APP - Sarah Palin must have Russian blood - she is trying to rewrite history now

cancel2 2022

FACT CHECK: Palin's book goes rogue on some facts

AP – FILE - In this July 26, 2009, file photo, then-Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin speaks in Fairbanks, Alaska. Oh, …

By CALVIN WOODWARD, Associated Press Writer Calvin Woodward, Associated Press Writer – Sat Nov 14, 11:18 am ET
WASHINGTON – Sarah Palin's new book reprises familiar claims from the 2008 presidential campaign that haven't become any truer over time.
Ignoring substantial parts of her record if not the facts, she depicts herself as a frugal traveler on the taxpayer's dime, a reformer without ties to powerful interests and a politician roguishly indifferent to high ambition.
Palin goes adrift, at times, on more contemporary issues, too. She criticizes President Barack Obama for pushing through a bailout package that actually was achieved by his Republican predecessor George W. Bush — a package she seemed to support at the time.
A look at some of her statements in "Going Rogue," obtained by The Associated Press in advance of its release Tuesday:
PALIN: Says she made frugality a point when traveling on state business as Alaska governor, asking "only" for reasonably priced rooms and not "often" going for the "high-end, robe-and-slippers" hotels.
THE FACTS: Although travel records indicate she usually opted for less-pricey hotels while governor, Palin and daughter Bristol stayed five days and four nights at the $707.29-per-night Essex House luxury hotel (robes and slippers come standard) overlooking New York City's Central Park for a five-hour women's leadership conference in October 2007. With air fare, the cost to Alaska was well over $3,000. Event organizers said Palin asked if she could bring her daughter. The governor billed her state more than $20,000 for her children's travel, including to events where they had not been invited, and in some cases later amended expense reports to specify that they had been on official business.
PALIN: Boasts that she ran her campaign for governor on small donations, mostly from first-time givers, and turned back large checks from big donors if her campaign perceived a conflict of interest.
THE FACTS: Of the roughly $1.3 million she raised for her primary and general election campaigns for governor, more than half came from people and political action committees giving at least $500, according to an AP analysis of her campaign finance reports. The maximum that individual donors could give was $1,000; $2,000 for a PAC.
Of the rest, about $76,000 came from Republican Party committees.
She accepted $1,000 each from a state senator and his wife in the weeks after the two Republican lawmakers' offices were raided by the FBI as part of an investigation into a powerful Alaska oilfield services company. After AP reported those donations during the presidential campaign, she said she would give a comparative sum to charity after the general election in 2010, a date set by state election laws.
PALIN: Rails against taxpayer-financed bailouts, which she attributes to Obama. She recounts telling daughter Bristol that to succeed in business, "you'll have to be brave enough to fail."
THE FACTS: Palin is blurring the lines between Obama's stimulus plan — a $787 billion package of tax cuts, state aid, social programs and government contracts — and the federal bailout that Republican presidential candidate John McCain voted for and President George W. Bush signed.
Palin's views on bailouts appeared to evolve as McCain's vice presidential running mate. In September 2008, she said "taxpayers cannot be looked to as the bailout, as the solution, to the problems on Wall Street." A week later, she said "ultimately what the bailout does is help those who are concerned about the health care reform that is needed to help shore up our economy."
During the vice presidential debate in October, Palin praised McCain for being "instrumental in bringing folks together" to pass the $700 billion bailout. After that, she said "it is a time of crisis and government did have to step in."
PALIN: Says Ronald Reagan faced an even worse recession than the one that appears to be ending now, and "showed us how to get out of one. If you want real job growth, cut capital gains taxes and slay the death tax once and for all."
THE FACTS: The estate tax, which some call the death tax, was not repealed under Reagan and capital gains taxes are lower now than when Reagan was president.
Economists overwhelmingly say the current recession is far worse. The recession Reagan faced lasted for 16 months; this one is in its 23rd month. The recession of the early 1980s did not have a financial meltdown. Unemployment peaked at 10.8 percent, worse than the October 2009 high of 10.2 percent, but the jobless rate is still expected to climb.
PALIN: She says her team overseeing the development of a natural gas pipeline set up an open, competitive bidding process that allowed any company to compete for the right to build a 1,715-mile pipeline to bring natural gas from Alaska to the Lower 48.
THE FACTS: Palin characterized the pipeline deal the same way before an AP investigation found her team crafted terms that favored only a few independent pipeline companies and ultimately benefited a company with ties to her administration, TransCanada Corp. Despite promises and legal guidance not to talk directly with potential bidders during the process, Palin had meetings or phone calls with nearly every major candidate, including TransCanada.
PALIN: Criticizes an aide to her predecessor, Gov. Frank Murkowski, for a conflict of interest because the aide represented the state in negotiations over a gas pipeline and then left to work as a handsomely paid lobbyist for ExxonMobil. Palin asserts her administration ended all such arrangements, shoving a wedge in the revolving door between special interests and the state capital.
THE FACTS: Palin ignores her own "revolving door" issue in office; the leader of her own pipeline team was a former lobbyist for a subsidiary of TransCanada, the company that ended up winning the rights to build the pipeline.
PALIN: Writes about a city councilman in Wasilla, Alaska, who owned a garbage truck company and tried to push through an ordinance requiring residents of new subdivisions to pay for trash removal instead of taking it to the dump for free — this to illustrate conflicts of interest she stood against as a public servant.
THE FACTS: As Wasilla mayor, Palin pressed for a special zoning exception so she could sell her family's $327,000 house, then did not keep a promise to remove a potential fire hazard on the property.
She asked the city council to loosen rules for snow machine races when she and her husband owned a snow machine store, and cast a tie-breaking vote to exempt taxes on aircraft when her father-in-law owned one. But she stepped away from the table in 1997 when the council considered a grant for the Iron Dog snow machine race in which her husband competes.
PALIN: Says Obama has admitted that the climate change policy he seeks will cause people's electricity bills to "skyrocket."
THE FACTS: She correctly quotes a comment attributed to Obama in January 2008, when he told San Francisco Chronicle editors that under his cap-and-trade climate proposal, "electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket" as utilities are forced to retrofit coal burning power plants to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
Obama has argued since then that climate legislation can blunt the cost to consumers. Democratic legislation now before Congress calls for a variety of measures aimed at mitigating consumer costs. Several studies predict average household costs probably would be $100 to $145 a year.
PALIN: Welcomes last year's Supreme Court decision deciding punitive damages for victims of the nation's largest oil spill tragedy, the Exxon Valdez disaster, stating it had taken 20 years to achieve victory. As governor, she says, she'd had the state argue in favor of the victims, and she says the court's ruling went "in favor of the people." Finally, she writes, Alaskans could recover some of their losses.
THE FACTS: That response is at odds with her reaction at the time to the ruling, which resolved the long-running case by reducing punitive damages for victims to $500 million from $2.5 billion. Environmentalists and plaintiffs' lawyers decried the ruling as a slap at the victims and Palin herself said she was "extremely disappointed." She said the justices had gutted a jury decision favoring higher damage awards, the Anchorage Daily News reported. "It's tragic that so many Alaska fishermen and their families have had their lives put on hold waiting for this decision," she said, noting many had died "while waiting for justice."
PALIN: Describing her resistance to federal stimulus money, Palin describes Alaska as a practical, libertarian haven of independent Americans who don't want "help" from government busybodies.
THE FACTS: Alaska is also one of the states most dependent on federal subsidies, receiving much more assistance from Washington than it pays in federal taxes. A study for the nonpartisan Tax Foundation found that in 2005, the state received $1.84 for every dollar it sent to Washington.
PALIN: Says she tried to talk about national security and energy independence in her interview with Vogue magazine but the interviewer wanted her to pivot from hydropower to high fashion.
THE FACTS are somewhat in dispute. Vogue contributing editor Rebecca Johnson said Palin did not go on about hydropower. "She just kept talking about drilling for oil."
PALIN: "Was it ambition? I didn't think so. Ambition drives; purpose beckons." Throughout the book, Palin cites altruistic reasons for running for office, and for leaving early as Alaska governor.
THE FACTS: Few politicians own up to wanting high office for the power and prestige of it, and in this respect, Palin fits the conventional mold. But "Going Rogue" has all the characteristics of a pre-campaign manifesto, the requisite autobiography of the future candidate.
hahaha, they are so scared of Palin they have to do a FACT CHECK on her book, sorta like Cnn doing a fact check on a comedy skit of the Hugo...did the AP do a fact check of the Hugo Obamas books I wonder?
..doesn't matter, her book was number one on the best sellers BEFORE it was even released...SWEET JUSTICE in their face...:cof1:


Its so sweet to have the opposition be so in the dark about thier own path to power.

Go Palin
It's a matter of priorities

With the pending release of Sarah Palin's book Going Rogue, the mainstream media decided to do some "fact checking". As such, the Associated Press dispatched several reporters to decipher the factual basis of a book written by a failed Vice Presidential candidate who no longer holds any official position in politics.

In the end, the AP contends that the former governor of Alaska may have fudged on some things, like Palin's claims of frugality when conducting state business. However, the AP's exhaustive research uncovered one instance where a five-day trip to a women's leadership conference cost the Alaskan taxpayers (GASP) $3,000!!


Say, now that you're done with that all-important, vital piece of "fact-checking", I suggest taking on a much more daunting (if not infinitely more relevant) task: How about reading the entire 1,900+ page health care bill which recently passed in the U.S. House? Any chance you could uphold the claims made by Nancy Pelosi & Co. that this abomination bill wouldn't threaten the financial sovereignty of our country? How about the proclamation that Americans will not face steep fines for not enrolling in government-run health insurance? And lastly, the emphatic denials by liberals that a bunch of government bureaucrats would be given the purview of deciding the amount of health care sickly people would receive.

Get back to us on that, will ya?
Go Palin is right she comes..

Seriously, if the Republicans are stupid enough to get behind this idiot Palin, they have it coming. Have they lost all competence? they learned nothing after dragging old man Dole through the '96 election, and 12 years later, they dust off the corpse of John McCain, who was even older than Dole was.

If McCain dies before 2013, his legacy will be "we would have had Palin as President" and anything else he ever did in his career will be forgotten.

Get behind Palin and you might as well be backing the Democrats. She's a total disaster and completely unfit for high office. But its dogmatic for some of you apparently, to worship this meat-headed, know nothing, two bit political hack. And the Democrats thank you. Thanks for pushing this country to the fucking left with your support of this dopey, washed up, ambitious hausfrau.

Thanks a fucking lot.
Seriously, if the Republicans are stupid enough to get behind this idiot Palin, they have it coming. Have they lost all competence? they learned nothing after dragging old man Dole through the '96 election, and 12 years later, they dust off the corpse of John McCain, who was even older than Dole was.

If McCain dies before 2013, his legacy will be "we would have had Palin as President" and anything else he ever did in his career will be forgotten.

Get behind Palin and you might as well be backing the Democrats. She's a total disaster and completely unfit for high office. But its dogmatic for some of you apparently, to worship this meat-headed, know nothing, two bit political hack. And the Democrats thank you. Thanks for pushing this country to the fucking left with your support of this dopey, washed up, ambitious hausfrau.

Thanks a fucking lot.

oh yeah unfit for office...what she isn't as fit as that community organizer and barley a junior Senator in office now..she was only a mayor and a governor of a state..I guess those jobs are nothing compared to community organizing..

and the funny part in all this is she hasn't said she is running for President.
so all your teeth gnashing and cussing is all for nothing..but if it blows your skirt up..LOL
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oh yeah unfit for office...what she isn't as fit as that community organizer and barley a junior Senator in office now..she was only a mayor and a governor of a state..I guess those jobs are nothing compared to community organizing..

and the funny part in all this is she hasn't said she is running for President.
so all your teeth gnashing and cussing is all for nothing..but if it blows your skirt up..LOL

Oh, sorry, I didn't realize that we were having a referendum on Obama.

And if you think that her political ambitions ended when she quit her job then you really are as dumb as you appear. She doesn't even have to run for president there brain cell. All she has to do is get 20% of the Republican lemmings to follow her around, which she already has, and you splinter the party even further, ensuring that the Democrats score easy victories.

Every time one of you uninformed willfull lemmings regurgitates a Palin talking point, somewhere a Democrat jizzes his pants.

Good god, grow a brain.
Oh, sorry, I didn't realize that we were having a referendum on Obama.

And if you think that her political ambitions ended when she quit her job then you really are as dumb as you appear. She doesn't have to run for president there brain cell. All she has to do is get 20% of the Republican lemmings to follow her around, which she already has, and you splinter the party even further, ensuring that the Democrats score easy victories.

Every time one of you uninformed willfull lemmings regurgitates a Palin talking point, somewhere a Democrat jizzes his pants.

Good god, grow a brain.

now people aren't suppose to speak their mind or they might scare off those poor Republican voters..

and how do you know about Democrats and jizze..
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now people aren't suppose to speak their mind or they might scare off those poor Republican voters..

and it seems like you know about lemmings and jizze..

No, you're not speaking your mind meme, you're letting some moron for Alaska do so for you, and in the end, you hurt the conservative cause. Its not that complicated. Well, maybe it is for you, but with a little effort, I think you just might be able to think for yourself.

Try it sometime, its very liberating.
No, you're not speaking your mind meme, you're letting some moron for Alaska do so for you, and in the end, you hurt the conservative cause. Its not that complicated. Well, maybe it is for you, but with a little effort, I think you just might be able to think for yourself.

Try it sometime, its very liberating.

wrong bucko, I liked Sarah Palin when she was my Governor and I like her today..I speak on things as I see them, if it hurts a party then too damn bad.
FACT CHECK: Palin's book goes rogue on some facts

AP – FILE - In this July 26, 2009, file photo, then-Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin speaks in Fairbanks, Alaska. Oh, …

By CALVIN WOODWARD, Associated Press Writer Calvin Woodward, Associated Press Writer – Sat Nov 14, 11:18 am ET

11 AP writers, all for former governor of Alaska. Wow, she must really rattle the cage to get all that attention and time, for how many 'errors?'

While she's not my cup of tea, she sure has some 'mighty smart people' concerned. 11 writers for one book, nothing much going on lately? Not the economy, terrorism, HIVI? Sarah Palin. :cig:
wrong bucko, I liked Sarah Palin when she was my Governor and I like her today..I speak on things as I see them, if it hurts a party then too damn bad.

Okay then, just as long as your aware of the damage you do. Just make sure to keep the democrats stocked up with clean boxers. They'll thank you for that too.
hahaha, they are so scared of Palin they have to do a FACT CHECK on her book, sorta like Cnn doing a fact check on a comedy skit of the Hugo...did the AP do a fact check of the Hugo Obamas books I wonder?
..doesn't matter, her book was number one on the best sellers BEFORE it was even released...SWEET JUSTICE in their face...:cof1:

Ha ha ha, is the right so scared of Michael Moore they had to do a fact check on his movies?

Yeah, her book is number one with Amazon, especially after they discounted it 70% to a mere $9.00. also cut the price to $9.01, and other sellers have discounted it, too. Bet they'll be giving it away before long. :D
Seriously, if the Republicans are stupid enough to get behind this idiot Palin, they have it coming. Have they lost all competence? they learned nothing after dragging old man Dole through the '96 election, and 12 years later, they dust off the corpse of John McCain, who was even older than Dole was.

If McCain dies before 2013, his legacy will be "we would have had Palin as President" and anything else he ever did in his career will be forgotten.

Get behind Palin and you might as well be backing the Democrats. She's a total disaster and completely unfit for high office. But its dogmatic for some of you apparently, to worship this meat-headed, know nothing, two bit political hack. And the Democrats thank you. Thanks for pushing this country to the fucking left with your support of this dopey, washed up, ambitious hausfrau.

Thanks a fucking lot.

Millions and millions are already behind Gov. Palin, and more will certainly follow. She is dripping with charisma, and literally dwarfs Obama or anyone else on the political scene, in terms of crowds who show up to hear her speak, or buy her book, or watch her on SNL, or hold a press conference... etc., etc., etc.

It is really cute how you left-wing nitwits continue to pretend Palin is some kind of pariah, who has no possible chance of making it in politics. And how us republicans would be stupid to support her... thou dost protest too much!

It's telling that MSM and the Liberals are going to soooooo much trouble to "fact check" her book, and are being so vocal about her, when she is supposedly an insignificant nobody. If you really thought Palin was no threat, and totally inept at national politics, you would shut up, let her book come out, let people read it and see what a dunderhead she is, and by 2010, she would be as politically obscure as Dan Quayle. But here is the problem, you are lying to us about how you really feel!

You know this woman poses a real political threat to Obamaism! You know that once she gets that good old Ronald Reagan conservative momentum going, you won't be able to stop her, nothing will. Conservatives will totally sweep power in every area of government, and stand liberalism on its head, so you have to act quickly to stifle Palin at the gate. That's what this is all about, and we know it!
oh yeah unfit for office...what she isn't as fit as that community organizer and barley a junior Senator in office now..she was only a mayor and a governor of a state..I guess those jobs are nothing compared to community organizing..

and the funny part in all this is she hasn't said she is running for President.
so all your teeth gnashing and cussing is all for nothing..but if it blows your skirt up..LOL

Now there's a campaign slogan the Republicans can get behind in 2012:

"Palin: She's as fit as that "community organizer"

wrong bucko, I liked Sarah Palin when she was my Governor and I like her today..I speak on things as I see them, if it hurts a party then too damn bad.

A lot of people liked her as governor. Didn't she have the highest popularity rating for awhile? It's just that her perspective of federal government didn't translate well to the majority, which is not as conservative as she is.
Millions and millions are already behind Gov. Palin, and more will certainly follow. She is dripping with charisma, and literally dwarfs Obama or anyone else on the political scene, in terms of crowds who show up to hear her speak, or buy her book, or watch her on SNL, or hold a press conference... etc., etc., etc.

It is really cute how you left-wing nitwits continue to pretend Palin is some kind of pariah, who has no possible chance of making it in politics. And how us republicans would be stupid to support her... thou dost protest too much!

And our resident Big-Government conservative chimes in chimes in with more typically mindless nonsense. You keep on beating that drum Dix, you're only ensuring a longer than necessary one-party rule on the national level. Sure, your beloved party will pick up seats in the next election, you'll start running around claiming that its because of Palin or whatever, but they won't win any majorities, and by 2012, if Palin is still rallying up the lemmings, the (R) won't have a prayer at anything.

It's telling that MSM and the Liberals are going to soooooo much trouble to "fact check" her book, and are being so vocal about her, when she is supposedly an insignificant nobody. If you really thought Palin was no threat, and totally inept at national politics, you would shut up, let her book come out, let people read it and see what a dunderhead she is, and by 2010, she would be as politically obscure as Dan Quayle. But here is the problem, you are lying to us about how you really feel!

Obviously, it would be poor strategy for the left to wish for Palin to ride off quietly into the sunset. As long as she's a mouthpiece for you rank and file Republican lemmings who place party over self interest, its good for the Democrats. Even someone who is as wrong as often as you should be able to see this. I see her as a threat to political divisions in Washington in the future. Believe it or not, I fucking cannot STAND single party rule in the Federal Government. You seem to like it, as you were running around defending W and the (R) tirelessly when they were fucking the country up for 6 years. Well, I don't and herein lies my opposition to escalating Palin to a deity like you big-government conservative types.

You know this woman poses a real political threat to Obamaism! You know that once she gets that good old Ronald Reagan conservative momentum going, you won't be able to stop her, nothing will. Conservatives will totally sweep power in every area of government, and stand liberalism on its head, so you have to act quickly to stifle Palin at the gate. That's what this is all about, and we know it!

If that happens, I will be pleased so long as its honest conservatism. But you and I have different definitions of what "Conservatism" is. Your brand of nation-building, war/death, intrusion on people's private lives, borrow and spend economics....... is vastly different than mine.

All I can hope for right now is that we don't have single party control in DC for ages and ages because people like you have decided to deify some air headed nitwit that couldn't run a 7-11.
Ha ha ha, is the right so scared of Michael Moore they had to do a fact check on his movies?

Yeah, her book is number one with Amazon, especially after they discounted it 70% to a mere $9.00. also cut the price to $9.01, and other sellers have discounted it, too. Bet they'll be giving it away before long. :D

Let's hope that that her book is remaindered along with her political aspirations.
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hahaha, they are so scared of Palin they have to do a FACT CHECK on her book, sorta like Cnn doing a fact check on a comedy skit of the Hugo...did the AP do a fact check of the Hugo Obamas books I wonder?..doesn't matter, her book was number one on the best sellers BEFORE it was even released...SWEET JUSTICE in their face...:cof1:

absolutely good point.....and of course the answer is no....

obama was literally treated like royalty, no other candidate has ever been treated so reverently