"Right" for the wrong reasons.

Post #37 puts forth fact based realities of what you won't address or deal with on this subject. That's why you parrot what I consider one of history's most stupid ass retorts.

Let me be clear; just because there is risk in everything we do DOES NOT justify continuing an action or process THAT HAS PROVEN THROUGH HISTORY NOT TO BE THE CHEAP, SAFE SYSTEM IT'S TOUTED TO BE.

"We'll there's been no Chernobyl here or radiation poisoning/mutations like a sci-fi movie, so it's all good." You wouldn't buy a car or a house with similar problems!

Your town LUCKED OUT when you were there. As the material I sourced showed, that luck is starting to run out.

Your last 2 sentences are irrational and irrelevant. No justification.

I completely disagree. There is nothing I prioritize over my comfort and convenience, and that INCLUDES my personal safety
if you regard safety as living in a foam covered world, which you apparently do.

Not feeling that way is one thing, but not understanding somebody else feeling that way is what I consider irrational.

I gave you the huge list of things that the nuke plant contributed to the town, and you dismiss them as irrelevant.
When somebody doesn't see things exactly as you do, your lecturing becomes pedantic and tiresome.
I don't think you realize that.
Here are (just two) pet peeves I have when it comes to the political/ideological fence that separates the "left" and the "right when it comes to two of highly controversial and contentious subjects in current America:

COVID - here's were both groups actually agree on something; the federal gov't and health organizations fucked up. However, both sides resort to tunnel vision when dealing with this subject. The "right" emphasizes individual rights, that "no federal gov't is going to tell me what to do"! The criticism focused on mask mandates and mandatory vaccine shots for various businesses, not to mention the briefly proposed "vaccine status ID cards". What they didn't do was point out in earnest the bad science involved ... Covid test (PCR) that consistently gives false results (as explained years ago by it's inventor, the late Dr. Mullis), nor the plethora of noted scientist in America and around the world explaining that there were other methods to combat the disease, and current protocols by the CDC, AMA and NHI were not adequate, or that the vaccines were completely safe. They did this while being very careful not to lay too much blame on the Trump administration.

By the same token, the "left" emphasized Trump's delayed reaction via federal action (i.e. supplies), bad policies like using retirement & rehab centers to house Covid patients. They condescended to anyone who wasn't "pro-vaccine", ignored or denied contrary facts from various noted doctors and scientists, excused the "bad science" and such (PCR test fallibility). They would then back any and all aspects of the Pro-Vaccine mandates from the CDC, NHI and AMA. They did this while being very careful NOT to give Trump any credit for anything.

WIND ENERGY - the "right" is quite correct that the current instruments used for wind energy pose a major threat to birds of all species (depending on where they are). The left makes all types of excuses for this. The right, and some left, default to nuke energy as "clean"...ignoring all the hazards and impending problems of growing waste storage (no disposal or decontamination in site). What both sides don't see (or are ignorant of) that there are available NON-BLADE systems small enough to fit in a home backyard or atop any commercial or industrial building.

And the band played on. :rolleyes:

it is put out on bitchute.

did you go visit it once?

the big pharma censorship is real.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Post #37 puts forth fact based realities of what you won't address or deal with on this subject. That's why you parrot what I consider one of history's most stupid ass retorts.

Let me be clear; just because there is risk in everything we do DOES NOT justify continuing an action or process THAT HAS PROVEN THROUGH HISTORY NOT TO BE THE CHEAP, SAFE SYSTEM IT'S TOUTED TO BE.

"We'll there's been no Chernobyl here or radiation poisoning/mutations like a sci-fi movie, so it's all good." You wouldn't buy a car or a house with similar problems!

Your town LUCKED OUT when you were there. As the material I sourced showed, that luck is starting to run out.

Your last 2 sentences are irrational and irrelevant. No justification.

I completely disagree. There is nothing I prioritize over my comfort and convenience, and that INCLUDES my personal safety
if you regard safety as living in a foam covered world, which you apparently do.

Not feeling that way is one thing, but not understanding somebody else feeling that way is what I consider irrational.

I gave you the huge list of things that the nuke plant contributed to the town, and you dismiss them as irrelevant.
When somebody doesn't see things exactly as you do, your lecturing becomes pedantic and tiresome.
I don't think you realize that.

:rolleyes: Your first paragraph is pure insipid stubbornness and irrational blather. The rest of your response follows suit. Like I said, your attitude: "We'll there's been no Chernobyl here or radiation poisoning/mutations like a sci-fi movie, so it's all good." You wouldn't buy a car or a house with similar problems I pointed out!
But given your repetitive response here, I guess you are stupid enough to do such a thing. Temporary selfish fulfillment is the cornerstone of all of American society's major problems. Thank goodness in this case things haven't gotten critical yet.

I "lecture" no more than you do, kid. What burns your ass is that you don't like being proven wrong or have your personal flaws exposed. TFB ... you post/respond, you run that risk. No one said life was fair. Carry on,
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Actually, the "farce" is how you continuously demonstrate your wonk-ish myopia in the material you supply to bolster your case. Here's what followed your excerpt;

In 2017, Washington state became the first state to pass a bill establishing an extended producer responsibility (EPR) program for solar panels. Starting in July 2023, the law will require manufacturers to fund collection and recycling of the panels.

In California, the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) has considered adding solar panels to its electronics recycling program. The department is working with other branches of state government to draft a paper, expected to be released this year, on end-of-life management of PV panels.

In the meantime, the California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) late last year approved regulations (which were based on 2015 legislation) classifying PV modules as a universal waste, not a hazardous waste, easing regulatory burdens associated with collecting and shipping them. That being said, the panels are still considered hazardous if testing shows they exceed hazardous metals concentration limits in California or federal law, and universal waste handlers are required to do that testing when they discard the panels.

Essentially, the problems with recycling solar panels is political, not economical. It just takes the social/political will.

But recycling spent nuke fuel is cheaper? On what planet? Here's a site that details recycling of nuke plant materials: https://world-nuclear.org/informatio...lear-fuel.aspx

NOTE THE FOLLOWING from this site; In mid-2006 a report3 by the Boston Consulting Group for Areva and based on proprietary Areva information showed that recycling used fuel in the USA using the COEX aqueous process (see Developments of PUREX below) would be economically competitive with direct disposal of used fuel. A $12 billion, 2500 t/yr plant was considered, with total capital expenditure of $16 billion for all related aspects. This would have the benefit of greatly reducing demand on space at the planned Yucca Mountain repository.

But what's REALLY scary is this 2007 report to Congress, that states in no uncertain terms that it is cheaper to store spent nuke fuel than recycle it: https://www.cbo.gov/sites/default/fi...uclearfuel.pdf

So, what you're in effect saying is that the state had to step in and force solar panel recycling because it isn't economically feasible. I'm sure in turn, the manufacturers raised prices on their panels to cover that cost 20 or 30 years down the road. The problem is economics. Recycling solar panels isn't cost effective. So, government stepped in and forced manufacturers to recycle.

As for nuclear fuel, even your quote above shows it's economical. Sure, the one plant to do it is expensive, but once built it will recoup the cost through recovery of fissionable material and other materials that can be used, along with reducing the cost of storage of leftover waste that isn't recyclable.

As for the CBO, their track record on scoring costs is abysimal.

To your 1st paragraph:

In 2017, Washington state became the first state to pass a bill establishing an extended producer responsibility (EPR) program for solar panels. Starting in July 2023, the law will require manufacturers to fund collection and recycling of the panels.

In California, the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) has considered adding solar panels to its electronics recycling program. The department is working with other branches of state government to draft a paper, expected to be released this year, on end-of-life management of PV panels.

In the meantime, the California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) late last year approved regulations (which were based on 2015 legislation) classifying PV modules as a universal waste, not a hazardous waste, easing regulatory burdens associated with collecting and shipping them. That being said, the panels are still considered hazardous if testing shows they exceed hazardous metals concentration limits in California or federal law, and universal waste handlers are required to do that testing when they discard the panels.

NOTHING there about NOT being economically feasible. Instead, its about NOT putting hazardous waste into the environment. Recycle means jobs to do so, genius. Once again, you stubbornly just parrot your assertion, putting your cognitive reasoning skills on hold. What's pathetic is how you keep inserting your supposition and conjecture as if it's fact (never has been, never will be).

But probably the dumbest thing you keep parroting with insipid stubbornness is how economically safe and relatively inexpensive nuke power is. My link s demonstrated the the estimated billions that goes into storage of nuke waste. In all your sources, you HAVE NOT shown any "recoup" for the citizenry. This is just another bit of nonsense you throw up against wall in hopes of diverting from the FACTS disprove your beliefs. Now I don't expect you to concede a point....MAGA mooks, much less nuke wonks NEVER DO. I just want the objective readers to see you scurry to and fro until you finally have a melt down. Carry on.
:rolleyes: Your first paragraph is pure insipid stubbornness and irrational blather. The rest of your response follows suit. Like I said, your attitude: "We'll there's been no Chernobyl here or radiation poisoning/mutations like a sci-fi movie, so it's all good." You wouldn't buy a car or a house with similar problems I pointed out!
But given your repetitive response here, I guess you are stupid enough to do such a thing. Temporary selfish fulfillment is the cornerstone of all of American society's major problems. Thank goodness in this case things haven't gotten critical yet.

I "lecture" no more than you do, kid. What burns your ass is that you don't like being proven wrong or have your personal flaws exposed. TFB ... you post/respond, you run that risk. No one said life was fair. Carry on,

One would think that such an obviously imminent disaster as a nuclear accident would dissuade people from spending seven figures on a house there, wouldn't you Taich?
Yet, here we have the real estate transactions in the Sunday paper saying quite clearly that this isn't the case.

Keep thinking that you know every fucking thing, Taich.
Here are (just two) pet peeves I have when it comes to the political/ideological fence that separates the "left" and the "right when it comes to two of highly controversial and contentious subjects in current America:

COVID - here's were both groups actually agree on something; the federal gov't and health organizations fucked up. However, both sides resort to tunnel vision when dealing with this subject. The "right" emphasizes individual rights, that "no federal gov't is going to tell me what to do"! The criticism focused on mask mandates and mandatory vaccine shots for various businesses, not to mention the briefly proposed "vaccine status ID cards". What they didn't do was point out in earnest the bad science involved ... Covid test (PCR) that consistently gives false results (as explained years ago by it's inventor, the late Dr. Mullis), nor the plethora of noted scientist in America and around the world explaining that there were other methods to combat the disease, and current protocols by the CDC, AMA and NHI were not adequate, or that the vaccines were completely safe. They did this while being very careful not to lay too much blame on the Trump administration.

By the same token, the "left" emphasized Trump's delayed reaction via federal action (i.e. supplies), bad policies like using retirement & rehab centers to house Covid patients. They condescended to anyone who wasn't "pro-vaccine", ignored or denied contrary facts from various noted doctors and scientists, excused the "bad science" and such (PCR test fallibility). They would then back any and all aspects of the Pro-Vaccine mandates from the CDC, NHI and AMA. They did this while being very careful NOT to give Trump any credit for anything.

WIND ENERGY - the "right" is quite correct that the current instruments used for wind energy pose a major threat to birds of all species (depending on where they are). The left makes all types of excuses for this. The right, and some left, default to nuke energy as "clean"...ignoring all the hazards and impending problems of growing waste storage (no disposal or decontamination in site). What both sides don't see (or are ignorant of) that there are available NON-BLADE systems small enough to fit in a home backyard or atop any commercial or industrial building.

And the band played on. :rolleyes:

Wind energy has made changes that save the birds. https://windexchange.energy.gov/projects/birds I have seen arguments saying that before the changes, it was way, way overstated. Cats kill zillions more than wind blades.
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I am still impressed with the Bleeding Edge medical scientific development of the mRNA vaccine!

And put into production in such quick time during the world's worst Virus pandemic in history.

The medical scientists had no clue as to how long it would stay effective, before it had to be boosted to keep the body fully protected (AND THEY MADE NO GUARANTEES ABOUT THAT), while thousands were dying every day here in the United States alone. Was it rushed? No, because they didn't have the time to learn this before it was approved for use, with such a "Time is of the essence moment" in order to save lives. I mean, what were they supposed to do? Wait for another year's study to know this?

If people do not understand this- It is only because they have underlying malevolent Politically Motivated directives in mind.
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Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Your first paragraph is pure insipid stubbornness and irrational blather. The rest of your response follows suit. Like I said, your attitude: "We'll there's been no Chernobyl here or radiation poisoning/mutations like a sci-fi movie, so it's all good." You wouldn't buy a car or a house with similar problems I pointed out!
But given your repetitive response here, I guess you are stupid enough to do such a thing. Temporary selfish fulfillment is the cornerstone of all of American society's major problems. Thank goodness in this case things haven't gotten critical yet.

I "lecture" no more than you do, kid. What burns your ass is that you don't like being proven wrong or have your personal flaws exposed. TFB ... you post/respond, you run that risk. No one said life was fair. Carry on,

One would think that such an obviously imminent disaster as a nuclear accident would dissuade people from spending seven figures on a house there, wouldn't you Taich?
Yet, here we have the real estate transactions in the Sunday paper saying quite clearly that this isn't the case.

Keep thinking that you know every fucking thing, Taich.

:rolleyes: Your first sentence is a tired retread of the SOS attitude I previously pointed out, " "We'll there's been no Chernobyl here or radiation poisoning/mutations like a sci-fi movie, so it's all good." :palm:

Do a little research regarding New York's Indian Point nuke plant. Seems every time they were caught with some violations or "problems", the NRC just moved the goal post a little. Finally after years of public scrutiny and outcry, they were slated to shut down. You should know that even the NRC studies show that long term plant workers show a higher risk of developing leukemia than other professions. Then there are those plants over the years that "leaked" hundreds of gallons of into local water systems. Now they all swear that the type and amount is harmless, but I have yet to see any company rep drink water from the affected areas pedestrian water supply (shades of Erin Brockovich) on a regular basis.

Let me dumb it down for you, son: you don't buy a car whose make has a history of problems that can possibly cause serious injury. It's like jumping out of a 5 story window just for the experience.....by the second story you can say it's not so bad.

I don't think I know everything, son. I'm just better at critical thinking and analysis than you. Carry on.
I am still impressed with the Bleeding Edge medical scientific development of the mRNA vaccine!

And put into production in such quick time during the world's worst Virus pandemic in history.

The medical scientists had no clue as to how long it would stay effective, before it had to be boosted to keep the body fully protected (AND THEY MADE NO GUARANTEES ABOUT THAT), while thousands were dying every day here in the United States alone. Was it rushed? No, because they didn't have the time to learn this before it was approved for use, with such a "Time is of the essence moment" in order to save lives. I mean, what were they supposed to do? Wait for another year's study to know this?

If people do not understand this- It is only because they have underlying malevolent Politically Motivated directives in mind.

Ahh, but then there's this:


Then there was this little tidbit https://www.heart.org/en/news/2022/...-for-these-potential-heart-and-brain-problems

Balance that against the rash of celebrities, athletes, young & old deaths with no explanation after the major push for vaccinations in this country, and it get's one thinking.

Sorry, add to this world renowned and respected scientist and doctors questioning all of this since the beginning, and one can see my reason for the OP.
Ahh, but then there's this:


Then there was this little tidbit https://www.heart.org/en/news/2022/...-for-these-potential-heart-and-brain-problems

Balance that against the rash of celebrities, athletes, young & old deaths with no explanation after the major push for vaccinations in this country, and it get's one thinking.

Sorry, add to this world renowned and respected scientist and doctors questioning all of this since the beginning, and one can see my reason for the OP.

So your solution to world-wide deadly pandemics is?

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Ahh, but then there's this:


Then there was this little tidbit https://www.heart.org/en/news/2022/0...brain-problems

Balance that against the rash of celebrities, athletes, young & old deaths with no explanation after the major push for vaccinations in this country, and it get's one thinking.

Sorry, add to this world renowned and respected scientist and doctors questioning all of this since the beginning, and one can see my reason for the OP.

So your solution to world-wide deadly pandemics is?


:rolleyes: Seriously? That's the best retort you can come up with?

Do a little honest research regarding reputable folk who offered alternative steps all the way to handle Covid. Or into countries that DID NOT follow suit as the US did and had SEVERELY LESS DEATHS due to Covid. It would have save a LOT of lives.
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:rolleyes: Seriously? That's the best retort you can come up with?

Do a little honest research regarding reputable folk who offered alternative steps all the way to handle Covid. Or into countries that DID NOT follow suit as the US did and had SEVERELY LESS DEATHS due to Covid. It would have save a LOT of lives.

I wouldn't know where to start, because I know of no other country that refused to take the vaccine!
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
:rolleyes: Seriously? That's the best retort you can come up with?

Do a little honest research regarding reputable folk who offered alternative steps all the way to handle Covid. Or into countries that DID NOT follow suit as the US did and had SEVERELY LESS DEATHS due to Covid. It would have save a LOT of lives.

I wouldn't know where to start, because I know of no other country that refused to take the vaccine!

Well then consider it a learning experience in proper research, because I'm damned tired of doing homework for folk who shoot their mouths off with only one idea or side of the story under their belt. Start with google, or DuckDuckGo.
Well then consider it a learning experience in proper research, because I'm damned tired of doing homework for folk who shoot their mouths off with only one idea or side of the story under their belt. Start with google, or DuckDuckGo.

How bout' you just Go Fuck a Duck!

I don't like your attitude! I didn't say anything to warrant you using such language with me.

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translation: Yaky cannot logically or factually (much less rationally) defend or support his assertions and position, as the chronology of the posts shows.

Once again, I reduced him to a sputtering, fuming MAGA troll. No point in putting up with his nonsense, so I'll ignore him for a month or so,

Anyone who has to claim they have won has already lost. You're stupid AND a loser.
Well, here's yet another thing to know, Taich.

I have concluded that you're just another crackpot. Carry on.

translation: you can't take criticism...much less having your contentions and beliefs being logically proven wrong in an open forum. TFB for you....you post, you run the risk of being challenged or worse >gasp!< being subjected to critical analysis.

When poster resort to the schoolyard, "oh yeah, you think you're so smart" retort as you have, I know you've got no more logical, rational or factual material to support your contentions. You may have the last word here.