Response To The Forum Racists; What's your plan of action to end Black Violence?

The rich/right is selling the amount that Charity brings in stating they should take care of people. But they are using Church in those charity numbers. The church wants to give to the poor, but when Wal-Mart workers are the poor while the top keeps all the money, it shouldn't be the church paying Wal-Marts employees. If a corporation is successful, the workers are involved in that success.

Another incredibly stupid inept Marxist argument from the tin foil cabal of the forum; you really are a piece of ignorant work; where did you study economics? By reading leftist Union blogs?

The only thing more ironic is when a clueless pissant like you spews arrogance and denigrates others as stupid.
Check the minute mark 7:59 in this video. I didn't state this. Fox News did.
he also said...."you have the toughest gun laws in America"......I didn't state this.....Fox News did.......and it doesn't keep criminals from killing people with guns......

that's the point isn't it?......laws about guns have no impact on people who have no intention of following the law.......
so you agree that, given your party's current strategy, you'll never get your chance to shine?

Probably not soon, but to finish our contention...

black communities will continue to vote for Democrats and continue to suffer the violence that goes with that decision....

hardly the fault of the people that never get a chance to rectify the problem but obviously its the fault of the people that have a chance, and don't, won't or can't.
There is that Nihilism perspective I predicted just the post before! Laws don't work etc etc......what a moron

Let's drop the laws on drinking and driving too! Because there is no proof that there would be more drinking and driving if there were no laws against it, (R)ight?

But there IS proof concerning the DUI laws and enforcement.....there is NO proof about gun restrictions being in any way helpful to the violence problem...
so you contention is a lie from the get go.
You have me on the party in power point but you haven't discussed why the Right is fighting against everything that is good for the poor black kid trying to break the cycle of being poor such as education.

The left has been saying that same crap, singing the same tune for decades and its obvious it isn't effective in the least....throwing money at a problem
that can't and never will be solved by money....its just that you won't admit you don't have a solution to the problem except to blame everyone
else for your own failures....
Fox News junkie spotted...

"I like this one even better; place the oxygen mask on your own face before attempting to help others.By the way, the people who tend to look down on people happen to be lefties and their haughty rich friends in Hollywierd. " It's clear you haven't been here to see the N bomb dropped on a daily basis. I've never heard a black person on here being racist personally.

The rest of this post is all parrot talk that Fox News is talking about. This kid doesn't know politics at all, hasn't read the thread, hasn't researched the Left for a single second and probably won't.

The statement of "blacks expecting hand-outs" says it all. Programs are not made for black people and they certainly aren't made to "buy votes" as Fox News likes to teach. Programs are made for people in worst case scenario circumstances. While the Left is fighting to keep the programs, the Right is trying to end the programs, AND NO ONE HAS TIME TO POLICE THE PROGRAMS, the obvious middle. Don't take the money away from someone truly disabled just because someone else is faking a disability. Some day you might get truly disabled and hope that the United Standing People help you in hard times.

The right tries to paint everyone on welfare as a hand-out leech when many people that work at Billion dollar corporations are on welfare, Wal-Mart, McDonalds etc. Corporate Right wants you to end welfare so McDonalds can keep their $5.5Billion profit and the Wal-Mart owner can keep her $27.9Billion in worth while handing out information to employees on how to get welfare so they can get by.......

And its your comments like this that show your ignorance, arrogance and narrow-minded partisanship...

The rest of this post is all parrot talk that Fox News is talking about.
(yet you don't see your own 'parrot talk' and blaming Fox News, while loving MSNBC and Bill Maher)

The statement of "blacks expecting hand-outs" says it all.
(Christ man....they tell us this in person, brag about it, and laugh at the stupidity of continuing it)

Programs are not made for black people and they certainly aren't made to "buy votes" as Fox News likes to teach.
(Oh? Affirm. Act. isn't real? Lower entrance exams aren't real? Set asides for minorities didn't happen? Really?)

Billion dollar corporations are on welfare, Wal-Mart, McDonalds
(a fantasy at best and a necessity to attact business where its needed at worse, but mostly exaggerated crap)

The blame game, the race card deal, and the class war.....the same whining we've been hearing for a century
It was bullshit then and its bullshit now...
like broken record....the only difference is
the rearranging of the some words, and some new buzz words, but same underlying socialist/communist far left theme.....
To quote my old friend christiefan's response from the top of the thread : "The sound of crickets chirping... ".

If I may presume to expand your premise to a global scale, the current U.N. scramble to avoid actually doing anything about Syria only emphasizes the depressing Liberal conjunction of huge, ineffectual bureaucratic failure and astronomical price tags (see: the Education Industry).
The thing is the Left knows about this violence and has been trying to do something about it for a very long time,
This is news to me. What has the Left been doing about the violence?

The Left has been taking lots of actions to break the "Poor breed the Poor" cycle and the "uneducated breed the uneducated" cycle.
This is news to me too. What has the Left been doing to break the "Poor breed the Poor" and the "uneducated breed the uneducated" cycles?
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One cannot put an end to black poverty and back on black violence as long as the black community wallow in a culture of dependency and sense of entitlement and ignore communities filled with single parent families surrounded by drugs and crime.
You cannot impugn law enforcement and celebrate criminal rappers and expect to have safe communities. You cannot make excuses for out-of-wedlock pregnancies and expect moral outcomes. You cannot blame others for your bad behavior, then expect others to pay for it.

Government programs do not help; they empower such bad behavior and ensure their continued existence.

But alas, the arrogant Liberal Leftist class thinks that if they use other people's money to enable such behavior, it will assure them future low information voters who still believe it is possible to get something for nothing and who will continue electing them into office to maintain their political power which is far more important to Liberals than the idiots who form their constituencies.
Too many people are on welfare because the pay gap in America is bigger than it's ever been. Corporate profits are at all time highs and workers wages are at all time lows. The top keeps raising prices without raising it's workers pay. It has got so extreme today that the working poor are on welfare. It's not all lazy moochers like Fox news tries to say and I'll challenge anyone to come up with a number of people who are committing this kind of Government fraud.

If the Right would have signed the "Anti-Outsourcing Bill" of 2010 Americans wouldn't be running out of work. The Right favors the cheapest labor possible even if it's slave or child labor, so they didn't pass it.

I don't have time to inform you 100% because I've been in politics for years and started off as a Right Winger "mad about the poor taking everything" and took me a long time to research that it's really the greedy rich taking everything.

Just a helpful tip... learn the difference between outsourcing and off-shoring. It will help you make the argument you are trying to make.
except there are back ground checks at the store.

Not online...They are still stores when they are online.

You know all the loopholes in background checks. You are just trying to nitpick at wording.

ALSO the motion today is to end background checks and it's almost happened in a couple states. This in a time when the majority of Americans want background checks (do I need to specify all the loopholes or can I end the sentence there..)