Right Wingers~ Explain Socialism to me

Hey idiot, maybe you should define "right-winger" and see why your stupid fucking thread is mostly ignored, huh?
name 5 traditionally right policies you agree with and 5 left policies you disagree with. go.

200 views and not a SINGLE anti-party has told me his 5 right policies he agrees with and his 5 left policies he disagrees with!!!
200 views and not a SINGLE anti-party has told me his 5 right policies he agrees with and his 5 left policies he disagrees with!!!

Anti-Fox doesn’t do challenges. First he’s too stupid to understand them and second all he knows was planted in his numb-skull by MSNBC.
Sounds like Capitalism to me. Try again.

Why ask others to explain 'socialism' to you ..... from you post above, you don't yet know what 'capitalism' is.....

That post saved me from wasting my time....

and ....you're the one trolling, .....trying to get a rise out of people and hoping for your 'gotcha' moment....probably have you strawman all built and waiting to
spring it on someone.....try begging....:fu:
More proof that Right Wingers ONLY read headlines...........they are so predictable. I can't believe I use to be this person. I'm embarrassed.

It was a this point that you should have given the definition you felt acceptable, yet you didn't. Why is that?
I'm a stay at home dad with triplets, one with CP and I'm lazy huh?

Maybe you should stick to the OP and not expose yourself like I predicted IN THE OP.

I respect that you and your wife likely made some hard choices to get to this point. I'm guessing that her salary was higher than yours, but you both realized that your kids would be best off with a caring parent. The difference in income vs. day care, especially with handicapped child made stay at home dad a no brainer, even if your staying in job would have brought in a bit more.

Truth is, once parents agree that one will stay at home, the differences between the 'salary' and 'cutting costs' is negligible or even positive in staying home. The family must agree that the stay at home is best for all, willingly giving up perks of 'more income.' Eating out, overpriced name brands in goods, etc., are thrown overboard. Vacations may likely be homebound, though not without merit or relaxation for all. Bottom line, everyone is on board.
200 views and not a SINGLE anti-party has told me his 5 right policies he agrees with and his 5 left policies he disagrees with!!!

Because this is your thread/post? You don't control this question I DO AND YOU CAN'T ANSWER IT! Stop trying to derail my question with questions of your own and make your own thread troll.
Why ask others to explain 'socialism' to you ..... from you post above, you don't yet know what 'capitalism' is.....

That post saved me from wasting my time....

and ....you're the one trolling, .....trying to get a rise out of people and hoping for your 'gotcha' moment....probably have you strawman all built and waiting to
spring it on someone.....try begging....:fu:

You are one of the people that doesn't know that the Constitution gives the Government the right to regulate Commerce. You think it has to be a Free Market or nothing. The Constitution does not align with the Free Market.
53 responses and not a single Right Winger can explain Socialism to me! This is how stupid politics have become. This is a BASIC political answer.

Note; Some have actually looked it up and realized it has nothing to do with what they thought it was. They realized they have been acting like idiots and repeating things that weren't true. Others, the least educated, stuck around and trolled me for not knowing what Socialism is........as if I made the OP as a question. Basic ignorance.
You state this while unable to answer a BASIC political question. How pathetic are you. Talk about scrambling..

The truth of the matter is Goober I unlike you and your ilk have given extensive explanation to the definition of socialism on several threads in this forum.


They did explain it to you; but in typical dimwit leftist fashion you declared them all to be wrong and claimed it was Capitalism. But this is what Internet dimwit trolls do. They engage in tireless efforts to remove all doubt what complete dullards they are.

Why don't you explain how Obamas policies abide by the intent of our Constitution? While you're at it, explain why our founders distrusted Democracy so much and purposefully created a political system that made legislation difficult.

You're a low information sheeple who spends way too much time bleating the tired canards of leftists and too little time actually thinking.
Wrong. I work my ass off and I have far more than I NEED. The things I own in excess to my needs, I OWN. They make my life more interesting and give me a reason to get out of bed in the morning. After I left the military, there was no commissar waiting to tell me what school to go to or factory to work in. These things are some of the characteristics of capitalism(to me, as they relate to the effects of a socio-economic-political system on the INDIVIDUAL)not what I originally posted.

I lean Right but I'm also the Right's biggest critic because they are ACTING LIKE THE STUPID PARTY today. If you can't see that, you don't know politics at all.

Another painfully false claim; the only leaning you might do is towards the center from a way out leftist point of view. But you're a dimwit; dimwits are too stupid to even comprehend their uninformed parroting of leftist canards.
I have more than I NEEED too. Most Americans do. But it doesn't mean that we don't deserve more. But being a Christian, I'm pleased easily and don't worship money.

But you of all people should know that the people that defend our Country should be paid more than the people defending a Football. And that pay gap is no where near close. Supply and demand doesn't work for our most important occupations like police, fireman and military. Unless of course you are an arson, an anarchist or a defense weapons manufacturer that lobby's for more war.

Another incredibly ignorant claim from the dimwit class in America; I have never seen a shortage of applicants to become a cop, fireman or joining the military; please enlighten me on this shortage of supply and demand.

The rest of your bloviating is nothing more than Marxist canards.
Another incredibly ignorant claim from the dimwit class in America; I have never seen a shortage of applicants to become a cop, fireman or joining the military; please enlighten me on this shortage of supply and demand.

The rest of your bloviating is nothing more than Marxist canards.

Youve never seen a shortage because you havent lived long enough or your just to dim to have noticed.

In the late 60s-early 70s they had shortages of police and firemen and public employees in general in alot of major cities. BECAUSE THE PAY WAS WAAAY TO LOW, grasp that right winger who thinks everyone should be a lackey for the rich and work for free.
It was until police pay went up considerably before the shortages went away.