Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
See, this is what I was saying in the OP. Rather than recognize and accept the common goals and admitting to errors and problems with one's own belief system, people on both sides just dig in their heels, put on blinders, cover their ears and just parrot the myopic views that suit them.
What you did here was:
- try to make the comparison of the cost of clean up of failures with several energy sources as to justify the continuation of nuke plants and minimize their inherent/current/documented problems. That's apple and oranges, as drilling for oil in the ocean is a whole other smoke from firing up a nuke plant. You should note that the costs for Deepwater Horizon incorporate their legal claims suit with the actual clean up costs (all by BP estimates and such). Here's what your link left out about TMI:
Three Mile Island Unit-2 was built at a cost to ratepayers of $700 million. The plant was over budget and behind schedule. The planned operating life of the plant was 40 years. At the time of the core melt accident on March 28, 1979, TMI had operated for just 90 days. There were no decommissioning funds set aside.
In 1982, Gov. Richard Thornburgh cobbled together a $1 billion fund to pay for the removal of the damaged fuel. But funding problems did not go away.
Following the accident at TMI-2 , the NRC created the TMI-2 Advisory Panel. The Advisory Panel met 78 times in the vicinity of TMI-2, and met regularly with NRC commissioners. Inadequate funding for TMI-2’s future closure was a constant concern expressed by the advisory panel.
These concerns have become reality. On March 26, 2018, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission estimated the decommissioning price tag for TMI-2 to be $1.266 billion. The cost to clean up TMI-2, based on FirstEnergy’s most recent estimates, is $1.4 billion. That amount doesn’t cover the cost to remove radio*active waste from the island.
- Now concerning your link regarding Ivanpah solar in the Mojave desert, you make the case against your initial assertions. Remember, the 55million is put to adjust the system as to not harm the native wildlife, NOT because it is a threat to humans, the water system, the air. And NOT because solar produces deadly waste that cannot be adequately rendered harmless. Given that the TMI clean-up is in the BILLIONS (and still growing) that does not include waste removal and containment, solar energy wins out as the logical and sane alternative.
- As for coal ... I agree that it's a nasty, dirty and EXPENSIVE mess to clean up. BUT your comparison of SEVERAL coal mines to ONE nuke plant makes my point and severely dilutes yours.
NOW I APPLAUD YOU FOR ACTUALLY TAKING THE TIME AND EFFORT TO BRING SOME FACTS AND RATIONAL DISCUSSION ON THIS TOPIC. Unfortunately for you, what you've done is inadvertently supported any and all aspects of the OP. But that's what a real discussion is all about, someone's wrong, someone's right or both can be right to a degree....or even agree on some points.
Thanks T.A., I knew you had it in you!