Robert E. Lee And Thomas Stonewall Jackson Were Both Genuine American Heroes.

Where did I say you lied in this thread?? "I insist upon TRUTH" ~LIVE UP TO YOUR OWN STANDARDS!!

I am the one that said you were in the act of complaining about something while in the act of doing the thing you were complaining about.. Remember me??

& now you are going to blow a fuse & say I can't defend this or that~ this would be a good place for the truth, honesty & all that to come in play my friend..

You are simply wrong, it had everything to do w/ SLAVERY, & no strawman is ever going to change that......

:) LMAO you have provided nothing ad hominem BS. If you can't defend what you claim to be your position...I would suggest you simply stay on the porch.
We are the children of the United States of America, not her enemies, as are you, traitor.

The United States of America...are just that, 50 sovereign states...each with its own constitution. The United States is not a Central Government located in Washington DC. The States gave birth to the Feds and the PEOPLE within those states own this nation from coast to coast, border to border and dictate policy and law to the Central Government though representation from those same PEOPLES. You have this republic confused with the former USSR where the central government dictated policy, passed out and regulated rights....not THE PEOPLE.

What? Are all 50 state constitutions created to be used as outhouse shit paper by the Feds? The Federal Government is nothing but a runaway rouge BASTARD CHILD created by THE STATES....not the inversion. The US CONSTITUTION was a contract drawn up by the STATES and ratified by a super majority ratification of 75%...that contract among the states was drafted and voted on in order to place limits on the power and scope of the central government, it details what THE STATE as in the CENTRAL Government...cannot do to any state citizen.

The primary duty of the fed is 3 fold. 1st and foremost it was created to centralize a COMMON NATIONAL DEFENSE by creating and maintaining a military force. 2nd its duty is to regulate in an equal and fair manner trade between the states. 3. To make this trade more efficient.....another duty is the creation, maintenance and regulation of interstate infrastructure. To pay for these through STATE REPRESENTATION is authorized to LEVY monies from both foreign and state a simple format as described by the PEOPLE'S REPRESENTATIVES in congress...not the IRS.

The federal government's duty is not to duplicate local and state programs in order to usurp authority from the states. This nation is failing to work properly and finds itself some 19 trillion dollars in debt because it was created as a Representative Republic and its trying to be run like the historically failed system always exampled by any social democracy....that is easily corrupted at the central level.
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I don't know what you would call both the Virginia's other than AMERICAN. Western Va., now W.Va., the birth place of Stonewall Jackson did fight for the north by staying in the Union while Eastern Va., voted to go confederate....FYI: The majority of this nation's founding legal documents were written by Distinguished Gentlemen from the far as who was right as defined by the Constitution...the south wins hands down. But then must be a social lefty that was never taught historical truth. No? :)

A little history actual never hurt should try it on occasion. I wonder why these men were considered HEROES in the mid 20s and honored as such by the federal government and re-defined, as just witnessed, as evil villains by the left today? Hell, if JFK were to run for office today he would be labeled a far right nut by the socialists of today's democrat party.

America is the United States, and Americans are people who choose to live here, and even serve in its armed forces. Since Lee and Jackson served as general officers in the Confederate Army, under the flag of the CSA, they stopped being Americans, and became Confederates. They were no more American than former PM Stephen Harper or former President Vicente Fox.
The United States of America...are just that, 50 sovereign states...each with its own constitution. The United States is not a Central Government located in Washington DC. The States gave birth to the Feds and the PEOPLE within those states own this nation from coast to coast, border to border and dictate policy and law to the Central Government though representation from those same PEOPLES. You have this republic confused with the former USSR where the central government dictated policy and passed out rights....not THE PEOPLE.

What? Are all 50 state constitution to be used as outhouse shit paper by the Feds? The Federal Government is nothing but a runaway rouge BASTARD CHILD created by THE STATES....not the inversion. The US CONSTITUTION was a contract drawn up by the STATES and ratified by a super majority ratification of 75%...that contract among the states was drafted an voted on in order place limits on the power and scope of the central government, it details what THE STATE as in the CENTRAL...cannot do to any state citizen.

The primary duty of the fed is 3 fold. 1st and foremost it was created to centralize a NATIONAL DEFENSE by creating and maintaining a military defense. 2nd its duty is regulate in an equal and fair manner trade between the states. 3. To make this trade more efficient.....another duty is the creation, maintenance and regulation of interstate infrastructure.

The federal government's duty is not to duplicate local and state programs in order to usurp authority from the states. This nation is failing to work properly because it was created as a Representative Republic and its trying to be run like the historically failed system always example by any social democracy....that is easily corrupted at the central level.

1) The states were only sovereign under the Articles of Confederation. Even the Constitution of the CSA gave them no such status, and even drafted citizens. States and the Federal Government, under our Constitution have powers--not rights--which only belong to citizens.

2) The constitution of the USSR explicitly allowed for secession.
1) The states were only sovereign under the Articles of Confederation. Even the Constitution of the CSA gave them no such status, and even drafted citizens. States and the Federal Government, under our Constitution have powers--not rights--which only belong to citizens.

2) The constitution of the USSR explicitly allowed for secession.

It's fun to watch southern traitors argue history with you 3D. You always come through with the goods.
Well said.
It's fun to watch southern traitors argue history with you 3D. You always come through with the goods.
Well said.

Right....THE PEOPLE do not own this nation and are not the self governed GOVERNMENT. The sovereign is some imagined self controlled entity located in Washington DC. Talk about TREASON with a capital "T". Someone....anyone show us the Article, Section and Clause in the contract among the states known as the CONSTITUTION that does away with any states SOVEREIGNTY. Anyone? Again...what do those 50 STATE CONSTITUTIONS represent? Are they made useless by the Constitution...a document created and ratified by those same states? I am sure...the states gave away their sovereignty in the same breath they were placing limits on the power and scope of the Central Government that you now claim is the only Sovereign located in this country.

LAMO at what historical ignorance you leftists use in attempting to rationalize historical LIES. :palm:

Its a most simple thing. Show the Constitution where the STATES gave up their sovereignty. If so...why do they still have STATE CONSTITUTIONS? The (UNITED) States..are just that....sovereign states that came together by contract to do the things that no single state had the ability to accomplish. Like a Common Defense....interstate infrastructure....interstate trade regulation standards....and the placement of national levies to construct those things not accomplished by the ability of any one sovereign state.

Its not rocket science. History actual is the same for everyone when its TRUTHFUL. Once again this can be simple. SHOW us the article, section, and clause that done away with state sovereignty. Parroting left wing propaganda does not make it truth.
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Right....THE PEOPLE do not own this nation and are not the self governed GOVERNMENT. Someone....anyone show us the Article, Section and Clause in the contract among the states known as the CONSTITUTION that does away with any states SOVEREIGNTY. Anyone? Again...what do those 50 STATE CONSTITUTIONS represent? Are they made useless by the Constitution...a document created and ratified by those same states? I am sure...the states gave away their sovereignty in the same breath they were placing limits on the power and scope of the Central Government that you now claim is the only Sovereign located in this country.

LAMO at what historical ignorance you leftists use in attempting to rationalize historical LIES. :palm:

Its a most simple thing. Show the Constitution where the STATES gave up their sovereignty. If so...why do they still have STATE CONSTITUTIONS? The (UNITED) States..are just that....sovereign states that came together by contract to do the things that no single state had the ability to accomplish. Like a Common Defense....interstate infrastructure....interstate trade regulation standards....and the placement of national levies to construct those things not accomplished by the ability of any one sovereign state.

Its not rocket science. History actual is the same for everyone when its TRUTHFUL. Once again this can be simple. SHOW us the article, section, and clause that done away with state sovereignty. Parroting left wing propaganda does not make it truth.

Southern traitors are always on the losing end of the arguments they make.
You are no exception , Ralphie.
Southern traitors are always on the losing end of the arguments they make.
You are no exception , Ralphie.

You got me sport...I bow to your greatness. LAMO Article, no Clause exits. So....Alinsky 101. I debunked the hell out of history actual in the:) Attempt to deflect away from the demonstrable lies by accusations and personal ad hominem attacks. Typical. Again...are there nothing but Children to debate on this site? The demonstrable lie? The Constitution ended state sovereignty...which only existed under the articles of confederation. If this were true...such a thing would be included in the actual wording found in the United States Its not there....its a demonstrable lie. Stranger still if such were true....why does article 10 or amendment 10 exist in the constitution, speaking of and detailing STATES/PEOPLES RIGHTS? Does anyone know when Amendment 10 was ratified?

The states possess no sovereign power nor rights under the constitution? Is the language contained in the actual Constitution then a LIE and your guild correct? Really?

The words of the actual constitution concerning states rights and the authority they have granted the CENTRAL/FEDERAL government. "The powers NOT DELEGATED to the STATE (as in the central the states) by the Constitution (drafted and ratified by those same sovereign states you leftist revisionists attempted to claim did not exist), nor PROHIBITED IT (by who...what's who?) THE STATES...are reserved (to a sovereign big brother central government? No!) to THE STATES...(where...individually still existed in 1791...years after the Constitution was drafted and ratified originally in 1787/88) RESPECTIVELY."-- Amendment 10 of the United States Constitution.

So much for the obvious historical lie that the states gave up their RESPECTIVE sovereignty after the articles of confederation became antiquated law. Does anyone know what RESPECTIVELY means?

For you leftists: Respectively: An indicator of giving respect in order by any given number greater than ONE. Another simple question? When was Amendment 10 "rescinded" by state ratification?
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Article IV guarantees the states a republican form of government. They are not granted the status of national republics. The 10th Amendment reinforces federalism - the states exercising powers not specifically given to the federal government. Ultimately, these powers are derived from the people, who alone possess rights.
Article IV guarantees the states a republican form of government. They are not granted the status of national republics. The 10th Amendment reinforces federalism - the states exercising powers not specifically given to the federal government. Ultimately, these powers are derived from the people, who alone possess rights.


How do you like me now Ralphie?​
Article IV guarantees the states a republican form of government. They are not granted the status of national republics. The 10th Amendment reinforces federalism - the states exercising powers not specifically given to the federal government. Ultimately, these powers are derived from the people, who alone possess rights.

What an idiot. In one breath you just contradicted your own lies. You state that the feds grant rights....but then declare this right exists only with THE PEOPLE...which is always used synonymously as being the same as THE STATES.

The Constitution and the central government....GRANTS the states something? Really? The truth is the inversion. The Constitution was drafted as a contract stating NEGATIVE LIBERTIES "granted" to the FEDS by contractual agreement AMONG THE STATES/PEOPLE. The feds have no right to GRANT ANYTHING...because all it has ORIGINATES from the PEOPLE/STATES. There you go again...attempting to re-write history and declare the FEDS are the all sovereign authority in this nation..when it was the STATES that granted all the liberties enjoyed by the FEDS.

LMAO. Again...just where does the Constitution rescind State Sovereignty? The guarantee of republicanism in no way rescinds any state constitution nor its bylaws. As I said...the lengths at which the kool aid drinking, propagandizing PARROTS will go to promote something that is not in the constitution. If you were not so ignorant in relation to Article 4 Section 4, Clause One of the US could read for yourself the companion document that was drafted by Madison (THE FEDERALIST PAPERS) when the Constitution was being promoted among the states and specifically Federalist No. 10 of that document which explains in detail the reason for Article 4, Section 4, Clause One's existence in the US CONSTITUTION before ratification could be agreed upon.....GUARANTEEING STATE it pertains to personal property rights and STATE SECURITY.

Now you are attempting to re-write history and tell us this specific clause of guarantee....rescinds STATE RIGHTS/ the right to own PERSONAL PROPERTY? Really?

And the explanation from our founding fathers as to the guarantee of a Republican government to all levels of US government? The exact opposite of what you are attempting to sell.....a total rejection of Federalist or STATE control of the United States of America in the form of any type of DEMOCRATIC society or a DIRECT SOCIAL DEMOCRACY as exampled in Europe and the former USSR where there exists only one authority....which can and does turn into MOB RULE via revolution as historically exampled by all previous such governments of history.

Federalist No. TEN and the explanation by James Madison as to the reason for Guaranteed Republicanism at all government levels...and it has nothing to do with state sovereignty or there would be no guarantee by contract (THE US CONSTITUTION) ensuring each and every state REPUBLICAN TYPE REPRESENTATION. If the sovereignty of each state did not exist...why guarantee "THEM", as in many...anything?

The explanation? No. 10 states very clearly with no ambiguity whatsoever, "HENCE, it is that such democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention (sound familiar? as YOU are attempting to contend or argue that state sovereignty has not existed since the articles of confederation...and are constantly contradicting your own lies), HAVE BEEN FOUND INCOMPATIBLE WITH PERSONAL SECURITY OR THE RIGHTS OF PROPERTY (now you are stating that the states have no personal right of property and are not sovereign as guaranteed by some imagined federalist edict that does not exist and has never existed except in the imagination of social democratic advocates such as yourself)....and have generally been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths."

There you go....history tells us that Article Four, Section Four, Clause One...just like the other lies you have promoted and been debunked by the actual facts of history....has nothing to do with taking away any states sovereignty rights of self government, as such self government is guaranteed at all levels of government in a republican format of representation.

Do you have any other lies to imagine into existence that can't be backed up by the actual content, context and literal language of the Constitution? :)

Why do you attempt to argue with obvious LIES that can be easily debunked by simple history? Never been taught about the federalist papers.....the articles that were promoted as a selling point to THE STATES (those states you say had no sovereign rights but somehow had to vote among themselves a super majority (75% approval) ratification in order to validate FEDERALISM by Constitutional contract. Now you tell us THE STATES had no such authority as it did not exist after the articles of confederation? Of course you have Apparently not been instructed in historical truth....or you would not have attempted to tell such a shallow lie and promote it as TRUTH. Just where did you go to school?
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How do you like me now Ralphie?​

The KOOL AID drinking cheer leader is back again....that personally knows nothing of history....but cheers the debunked lies of their comrades. LMAO. Yep....some left wing "imagined" movie pretending to be SMART....sure put me in my place with all my historical facts and such. Debunked again by Hollywood. Such sorrow. You hurt my rittle feelings. :) But the "imagination" seems to go hand and hand with the lies being promoted by your cohort. Why do all liberals live between their their imagination? Is it to escape the reality that surrounds you? Thus, you can imagine your own greatness, regardless of the cold hard facts? even had to go to PRETEND SCHOOL in the attempt to insult me. LMAO. Again...are there any real adults here?

I luv dem apples. Why? It demonstrates your true educational level. Aren't you missing some other show by being here? How will you continue to educate yourself?

Do you actually think that personal attacks somehow constitute DEBATE? Can anyone "articulate" their position...or is everyone on the left side as ignorant as you have demonstrated yourself to be?
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Oddly enough, or not, complaining about something while in the very act of doing exactly that.:(

States right for what?? TO HOLD SLAVES:wall: TO expand SLAVERY into new states..

States rights was merely the bogus claim to get the poor whites on board to kill their brothers in the North so the rich guys could hold slaves..

And it was surely the threat of abolition, embodied in Lincoln, that let the Confederacy to break away, and to fire on Fort Sumpter. I know various of my wife's family went over very early in the war specifically to volunteer and fight slavery - you didn't need a great brain to see what it was all about, and masses of our people served in the Union Army on just those grounds. Which is not to say that particular Southern individuals, fighting, as most of us would, for the community in which they were born, weren't admirable enough. I remember a line of poetry about the Abolitionists which concerned 'The work of Jackson, Lee/Setting his own slaves free', but I don't know where I found it now.
Jackson and Lee became politically incorrect when some of the scum from Woodstock became college professors and began to demonize the south in the country's public educational system. This is when both men and the confederacy became Nazis and traitors.

They took their birthdays off the nation's calender's.

That doesn't change the fact that both men symbolized the military heritage of the country or the heroic stand the south made against Lincoln's overwhelming federal armies during Lincoln's war.

Lincoln freed the slaves has been taught in america's schools for decades but that never took all honor away form both men nor did it ever dishonor the southern confederacy or the southern people. This demonizing of all things southern began in earnest with the sixties radicals. It is they who first instilled this fluff in our culture then established it for good in their own PC culture which replaced the traditional one.
Jackson and Lee became politically incorrect when some of the scum from Woodstock became college professors and began to demonize the south in the country's public educational system. This is when both men and the confederacy became Nazis and traitors.

They took their birthdays off the nation's calender's.

That doesn't change the fact that both men symbolized the military heritage of the country or the heroic stand the south made against Lincoln's overwhelming federal armies during Lincoln's war.

Lincoln freed the slaves has been taught in america's schools for decades but that never took all honor away form both men nor did it ever dishonor the southern confederacy or the southern people. This demonizing of all things southern began in earnest with the sixties radicals. It is they who instilled this fluff in our culture.

There can be no honor in treachery.
The moment the confederate leaders attacked US forces they ceased being "Americans".
A 1960's music festival has nothing to do with recognizing traitors for what they were. The fact the you mention it at all demonstrates how retarded you truly are.
The civil war will forever be an embarrassing stain on the south and those who, to this day, defend the actions of cowardly racists who fought to the death for the right to own human beings, remains an embarrassment to our nation as a whole.
What an idiot. In one breath you just contradicted your own lies. You state that the feds grant rights....but then declare this right exists only with THE PEOPLE...which is always used synonymously as being the same as THE STATES

Speaking of lies, show me where I said that the feds grant rights, or STFU. The national and state governments neither possess or grant rights. The state governments, meanwhile, have not been sovereign since 1789. The people are not the same as the states, which is why the term "state's rights" is fallacious and idiotic.
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Jackson and Lee became politically incorrect when some of the scum from Woodstock became college professors and began to demonize the south in the country's public educational system. This is when both men and the confederacy became Nazis and traitors.

They took their birthdays off the nation's calender's.

That doesn't change the fact that both men symbolized the military heritage of the country or the heroic stand the south made against Lincoln's overwhelming federal armies during Lincoln's war.

Lincoln freed the slaves has been taught in america's schools for decades but that never took all honor away form both men nor did it ever dishonor the southern confederacy or the southern people. This demonizing of all things southern began in earnest with the sixties radicals. It is they who first instilled this fluff in our culture then established it for good in their own PC culture which replaced the traditional one.

1) Jackson and Lee are not politically incorrect. They are un-American, and so is praising them. If an ugly child's face can only be loved by a mother, then Jackson and Lee's misdeeds can only be admired by radical Islamic terrorists.

2) Their birthdays are worthless.

3) There is nothing heroic or noble about doing the wrong thing. No one gets points for efforts while committing a grave misdeed, whether they or not the goal is achieved.

4) As the saying goes, honor cannot be taken away, but it can be willingly surrendered. Southerners didn't suddenly do this in the 1960s. They did it during the 1860s, and have never since made any efforts to regain it.
:) LMAO you have provided nothing ad hominem BS. If you can't defend what you claim to be your position...I would suggest you simply stay on the porch.

What is it you believe needs defending?? Perhaps the unprovoked attack killing American service men in the harbor??