Loves Me Some Souls
Hanford was set up during WW 2 to produce plutonium for nuclear weapons. Your sources, and you are using the Historian's fallacy of putting current standards on a site that never had them when it was operating because it did so previous to those standards.
The cost of clean up was still lower than with many conventional sites. Even with it, nuclear still provided cheaper power than solar or wind.
Over the years, their initial reports about having experienced nausea, vomiting, hair loss, and skin rashes as a result of radiation exposure have led to more compelling stories of serious health issues, cancer rates and aberrations in the plant and animal world. Those stories have endured in defiance of the official conclusions.
From your source. Unsourced, anecdote isn't evidence.
I remember, taking a class on nuclear power in college, the professor read a quote about a hausfrau that was hysterically saying on some national news program "I could feel the radiation!" He had us calculate what amount of gamma radiation at the average energy for each particle it would take to raise her body temperature one degree which he set as the condition to "feel the radiation." It came out to well over a million REM which would have killed her instantly.
She was full of shit, your article's one source is a horribly biased anti-nuclear one: Mile Island nuclear generating stations.
Three Mile Island Alert is anti-nuclear and pro solar and wind. Of course, they spin things for their chosen advocacy. They're full of shit.