robdawg right every time

NOW who is being overly-sensational. Half of America is not marching around or protesting. Most people probably do not care one bit about Vick.

AGAIN, if there was a case of a celebrity being mauled by a dog, the media would over hype that as well.

Your attitude on this subject is pathetic to me as you continue to act as though if it were a dog that attacked a human it would not be as big of a deal. In my opinion, that is idiotic.

I couldn't give a fuck less about what is "pathetic" to you. Show me 4 threads going at the same time about a dog attacking a human .. can't do it .. then fuck off with what you think is pathetic.

I've been involved with dog attacks on humans for a long time, have you?
Yeah, you know, I was so naive as to the violence in so many of these athletes. I remember when Cindy Garvey said that she ran into Nicole Simpson in a supermarket and they both said that if their husbands killed them no one would care and they would not be convicted. That was the interview I first discovered that Steve Garvey also beat his wife. Then you just read story after story, and it seems prevalent. I don't know if it's common usage of steroids or what.

It isn't just the NFL. Crime happens in all sports no different than the rest of society .. but it happens LESS among athletes than the rest of society.

Athletes aren't the problem. We live in a violent society.
I couldn't give a fuck less about what is "pathetic" to you. Show me 4 threads going at the same time about a dog attacking a human .. can't do it .. then fuck off with what you think is pathetic.

I've been involved with dog attacks on humans for a long time, have you?
Earlier you admit that this isn't about dog fighting, that it is about hype, now you attempt to again equate the two as if it really were about that.

You show us where a cebrity has been mauled by a pit bull, and then we will show you four threads going at once about it.
Earlier you admit that this isn't about dog fighting, that it is about hype, now you attempt to again equate the two as if it really were about that.

You show us where a cebrity has been mauled by a pit bull, and then we will show you four threads going at once about it.

Nothing whatsoever has changed about my position and asking to show me where the same agnst and anger has been shown about dogs attacking humans makes my point.

You make my point by acknowledging this is about celebrity.
I couldn't give a fuck less about what is "pathetic" to you. Show me 4 threads going at the same time about a dog attacking a human .. can't do it .. then fuck off with what you think is pathetic.

I've been involved with dog attacks on humans for a long time, have you?

AGAIN, since you are so unbelievably ignorant when it comes to reading comprehension..... if the dogs had attacked Vick it would get the same coverage as Vick attacking the dogs.

Your point on showing number of threads on a subject is meaningless. Does it mean more if you have four threads with ten people talking about a subject vs. one thread with fifty on the same thread? Number of threads is an idiotic way to look at importance.
Nothing whatsoever has changed about my position and asking to show me where the same agnst and anger has been shown about dogs attacking humans makes my point.

You make my point by acknowledging this is about celebrity.

I am beginning to believe you are too ignorant on this topic to even know what your own position is. You keep changing from.... this is all hype because Vick is involved to .... if this was a dog attacking a human no one would care.... back to well this is all hype because of Vick blah blah blah....
Nothing whatsoever has changed about my position and asking to show me where the same agnst and anger has been shown about dogs attacking humans makes my point.

You make my point by acknowledging this is about celebrity.
Yet you seem to equate that 'outrage' would not be expressed in an equal yet opposite.

It seems you are determined to both make it about the dog fighting while supposedly admitting that it is all about celebrity, while ignoring my posts about why people do this with celebrities and not others.

People who knew and liked their neighbor and found out that they did this would be equally outraged but wouldn't have the stage to express it that is here because of the celebrity.

Whether celebrities like it or not, people associate a certain 'knowledge' of them. They 'like' them and their psyche pretty much gives them a 'friend' status even though they are truly strangers. The outrage is more spread around because there are a larger group of people who 'know' him.
I have to say BAC that I consider you a bit off base on this subject. My base at lease which is the only one i really know.
Yet you seem to equate that 'outrage' would not be expressed in an equal yet opposite.

It seems you are determined to both make it about the dog fighting while supposedly admitting that it is all about celebrity, while ignoring my posts about why people do this with celebrities and not others.

People who knew and liked their neighbor and found out that they did this would be equally outraged but wouldn't have the stage to express it that is here because of the celebrity.

Whether celebrities like it or not, people associate a certain 'knowledge' of them. They 'like' them and their psyche pretty much gives them a 'friend' status even though they are truly strangers. The outrage is more spread around because there are a larger group of people who 'know' him.

Not to mention that groups like PETA know they will garner much more attention if they focus on Vicks involvement in the dog fighting and NOT the other three that have plead guilty.
Well, bottom line is that Vick's an idiot. $100 million + gone. And for what?
I fullyagree, and that was my original question. he had it made, and tossed it all for a few peices of silver. Maybe it was a macho/ego thing.
AGAIN, since you are so unbelievably ignorant when it comes to reading comprehension..... if the dogs had attacked Vick it would get the same coverage as Vick attacking the dogs.

Your point on showing number of threads on a subject is meaningless. Does it mean more if you have four threads with ten people talking about a subject vs. one thread with fifty on the same thread? Number of threads is an idiotic way to look at importance.

Again more bullshit.

Vick getting attacked by dogs WOULD NOT have generated this much angst.

Still don't get it, who the fuck cares.
I have to say BAC that I consider you a bit off base on this subject. My base at lease which is the only one i really know.

I can respect that .. but I've been involved with dogs and training for a lot of years and I know the difference when people get attacked and I know this is about Michael Vick.
Yet you seem to equate that 'outrage' would not be expressed in an equal yet opposite.

It seems you are determined to both make it about the dog fighting while supposedly admitting that it is all about celebrity, while ignoring my posts about why people do this with celebrities and not others.

People who knew and liked their neighbor and found out that they did this would be equally outraged but wouldn't have the stage to express it that is here because of the celebrity.

Whether celebrities like it or not, people associate a certain 'knowledge' of them. They 'like' them and their psyche pretty much gives them a 'friend' status even though they are truly strangers. The outrage is more spread around because there are a larger group of people who 'know' him.

Again you make my point.
Again you make my point.
Yet I don't. You keep attempting to say that an equal yet opposite would not generate this much action. You have no evidence of that.

Then you attempt to say "we should have more outrage" over "this"! I explain that we would, it just wouldn't be as reported.

Then you say, SEE! It's ONLY about the celebrity.

Then we say, okay, if that were the case then it would have an equal and opposite that would generate the same amount of interest. (Like moron boy crashing his motorcycle with no helmet on... There was thread after thread about the idiot.)

Then you say, "NO! There wouldn't be the same interest."

You keep going round and round, there is no point in your circular logic.

What are you attempting to say? Be succinct.
I can respect that .. but I've been involved with dogs and training for a lot of years and I know the difference when people get attacked and I know this is about Michael Vick.

My point is that it is not JUST about Vick.
I agree americas priorities are hosed. Ie putting a footbal star above animal curelty.

I agree theat most of the media and human attention is becuase he is a star or was...

But this in no way excuses what he did.

and we have plenty of threads on her in the past about pits with unknown nobody owners attacking people and children. I remember one about a pit killing an old lady and severly hurting an old man trying to save her.

Make claims if you want, but do a search and check the threads.

At this point I am not sure if you love dogs or love training them. Not the same thing.
"Again more bullshit.

Vick getting attacked by dogs WOULD NOT have generated this much angst.

Still don't get it, who the fuck cares."

then back to....

"I can respect that .. but I've been involved with dogs and training for a lot of years and I know the difference when people get attacked and I know this is about Michael Vick."