APP - Sarah Palin must have Russian blood - she is trying to rewrite history now

I never said she was going to be anything, I said that is what you fear, and I am correct.

Well I guess you should have listened to your parents and not tried to lie about how you feel about Palin. Then you would have remembered admitting she is a threat to your idea of balanced government due to her enormous popularity among conservatives, and you wouldn't have tried to claim she didn't have the intelligence to run a 7-11. You see, your lie causes a glaring contradiction, and everyone can see it clearly, even though you will continue to deny it.

Well I don't have the power to make her the leader so we can see how she would lead, but maybe we republicans can make that happen for ya! But I won't hold my breath for your approval, because you've already demonstrated your inability to give Palin a fair chance, and you aren't interested in engaging her on the issues at all, instead opting for the easier route of personal insult and attack. Rather than listening to what she has to say objectively, and addressing the issues and her positions, you want to continue inferring a negative perception of her, true or not, because you can't stand the thought of her destroying your own ideology.

Nope, you can't find one single post I have ever made, endorsing an expansion of government. NONE! NADDA! This is yet another bald faced lie you tell, because you really don't have anything else. I didn't even support the Department of Homeland Security, I felt it was redundant and unnecessary. I was vehemently opposed to TSA taking over security at the airports, didn't want it, didn't think we needed to do that. Time and time again, I have been vocally opposed to expansion of government, and you have offered absolutely no evidence to the contrary.

That's cute, but you haven't resolve a problem, you've posted one. Fractions are simple division problems, so do the math and you will find that 1 can't be divided by 3 without producing a remainder. We know this because 10 can't be evenly divided by 3 either. If I have 10 cars to give to 3 people, how many do each get? It's not that hard to understand, but for some reason, you pinheads have some weird mental disconnect when it comes to 1/3. Strange!

Right, and so she isn't really so dumb she couldn't run a 7-11, because this would not be the case if she were. It's really more than just an isolated small minority of extremists who support her, she has the potential to sweep political power in Washington. And all of the personal attacks are designed to sway perception, and nothing more, because you are in total political fear.

Thanks for admitting the truth, your parents would be proud!

I only mentioned the way Bush was characterized... MBA Prez, Harvard/Yale grad, mastermind of the new world order, winner of two hot presidential races, but too stupid to tie his shoes. I only asked if the same thing were being done with Palin? Seems awful similar sounding to me.

I guess ignorance is hardwired. What can I do? You talk out of both sides of your mouth, you take both sides of every issue and then you deny it.

What's the point? Seriously, what do you hope to do with taking every side of every issue and then denying it? It seems as though you wish to be an inconsistent, cotradicted imbicile, and you do a magnificent job at it.
I guess ignorance is hardwired. What can I do? You talk out of both sides of your mouth, you take both sides of every issue and then you deny it.

What's the point? Seriously, what do you hope to do with taking every side of every issue and then denying it? It seems as though you wish to be an inconsistent, cotradicted imbicile, and you do a magnificent job at it.

No, what often happens is, you misunderstand something I have said as a "position" on something, when it is merely an observation. When I clarify this, you claim I am changing my position! Another thing that often happens, you outright lie about a position I have taken, and when I correct the record, you claim I have changed my position. Yet one more thing happens, pinheads often claim I have said something I never said because they take what was said out of context, then when corrected, they claim I am contradicting myself.
LOL, and people complain about the ODS against the Messiah...

the PDS of a citizen (not in any type of government office) of these United States is hilarious...

if she is so unfit, a loser, a nobody that the Democrats should be worried about, why is she in the news every other day and all the leftist rags and magazines keep trying to tear her down...

look out 2012:cof1:
LOL, and people complain about the ODS against the Messiah...

the PDS of a citizen (not in any type of government office) of these United States is hilarious...

if she is so unfit, a loser, a nobody that the Democrats should be worried about, why is she in the news every other day and all the leftist rags and magazines keep trying to tear her down...

look out 2012:cof1:

Exactly! And what is so funny is how they continually contradict themselves all over the place... She is an airhead incapable of running a 7-11, yet she threatens to sweep conservative control of Washington! It just defies reason, but that is what they keep saying. They tell us only a small fractional minority of the kook fringe righties are behind her, yet christies own survey shows 65% of republicans would consider voting for her. Now guys, even you are smart enough to see the glaring contradiction here... unless you want to claim 65% of republicans make up this 10% of the kook fringe righties, which doesn't mathematically work out, then we must conclude this is yet another lie and misconception, and a considerable amount more support does actually exist for Palin among the mainstream conservative base.

What is especially telling is, the media frenzy, the number of Palin topics on this board alone, the continued tone from the left focused on Palin... the LOSING VP candidate in the last election, who's party was completely stripped of power in Washington. Normally, we wouldn't expect the public to even remember the name of such a politician... man on the street interview, how many would know Jack Kemp was Dole's running mate? I'm betting less than half would know that... Yet, Palin is setting records for crowd attendance, and debuting a book at #1 on the bestseller list. Isolated insignificant political lightweights who are too stupid to run a 7-11, don't garner the kind of attention Palin is getting from the left or right, that is just a fact.
Exactly! And what is so funny is how they continually contradict themselves all over the place... She is an airhead incapable of running a 7-11, yet she threatens to sweep conservative control of Washington! It just defies reason, but that is what they keep saying. They tell us only a small fractional minority of the kook fringe righties are behind her, yet christies own survey shows 65% of republicans would consider voting for her. Now guys, even you are smart enough to see the glaring contradiction here... unless you want to claim 65% of republicans make up this 10% of the kook fringe righties, which doesn't mathematically work out, then we must conclude this is yet another lie and misconception, and a considerable amount more support does actually exist for Palin among the mainstream conservative base.

What is especially telling is, the media frenzy, the number of Palin topics on this board alone, the continued tone from the left focused on Palin... the LOSING VP candidate in the last election, who's party was completely stripped of power in Washington. Normally, we wouldn't expect the public to even remember the name of such a politician... man on the street interview, how many would know Jack Kemp was Dole's running mate? I'm betting less than half would know that... Yet, Palin is setting records for crowd attendance, and debuting a book at #1 on the bestseller list. Isolated insignificant political lightweights who are too stupid to run a 7-11, don't garner the kind of attention Palin is getting from the left or right, that is just a fact.

If I recall they TRIED to do the same thing with Reagan and we see where that got them...and after this administration and the havoc they have brought on our country in just one year..Remember the Hugo Obama was suppose to be the UNITER not the DIVIDER..pfeeesh
Sarah Palin ain't going anywhere but in their face..

look out for 2012..:usflag:
Which mindless nonsense... Palin is wildly charismatic and popular, or no tenable reason exists for the level of vocal opposition from the left, except for sheer political fear? I'm not beating any drum just yet, have you taken my commentary to be an endorsement of Palin? I am merely calling into question the lambasting of Palin by the left, and the flat out lie that it's because you think she is incompetent. You can do your little spoofs and make fun of her, you can act like she hasn't been governor of a state, and isn't literate enough to even write a book, much less have a #1 bestseller debut. But the wrath is coming boys and girls... whine and moan, cuss and groan, the wrath is coming.

Ah, but you make my point for me! This seems to be exactly what the left wants Palin to do, or thinks should happen to Palin... she should go find a hole to crawl into and die... It makes no sense, does it? If it's such poor strategy to wish Palin would ride off in the sunset, why do Democrats continue to express a desire for Palin to ride off in the sunset? Seems they should be having just the opposite reaction, and encourage Palin to speak more....embrace her like they embraced McCain... keep her talking... but that's not how they are reacting at all, is it? Nooo... it makes no sense.

Well this is a good time to point out, you are a Libertarian, and your self-interest of keeping the left and right muddled and fragmented, it benefits your Libertarian party ambitions. This is why you attack Palin, to help the left block any momentum she may obtain, and apparent in your quote, you know she is fully capable of. As for your side-rant about my "defending W" ...I defended W when he deserved defense, and I also criticized W when he deserved criticism. I will be the same with Palin, or whoever is ultimately president. I don't favor Big Government, have never advocated or endorsed it in anything I have ever posted, and again, you just throw out a bold face lie and hope no one notices.

Again, if you really thought Palin were an air-headed nitwit incapable of running a 7-11, you wouldn't be this motivated to speak out against her as you have. She wouldn't be a threat to you at all, if that is what you really believed. You are lying to people, plain and simple. In one breath, you tell us how you fear her potential of causing one-party rule, in the next, she isn't capable of walking and chewing gum... which one is it? Or maybe it's going to be another George W. Bush thing, where in spite of being the only MBA President ever, and graduate of Harvard AND Yale, and despite the fact that he out-snookered Democrats in two elections, not to mention his masterminding the whole New World Order thing... he was a complete bumbling incomptetent idiot.... Is it one of those kind of contradictions again?

Pwned by Dixie
Pwned by Dixie

Sure. Keep running down that path. God I wish there ware some savvy conservatives around who could figure this out. You know, until we get some smarter conservatives in this country its going to be a Democratic circle jerk, and I blame you lemmings for following these hacks right off the cliff. My word, please, please grow a damned brain.

Dixie represents the big-government, nation building, imperialistic, bedroom invading wing of the Republican cause. It will never go anywhere, and if you look at his record, he's been right about as infrequently as a broken digital clock. So if you like this circle jerk, just follow him and palin around like good little lapdogs.

Again, the left thanks you.
Ha ha ha, is the right so scared of Michael Moore they had to do a fact check on his movies?

Yeah, her book is number one with Amazon, especially after they discounted it 70% to a mere $9.00. also cut the price to $9.01, and other sellers have discounted it, too. Bet they'll be giving it away before long. :D

You can get it free on the internet by purchasing a subscription to a RW rag.
Sure. Keep running down that path. God I wish there ware some savvy conservatives around who could figure this out. You know, until we get some smarter conservatives in this country its going to be a Democratic circle jerk, and I blame you lemmings for following these hacks right off the cliff. My word, please, please grow a damned brain.

Dixie represents the big-government, nation building, imperialistic, bedroom invading wing of the Republican cause. It will never go anywhere, and if you look at his record, he's been right about as infrequently as a broken digital clock. So if you like this circle jerk, just follow him and palin around like good little lapdogs.

Again, the left thanks you.

Tell the left to hold their thanks until the inaugural, we'll take it then.

"Savvy and smart" conservatives? You mean like John McCain, Chuck Hagel, and Lindsey Graham? The kinda conservative who knows when it's appropriate to throw conservatism under the bus to get along with the liberals? Because, MY FRIENDS, we need to work together for a better America! If that means abandoning conservative principles and going along with kook fringe lefties, well... it's just the sacrifice us conservatives have to make in the 21st century.

Yeah, I guess that IS what you want Beefy, too bad it's not what you are going to get!
Yeah, her book is number one with Amazon, especially after they discounted it 70% to a mere $9.00.

No sorry, her book was #1 before they discounted it. "Debut" is a french word, meaning to appear for the first time. Her book debuted at #1. This means before the bookstore even priced it, enough people had agreed to buy it to make it #1. I think you might need to 'fact check' yourself on this one, libby. :)
Tell the left to hold their thanks until the inaugural, we'll take it then.

"Savvy and smart" conservatives? You mean like John McCain, Chuck Hagel, and Lindsey Graham? The kinda conservative who knows when it's appropriate to throw conservatism under the bus to get along with the liberals? Because, MY FRIENDS, we need to work together for a better America! If that means abandoning conservative principles and going along with kook fringe lefties, well... it's just the sacrifice us conservatives have to make in the 21st century.

Yeah, I guess that IS what you want Beefy, too bad it's not what you are going to get!

Are those all the guys you voted for? They're laughing at you.

You bitch, cry and moan, and then you vote for them. And you wonder why I call you a big government conservative.

You're a cog in the wheel, and too dense and stubborn to realize it.

Keep carrying that torch! MCCAIN '08!!!!
Are those all the guys you voted for? They're laughing at you.

You bitch, cry and moan, and then you vote for them. And you wonder why I call you a big government conservative.

You're a cog in the wheel, and too dense and stubborn to realize it.

Keep carrying that torch! MCCAIN '08!!!!

The only one I voted for is John McCain, and that was because it was him or an admitted devout socialist. At least with McCain I thought there might be a chance he would pause and think before usurping the Constitution and taking our freedom. With D's in full control of congress and John's mavericky past, I'm not so sure he would have been better than Obama, but that was my hope.

Believe me, there is no torch. All I have is the clothespin I used on election day for my nose. This is why I don't get moderates... you seem to forget that we conservatives went along with a moderate in 2008, against our better judgment, but we went along with it... supported McCain... did our part. HE LOST! Now, moderates want to act like that never happened, and the party needs to clearly move to the middle! No we don't!!!!!

We need to reaffirm our conservative principles, and return to core conservative values, and that applies to social AND fiscal conservatism. I think Palin is a threat because she does have the ability to galvanize social conservatism and fiscal conservatives, much like Ronald Reagan did. Again... not an endorsement of Palin, she hasn't even announced her candidacy, much less articulated a platform, it's way to early for an endorsement, but she does have the ability to lead a conservative movement, and do so with success. That is precisely why everyone is so scared of her.
Sure. Keep running down that path. God I wish there ware some savvy conservatives around who could figure this out. You know, until we get some smarter conservatives in this country its going to be a Democratic circle jerk, and I blame you lemmings for following these hacks right off the cliff. My word, please, please grow a damned brain.

Dixie represents the big-government, nation building, imperialistic, bedroom invading wing of the Republican cause. It will never go anywhere, and if you look at his record, he's been right about as infrequently as a broken digital clock. So if you like this circle jerk, just follow him and palin around like good little lapdogs.

Again, the left thanks you.

The Shame Flame ain't going to work Beefy. It's that typical Liberal/terian tactic that makes it so futile talking with you because the argument (if you even want to call it that) evaporates when you unsuccessfully attempt to take what you believe is the higher road by wielding the Shame Flame or the Humiliation Hammer.

I don't agree with everything Dixie says, but you are rabid and when you can't win, or don't perceive yourself as winning, you stoop to some convoluted bassakward imitation of Father Knows Best. Quite frankly it's a piss off and brings any sense of being fair to you to a screeching halt.

For the record? I agree with Dixie's take on this and I think you miss the mark. If you consider this kiss ass, stupid, or whatever provocative title you want to give it, que sera, sera.
The Shame Flame ain't going to work Beefy. It's that typical Liberal/terian tactic that makes it so futile talking with you because the argument (if you even want to call it that) evaporates when you unsuccessfully attempt to take what you believe is the higher road by wielding the Shame Flame or the Humiliation Hammer.

I don't agree with everything Dixie says, but you are rabid and when you can't win, or don't perceive yourself as winning, you stoop to some convoluted bassakward imitation of Father Knows Best. Quite frankly it's a piss off and brings any sense of being fair to you to a screeching halt.

For the record? I agree with Dixie's take on this and I think you miss the mark. If you consider this kiss ass, stupid, or whatever provocative title you want to give it, que sera, sera.

I can't win. My ideas cannot win.

1.) Smaller government.

Cannot win because we live in a duopoly where people who claim to believe in smaller government vote for big government candidates, time and time and time again. Every single time. You want smaller government? Stop voting for big government types. Period. Don't tell me you want small government and then vote for a radical expansionist. It may fly with your leaders, but they're laughing at you. They'd spit on you and you would still vote for them.

In other words, it cannot win because of people like you.

2.) Less government invasion into personal lives.

Cannot win because of people who claim to want it out of their lives, and then cheer on search and seizure violations and personal restrictions based on fear and some nebulous "morality".

3.) No imperialism.

Cannot win because you will not call a swine a swine. We have troops in over 130 countries, we are currently holding financial "incentives" over much of the world to behave in the way that we do, but no, that's not Imperialism to you, its "peacekeeping". The undertakers are happy and so is Orwell's legacy, but it is what it is, imperialism.

But you mindless, sheepish lemmings cannot think for yourselves. And then you find one of your own with a well written style and piggyback him to high heaven.

If you were one, minute iota honest with yourself, you would see that you are being led around by the nose to feed in a troth that wasn't built by your value system. You're gleefully eating with the pigs and shame the fuck on you for it.
The only one I voted for is John McCain, and that was because it was him or an admitted devout socialist. At least with McCain I thought there might be a chance he would pause and think before usurping the Constitution and taking our freedom. With D's in full control of congress and John's mavericky past, I'm not so sure he would have been better than Obama, but that was my hope.

Believe me, there is no torch. All I have is the clothespin I used on election day for my nose. This is why I don't get moderates... you seem to forget that we conservatives went along with a moderate in 2008, against our better judgment, but we went along with it... supported McCain... did our part. HE LOST! Now, moderates want to act like that never happened, and the party needs to clearly move to the middle! No we don't!!!!!

We need to reaffirm our conservative principles, and return to core conservative values, and that applies to social AND fiscal conservatism. I think Palin is a threat because she does have the ability to galvanize social conservatism and fiscal conservatives, much like Ronald Reagan did. Again... not an endorsement of Palin, she hasn't even announced her candidacy, much less articulated a platform, it's way to early for an endorsement, but she does have the ability to lead a conservative movement, and do so with success. That is precisely why everyone is so scared of her.

Social conservatism is hands off dix. Think about it for one second for the love of Peter. Regulating personal behavior requires bigger government. That's something you'll never ever get until you take your blinders off. The most conservative thing you could do is to live and let live. When you advocate crowbaring the government into everything from marriage to trade to who smokes pot, you are n longer a small government guy.

How many shades of brown does your shirt change to when you advocate big government conservatism?
Social conservatism is hands off dix. Think about it for one second for the love of Peter. Regulating personal behavior requires bigger government. That's something you'll never ever get until you take your blinders off. The most conservative thing you could do is to live and let live. When you advocate crowbaring the government into everything from marriage to trade to who smokes pot, you are n longer a small government guy.

How many shades of brown does your shirt change to when you advocate big government conservatism?

Clearly one of the first tasks to galvanizing social and fiscal conservatism, is to redefine social conservatism to the masses, who have a somewhat false perception of what it is. I don't see the religious right trying to regulate your bedroom behavior... sorry, just don't see that happening in the world I live in. At best, most social conservatives simply want the right to decide these issues at the ballot box on a state level. They don't seek to "crowbar" anything, just to let the people decide, and not liberal judges.

Social conservatism has taken a bad rap of late, and I believe it is the foundational basis for modern conservatism, and without it, the entire conservative movement fails. Without the social conservative underpinnings, fiscal conservatism is nothing more than selfish greed, and is easily exposed as such by liberals. Class envy and warfare are enabled as a result, and liberalism is given the impetus to thrive. It is the social conservative elements which counter the 'bleeding heart' of liberalism, which enable the fiscal policies to succeed. The problem is, certain republicans have not been balanced conservatives, Bush and his father were socially conservative, but fiscally moderate to liberal. Carrying the banner of Social Conservatism divorced from Fiscal Conservatism, is just as bad as the other way around. Both elements play a key fundamental role in Conservatism as a whole. The connection and importance of both to one another, is crucial for understanding any conservative movement.
Hmmmmm. How do social conservatives feel about smoking pot? Gay Marriage? Holding large amounts of cash?

Stop it already.
democrats are pussies as usual, I would love her to run against Obama.
But this dude is twisting the shit out of reality to make her look bad.
It's not needed, shemen like Ried will create a backlash if they do the same.