Fox News junkie spotted...
"I like this one even better; place the oxygen mask on your own face before attempting to help others.By the way, the people who tend to look down on people happen to be lefties and their haughty rich friends in Hollywierd. " It's clear you haven't been here to see the N bomb dropped on a daily basis. I've never heard a black person on here being racist personally.
The rest of this post is all parrot talk that Fox News is talking about. This kid doesn't know politics at all, hasn't read the thread, hasn't researched the Left for a single second and probably won't.
The statement of "blacks expecting hand-outs" says it all. Programs are not made for black people and they certainly aren't made to "buy votes" as Fox News likes to teach. Programs are made for people in worst case scenario circumstances. While the Left is fighting to keep the programs, the Right is trying to end the programs, AND NO ONE HAS TIME TO POLICE THE PROGRAMS, the obvious middle. Don't take the money away from someone truly disabled just because someone else is faking a disability. Some day you might get truly disabled and hope that the United Standing People help you in hard times.
The right tries to paint everyone on welfare as a hand-out leech when many people that work at Billion dollar corporations are on welfare, Wal-Mart, McDonalds etc. Corporate Right wants you to end welfare so McDonalds can keep their $5.5Billion profit and the Wal-Mart owner can keep her $27.9Billion in worth while handing out information to employees on how to get welfare so they can get by.......
And its your comments like this that show your ignorance, arrogance and narrow-minded partisanship...
The rest of this post is all parrot talk that Fox News is talking about.
(yet you don't see your own 'parrot talk' and blaming Fox News, while loving MSNBC and Bill Maher)
The statement of "blacks expecting hand-outs" says it all.
(Christ man....they tell us this in person, brag about it, and laugh at the stupidity of continuing it)
Programs are not made for black people and they certainly aren't made to "buy votes" as Fox News likes to teach.
(Oh? Affirm. Act. isn't real? Lower entrance exams aren't real? Set asides for minorities didn't happen? Really?)
Billion dollar corporations are on welfare, Wal-Mart, McDonalds
(a fantasy at best and a necessity to attact business where its needed at worse, but mostly exaggerated crap)
The blame game, the race card deal, and the class war.....the same whining we've been hearing for a century
It was bullshit then and its bullshit now...
like broken record....the only difference is
the rearranging of the some words, and some new buzz words, but same underlying socialist/communist far left theme.....