APP - Sarah Palin must have Russian blood - she is trying to rewrite history now

Since the accusation is always that the media is liberal, I have a suggestion of a bigger plot.

Palin is popular, no doubt about that. But I don't think anyone in the D party actually fears her. But a fiscal conservative could sweep the dems out.

I actually think the dems WANT Palin in the news as much as possible. Nothing too flattering, but out there anyway. When the 2012 elections come along, she will divide the republicans. It is the best way to assure Obama a second term.
She is done, she is the Dan E. Quayle of the 2000's. She will run again a couple more times, but will never get any traction and will finally fade away as the but of jokes for another 20 years.
well how do you like having a non-biased media picking apart a citizen (not in any government office) of the country, for what reason? speaking out against this administration.

remember Joe the Plumber, he just asked a question and the Hugo Obama tripped up and reveled himself, the media, some in government went in for the kill of the man..

you all better wake up and see what is happening right before you buried heads..
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well how do you like having a non-biased media picking apart a citizen (not in any government office) of the country, for what reason? speaking out against this administration.

remember Joe the Plumber, he just asked a question and the Hugo Obama tripped up and reveled himself, the media, some in government went in for the kill of the man..

you all better wake up and see what is happening right before you buried heads..

Obama triped up with Joe the Plumber, the set up from the McCain campaign?

Funny again!

Palin has not been attacked by the media! Thats just the party line anytime a Republican fucks up, blame the media. Show me an example where she has been attacked by the media?
Jarod, you retarded and gay.
I'm a fucking turbo-lib democrat and I can see the media especially liberal (msnbc) attacks her like she's actually relevant. You (being the democrats typically wussy males) are enabling it. She'd be 10% as popular without the ill concieved libtard attacks.
Keith Obertool is your leader, and too many dems without balls are following that fannypack couldn't play a sport bitchalot.
Jarod, you retarded and gay.
I'm a fucking turbo-lib democrat and I can see the media especially liberal (msnbc) attacks her like she's actually relevant. You (being the democrats typically wussy males) are enabling it. She'd be 10% as popular without the ill concieved libtard attacks.
Keith Obertool is your leader, and too many dems without balls are following that fannypack couldn't play a sport bitchalot.

Keith Obertool is paid for inciting strong emotions, he is the equivelent of Rush Linberger. If thats what you are calling the media, you are correct Oberman is biased and silly and equivelent to Hannity and Rush. I am talking about the news, please show me an example of where teh media has attacked Palin? Oprah, a devout Obama supporter has given her forum!
Keith Obertool is paid for inciting strong emotions, he is the equivelent of Rush Linberger. If thats what you are calling the media, you are correct Oberman is biased and silly and equivelent to Hannity and Rush. I am talking about the news, please show me an example of where teh media has attacked Palin? Oprah, a devout Obama supporter has given her forum!

I'll take that, as long as your saying MSNBC is not media like fox news isn't.

My point is this, too many democrats have knee jerk reacted to her republican popularity with attacks. I'd love her to run against Obama, she has no chance unless we are in a depression.
I'll take that, as long as your saying MSNBC is not media like fox news isn't.

My point is this, too many democrats have knee jerk reacted to her republican popularity with attacks. I'd love her to run against Obama, she has no chance unless we are in a depression.

She could never get the Republican nomination, she is a joke.

MSNBC's editorial programing is biased, I agree with that. FoxNews's news and editorial are biased.
She could never get the Republican nomination, she is a joke.

MSNBC's editorial programing is biased, I agree with that. FoxNews's news and editorial are biased.

Oh she could get it, and the right prob said the same thing about a rookie senator.
I've never seen any special love for a VP candidate much less the craze she started. I think running now she'd crush no2 Romney

But again, I don't think she could win without a depression or an energy crisis.
She could never get the Republican nomination, she is a joke.

MSNBC's editorial programing is biased, I agree with that. FoxNews's news and editorial are biased.

THE JOKE is now sitting in the whitehouse..and it's being played on the American people..just look at the poll numbers on the man-boy thug in chief fall from grace in just ONE YEAR...

you all just keep repeating that Sarah Palin is a nobody, a nothing..:clink:
Oh she could get it, and the right prob said the same thing about a rookie senator.
I've never seen any special love for a VP candidate much less the craze she started. I think running now she'd crush no2 Romney

But again, I don't think she could win without a depression or an energy crisis.

I belive she is Dan E. Quayle, Genius times 10. The whackos loved him also! The Rabid Republicans loved DEQ and made themselves into more and more of a joke. Remember Quayle also blamed the media..., funny for the party of personal resonsability...!
I would say people in General or likely voters.
Did Quale have thousand turn out for his speaches, I really wasn't paying attention back then

No, she was popular when she first arrived on the sceen, Ill give you that, more popluar than Quayle ever was.

She aint that popular now, not after her fuck ups with Katie Couric and ect, not after she quit as governor of AK for a book tour, not after the designer cloating scandal, not after people got to know more about her lack of knoledge of the world.

Palin was almost silly in her interviews and has yet to share an opinion or most issues.
No, she was popular when she first arrived on the sceen, Ill give you that, more popluar than Quayle ever was.

She aint that popular now, not after her fuck ups with Katie Couric and ect, not after she quit as governor of AK for a book tour, not after the designer cloating scandal, not after people got to know more about her lack of knoledge of the world.

Palin was almost silly in her interviews and has yet to share an opinion or most issues.

that shit only resonates with turbo-libs. I actually think regular people will like her more as the limosine liberals attack her.
that shit only resonates with turbo-libs. I actually think regular people will like her more as the limosine liberals attack her.

I dont, she got less votes than the liberal ticket. She is a joke with most, whats makes her a joke and not just a footnote is that she is so rabidly popular with the small minority of super cons!
I dont, she got less votes than the liberal ticket. She is a joke with most, whats makes her a joke and not just a footnote is that she is so rabidly popular with the small minority of super cons!

Your a joke and so are most limosine liberals like you.

She was the freaking Gov of a State.
Your argument is as weak as the republicans ripping Obama as not experienced enough.
Why the fear and rejection of everything republican.
You should want them to put up a weak candidate, I do.