robdawg right every time

And dogs who attack other dogs unprovoked will attack people it is just a matter of time.

I have a Bouvier. He's a big dog. I can take him to the park and people, even small children can walk right up to him and touch him. Kids want to ride him and often pull his beard, try to open his mouth, play with his ears, and many stand right in front of his face and stare into his eyes. I have ZERO concern that he would ever attack a child.

However, if a dog, especially a large male walks up to him, there is going to be trouble. HE'S A DOG .. a pack animal .. and it is his nature to defend himself.

I can take him to a dog park and let him run with other dogs and he's fine .. as long as another dog does not challenge or try to mount him.

I'm sorry my brother, but just because a dog will fight does not mean it will attack people .. even if the fight is unprovoked. They are pack animals.

Humans try to reinvent animals to fit our world often with no respect for the animals inherent nature.
There is nothing even close to all this angst about Vick when children and the elderly are attacked and killed by pit bulls.

How many threads do you have here about it.?

I feel a lot of angst when that happens. I am that rare person who does not like dogs. I'm afraid of them. When I was a kid, until we moved when I was 8, I lived next door to people who had 2 pit bulls, we used to call them "attack dogs", they kept in a cage in their back yard adjacent to mine. They got loose one day. My mom got us into the house, but our neighbors german shepard was attacked by them, in my front yard. It was horrible. In the only reoccuring nightmare I have ever had, I dreamt many nights that they were loose again and, in my child's mind, they would squeeze themselves under my bedroom door.

I do not like dogs. I especially dislike pit bulls. I become extremely angry at owners who train these dogs to attack, and then are so irresponsible as to let them loose. I am all for banning them. I think Rob is an asshole on the subject of pit bulls.

But, I would never harm, or cause pain to an animal, and I cringe at what happened to these dogs, whether I like them or not, it was cruel and inhumane. I do get more upset, and far more, when a child is harmed or killed. I take your point about Americans and their idiot savant relationship to animals and their ridiculous overreaction to the death or harm of one, when they will sit by and not blink and eye as we, as you pointed out, melt babies to death in Iraq. It is a good point. And it should be repeated often.

But I would still not want to be around Vicks or anyone who would cause deliberate cruelty to an animal, and I do think we as human beings need to be guardians of these animals to some extent, and step in when they are being mistreated in such foul ways.
Having been attacked by a pit bull, I can assure you that you would lose that bet.... and you are living in a fantasy world if you think people in general do not do so. It may not get the MEDIA attention that Vick is getting but that is likely due to the fact that the pit bulls are usually put down after the attack.

Also....rarely does the pit bull stand up and assure everyone that he had no part in the attack and then plead guilty a few months later because all evidence points to him being a complete fucking liar.

How badly were you hurt?
Having been attacked by a pit bull, I can assure you that you would lose that bet.... and you are living in a fantasy world if you think people in general do not do so. It may not get the MEDIA attention that Vick is getting but that is likely due to the fact that the pit bulls are usually put down after the attack.

Also....rarely does the pit bull stand up and assure everyone that he had no part in the attack and then plead guilty a few months later because all evidence points to him being a complete fucking liar.

I seriously doubt that attacks by dogs get near the attention that this circus has become.

Did you know that 2 weeks ago, it was reported that Ving Rhames dogs killed the guy who had been looking after them for two years? Got little press, little attention. It has now been concluded that the man may have died from other causes, but little attention was paid when the dogs were thought responsible.

Again, we've been commiting all manner of atrocities in Iraq against HUMANS and it doesn't get this much attention. And OFTEN and ALWAYS does someone stand up and say we didn't do that only to find out it was even worse than reported.
I seriously doubt that attacks by dogs get near the attention that this circus has become.

Did you know that 2 weeks ago, it was reported that Ving Rhames dogs killed the guy who had been looking after them for two years? Got little press, little attention. It has now been concluded that the man may have died from other causes, but little attention was paid when the dogs were thought responsible.

Again, we've been commiting all manner of atrocities in Iraq against HUMANS and it doesn't get this much attention. And OFTEN and ALWAYS does someone stand up and say we didn't do that only to find out it was even worse than reported.
Of course not. Now if one had attacked well, lets say McNabb, would it? I'd bet it would.

Rarely are the Pit Bulls who attack people nationally famous for their ability to throw footballs and evade tackles while scrambling for yardage, rarely do they have a $22 Million signing bonus that they are throwing away....

There is a reason for this to gain notoriety other than Pit Bulls were involved and treated badly.

Many, many dog rings were closed down before, never had they gotten this attention then. It isn't because it is pit bulls treated badly that this gets national attention, it is because Vick is fricking famous.
I have a Bouvier. He's a big dog. I can take him to the park and people, even small children can walk right up to him and touch him. Kids want to ride him and often pull his beard, try to open his mouth, play with his ears, and many stand right in front of his face and stare into his eyes. I have ZERO concern that he would ever attack a child.

However, if a dog, especially a large male walks up to him, there is going to be trouble. HE'S A DOG .. a pack animal .. and it is his nature to defend himself.

I can take him to a dog park and let him run with other dogs and he's fine .. as long as another dog does not challenge or try to mount him.

I'm sorry my brother, but just because a dog will fight does not mean it will attack people .. even if the fight is unprovoked. They are pack animals.

Humans try to reinvent animals to fit our world often with no respect for the animals inherent nature.

yes with a properly raised dog. Was just yanking Robs chain.
Of course not. Now if one had attacked well, lets say McNabb, would it? I'd bet it would.

Rarely are the Pit Bulls who attack people nationally famous for their ability to throw footballs and evade tackles while scrambling for yardage, rarely do they have a $22 Million signing bonus that they are throwing away....

There is a reason for this to gain notoriety other than Pit Bulls were involved and treated badly.

Many, many dog rings were closed down before, never had they gotten this attention then. It isn't because it is pit bulls treated badly that this gets national attention, it is because Vick is fricking famous.

Absitively, it is the MSM and American publics fanatisism with Celebs that pushed this to the top.
But what he did still sucks big time.
I feel a lot of angst when that happens. I am that rare person who does not like dogs. I'm afraid of them. When I was a kid, until we moved when I was 8, I lived next door to people who had 2 pit bulls, we used to call them "attack dogs", they kept in a cage in their back yard adjacent to mine. They got loose one day. My mom got us into the house, but our neighbors german shepard was attacked by them, in my front yard. It was horrible. In the only reoccuring nightmare I have ever had, I dreamt many nights that they were loose again and, in my child's mind, they would squeeze themselves under my bedroom door.

I do not like dogs. I especially dislike pit bulls. I become extremely angry at owners who train these dogs to attack, and then are so irresponsible as to let them loose. I am all for banning them. I think Rob is an asshole on the subject of pit bulls.

But, I would never harm, or cause pain to an animal, and I cringe at what happened to these dogs, whether I like them or not, it was cruel and inhumane. I do get more upset, and far more, when a child is harmed or killed. I take your point about Americans and their idiot savant relationship to animals and their ridiculous overreaction to the death or harm of one, when they will sit by and not blink and eye as we, as you pointed out, melt babies to death in Iraq. It is a good point. And it should be repeated often.

But I would still not want to be around Vicks or anyone who would cause deliberate cruelty to an animal, and I do think we as human beings need to be guardians of these animals to some extent, and step in when they are being mistreated in such foul ways.

I'm a dog lover, always had them, always will. Training dogs help pay my way through college so I never needed a student loan. I do protection/obiedence training and I've been involved in police and schtuzhund training as well.

Additionally, as I've told you, my dog saved my life 5 months ago, so there is no questioning my love for them.

However, this is nothing but sensationalism and hype.
we are smart enough to pay attention to both I think.

If I had it my way people would not hunt animals for sport.

If I had it my way people would not kill each other for any reason.

If I had it my way people would be kind to all animals.

If I had it my way people would help feed every hungry person in the world.

my way is just a wish but I can pay attenion to all these subjects.
I'm a dog lover, always had them, always will. Training dogs help pay my way through college so I never needed a student loan. I do protection/obiedence training and I've been involved in police and schtuzhund training as well.

Additionally, as I've told you, my dog saved my life 5 months ago, so there is no questioning my love for them.

However, this is nothing but sensationalism and hype.

Tell the story dude !
Of course not. Now if one had attacked well, lets say McNabb, would it? I'd bet it would.

Rarely are the Pit Bulls who attack people nationally famous for their ability to throw footballs and evade tackles while scrambling for yardage, rarely do they have a $22 Million signing bonus that they are throwing away....

There is a reason for this to gain notoriety other than Pit Bulls were involved and treated badly.

Many, many dog rings were closed down before, never had they gotten this attention then. It isn't because it is pit bulls treated badly that this gets national attention, it is because Vick is fricking famous.

Thank you .. you've made my point.

It's sensationalism pure and simple.
I'm a dog lover, always had them, always will. Training dogs help pay my way through college so I never needed a student loan. I do protection/obiedence training and I've been involved in police and schtuzhund training as well.

Additionally, as I've told you, my dog saved my life 5 months ago, so there is no questioning my love for them.

However, this is nothing but sensationalism and hype.

It is a bad thing in addition to the hype angle.
I will be glad to see vic get as much punichment as thye hand out. And might want him to get more.
Just the way I feel about people that fight and abuse dogs or any pet.
Dahmler used to like to torture small animals too....

I am a dog lover too, well I love all little furry friends of mine. even cats to my suprise and LadyT's horror :)

I lost both of my dogs last year to cancer, I still miss em.
we are smart enough to pay attention to both I think.

If I had it my way people would not hunt animals for sport.

So the animals would die of starvation caused by overbreeding and not enough predation? You are cruel.

If I had it my way people would not kill each other for any reason.

Even for their own protection?

If I had it my way people would be kind to all animals.

If I had it my way people would help feed every hungry person in the world.

my way is just a wish but I can pay attenion to all these subjects.

If I had my way these would be good goals, I just don't think I must do it through government...
I will point out one more time, the activism goes in a different direction, they simply force their city and county governments to ban the breed and kill them if they are found within the boundaries of their little safe zone.

To say that they do nothing is rubbish.

Didn't say they do nothing. I said nothing measures up to this.

As you've already pointed out .. this is sensationalism. It has little to do with dogs or dogfighting and everything to do with Vick.

Those municipalities that try to ban pits have a hard time doing it because it discriminates against the owners.
It is a bad thing in addition to the hype angle.
I will be glad to see vic get as much punichment as thye hand out. And might want him to get more.
Just the way I feel about people that fight and abuse dogs or any pet.
Dahmler used to like to torture small animals too....

I am a dog lover too, well I love all little furry friends of mine. even cats to my suprise and LadyT's horror :)

I lost both of my dogs last year to cancer, I still miss em.

I know what that loss feels like.

I hope nothing I've said offends your loss. I'd rather not post anything else on the issue if it offends you.
Pit Bulls dont need to be banned.

The actions of these people need to be prosicuted.

I know many a pitbull and they are FINE animals.

Its not the dog its the owner.

That is why they KILL the ones that wont fight.

They sort through the animals for the alphas and there are alphas in all breeds
I seriously doubt that attacks by dogs get near the attention that this circus has become.

Did you know that 2 weeks ago, it was reported that Ving Rhames dogs killed the guy who had been looking after them for two years? Got little press, little attention. It has now been concluded that the man may have died from other causes, but little attention was paid when the dogs were thought responsible.

Again, we've been commiting all manner of atrocities in Iraq against HUMANS and it doesn't get this much attention. And OFTEN and ALWAYS does someone stand up and say we didn't do that only to find out it was even worse than reported.

AGAIN... that is because the dogs are generally put down right away after an attack. It is also because the dogs don't make it a Vick has done. The media is hounding Vick because he lied about his involvement and because he is an NFL player. Little attention was paid to your story because the guy wasn't famous. It would be like you or I getting caught for running dog fights. The local media MIGHT mention it, but that would be it.

If you think the war in Iraq has not received as much attention then you are nuts. How many stories and articles were there about Abu Ghraib and about Gitmo?
I know what that loss feels like.

I hope nothing I've said offends your loss. I'd rather not post anything else on the issue if it offends you.
No problem, I was just trying to understand where you were coming from.
My favorite cat dissapeared as well. I miss him as well. and up to a year ago i never had or wanted a cat. Their momma just had them in one of my outbuildings and then got killed or something. I took pity on the poor little fuzzy headed things and now they are my buds.