APP - Sarah Palin must have Russian blood - she is trying to rewrite history now

Your a joke and so are most limosine liberals like you.

She was the freaking Gov of a State.
Your argument is as weak as the republicans ripping Obama as not experienced enough.
Why the fear and rejection of everything republican.
You should want them to put up a weak candidate, I do.

I am not afriad, I hope they nominate her, I am just living in reality, thats all! She is done, except the laughing part, put a fork in her.

Just like DAN E. QUAYLE, another generation of laughing! I like it!
THE JOKE is now sitting in the whitehouse..and it's being played on the American people..just look at the poll numbers on the man-boy thug in chief fall from grace in just ONE YEAR...

you all just keep repeating that Sarah Palin is a nobody, a nothing..:clink:


I do gotta thank you mumu. There is nothing...NOTHING funnier than starting the day with one of your trademark tirades.

From their childish taunts and name calling like your infantile use of "The Hugo Obama", as if your name calling revealed anything other than the fact you have no creativity whatsoever; to the sneering, bile-filled invective you reserve for anyone on JPP who dares question one of your standard cut-n-paste "news stories".

Nobody can deliver the hate like you do!

So keep the vitriol and the invective coming. You've got a gift...the gift of venom. Spray that venom as far and wide as you can! As Carly Simon sang at the beginning of "The Spy Who Loved Me" Nobody does it better...

I do gotta thank you mumu. There is nothing...NOTHING funnier than starting the day with one of your trademark tirades.

From their childish taunts and name calling like your infantile use of "The Hugo Obama", as if your name calling revealed anything other than the fact you have no creativity whatsoever; to the sneering, bile-filled invective you reserve for anyone on JPP who dares question one of your standard cut-n-paste "news stories".

Nobody can deliver the hate like you do!

So keep the vitriol and the invective coming. You've got a gift...the gift of venom. Spray that venom as far and wide as you can! As Carly Simon sang at the beginning of "The Spy Who Loved Me" Nobody does it better...

^^^^^^^^^and he says I post tirades and HATE^^^^^^^^^^^
while he spews all over the place..
once again he can't comment on the thread he instead has to go out of his way to attack me, again...yawn
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THE JOKE is now sitting in the whitehouse..and it's being played on the American people..just look at the poll numbers on the man-boy thug in chief fall from grace in just ONE YEAR...

you all just keep repeating that Sarah Palin is a nobody, a nothing..:clink:

^^^^^^^^^and he says I post tirades and HATE^^^^^^^^^^^
while he spews all over the place..
once again he can't comment on the thread he instead has to go out of his way to attack me, again...yawn

Your venal attack on President Obama opened up the discussion to topics beyond the original.

Maybe if you want everyone to stay on topic, you should do so yourself?

Just a thought...
Your venal attack on President Obama opened up the discussion to topics beyond the original.

Maybe if you want everyone to stay on topic, you should do so yourself?

Just a thought...

what the hell is it to you if I attack the Hugo Obama..

is it your life's work to follow me around and spew your hate for me on this board...jeeze you need to get a friggen life bucko
you are never a thought in my head until you show up in every thread I post to spew your foul hate all over the place.
If you're not attacting me openly, you attact every other day in your neg reps comments...go get a life..
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Dan E. Obama fits better.

Ya, Right, the First African American President will have monuments in his name no matter how how poor or great of a president he ends up being!

Dan E. Palin is a joke, in fact she will be lower than Dan E. Quayle because at least the history books will have his name in them as having been the VP.

Palin is and will continue to be a national joke, except for a vocal few, thats part of what makes her so funny!
Ya, Right, the First African American President will have monuments in his name no matter how how poor or great of a president he ends up being!

Dan E. Palin is a joke, in fact she will be lower than Dan E. Quayle because at least the history books will have his name in them as having been the VP.

Palin is and will continue to be a national joke, except for a vocal few, thats part of what makes her so funny!

time will tell about Palin..If I were you all I'd be more worried about your Messiah looking like a World joke right now..and there is not a damn thing funny about it..
time will tell about Palin..If I were you all I'd be more worried about your Messiah looking like a World joke right now..and there is not a damn thing funny about it..

Im not worried how President Obama looks, Im worried how he governs. If he does not get reelected thats okay with me as long as he gets some things accomplished and we dont elect someone who gets us deeper into a mess than Bush did. That would be hard to do, but possable.
Im not worried how President Obama looks, Im worried how he governs. If he does not get reelected thats okay with me as long as he gets some things accomplished and we dont elect someone who gets us deeper into a mess than Bush did. That would be hard to do, but possable.
