"Right" for the wrong reasons.

I was civil until Post #71. Don't start none, won't be none. And I'm STILL not going to do your homework for you.

Sir, you are instantly forgiven by me, for your shortness with me and your snap back comments, as I am a big boy now, and I try not to carry my emotional feelings out there on the cuff. And please forgive me, if you think I was trying to be incendiary, in any way with my comments, in your thread, as they were not intentional!

I was basically just looking for an example from you, that could help me better understand your position!

My post #71 was about letting you know you have my attention and curiosity, and what you thought was so wrong with the United States mitigation efforts in dealing with the pandemic, and what you personally would have done any differently!

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Sir, you are instantly forgiven by me, for your shortness with me and your snap back comments, as I am a big boy now, and I try not to carry my emotional feelings out there on the cuff. And please forgive me, if you think I was trying to be incendiary, in any way with my comments, in your thread, as they were not intentional!

I was basically just looking for an example from you, that could help me better understand your position!

My post #71 was about letting you know you have my attention and curiosity, and what you thought was so wrong with the United States mitigation efforts in dealing with the pandemic, and what you personally would have done any differently!


Okay, I'll let the snarky attitude pass. Your choice of meme COULD be perceived as a bit condescending, hence my response. Now that you've explained it, I'll take back the tone of my retort.

I'll get you the sources either tonight or tomorrow.
Sir, you are instantly forgiven by me, for your shortness with me and your snap back comments, as I am a big boy now, and I try not to carry my emotional feelings out there on the cuff. And please forgive me, if you think I was trying to be incendiary, in any way with my comments, in your thread, as they were not intentional!

I was basically just looking for an example from you, that could help me better understand your position!

My post #71 was about letting you know you have my attention and curiosity, and what you thought was so wrong with the United States mitigation efforts in dealing with the pandemic, and what you personally would have done any differently!


Okay, I'll let the snarky attitude pass. Your choice of meme COULD be perceived as a bit condescending, hence my response. Now that you've explained it, I'll take back the tone of my retort.

I'll get you the sources either tonight or tomorrow.

Update: Just remembered that Tanzania, who refused the Covid Vaccines had a total of about 850 deaths attributed to Covid while having "positive tests" of over 42,000. Madagascar did similar with about 68,000 cases and a little over 1,300 deaths. I think they reported about over 60,000 "recovered" - and remember, the PCR test is NOT designed for determining the disease that is making you sick. It's inventor, the late Dr. Kary Mullis, spent YEARS lecturing on that fact.

In fact, the continent of Africa has had a remarkably low infection and death rate among it's many nations. That's as I remember, but you'd have to look up the details and updates. I also remember a story about a handful of Caribbean nations that refused the vaccines, although I don't remember seeing stats on their infection and death rates.
Here are (just two) pet peeves I have when it comes to the political/ideological fence that separates the "left" and the "right when it comes to two of highly controversial and contentious subjects in current America:

COVID - here's were both groups actually agree on something; the federal gov't and health organizations fucked up. However, both sides resort to tunnel vision when dealing with this subject. The "right" emphasizes individual rights, that "no federal gov't is going to tell me what to do"! The criticism focused on mask mandates and mandatory vaccine shots for various businesses, not to mention the briefly proposed "vaccine status ID cards". What they didn't do was point out in earnest the bad science involved ... Covid test (PCR) that consistently gives false results (as explained years ago by it's inventor, the late Dr. Mullis), nor the plethora of noted scientist in America and around the world explaining that there were other methods to combat the disease, and current protocols by the CDC, AMA and NHI were not adequate, or that the vaccines were completely safe. They did this while being very careful not to lay too much blame on the Trump administration.
Uh. The right DOES point out the bad sCiEnCe involved with Covid. It DOES point out the false positives. They DO point out other treatment options. The so-called 'vaccines' are not safe. The Church of Covid believes in two paradoxes, which I call Paradox V and Paradox M:

Paradox M:
1) I wear a mask to protect myself from Covid19.
2) I demand YOU wear a mask because mine doesn't work.

Paradox V:
1) I get the 'vaccine' to protect myself from Covid19.
2) I demand YOU get the 'vaccine' because mine doesn't work.
By the same token, the "left" emphasized Trump's delayed reaction via federal action (i.e. supplies),
There wasn't. Trump negotiated at near lightning speed to obtain more equipment for hospitals and for the development of the so-called 'vaccines'.
bad policies like using retirement & rehab centers to house Covid patients.
No such policy by Trump.
They condescended to anyone who wasn't "pro-vaccine", ignored or denied contrary facts from various noted doctors and scientists,
Science isn't a doctor or scientist. Science isn't people at all. It has no politics. It has no religion. Science is a set of falsifiable theories.
excused the "bad science"
There wasn't any science at all!
and such (PCR test fallibility).
The left did try to bury this, true. They still do.
They would then back any and all aspects of the Pro-Vaccine mandates from the CDC, NHI and AMA. They did this while being very careful NOT to give Trump any credit for anything.
That IS pretty funny, considering that Trump is responsible the rapid development of the 'vaccines' that they push.
WIND ENERGY - the "right" is quite correct that the current instruments used for wind energy pose a major threat to birds of all species (depending on where they are).
Not really.

Yes, birds (particularly hawks, eagles, and other soaring birds) get hit by wind turbine blades occasionally. These birds use the updraft coming off of these blades to gain altitude. To do this requires soaring fairly close to them. It's easy to misjudge the next pass of the blade. Other types of birds are just trucking through and get whacked by one of these things.

More birds are killed by windows and cars (I just hit one myself a couple of days ago...a finch) then by wind turbines. Aircraft hit 'em too, often damaging the aircraft. Fortunately, birds are pretty good at withstanding such losses. They breed, you know. The ones lost to some bit of technology really is pretty small compared to their populations.
The left makes all types of excuses for this.
Sure. They want to justify the piddle power these machines produce.
The right, and some left, default to nuke energy as "clean"...ignoring all the hazards and impending problems of growing waste storage (no disposal or decontamination in site).
One first has to define 'clean'.

If 'clean' means putting out innocuous materials and few contaminants due to the use of that energy, then:

Modern coal plants are clean. They don't put out the sulfur contaminants and soot they used to.
Oil is clean, considering how much of it we use for everything. Modern gasoline engines are damn efficient these days. The exhaust is primarily water and CO2, both naturally occurring materials essential for life on Earth to exist. Very little soot comes from an exhaust pipe these days.
Methane is clean, almost no soot at all when it burns, producing water and CO2.
Nuclear energy is clean, producing nuclear 'waste' that can be used as a fuel for a different reactor (not as efficient, but hey...it's free). The waste from THAT reactor has no significant radiation left and can be disposed of in any landfill safely. It's advantage is that it uses very little fuel for achieving the same power.
Wind turbines are clean, but they produce very little power. They are the 2nd most expensive method of producing power, watt for watt. They are better used to pump water or run small machinery.
Solar panels are clean, but they produce even less power. They are the single most expensive method of producing power, watt for watt.

Here's the point: Government mandating or managing which form of energy is to be used is nothing more than fascism. Government has no business interfering with energy markets.

What both sides don't see (or are ignorant of) that there are available NON-BLADE systems small enough to fit in a home backyard or atop any commercial or industrial building.
All wind turbines have blades, even if you house them in a fairing. All are piddle power. If you want to waste your money on one of these things, go right ahead. It's your money.
And the band played on. :rolleyes:
You seem to be listening to a different band then I.