threatened and have gone into hiding. Many of the hubris filled knuckleheads who used to wage idocy war on message boards have disappeared. Can't take the truth-filled boot up the ass.

So I applaud you at least sticking around .. although you will be on the recieving end of that boot if you say something stupid. At least we don't call you "unamerican".

You have a nice day as well my friend.

Since I have never used the "N" word what was this all about??? And yes I am and was a 'Officer and a Gentleman' and for my mother...well she was a 'Italian' very outspoken and taught me well...treat a Lady as a Lady...if they cross the line and act like a man...give it back...if this offends some...well thats just too damn bad...if ya dish it out then expect the same in return..end of story!

addendum: What is with the 'Boot' comment? and if y'all think I am so very bad...well ask damo to ban me...damo is a fair guy...but if he feels like y'all so be it I will leave! This is not my life...albeit it is entertaining...spank me if ya like...

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Dude, I took my dog for a walk .. and given that he saved my life about 3 months ago .. when he wants to go for a walk, he gets it.

It took me about 5 minutes to respond to your post.

bring it up to damo...I stayed in here and over forty five minutes passed before it was posted...what can I say...server probs...dunno!
That's very true. Before Americans turned against this war, (some as you note, pretending they never were for it), I marched in anti-war protests. And when Israel invaded Lebanon last summer, I protested in NYC with an Arab coalition. Even in NYC, we were harrassed by passerbys. Most especially, protesting the Israeli invasion. What I quickly learned was, whenever you walked past an African-American, whether they were alone or in a group, you were going to get positive feedback. Very positive. This held true even with cops.

My friends and I would talk about it a lot. Why weren't they fooled, we would wonder? And the only thing we could figure was, that unlike white people, black people know what it means when you send troops over to another country. They know a lot of non-white people are going to die, and I think they also know, that by and large, Americans don't care that much about those deaths.

It was so prounounced that my friends and I just ended up having fun with it whenever we were doing anti-war actions. We would make jokes that played on the stereotypes a lot of whites have, if they see two or more black people together. We'd say, uh oh, there's a group of white guys lurking on that street corner up there, and I don't like the way they're looking at us, we better cross the street.

I think its due to the fact that we are liberal by nature. The plight of the American Indian, Palestinians, or any oppressed people regardless of race or color is going to resonate in the black community.

What inhibits many of my fellow Americans from clarity of obvious truth is cognitive dissonance. They simply cannot handle truth as it destroys many pre-conceived notions about America, race, and religion.

What America did to the American Indian was monstrous, barbaric, and an affront to humanity. But, Hollywood will not tell you that, nor will it tell you that "scalping" is what was done to the Indians, not the other way around. Indian scalps were sold, including that of women and children.

If you get a chance read of the "Trail of Tears", it's heart-breaking.

I wrote a paper in college called "The Debt We Never Repaid", which was written to inform African-Americans of the debt we owe to the American Indian that we've never repaid. During slavery, many slaves ran away to Indian tribes which took them in and treated them as equals. Many inter-married, one reason why there are a large number of blacks with Indian ancestry. When the US government demanded that Indian people return the slave "property" back to their "owners", the Indians refused. This led to the Trail of Tears which I'll let you discover for yourself.

If you get a chance, visit this site ..

It is a history that is untold in America.

Also research "Black Wall Street" the story of Tulsa, Oklahoma. Bombed from the air and burnt to the ground. 3,000 African Americans dead, and over 600 successful businesses lost. Among these were 21 churches, 21 restaurants, 30 grocery stores and two movie theaters, plus a hospital, a bank, a post office, libraries, schools, law offices, a half-dozen private airplanes and even a bus system.

More untold history

We can never recover what was lost, but together with people like you and many others, we can make a better America. Perhaps this exposure of the evil of the Right can be good for this nation in the long-term. By now we should recognize that we're all sitting in the same boat.

I know I've drifted off-topic a bit, but I never get enough of telling of the American Indian any chance I get .. even if I have to make one.
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You my non-friend are...

I think its due to the fact that we are liberal by nature. The plight of the American Indian, Palestinians, or any oppressed people regardless of race or color is going to resonate in the black community.

What inhibits many of my fellow Americans from clarity of obvious truth is cognitive dissonance. They simply cannot handle truth as it destroys many pre-conceived notions about America, race, and religion.

What America did to the American Indian was monstrous, barbaric, and an affront to humanity. But, Hollywood will not tell you that, nor will it tell you that "scalping" is what was done to the Indians, not the other way around. Indian scalps were sold, including that of women and children.

If you get a chance read of the "Trail of Tears", it's heart-breaking.

I wrote a paper in college called "The Debt We Never Repaid", which was written to inform African-Americans of the debt we owe to the American Indian that we've never repaid. During slavery, many slaves ran away to Indian tribes which took them in and treated them as equals. Many inter-married, one reason why there are a large number of blacks with Indian ancestry. When the US government demanded that Indian people return the slave "property" back to their "owners", the Indians refused. This led to the Trail of Tears which I'll let you discover for yourself.

If you get a chance, visit this site ..

It is a history that is untold in America.

Also research "Black Wall Street" the story of Tulsa, Oklahoma. Bombed from the air and burnt to the ground. 3,000 African Americans dead, and over 600 successful businesses lost. Among these were 21 churches, 21 restaurants, 30 grocery stores and two movie theaters, plus a hospital, a bank, a post office, libraries, schools, law offices, a half-dozen private airplanes and even a bus system.

More untold history

We can never recover what was lost, but together with people like you and many others, we can make a better America. Perhaps this expose of the evil of the Right can be good for this nation in the long-term. By now we should recognize that we're all sitting in the same boat.

full of shit...I name you 'Walking Eagle'( too full of shit to fly)...take this from a part native American dude...Apache that is...bite us all...Buffalo Soldier'!
Since I have never used the "N" word what was this all about??? And yes I am and was a 'Officer and a Gentleman' and for my mother...well she was a 'Italian' very outspoken and taught me well...treat a Lady as a Lady...if they cross the line and act like a man...give it back...if this offends some...well thats just too damn bad...if ya dish it out then expect the same in return..end of story!

addendum: What is with the 'Boot' comment? and if y'all think I am so very bad...well ask damo to ban me...damo is a fair guy...but if he feels like y'all so be it I will leave! This is not my life...albeit it is entertaining...spank me if ya like...


Nor did I accuse you of using it. I was simply making a point. Nor did I ask for you to be banned .. in fact "I applaud you for sticking around", does not sound like I'm calling for a ban, does it to you?

No need to drag this out any further .. I get you.

As far as you sticking around for 45 minutes .. I don't know what that means. I took my dog for a walk and if he could type I'd let him tell you. :)
In closing...

must run things to do today...but hey blackascoal...if my memory serves me well I do believe that damo is also part native...I think he will concur that ya are not really African American nor part Native...just a lib with a agenda! This is how you come across with all your BS!
full of shit...I name you 'Walking Eagle'( too full of shit to fly)...take this from a part native American dude...Apache that is...bite us all...Buffalo Soldier'!

Exactly what army were you an officer in? I'm hard pressed to believe that the US Army is that hard-pressed for officers.

Is this "Apache" thing more of your "Officer and a Gentleman" fantasy.

If indeed you are Native American, how is it that you don't know the Trail of Tears or the story behind it?

It's been a .. experience .. talking to you, but there are some really adult things I'd like to get to in this thread. You just proved that all that has been said about you is true.

So. I'll leave you to your .. ahh .. err .. business.

Besides, I don't have breasts and I'm sure you're anxious to get to somebody who does to engage in some cyber-fondling. :)

Good luck with that .. thing.

Don't go blind.:rolleyes: