robdawg right every time

AGAIN... that is because the dogs are generally put down right away after an attack. It is also because the dogs don't make it a Vick has done. The media is hounding Vick because he lied about his involvement and because he is an NFL player. Little attention was paid to your story because the guy wasn't famous. It would be like you or I getting caught for running dog fights. The local media MIGHT mention it, but that would be it.

If you think the war in Iraq has not received as much attention then you are nuts. How many stories and articles were there about Abu Ghraib and about Gitmo?

You have also made my point.

This is hype and sensationalism pure and simple.
You have also made my point.

This is hype and sensationalism pure and simple.
It doesn't change that people are outraged at the action, and moreso because it was somebody they 'knew'. There is a certain psychology that goes along with this.

For instance, if McNabb were attacked by a pit bull, you might see national legislation regulating the breed called for because it is somebody they 'know' that was attacked. If John Elway were found to have participated in the dog fighting it would just fuel the fire.

Sometimes their notoriety can bring about change in a good way as well. Do you think that we should actually make the laws on dogfighting more lenient because it was Vick that was doing the activity?
You have also made my point.

This is hype and sensationalism pure and simple.

Funny, because I thought your "point" was that the story was big news because it was a human abusing dogs vs. a story of a dog attacking a human.

But people are still outraged over the torture of the dogs and people still take action when a dog attacks a human.
Funny, because I thought your "point" was that the story was big news because it was a human abusing dogs vs. a story of a dog attacking a human.

But people are still outraged over the torture of the dogs and people still take action when a dog attacks a human.

No, my point is that this is nothing but sensationalism. The Paris Hilton story of the moment.
It is more than sensationalism to me.
would like to kick vick in the balls.
Or anyone else who was involved....

It is just that that darned liberal media does not adequately cover all incidents.
It doesn't change that people are outraged at the action, and moreso because it was somebody they 'knew'. There is a certain psychology that goes along with this.

For instance, if McNabb were attacked by a pit bull, you might see national legislation regulating the breed called for because it is somebody they 'know' that was attacked. If John Elway were found to have participated in the dog fighting it would just fuel the fire.

Sometimes their notoriety can bring about change in a good way as well. Do you think that we should actually make the laws on dogfighting more lenient because it was Vick that was doing the activity?

I don't condone dogfighting. Never said I did. However, I'd like to see tbis kind of outrage when a dog kills a human .. not against the dog, but the human who owned it. This is bullshit and he Paris Hilton story of the moment.

Can you imagine the horror a small child being torn apart by a vicious dog? .. Yet you don't see anywhere near the psuedo outrage against the owners of that dog as you do against Vick. I'm a dog lover, but there are responsibilities to dog ownreship. Putting down that particular dog does little to solve the problem.
It is more than sensationalism to me.
would like to kick vick in the balls.
Or anyone else who was involved....

It is just that that darned liberal media does not adequately cover all incidents.

Sure, but no one wnats to kick the guy who owned the dog that tore apart a child in the balls and you won't see a thousand articles on it and it won't be front page news for months.

Lindsey Lohan must be busy.
No, my point is that this is nothing but sensationalism. The Paris Hilton story of the moment.

While there will always be a degree of sensationalism, especially when "celebrities" are involved, it is a bit more than that. For six years Vick ran an illegal dog fighting operation. He brutally killed dogs that didn't meet his standards. He proclaimed his innocence... UNTIL he realized they had enough evidence on him... HE brought a lot of this on himself.

Whether the media sensationalizes the story or not, he is still guilty. He still deserves to go to jail... and in my opinion deserves to be banned from the NFL. He deliberately chose to violate the law in a heinous way and he lied to his employers about it.
Sure, but no one wnats to kick the guy who owned the dog that tore apart a child in the balls and you won't see a thousand articles on it and it won't be front page news for months.

Lindsey Lohan must be busy.

wrong again. sorry I would want to cut that guys balls off if he caused the dog to be viscious. a bit of a difference between a guy that owns a dog that does somethng wrong and some humand that is cruel to a dog.
Sure, but no one wnats to kick the guy who owned the dog that tore apart a child in the balls and you won't see a thousand articles on it and it won't be front page news for months.

Lindsey Lohan must be busy.

you are completely wrong on this point as well. Just because the MEDIA doesn't give it the same coverage doesn't mean people don't take action against dog AND owner.

IF a dog attacks a human and inflicts injuries, it is generally put down. IF it is found that the dog was abused by the human or trained to be vicious, then the human is most certainly prosecuted as well.

You are also wrong in the feelings towards the owner. From personal experience I can tell you the victims and their families most certainly would like to knock the crap out of the owners of these dogs as well.
While there will always be a degree of sensationalism, especially when "celebrities" are involved, it is a bit more than that. For six years Vick ran an illegal dog fighting operation. He brutally killed dogs that didn't meet his standards. He proclaimed his innocence... UNTIL he realized they had enough evidence on him... HE brought a lot of this on himself.

Whether the media sensationalizes the story or not, he is still guilty. He still deserves to go to jail... and in my opinion deserves to be banned from the NFL. He deliberately chose to violate the law in a heinous way and he lied to his employers about it.

There is no question that Vick brought this on himself, although even the feds didn't say he ran this for 6 years. It appears that most of his involvement was in 2003 when he was injured and not playing.

Does he deserve to be banned from the NFL? .. Not in my opinion. LOTS of guys have done far worse across all sports and all walks of life and continued there careers.

If he was a Maytag repairman, should he be able to return being a Maytag repairman after this is over?
you are completely wrong on this point as well. Just because the MEDIA doesn't give it the same coverage doesn't mean people don't take action against dog AND owner.

IF a dog attacks a human and inflicts injuries, it is generally put down. IF it is found that the dog was abused by the human or trained to be vicious, then the human is most certainly prosecuted as well.

You are also wrong in the feelings towards the owner. From personal experience I can tell you the victims and their families most certainly would like to knock the crap out of the owners of these dogs as well.

The victims and their families might but not half of America.

My point IS the media doesn't give it the same attention, NOR do most people care. They may read a story of a dog killing a child and continue doing whatever they were doing before. Few if any are going to create a protest sign and go marching around the owners house or place of employment.

I've been involved with dogs long enough to know exactly what I'm talking about.
While there will always be a degree of sensationalism, especially when "celebrities" are involved, it is a bit more than that. For six years Vick ran an illegal dog fighting operation. He brutally killed dogs that didn't meet his standards. He proclaimed his innocence... UNTIL he realized they had enough evidence on him... HE brought a lot of this on himself.

Whether the media sensationalizes the story or not, he is still guilty. He still deserves to go to jail... and in my opinion deserves to be banned from the NFL. He deliberately chose to violate the law in a heinous way and he lied to his employers about it.
There has to be some sort of moral turpitude section of his contract. I am reasonably sure that the Falcons will be taking their 22M back for this 'signing bonus'.
There has to be some sort of moral turpitude section of his contract. I am reasonably sure that the Falcons will be taking their 22M back for this 'signing bonus'.

Are there any rapists who have gotten back on their teams though? I am curious about that.
Are there any rapists who have gotten back on their teams though? I am curious about that.
I am as well. I find myself thinking of avoiding NFL games because of the product they put onto the field that include a slew of wife-beating DUI freaks.
I am as well. I find myself thinking of avoiding NFL games because of the product they put onto the field that include a slew of wife-beating DUI freaks.

Yeah, you know, I was so naive as to the violence in so many of these athletes. I remember when Cindy Garvey said that she ran into Nicole Simpson in a supermarket and they both said that if their husbands killed them no one would care and they would not be convicted. That was the interview I first discovered that Steve Garvey also beat his wife. Then you just read story after story, and it seems prevalent. I don't know if it's common usage of steroids or what.
The victims and their families might but not half of America.

My point IS the media doesn't give it the same attention, NOR do most people care. They may read a story of a dog killing a child and continue doing whatever they were doing before. Few if any are going to create a protest sign and go marching around the owners house or place of employment.

I've been involved with dogs long enough to know exactly what I'm talking about.

NOW who is being overly-sensational. Half of America is not marching around or protesting. Most people probably do not care one bit about Vick.

AGAIN, if there was a case of a celebrity being mauled by a dog, the media would over hype that as well.

Your attitude on this subject is pathetic to me as you continue to act as though if it were a dog that attacked a human it would not be as big of a deal. In my opinion, that is idiotic.