Robert E. Lee And Thomas Stonewall Jackson Were Both Genuine American Heroes.

Right....THE PEOPLE do not own this nation and are not the self governed GOVERNMENT. The sovereign is some imagined self controlled entity located in Washington DC. Talk about TREASON with a capital "T". Someone....anyone show us the Article, Section and Clause in the contract among the states known as the CONSTITUTION that does away with any states SOVEREIGNTY. Anyone? Again...what do those 50 STATE CONSTITUTIONS represent? Are they made useless by the Constitution...a document created and ratified by those same states? I am sure...the states gave away their sovereignty in the same breath they were placing limits on the power and scope of the Central Government that you now claim is the only Sovereign located in this country.

LAMO at what historical ignorance you leftists use in attempting to rationalize historical LIES. :palm:

Its a most simple thing. Show the Constitution where the STATES gave up their sovereignty. If so...why do they still have STATE CONSTITUTIONS? The (UNITED) States..are just that....sovereign states that came together by contract to do the things that no single state had the ability to accomplish. Like a Common Defense....interstate infrastructure....interstate trade regulation standards....and the placement of national levies to construct those things not accomplished by the ability of any one sovereign state.

Its not rocket science. History actual is the same for everyone when its TRUTHFUL. Once again this can be simple. SHOW us the article, section, and clause that done away with state sovereignty. Parroting left wing propaganda does not make it truth.
Good O honest Ralph, LAMOin the lefties................:palm:

When will you be actually providing more than your recollections & bull shit & start posting some facts, links etc to support your justification for starting a war w/ the United States of America??
Jane Fonda ... ahh, Jane Fonda .. now there's a traitor. You don't hear any of them complain about her or call her a traitor, now do you? She's a folk hero to them.

Jane Fonda the traitor doesn't belong in the same written paragraph with Jackson and Lee, both men heroes and honored military commanders within the country's military heritage.

We need to stop them from telling the rest of us who the heroes are and who the traitors are. We need to stop political correctness altogether.
1) The states were only sovereign under the Articles of Confederation. Even the Constitution of the CSA gave them no such status, and even drafted citizens. States and the Federal Government, under our Constitution have powers--not rights--which only belong to citizens.

2) The constitution of the USSR explicitly allowed for secession.

This is PC bullshit.

The states remained sovereign at the drafting of the constitution because of the bill of rights. The bill of rights was a prohibition against the power of the federal government to ensure that the brunt of power remained with the states and not the fed.

The people in the states. Don't fall for this crap from the cultural Marxists. States rights didn't end with the constitution. States rights became much less influential with the passing of the fourteenth amendment which gave enormous powers to the federal government.
That last comment tells us much about what you are. Thank you racist.

Right....if you can't defend your position due to the factual evidence introduced, OUT COMES THE RACE CARD. LMAO:) Neither truth nor history are racist....they should be the same for everyone. Liberals and their political RACE BAITING church called the "church of neverending bigotry". :palm:

But...the good news.....THE RACE CARD...just like the final buzzer at some sporting event signals THE END...GAME OVER, the left has nothing "LEFT" other than personal ad homenim insults and race baiting in the attempt to save face and deflect away from their LIES and DEMONSTRATED STUPIDITY.

This thread proves something...if nothing else. Its just like stated by Mr. Reagan, "It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant, its just that they know so many things that are not so......"

Having demonstrated the historical truth that the ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION when replaced by the Constitution never ended STATE SOVEREIGNTY....proving how LIES are easily debunked.,,,,I move the next liberal lie.

Strange thing. Liberals are allowed to HATE and CALL PEOPLE NAMES and it seems to make them more tolerant.:) Read the posts along this thread and find out for yourself just who the haters and the bigots really are. They HATE HISTORY ACTUAL...don't even want to discuss it. They HATE historical figures...if those figures come from the south. And lastly they are bigoted for some reason against anyone that promotes the truth found in history actual. Go figure.
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This is PC bullshit.

The states remained sovereign at the drafting of the constitution because of the bill of rights. The bill of rights was a prohibition against the power of the federal government to ensure that the brunt of power remained with the states and not the fed.

The people in the states. Don't fall for this crap from the cultural Marxists. States rights didn't end with the constitution. States rights became much less influential with the passing of the fourteenth amendment which gave enormous powers to the federal government.

States do not have rights. Period. If you read the 10th Amendment, you won't find them anywhere. Federalism is not sovereignty. Meanwhile, the Constitution gives the federal government supremacy over the states.

Jackson and Lee caused more harm, and were thus worse than Hanoi Jane.
Right....if you can't defend your position due to the factual evidence introduced, OUT COMES THE RACE CARD. LMAO:) Neither truth nor history are racist....they should be the same for everyone. Liberals and their political RACE BAITING church called the "church of neverending bigotry". :palm:

But...the good news.....THE RACE CARD...just like the final buzzer at some sporting event signals THE END...GAME OVER, the left has nothing "LEFT" other than personal ad homenim insults and race baiting in the attempt to save face and deflect away from their LIES and DEMONSTRATED STUPIDITY.

This thread proves something...if nothing else. Its just like stated by Mr. Reagan, "It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant, its just that they know so many things that are not so......"

Having demonstrated the historical truth that the ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION when replaced by the Constitution never ended STATE SOVEREIGNTY....proving how LIES are easily debunked.,,,,I move the next liberal lie.

Strange thing. Liberals are allowed to HATE and CALL PEOPLE NAMES and it seems to make them more tolerant.:) Read the posts along this thread and find out for yourself just who the haters and the bigots really are. They HATE HISTORY ACTUAL...don't even want to discuss it. They HATE historical figures...if those figures come from the south. And lastly they are bigoted for some reason against anyone that promotes the truth found in history actual. Go figure.

Just calling a spade a spade, to use your vernacular.
It's easy now to understand your warped perspective on American history,knowing what you are, boy.
States do not have rights. Period. If you read the 10th Amendment, you won't find them anywhere. Federalism is not sovereignty. Meanwhile, the Constitution gives the federal government supremacy over the states.

Jackson and Lee caused more harm, and were thus worse than Hanoi Jane.

Paste the tenth amendment then repeat your statement.

I think you're trolling again as usual. Paste it.
Just calling a spade a spade, to use your vernacular.
It's easy now to understand your warped perspective on American history,knowing what you are, boy.

Never mind this religious - cultural bigot. He will destroy the first amendment and the second amendment. He will destroy freedom of speech, freedom of religious expression, freedom of assembly, freedom of association, and the right to bear arms (The right of private property)

You want to live in Leon's world where you live in fear with no freedom afraid of the spoken word then support him. All he does is play his race card. He's a totalitarian.
Never mind this religious - cultural bigot. He will destroy the first amendment and the second amendment. He will destroy freedom of speech, freedom of religious expression, freedom of assembly, freedom of association, and the right to bear arms (The right of private property)

You want to live in Leon's world where you live in fear with no freedom afraid of the spoken word then support him. All he does is play his race card. He's a totalitarian.

I am flattered by the powers you suppose I have ma'am..
All I have done is express the fact that I don't like the hypocrisy of religion, racists or traitors.
I guess I don't like you very much, huh?
Paste the tenth amendment then repeat your statement.

I think you're trolling again as usual. Paste it.

The Tenth Amendment said:
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

Southerners have never been able to read this text very well, but, there's no mention of rights, anywhere. Rights are mentioned in the Ninth Amendment, but there is no reference to state or federal governments.

Jackson and Lee became politically incorrect when some of the scum from Woodstock became college professors and began to demonize the south in the country's public educational system. This is when both men and the confederacy became Nazis and traitors.

They took their birthdays off the nation's calender's.

That doesn't change the fact that both men symbolized the military heritage of the country or the heroic stand the south made against Lincoln's overwhelming federal armies during Lincoln's war.

Lincoln freed the slaves has been taught in america's schools for decades but that never took all honor away form both men nor did it ever dishonor the southern confederacy or the southern people. This demonizing of all things southern began in earnest with the sixties radicals. It is they who first instilled this fluff in our culture then established it for good in their own PC culture which replaced the traditional one.

ANother Jackson, the president Jackson:

During the presidential term of Andrew Jackson, South Carolina had its own semi-secession movement due to the 1828 "Tariffs of Abomination" which threatened both South Carolina's economy and the Union. Andrew Jackson also threatened to send federal troops to put down the movement and to hang the leader of the secessionists from the highest tree in South Carolina

But each State having expressly parted with so many powers as to constitute jointly with the other States a single nation, cannot from that period possess any right to secede, because such secession does not break a league, but destroys the unity of a nation, and any injury to that unity is not only a breach which would result from the contravention of a compact, but it is an offense against the whole Union. [emphasis added] To say that any State may at pleasure secede from the Union, is to say that the United States are not a nation because it would be a solecism to contend that any part of a nation might dissolve its connection with the other parts, to their injury or ruin, without committing any offense. Secession, like any other revolutionary act, may be morally justified by the extremity of oppression; but to call it a constitutional right, is confounding the meaning of terms, and can only be done through gross error, or to deceive those who are willing to assert a right, but would pause before they made a revolution, or incur the penalties consequent upon a failure.[34]

I am flattered by the powers you suppose I have ma'am..
All I have done is express the fact that I don't like the hypocrisy of religion, racists or traitors.
I guess I don't like you very much, huh?

And because you don't, you want laws against each.

With each by your definition of such.
So your opinions are tantamount to facts around here??

Gums still flapping...but no objective evidence. Now tell us one more time how the expired articles of confederation rescinded state sovereignty. LMAO. And no one should honor the fallen heroes of this nation because they were from the south, not the north...even though their abilities and strategies are still taught at West Point today. hate, no bigotry here folks.

Of course....anyone "pretending" to be smart...just knows the actual words of the constitution are worthless.,,when compared to parroted propaganda. :) "factual" evidence introduced whatsoever. Clearly the Constitution, the Federalist Papers, the States Bill of Rights also known as the 1st 10 amendments of the Constitution are worthless conspiracies.

I know, I know....YOU HATE ME...because I'm a racist for proving you wrong, and that hate somehow makes you more tolerant....and correct, like accepting history actual and its historical figures with no bigotry involved. You got me sport. I bow to your greatness. You debunked the hell out of history actual, the Constitution, following amendments, and the Federalist papers with your ad hominem BS. :palm:


One more time. "Liberals (or those pretending not to be liberal) are not ignorant....its just that so much of what they know simply is not so........" Guess who?
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And because you don't, you want laws against each.

With each by your definition of such.

As usual, you make little sense. Did you take grammar lessons from Sistah $arah?
Laws against acts of racism and treachery are already on the books, in case you didn't know.
The embarrassment of religious hypocrisy should be enough to be it's own punishment.
You and Ralphie should get a room.