Robert E. Lee And Thomas Stonewall Jackson Were Both Genuine American Heroes.

Both Lee and Jackson apiece were three times the man you are. This is why Rana loves you so much.

Feminists know that you parking lot philosophers will do everything they tell you to do, all they have to do is throw a little sex at you when you complete your assigned chores.

Lee and Jackson were traitors who fought against American values. They proved themselves to not be men, or to be in possession of character or virtue. Eternity will not be kind to them for this reason.

Feminists cannot bribe me with anything fancy, because I am a married man. You are just a faggot traitor with the effeminate skin of one who is perennially offended by everything he encounters.
Indeed they were "historical" heroes....both West Point grads, with Jackson's military style still studied today and reasoned by modern military people to be among the greatest military minds to have ever lived. My grand pap gave me a coin when I went into the military as a teen, a valid US MINTED coin honoring both Jackson and Robert E. Lee...a 50 cent piece minted in 1925 titled the Stone Mountain half dollar, honoring both great military men....I still wear that coin around my neck encased in a golden mount, right next to my dog tags on a military chain. This along with my elephant hair bracelet never come off my body as both were and still are my "good luck" pieces.

In my early military career as an enlisted man...time and time again I was ordered to remove these civilian symbols, along with the white socks that I told my folks to keep shipping hell with those heavy wool OD green fungus and mold catchers they passed out from Quarter Master..... but hard headedness seems to run in my family. :) Besides the brass never had a clue unless some AO dropped a dime on me.

One question that still bothers me today. Why do liberals always attempt to hide from history actual...or re-invent it to suit their agenda? The war between the states did not begin as a SLAVE issue.....the issue of slavery never entered the picture until Mr. Lincoln decided to use it as a campaign position in order to get re-elected. The war was fought over states rights and a strict adherence to the US constitution as written. Today...its all about slavery. Its just like the historical lies told by the left concerning hear them rewrite history FDR saved the nation....when in HISTORICAL FACT...things continued to get worse and worse over the entire decade of the 30s until the US got involved in WW II. The only thing FDR needs to be credited with is the hand picked ROOSEVELT COURT that helped destroy the US Constitution as a standard to protect states rights.
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You could have worn a coin minted in honor of an American hero, rather than a Confederate hero. :dunno:

I don't know what you would call both the Virginia's other than AMERICAN. Western Va., now W.Va., the birth place of Stonewall Jackson did fight for the north by staying in the Union while Eastern Va., voted to go confederate....FYI: The majority of this nation's founding legal documents were written by Distinguished Gentlemen from the far as who was right as defined by the Constitution...the south wins hands down. But then must be a social lefty that was never taught historical truth. No? :)

A little history actual never hurt should try it on occasion. I wonder why these men were considered HEROES in the mid 20s and honored as such by the federal government and re-defined, as just witnessed, as evil villains by the left today? Hell, if JFK were to run for office today he would be labeled a far right nut by the socialists of today's democrat party.
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The flag of Jackson and Lee;

The flag of Jackson and Lee;


You still can't hide from history. But that's a nice attempted "deflection" the assumption that it might generate the same hate contained in your heart. only concern is TRUTH..not politics. But keep studying Alisnky 101...its the same play book used by the supposed PROGRESSIVE party since the 60s. LMAO.

The same party that still insists on using the failed FDR policies that caused a recession to turn into a GREAT DEPRESSION that lasted over a decade. But of course the re-invented history has the fault going to Hoover....who served less than 25% of that served by FDR. That's some logic...if you are a complete kool aid drinking moron. FDR resided over another STOCK MARKET CRASH almost as serve as the 29 crash...that came in 37. But that's never taught in our public school systems. I wonder why? If you want to know the truth...ITS STILL OUT THERE. Ever hear of Morgenthau?

After 8 years.....under Roosevelt...unemployment, after spending unheard of billions of dollars....on credit....still was worse than when he assumed office. Go figure. Even that administration proved that throwing tax payer monies at a problem only gets you deeper into trouble.
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One question that still bothers me today. Why do liberals always attempt to hide from history actual...or re-invent it to suit their agenda? The war between the states did not begin as a SLAVE issue.....the issue of slavery never entered the picture until Mr. Lincoln decided to use it as a campaign position in order to get re-elected. The war was fought over states rights and a strict adherence to the US constitution as written. Today...its all about slavery. Its just like the historical lies told by the left concerning hear them rewrite history FDR saved the nation....when in HISTORICAL FACT...things continued to get worse and worse over the entire decade of the 30s until the US got involved in WW II. The only thing FDR needs to be credited with is the hand picked ROOSEVELT COURT that helped destroy the US Constitution as a standard to protect states rights.

Oddly enough, or not, complaining about something while in the very act of doing exactly that.:(

States right for what?? TO HOLD SLAVES:wall: TO expand SLAVERY into new states..

States rights was merely the bogus claim to get the poor whites on board to kill their brothers in the North so the rich guys could hold slaves..
You still can't hide from history. But that's a nice attempted "deflection" the assumption that it might generate the same hate contained in your heart. only concern is TRUTH..not politics. But keep studying Alisnky 101...its the same play book used by the supposed PROGRESSIVE party since the 60s. LMAO.

The same party that still insists on using the failed FDR policies that caused a recession to turn into a GREAT DEPRESSION that lasted over a decade. But of course the re-invented history has the fault going to Hoover....who served less than 25% of that served by FDR. That's some logic...if you are a complete kool aid drinking moron. FDR resided over another STOCK MARKET CRASH almost as serve as the 29 crash...that came in 37. But that's never taught in our public school systems. I wonder why? If you want to know the truth...ITS STILL OUT THERE. Ever hear of Morgenthau?

After 8 years.....under Roosevelt...unemployment, after spending unheard of billions of dollars....on credit....still was worse than when he assumed office. Go figure. Even that administration proved that throwing tax payer monies at a problem only gets you deeper into trouble.

You are insane.
Oddly enough, or not, complaining about something while in the very act of doing exactly that.:(

States right for what?? TO HOLD SLAVES:wall: TO expand SLAVERY into new states..

States rights was merely the bogus claim to get the poor whites on board to kill their brothers in the North so the rich guys could hold slaves..

Another history MORON? Slavery could only exist if the majority of society WANTED IT TO EXIST...this is a representative republic. Maryland...a supposed northern state was one of the greatest slave holders. If THE PEOPLE wanted slavery to end at that suggested by the men from the south who historically drafted the majority of this nation's legal system...all it would have taken is a simple amendment to the constitution...NOT A WAR. The North knew they could not pass such an popular demand. Thus...WAR was declared in a most unconstitutional manner...when the northern military defied a STATES CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS.

Given time...slavery would have ceased...when society changed and the south became as mechanized as the north. Truth does not evolve. Societies do. From the beginning this truth was located in our founding documents..."All men are created equal..." was that statement a lie? Of course not. Slavery existed because the majority of society WANTED it to a true representative republican formatted democracy THAT's the only way it could have existed. The north ignored the RULE OF LAW...and proceeded to hit their southern neighbors over the head with a 2x4 in order to demonstrate Darwin's Law.....survival of the fittest. The north was the true aggressor....the south was defending the literal rule of law. Question? Was the 500,000 + American lives lost...worth ending slavery a few years ahead of Societies wishes? Really?

This is the problem we still face today. We have a few self professed elite "progressive" assholes who KNOW MORE THAN EVERYONE...and insist upon dictating their desires upon the entire REPUBLIC.
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Another history MORON? Slavery could only exist if the majority of society WANTED IT TO EXIST...this is a representative republic. Maryland...a supposed northern state was one of the greatest slave holders. If THE PEOPLE wanted slavery to end at that suggested by the men from the south who historically drafted the majority of this nation's legal system...all it would have taken is a simple amendment to the constitution...NOT A WAR. The North knew they could not pass such an popular demand. Thus...WAR was declared in a most unconstitutional manner.

Given time...slavery would have ceased...when society changed and the south became as mechanized as the north. Truth does not evolve. Societies do. From the beginning this truth was located in our founding documents..."All men are created equal..." Slaver existed because the majority of society WANTED it to a true representative republican formated democracy THAT's the only way it could have existed. The north ignored the RULE OF LAW...and proceeded to hit their southern neighbors over the head with a 2x4 in order to demonstrate Darwin's Law.....survival of the fittest. The north was the true aggressor....the south was defending the literal rule of law.

The south had more representation than their "WHITE POPULATION" warranted, but w/out the expansion~new states coming in as non-slave holding states, their 'OVER REPRESENTATION would finally come to an end...

An amendment isn't simple now is it..:palm:

The neanderthals in sc should have thought of that before attacking an American fort & killing American service men.....

That happened in other more civilized countries but a certain group in the south didn't want to move forward~THUS THE ATTACK ON AMERICAN SERVICE MEN..
The south had more representation than their "WHITE POPULATION" warranted, but w/out the expansion~new states coming in as non-slave holding states, their 'OVER REPRESENTATION would finally come to an end...

An amendment isn't simple now is it..:palm:

The neanderthals in sc should have thought of that before attacking an American fort & killing American service men.....

That happened in other more civilized countries but a certain group in the south didn't want to move forward~THUS THE ATTACK ON AMERICAN SERVICE MEN..

Then WHY....WAR? Could the 500,000 lives that was lost (a great number Northern victims of aggression) not have waited 5, years, 10 years at the most? The Would'a, Could'a....Should haves...still do not hold the authority to debunk History Actual. I insist upon TRUTH...that's it. Question? What was the northern military doing there in order to be shot at? It was to coax the south into an engagement the north knew it could not win. As history proves.....the war was about STATES RIGHTS and the US CONSTITUTION. The north never honored the constitutional rule of law. What would you do if some criminal dope head gangs camped out right outside your front yard? The north had no constitutional authority to even attempt to police a southern state...period.
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Then WHY....WAR? Could the 500,000 lives that was lost not have waited 5, years, 10 years at the most? The Would'a, Could'a....Should haves...still do not hold the authority to debunk History Actual. I insist upon TRUTH...that's it.

Ralph my friend, you are not exactly known for truth...

Easy for you to ask why not wait 10 years, but then it isn't any skin off your back from a whip...

You are asking the wrong person, you should be asking your fellow traitors whey they couldn't wait for this to work it's self out~INSTEAD OF KILLING INNOCENT AMERICAN SERVICE MEN & starting the war..
Ralph my friend, you are not exactly known for truth...

Easy for you to ask why not wait 10 years, but then it isn't any skin off your back from a whip...

You are asking the wrong person, you should be asking your fellow traitors whey they couldn't wait for this to work it's self out~INSTEAD OF KILLING INNOCENT AMERICAN SERVICE MEN & starting the war..

It should be a simple task to objectively prove that I have lied...proceed. Half a million US lives means nothing to skin off your proverbial LIBERAL ASS? Really? You will demonstrate that I have lied because you can't...its typical of someone that can't defend their position....ACCUSE void of any evidence...attack....then deflect...then finally RUN LIKE HELL. :) Alinsky 101.
It should be a simple task to objectively prove that I have lied...proceed. Half a million US lives means nothing to skin off your proverbial LIBERAL ASS? Really? You will demonstrate that I have lied because you can't...its typical of someone that can't defend their position....ACCUSE void of any evidence...attack....then deflect...then finally RUN LIKE HELL. :) Alinsky 101.

Where did I say you lied in this thread?? "I insist upon TRUTH" ~LIVE UP TO YOUR OWN STANDARDS!!

I am the one that said you were in the act of complaining about something while in the act of doing the thing you were complaining about.. Remember me??

& now you are going to blow a fuse & say I can't defend this or that~ this would be a good place for the truth, honesty & all that to come in play my friend..

You are simply wrong, it had everything to do w/ SLAVERY, & no strawman is ever going to change that......