Response To The Forum Racists; What's your plan of action to end Black Violence?

So what about the idea of corporations providing room and board as part of their 'package' offered to employees? I've been turning it over for a while

A search

And what's with all the kiddo remarks?

Again, another, what are you getting at? Do you think that the employer has the right to make the voting decision of an employee if they pay for the employee to stay at their residence?
Just wanted some opinions on the idea. Its gaining some popularity (or rather grudging acceptance) in some circles I see. As far as voting don't follow you. Im merely showing an example of private welfare. Not quite the charity I'd idealize, but as welfare as it gets. Better than gleaning these days, given that corporations would sooner throw away leftover food . . .
Just wanted some opinions on the idea. Its gaining some popularity (or rather grudging acceptance) in some circles I see. As far as voting don't follow you. Im merely showing an example of private welfare. Not quite the charity I'd idealize, but as welfare as it gets. Better than gleaning these days, given that corporations would sooner throw away leftover food . . .

Yea, paying for an employee is the rich
The rich/right is selling the amount that Charity brings in stating they should take care of people. But they are using Church in those charity numbers. The church wants to give to the poor, but when Wal-Mart workers are the poor while the top keeps all the money, it shouldn't be the church paying Wal-Marts employees. If a corporation is successful, the workers are involved in that success.
And it shouldn't be the government.

I almost felt like I made a mistake for suspecting you as a troll....but then this. What shouldn't be the government? You aren't presenting yourself very well.

"What" exactly shouldn't be the government?
The government expends entirely too much on welfare, considering it does little to actually improve the abilities of its recipients or reduce their dependency upon it.

And, ah, just to clarify, your opinion of me is not why I joined this site.
The government expends entirely too much on welfare, considering it does little to actually improve the abilities of its recipients or reduce their dependency upon it.

And, ah, just to clarify, your opinion of me is not why I joined this site.

Too many people are on welfare because the pay gap in America is bigger than it's ever been. Corporate profits are at all time highs and workers wages are at all time lows. The top keeps raising prices without raising it's workers pay. It has got so extreme today that the working poor are on welfare. It's not all lazy moochers like Fox news tries to say and I'll challenge anyone to come up with a number of people who are committing this kind of Government fraud.

If the Right would have signed the "Anti-Outsourcing Bill" of 2010 Americans wouldn't be running out of work. The Right favors the cheapest labor possible even if it's slave or child labor, so they didn't pass it.

I don't have time to inform you 100% because I've been in politics for years and started off as a Right Winger "mad about the poor taking everything" and took me a long time to research that it's really the greedy rich taking everything.
The government expends entirely too much on welfare, considering it does little to actually improve the abilities of its recipients or reduce their dependency upon it.

And, ah, just to clarify, your opinion of me is not why I joined this site.

Do you know that the elderly, handicapped and children are the largest number of recipients? How do you propose to change their situations?
You are trying to make me a racist but it isn't working. I never stated what you posted

look at the title of the thread.....look at the posts you made in the thread.....look at your proposal to get rid of crime by killing "unwanted" tell me again how I'm making your racist ass look racist.....
Do you know that the elderly, handicapped and children are the largest number of recipients? How do you propose to change their situations?

Ideally our tax dollars would go to other projects, and in a perfect world private acts of kindness would mitigate any misfortune in the world. Government funds would go to helping only the severely disabled or temporarily easing the suffering of the most unfortunate of families.

However, in our society we are already embedded in this system of social programs, and the democratic nature of our society encourages this bread and circuses mentality. Its far easier to solve a problem with convenient short term solutions than to find a long term cure.

As a society we would have to shift our money out of 'subsistence providing' over a period of time. A generation or two. At the same time it would probably help to also provide temporary programs directly targeted at improving the abilities of our poorest earners. Because we have so many dependent on these programs for their survival we cannot in good conscious remove these programs at once.

Another problem, one that is often ignored, is the growing population size of the country and indeed the world. Coupled with the dysgenic factors that birth control and the culture of poverty typically provides (birth control tends to be used disproportionately by 'successful' members' and agricultural societies encourage poor farmers to produce many children). How we solve this is yet to be seen, but an increased, dumber population would feasibly tax government resources more.

EDIT: How about those corporations providing room/board?
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What's your plan of action to end Black Violence?

Well,,, My plan would be a number of things:

1. Put the gangs out of business by legalizing drugs. Make it to where people can buy them dirt cheap and tax it.

2. Instead of food stamps, make people come to a place to get their meals. Like privet charities, and/or a states(one of the 50) soup line.

3. Let each state deal with welfare, and get the federal gov't totally out of the business.

4. Never put someone through the legal system, unless there's a victim.

5. When there is a victim; make sure the victimizer pays the victim, or victims family back. If the victimizer is unable to pay the victim, or victims family back, they should be put on a work farm to work off the amount owed.

6. If a victimizer is deemed to be a hopeless case, send them to an island, or somewhere secluded to work the rest of their life.

7. If they will not work, let them sit and rot. Only giving them bread and water. Never any TV, A/C, are anything fun.
The Right Wing believes that we should be Conservative at all costs unless it deals with the security of our people and or is justified by the Constitution.

The thing is the Left knows about this violence and has been trying to do something about it for a very long time, they simply don't add the skin color into the argument. The Left has been taking lots of actions to break the "Poor breed the Poor" cycle and the "uneducated breed the uneducated" cycle.

I'm not sure what "Conservative at all costs" is supposed to mean in the context of this discussion.

Here in New York City, we have a long and glorious history of crime. Traditionally, the problem of gratuitous violence would be found in the poorer communities, particularly the poor immigrant communities; Irish, Italians, Germans, and Jews.

The police cracked down on the crime as best as they could, and allowed some of the more capable folks to advance themselves out of the poor communities, have families, and have those children advance further, and so on, and so on generation after generation. To where we are now, with Irish, Italian, German, and Jewish crime at essentially nil.

What those communities lacked was hack politicians telling them all of the problems were the fault of others, that their situations were hopeless, etc., and that everything could be fixed if they voted the right way.

That's what's been done to blacks. Politicians subsidizing this lifestyle of violence. Making excuses. Now in NYC, it's not just "poor black kids," it's middle class black kids too that are problematic. Even if both of their parents have good jobs, and the kid is living in a $400K house, they're still doing dumb shit.

If you look at the kids who shot the baseball player in Oklahoma, all Jesse Jackson had for them on Twitter was a "frown." He doesn't take to the streets until a white person, or at least a half-white person, has the temerity to defend himself.

So what does "being Conservative at all costs" mean in this situation? Basically, I guess, it means don't be a dumbass liberal sob sister. Treat everyone the same, punish those who participate in violent crime, make no excuses.
So uninformed it's painful. Most people like you don't even know a Left Winger in real life otherwise you wouldn't talk so ignorant.

I read your verbal diarrhea daily and see a Liberal. Hell, more like a Marxist. Now please stop trying to remove all doubt what a gullible moron you are.

You're not the anti-party, you're the anti-intelligent.
You have me on the party in power point but you haven't discussed why the Right is fighting against everything that is good for the poor black kid trying to break the cycle of being poor such as education.

Your notions about what is good for the poor black kid are about as moronic as your notions about economics.

But you're a low information voting fool who probably elected Obama and swill that Marxist DNC Kool-Aid on a daily basis; why would you care about facts, the truth or reality.

Those poor black kids will never have a chance until this Government ends its war on the poor with their PC buffoonery which encourages single parent households with children from numerous fathers who have nothing to do with them and the subsequent criminal behavior that is excused as being the fault of "white privilege."

Until that dependent chain of slavery is cut and the black community decides it has had enough of filth, drugs, fatherless children and crime, Detroit is their next stop.

Detroitism is the final destination of Progressive Liberal ideological policies. No amount of umbrage, deflections, lies or distortion will change that simple reality and truth.
Fox News junkie spotted...

"I like this one even better; place the oxygen mask on your own face before attempting to help others.By the way, the people who tend to look down on people happen to be lefties and their haughty rich friends in Hollywierd. " It's clear you haven't been here to see the N bomb dropped on a daily basis. I've never heard a black person on here being racist personally.

The rest of this post is all parrot talk that Fox News is talking about. This kid doesn't know politics at all, hasn't read the thread, hasn't researched the Left for a single second and probably won't.

The statement of "blacks expecting hand-outs" says it all. Programs are not made for black people and they certainly aren't made to "buy votes" as Fox News likes to teach. Programs are made for people in worst case scenario circumstances. While the Left is fighting to keep the programs, the Right is trying to end the programs, AND NO ONE HAS TIME TO POLICE THE PROGRAMS, the obvious middle. Don't take the money away from someone truly disabled just because someone else is faking a disability. Some day you might get truly disabled and hope that the United Standing People help you in hard times.

The right tries to paint everyone on welfare as a hand-out leech when many people that work at Billion dollar corporations are on welfare, Wal-Mart, McDonalds etc. Corporate Right wants you to end welfare so McDonalds can keep their $5.5Billion profit and the Wal-Mart owner can keep her $27.9Billion in worth while handing out information to employees on how to get welfare so they can get by.......

Another massive pile of incoherent bile; take that tin foil hat off and maybe you can have a relevant thought or two.

I’m always amused by leftist ass clowns who desperately revert to that brain dead talking point about Fox News. Are you really this stupid or do you work at it asshat?