robdawg right every time

Most areas also have laws that cause dogs that attack other dogs to be killed.
So I guess vick was just carrying out the law ?
Do you people have any idea how many domesticated animals are put down every single day in pounds?

This is ridiculous.
Do you people have any idea how many domesticated animals are put down every single day in pounds?

This is ridiculous.

Oh.. ok, so because the pounds are inhumane in killing dogs, we should just let people kill dogs however they wish. Good logic!
I think people that pay the money to go watch these dogs fight and promote the 'sport' need to have a felony charge as well.
Oh.. ok, so because the pounds are inhumane in killing dogs, we should just let people kill dogs however they wish. Good logic!

You do know these dogs were created for sporting to begin with.. Before the nineteenth century, bloodsports such as bull baiting, bear baiting and cock fighting were common. Bulls bought to market were set upon by dogs as a way of tenderizing the meat and providing entertainment for the spectators; and dog fights with bears, bulls and other animals were often organized as entertainment for both royalty and commoners.

The pitting of dogs against bear or bull tested the gameness, strength and skill of the dog. These early "proto-staffords" provided the ancestral foundation stock for the Staffordshire Bull Terrier, the American Pit Bull Terrier with the exception of the American Staffordshire Terrier.

These bloodsports were officially eliminated in 1835 as Britain began to introduce animal welfare laws. Since dogfights were cheaper to organise and far easier to conceal from the law than bull or bear baits, bloodsport proponents turned to pitting their dogs one against another instead. Dog fighting was used as both a bloodsport (often involving gambling) and as an effort to continue to test the quality of their stock. For decades afterwards, dog fighting clandestinely took place in pockets of working-class Britain and America. Dogs were released in a pit, and the last dog still fighting (or occasionally, the last dog surviving) was recognised as the winner. The quality of pluckiness or "gameness" was still highly prized, and dogs that gave up during a fight were reviled as "curs". As an important aside, fighting dogs were often handled in the pit during fights, by both their owners and the judge, so were bred to be as trustworthy with humans as they were aggressive towards other dogs.
You do know these dogs were created for sporting to begin with.

Ahh an inside track with the man upstairs ?
yes certain ones were bred for "sport". I would like to think we have progeressed a bit since then though.
We used to torture witches too.
ug 21, 11:27 PM (ET)

GIG HARBOR, Wash. (AP) - Two pit bull terriers broke into a house through a pet door Tuesday and attacked a woman in her bed, mauling her badly, a Pierce County sheriff's spokesman said.

The woman was able to grab a gun and try to shoot the dogs, then break away from the attack and lock herself in her car, where she called 911, sheriff's spokesman Ed Troyer said.

The woman, who was not immediately identified, was taken to a hospital in Tacoma, where she was listed in serious condition.

Officers planned to talk to the dogs' owner.

The pit bulls also killed a neighbor's Jack Russell terrier, which entered the house during the attack, Troyer said.

"The thought is that the Jack Russell heard noise in the neighbor's house, came in and was attacked by the dogs," Troyer said.

Firefighters responded first, locking the dogs in the house, treating the woman and calling for an ambulance.

Officers "had to pepper spray and fight the dogs until they were detained. We almost had to shoot them on site," Troyer said.

The dogs were taken to a Humane Society and will probably be destroyed, he said.

It was not immediately known why the dogs entered the house, whether the woman had dogs of her own or what set off the attack.
Ok so here is my take on this whole dog fighting thing.

VIC is likely to get 6-18month sentence from federal
Likely to get 6-18month from state
Likely to be sued by the state
Going to loose out on about 100 Million in contracts with NFL

For killing dogs? People rape and kill humans and get lesser punishment.

I just think this whole thing is a little overboard.

people who commit crimes against animals are 5x more likelyl to commit crimes against humans....

why not a little preventative maintenence?? its only a matter of time he will commit crimes against humans. statistics say so.
people who commit crimes against animals are 5x more likelyl to commit crimes against humans....

why not a little preventative maintenence?? its only a matter of time he will commit crimes against humans. statistics say so.

And dogs who attack other dogs unprovoked will attack people it is just a matter of time.
Vick will be back in the NFL too. But if you had to serve the full jail term for murder, you would have no chance of returning to the NFL because you'd be stuck in the cell.
Clearly his term wasn't a "full term". It seems that even those convicted of some serious crimes return to playing in the NFL. It may have also happened earlier in his life. They didn't elaborate as to time and place.
You keep saying this. What they do other than stand around with signs is go to their city councils and get the breed banned entirely. They certainly act against the breed when Pit Bulls kill people.

There is nothing even close to all this angst about Vick when children and the elderly are attacked and killed by pit bulls.

How many threads do you have here about it.?
I'm blaming people for misplaced priorities, not the dogs.
I think your example is simply poor. When pit bulls attack people, they gather and force their city and county governments to ban the breed entirely, laws of this sort include killing the dogs (more humanely than hanging, throwing them to the ground until they die, drowning and electrocution, but dead anyway) just for existing. They are so upset that they will not allow the things to even exist. To say, "They don't protest when people are mauled by pit bulls!" is a bit disingenuous.
There is nothing even close to all this angst about Vick when children and the elderly are attacked and killed by pit bulls.

How many threads do you have here about it.?
I will point out one more time, the activism goes in a different direction, they simply force their city and county governments to ban the breed and kill them if they are found within the boundaries of their little safe zone.

To say that they do nothing is rubbish.
I'm betting that not a single person here has ever participated in a protest when a pit bulls kills a child, which happens a lot.

Having been attacked by a pit bull, I can assure you that you would lose that bet.... and you are living in a fantasy world if you think people in general do not do so. It may not get the MEDIA attention that Vick is getting but that is likely due to the fact that the pit bulls are usually put down after the attack.

Also....rarely does the pit bull stand up and assure everyone that he had no part in the attack and then plead guilty a few months later because all evidence points to him being a complete fucking liar.