The Right Wing believes that we should be Conservative at all costs unless it deals with the security of our people and or is justified by the Constitution.
The thing is the Left knows about this violence and has been trying to do something about it for a very long time, they simply don't add the skin color into the argument. The Left has been taking lots of actions to break the "Poor breed the Poor" cycle and the "uneducated breed the uneducated" cycle.
I'm not sure what "Conservative at all costs" is supposed to mean in the context of this discussion.
Here in New York City, we have a long and glorious history of crime. Traditionally, the problem of gratuitous violence would be found in the poorer communities, particularly the poor immigrant communities; Irish, Italians, Germans, and Jews.
The police cracked down on the crime as best as they could, and allowed some of the more capable folks to advance themselves out of the poor communities, have families, and have those children advance further, and so on, and so on generation after generation. To where we are now, with Irish, Italian, German, and Jewish crime at essentially nil.
What those communities lacked was hack politicians telling them all of the problems were the fault of others, that their situations were hopeless, etc., and that everything could be fixed if they voted the right way.
That's what's been done to blacks. Politicians subsidizing this lifestyle of violence. Making excuses. Now in NYC, it's not just "poor black kids," it's middle class black kids too that are problematic. Even if both of their parents have good jobs, and the kid is living in a $400K house, they're still doing dumb shit.
If you look at the kids who shot the baseball player in Oklahoma, all Jesse Jackson had for them on Twitter was a "frown." He doesn't take to the streets until a white person, or at least a half-white person, has the temerity to defend himself.
So what does "being Conservative at all costs" mean in this situation? Basically, I guess, it means don't be a dumbass liberal sob sister. Treat everyone the same, punish those who participate in violent crime, make no excuses.