APP - Sarah Palin must have Russian blood - she is trying to rewrite history now

It's a matter of priorities

With the pending release of Sarah Palin's book Going Rogue, the mainstream media decided to do some "fact checking". As such, the Associated Press dispatched several reporters to decipher the factual basis of a book written by a failed Vice Presidential candidate who no longer holds any official position in politics.

In the end, the AP contends that the former governor of Alaska may have fudged on some things, like Palin's claims of frugality when conducting state business. However, the AP's exhaustive research uncovered one instance where a five-day trip to a women's leadership conference cost the Alaskan taxpayers (GASP) $3,000!!


Say, now that you're done with that all-important, vital piece of "fact-checking", I suggest taking on a much more daunting (if not infinitely more relevant) task: How about reading the entire 1,900+ page health care bill which recently passed in the U.S. House? Any chance you could uphold the claims made by Nancy Pelosi & Co. that this abomination bill wouldn't threaten the financial sovereignty of our country? How about the proclamation that Americans will not face steep fines for not enrolling in government-run health insurance? And lastly, the emphatic denials by liberals that a bunch of government bureaucrats would be given the purview of deciding the amount of health care sickly people would receive.

Get back to us on that, will ya?

Or how about the costs to tax payer's for Oblama's date nights, failed trip to Denmark or the cost to taxpayers and the moments of fear for that fly over photo-op in NY NY!

Leave it to pansy-assed Tom to post this tripe!
And our resident Big-Government conservative chimes in chimes in with more typically mindless nonsense. You keep on beating that drum Dix, you're only ensuring a longer than necessary one-party rule on the national level. Sure, your beloved party will pick up seats in the next election, you'll start running around claiming that its because of Palin or whatever, but they won't win any majorities, and by 2012, if Palin is still rallying up the lemmings, the (R) won't have a prayer at anything.

Which mindless nonsense... Palin is wildly charismatic and popular, or no tenable reason exists for the level of vocal opposition from the left, except for sheer political fear? I'm not beating any drum just yet, have you taken my commentary to be an endorsement of Palin? I am merely calling into question the lambasting of Palin by the left, and the flat out lie that it's because you think she is incompetent. You can do your little spoofs and make fun of her, you can act like she hasn't been governor of a state, and isn't literate enough to even write a book, much less have a #1 bestseller debut. But the wrath is coming boys and girls... whine and moan, cuss and groan, the wrath is coming.

Obviously, it would be poor strategy for the left to wish for Palin to ride off quietly into the sunset. As long as she's a mouthpiece for you rank and file Republican lemmings who place party over self interest, its good for the Democrats.

Ah, but you make my point for me! This seems to be exactly what the left wants Palin to do, or thinks should happen to Palin... she should go find a hole to crawl into and die... It makes no sense, does it? If it's such poor strategy to wish Palin would ride off in the sunset, why do Democrats continue to express a desire for Palin to ride off in the sunset? Seems they should be having just the opposite reaction, and encourage Palin to speak more....embrace her like they embraced McCain... keep her talking... but that's not how they are reacting at all, is it? Nooo... it makes no sense.

Even someone who is as wrong as often as you should be able to see this. I see her as a threat to political divisions in Washington in the future. Believe it or not, I fucking cannot STAND single party rule in the Federal Government. You seem to like it, as you were running around defending W and the (R) tirelessly when they were fucking the country up for 6 years. Well, I don't and herein lies my opposition to escalating Palin to a deity like you big-government conservative types.

Well this is a good time to point out, you are a Libertarian, and your self-interest of keeping the left and right muddled and fragmented, it benefits your Libertarian party ambitions. This is why you attack Palin, to help the left block any momentum she may obtain, and apparent in your quote, you know she is fully capable of. As for your side-rant about my "defending W" ...I defended W when he deserved defense, and I also criticized W when he deserved criticism. I will be the same with Palin, or whoever is ultimately president. I don't favor Big Government, have never advocated or endorsed it in anything I have ever posted, and again, you just throw out a bold face lie and hope no one notices.

If that happens, I will be pleased so long as its honest conservatism. But you and I have different definitions of what "Conservatism" is. Your brand of nation-building, war/death, intrusion on people's private lives, borrow and spend economics....... is vastly different than mine.

All I can hope for right now is that we don't have single party control in DC for ages and ages because people like you have decided to deify some air headed nitwit that couldn't run a 7-11.

Again, if you really thought Palin were an air-headed nitwit incapable of running a 7-11, you wouldn't be this motivated to speak out against her as you have. She wouldn't be a threat to you at all, if that is what you really believed. You are lying to people, plain and simple. In one breath, you tell us how you fear her potential of causing one-party rule, in the next, she isn't capable of walking and chewing gum... which one is it? Or maybe it's going to be another George W. Bush thing, where in spite of being the only MBA President ever, and graduate of Harvard AND Yale, and despite the fact that he out-snookered Democrats in two elections, not to mention his masterminding the whole New World Order thing... he was a complete bumbling incomptetent idiot.... Is it one of those kind of contradictions again?
Which mindless nonsense... Palin is wildly charismatic and popular,


By saying this do you not realise the insult you are aiming at sensible America? She looks the kind if dumb broad you would shun had she the temerity to move into your neighbourhood. I wouldn't trust her to dress herself let alone run anything. You can tell she is thick just by looking at her.
If you think she has charisma it is no wonder you will believe anything the republicans tell you.
Which mindless nonsense... Palin is wildly charismatic and popular, or no tenable reason exists for the level of vocal opposition from the left, except for sheer political fear? I'm not beating any drum just yet, have you taken my commentary to be an endorsement of Palin? I am merely calling into question the lambasting of Palin by the left, and the flat out lie that it's because you think she is incompetent. You can do your little spoofs and make fun of her, you can act like she hasn't been governor of a state, and isn't literate enough to even write a book, much less have a #1 bestseller debut. But the wrath is coming boys and girls... whine and moan, cuss and groan, the wrath is coming.

No, no endorsement of her at all.

"You know this woman poses a real political threat to Obamaism! You know that once she gets that good old Ronald Reagan conservative momentum going, you won't be able to stop her, nothing will. Conservatives will totally sweep power in every area of government, and stand liberalism on its head, so you have to act quickly to stifle Palin at the gate. That's what this is all about, and we know it!"

Sure doesn't sound like an endorsement to me! Good on you Dix, it only took you one post to contradict yourself.

I'm taking the stance that for all the slobber you're applying to her, she's going to have the opposite effect of what you hope for. She's not the messiah, and she's going to be an impediment to getting a balance of power in DC. That's my stance.

Ah, but you make my point for me! This seems to be exactly what the left wants Palin to do, or thinks should happen to Palin... she should go find a hole to crawl into and die... It makes no sense, does it? If it's such poor strategy to wish Palin would ride off in the sunset, why do Democrats continue to express a desire for Palin to ride off in the sunset? Seems they should be having just the opposite reaction, and encourage Palin to speak more....embrace her like they embraced McCain... keep her talking... but that's not how they are reacting at all, is it? Nooo... it makes no sense.

The left wants her to be controversial Dix. They want this fire under her. And if they weren't hollering about her, she would have ended up being a $200 question on Jeopardy 4 years from now. Not everything is face value. I would like to see her go away so that some competent people could have the spotlight. When she's under pressure, she's a caricature and an embarrassment. She's shown this to be true time and again. She will end up turning your party into another sideshow.

Well this is a good time to point out, you are a Libertarian, and your self-interest of keeping the left and right muddled and fragmented, it benefits your Libertarian party ambitions. This is why you attack Palin, to help the left block any momentum she may obtain, and apparent in your quote, you know she is fully capable of. As for your side-rant about my "defending W" ...I defended W when he deserved defense, and I also criticized W when he deserved criticism. I will be the same with Palin, or whoever is ultimately president. I don't favor Big Government, have never advocated or endorsed it in anything I have ever posted, and again, you just throw out a bold face lie and hope no one notices.

I saw you defend big government for the last 6 years. So I'm just making an observation. You defend big government so long as the letter next to the team is an R. What can I do but observe?:dunno:

The reason I don't want to see Palin gain momentum with the lemmings is that she will guarantee that there i single party rule in congress and the whitehouse, and you and I both know what a mess that turns out to be (yes, even when the Republicans hold it).

Again, if you really thought Palin were an air-headed nitwit incapable of running a 7-11, you wouldn't be this motivated to speak out against her as you have. She wouldn't be a threat to you at all, if that is what you really believed. You are lying to people, plain and simple. In one breath, you tell us how you fear her potential of causing one-party rule, in the next, she isn't capable of walking and chewing gum... which one is it? Or maybe it's going to be another George W. Bush thing, where in spite of being the only MBA President ever, and graduate of Harvard AND Yale, and despite the fact that he out-snookered Democrats in two elections, not to mention his masterminding the whole New World Order thing... he was a complete bumbling incomptetent idiot.... Is it one of those kind of contradictions again?

Somehow I knew that you'd crowbar some Bush worship into this thread. You always seem to manage to. Look, it doesn't take much to galvanize about 10% of the public, obviously. Palin's got you and some other wingnuts on the hook. And rational conservatives can see that she's not the right stuff. You're just going to splinter any movement there might be to split up this disaster we have in power now.

So thanks. In the end you'll get your big government. Just be careful what you wish for.
When it comes to Palin, I don't fear for myself, I don't fear for the Democrats, I fear for the American people. She is a rabble-rousing piece of human garbage.
Seriously, if the Republicans are stupid enough to get behind this idiot Palin, they have it coming. Have they lost all competence? they learned nothing after dragging old man Dole through the '96 election, and 12 years later, they dust off the corpse of John McCain, who was even older than Dole was.

If McCain dies before 2013, his legacy will be "we would have had Palin as President" and anything else he ever did in his career will be forgotten.

Get behind Palin and you might as well be backing the Democrats. She's a total disaster and completely unfit for high office. But its dogmatic for some of you apparently, to worship this meat-headed, know nothing, two bit political hack. And the Democrats thank you. Thanks for pushing this country to the fucking left with your support of this dopey, washed up, ambitious hausfrau.

Thanks a fucking lot.

She is unfit for office, but I think she can absolutely win.
I think one of the major failings of this century has been the overestimation of the intelligence of the voters. Imagine all the Socialists in German in the early 30's cheering Hitler on... because, after all, HE COULD NEVER WIN! He would be incompetent in power and screw things up! Surely this would just damage the moderate opposition and result in the complete and total inelectability of the right for generations! This was actually the Communist slogan: "After Hitler, our turn!"

Yes, well the turn never came. Hitler just took power and killed all the Socialists and liberals. Extremist, incompetent forces can always take power by rousing the rabble.
Sure, you can use a completely unrelated and hyperbolic analogy to describe why Palin is electable.

"They elected an ACTIVIST with a bad haircut and MOUSTACHE after the treaty of Versailles forced Germany to PAY for WWI! That means PALIN is ELECTABLE!!!"

Moron, think a little.
No, no endorsement of her at all.

"You know this woman poses a real political threat to Obamaism! You know that once she gets that good old Ronald Reagan conservative momentum going, you won't be able to stop her, nothing will. Conservatives will totally sweep power in every area of government, and stand liberalism on its head, so you have to act quickly to stifle Palin at the gate. That's what this is all about, and we know it!"

Sure doesn't sound like an endorsement to me! Good on you Dix, it only took you one post to contradict yourself.

I don't read an endorsement there, I am merely stating the obvious. As I said in the "prediction" thread, I don't know who the R's ultimately nominate, that remains to be seen. At the present time, I think Palin is in the driver seat, that's just my opinion, not an endorsement. Pointing out that you are lying to us about your feelings toward Palin, is not me endorsing Palin, it's me pointing out you are lying.

I'm taking the stance that for all the slobber you're applying to her, she's going to have the opposite effect of what you hope for. She's not the messiah, and she's going to be an impediment to getting a balance of power in DC. That's my stance.

Right, and we can read "balance of power" to mean more libertarianism. Either you believe as you stated, that she is an air head who can't run a 7-11... OR, you believe she poses a legitimate political threat to your personal political ideology. I think we are all smart enough to know which one it is.

The left wants her to be controversial Dix. They want this fire under her. And if they weren't hollering about her, she would have ended up being a $200 question on Jeopardy 4 years from now. Not everything is face value. I would like to see her go away so that some competent people could have the spotlight. When she's under pressure, she's a caricature and an embarrassment. She's shown this to be true time and again. She will end up turning your party into another sideshow.

LOL... again... IF that were what you really believed, you would shut the fuck up and let it happen, because turning our party into a sideshow helps your party! You're right, not everything is face value, especially with two faced liars like yourself, eh? Why don't you stop putting on the charade? Just admit that Palin scares the living bejesus out of you politically, and you know damn well what she is capable of. Yes, I know you would like to see her go away, it is obvious in your baseless commentary about her! Problem is, she isn't going away, so you ratchet up the rhetoric, get a little more outrageous and vocal about her, try everything your little pea brain can muster to persuade others not to support her, including insulting them if they do. And it's just not working... that must be frustrating!

I saw you defend big government for the last 6 years. So I'm just making an observation. You defend big government so long as the letter next to the team is an R. What can I do but observe?:dunno:

No, you saw me defending a president being attacked for everything under the sun by the left. If you read anything I posted, you saw me condemning Bush and Republicans for deficit spending, in spite of the letter next to their names.

The reason I don't want to see Palin gain momentum with the lemmings is that she will guarantee that there i single party rule in congress and the whitehouse, and you and I both know what a mess that turns out to be (yes, even when the Republicans hold it).

At least we are getting closer to the truth here. I'm glad I could provide the therapy to help you work through your angst toward Palin and realize your opposition to her is legitimately based on your fear of her politically, and not because of all the things you claim to believe about her competence.

Somehow I knew that you'd crowbar some Bush worship into this thread. You always seem to manage to. Look, it doesn't take much to galvanize about 10% of the public, obviously. Palin's got you and some other wingnuts on the hook. And rational conservatives can see that she's not the right stuff. You're just going to splinter any movement there might be to split up this disaster we have in power now.

Again, if this is what you truly believed, you would get out of the way and let it happen, because it would do nothing but benefit Libertarians for that to happen! If 10% of the public was all she was able to galvanize, you wouldn't be shaking in your political boots, would you? Let's stop with the lies, Beefster! Just go back to being honest like you were in the previous paragraph, because this lying is just not passing the bullshit test.

So thanks. In the end you'll get your big government. Just be careful what you wish for.

Gosh, all I ever hear Palin talking about is smaller government. She's been pretty consistent with that message too. Unlike your message, which seems to be jumping logic left and right, as I've pointed out.
I don't read an endorsement there, I am merely stating the obvious. As I said in the "prediction" thread, I don't know who the R's ultimately nominate, that remains to be seen. At the present time, I think Palin is in the driver seat, that's just my opinion, not an endorsement. Pointing out that you are lying to us about your feelings toward Palin, is not me endorsing Palin, it's me pointing out you are lying.

Okay then. Raving about how she's going to bring about the fantasy you want and how she's everything you need to make that happen is not an endorsement. How about this then, you don't "endorse" her, but you really, really want her to get the spotlight and you'll do anything you can to make that happen, including throwing your goals under the bus. Not and "endorsement" just a willingness to back her up all the way. Whatever you want to call it Dix, doesn't matter to me. Its your intentions that show, not the labels.

Right, and we can read "balance of power" to mean more libertarianism. Either you believe as you stated, that she is an air head who can't run a 7-11... OR, you believe she poses a legitimate political threat to your personal political ideology. I think we are all smart enough to know which one it is.

No, its not an either or. But I can understand how someone of your stature can't see that there are more than "THIS" or "THAT". Two options? That's all your little lemming Hannity head can see? She's an air head capable of hypnotizing you and about 10% of the populace. Jesus are you black and white. Seriously you should learn that there are opinions that do not subscribe to your thought that are not exact, polar opposites. Two shades us all you see. Even lemmings see shades of grey. Maybe "lemming" is giving you too much credit.

LOL... again... IF that were what you really believed, you would shut the fuck up and let it happen, because turning our party into a sideshow helps your party! You're right, not everything is face value, especially with two faced liars like yourself, eh? Why don't you stop putting on the charade? Just admit that Palin scares the living bejesus out of you politically, and you know damn well what she is capable of. Yes, I know you would like to see her go away, it is obvious in your baseless commentary about her! Problem is, she isn't going away, so you ratchet up the rhetoric, get a little more outrageous and vocal about her, try everything your little pea brain can muster to persuade others not to support her, including insulting them if they do. And it's just not working... that must be frustrating!

Unlike you Dix, I don't have a party. I don't allow organizations to dictate my beliefs, like certain Republicans in this thread. I can see that you've firmly planted yourself in the Palin camp come hell or high water, principle and progress be damned. Well, they are damned. And if she's not going away, then she's not going away, but don't expect me to cheerlead like you. I don't let massive, big-government organizations speak for me. So you won't hear me parrot party lines.

No, you saw me defending a president being attacked for everything under the sun by the left. If you read anything I posted, you saw me condemning Bush and Republicans for deficit spending, in spite of the letter next to their names.

No, you put in a line here and there, but overall, you let the spending, the imperialism, the spying on out own citizens, the government expansion, you
let all that slide, for the little, itty bitty letter (R)

At least we are getting closer to the truth here. I'm glad I could provide the therapy to help you work through your angst toward Palin and realize your opposition to her is legitimately based on your fear of her politically, and not because of all the things you claim to believe about her competence.

This is more gibberish. Nonsensicle gibberish, but thanks for it.

Again, if this is what you truly believed, you would get out of the way and let it happen, because it would do nothing but benefit Libertarians for that to happen! If 10% of the public was all she was able to galvanize, you wouldn't be shaking in your political boots, would you? Let's stop with the lies, Beefster! Just go back to being honest like you were in the previous paragraph, because this lying is just not passing the bullshit test.

You don't even know what its like to not have a party telling you what to believe! Holy shit, you can't separate Party from Ideology! Wow, I wonder how you would think if you didn't have a vast political organization telling you how to think. Politics = party to you. Wake up Dix, Jeebus. Its not about parties, ITS ABOUT PEOPLE FOOL!

Gosh, all I ever hear Palin talking about is smaller government. She's been pretty consistent with that message too. Unlike your message, which seems to be jumping logic left and right, as I've pointed out.

Well, that should be the death knell for you. Small government means less war, less invasion into the bedroom, less governance on personal freedom, less spending, less eavesdropping, all things you defended when W was in power.

You're a walking cartoon, a joke. And a bad one at that.
Okay then. Raving about how she's going to bring about the fantasy you want and how she's everything you need to make that happen is not an endorsement. How about this then, you don't "endorse" her, but you really, really want her to get the spotlight and you'll do anything you can to make that happen, including throwing your goals under the bus. Not and "endorsement" just a willingness to back her up all the way. Whatever you want to call it Dix, doesn't matter to me. Its your intentions that show, not the labels.

I don't see that I have raved about any fantasy Palin is going to bring about. From what I see, she already HAS the spotlight, I don't have to want her to get it. I'm certainly not going to make up a bunch of lies and be dishonest about how I feel, to try and wrench the spotlight away from her. I merely stated my opinion about her very real political possibilities, and you have lied about what you think of her, because you are afraid of her politically. My goals are Conservative government, I'm not throwing them under the bus by pointing out your fear of Palin and dishonest attempt to cover that fear up.

No, its not an either or. But I can understand how someone of your stature can't see that there are more than "THIS" or "THAT". Two options? That's all your little lemming Hannity head can see? She's an air head capable of hypnotizing you and about 10% of the populace. Jesus are you black and white. Seriously you should learn that there are opinions that do not subscribe to your thought that are not exact, polar opposites. Two shades us all you see. Even lemmings see shades of grey. Maybe "lemming" is giving you too much credit.

Again, if she were an airhead capable of hypnotizing a mere 10%, you would be cheering her on, because that would certainly benefit libertarianism, or at least help to fragment the republican party. Of course, your admission that she has 10% of the populace in her pocket, is about 5x better than your libertarian candidate did in the last election, so it's no doubt why you are spreading lies and disinformation about her.

Unlike you Dix, I don't have a party. I don't allow organizations to dictate my beliefs, like certain Republicans in this thread. I can see that you've firmly planted yourself in the Palin camp come hell or high water, principle and progress be damned. Well, they are damned. And if she's not going away, then she's not going away, but don't expect me to cheerlead like you. I don't let massive, big-government organizations speak for me. So you won't hear me parrot party lines.

Oh I know, because you are an ideologue libertarian. We've already covered this... Palin is extremely popular, has the spotlight, has charisma, has potential to sweep conservatism into sole power (by your own admissions), but is too stupid to run a 7-11. You can see that I have planted myself firmly in the Palin camp because that is what you want to see, based on the fact I won't join your mindless bashfest, and instead, point out your dishonesty regarding Palin. I don't expect you to cheerlead, I do expect you to address the substance of what she has to say, the issues and her positions on them, and not simply lob personal attacks at her like a sixth-grader.

No, you put in a line here and there, but overall, you let the spending, the imperialism, the spying on out own citizens, the government expansion, you
let all that slide, for the little, itty bitty letter (R)

I hate to break it to ya, but I am only one voter, I don't have the power to change what happens with Congress and the Presidency. I did speak out against government expansion, government spending, illegal immigration, and I fundamentally disagree with you on the "imperialism/spying" bullshit. None of it has a damn thing to do with Republican or Democrat, it is what my opinion is.

This is more gibberish. Nonsensicle gibberish, but thanks for it.

No problem, I never mind leaving you totally speechless.

You don't even know what its like to not have a party telling you what to believe! Holy shit, you can't separate Party from Ideology! Wow, I wonder how you would think if you didn't have a vast political organization telling you how to think. Politics = party to you. Wake up Dix, Jeebus. Its not about parties, ITS ABOUT PEOPLE FOOL!

No Beefy... It's about libertarian viewpoints, and lying your ass off to help steer people toward them! If it were about people, you wouldn't have a problem acknowledging how popular Palin is, you would seek to engage in intellectual dialogue regarding the points Palin makes, instead of attacking her because you fear people might start liking her too much.

Well, that should be the death knell for you. Small government means less war, less invasion into the bedroom, less governance on personal freedom, less spending, less eavesdropping, all things you defended when W was in power.

You're a walking cartoon, a joke. And a bad one at that.

Small government means a whole bunch of things right now, literally trillions of things. I have my priorities and you have yours, which is why you are so afraid of Sarah Palin. Let's stop trying to divert the topic by bringing up Bush and past history, it has nothing to do with Palin, she hasn't expressed any indication she would follow Bush policies in any way, in fact, she has been quite critical of the Bush administration. But I understand how, in your desperation, you want to tie Palin to Bush... any lie or distortion you can throw out there to stop her momentum... because you are scared as fuck.:cof1:
I don't see that I have raved about any fantasy Palin is going to bring about. From what I see, she already HAS the spotlight, I don't have to want her to get it. I'm certainly not going to make up a bunch of lies and be dishonest about how I feel, to try and wrench the spotlight away from her. I merely stated my opinion about her very real political possibilities, and you have lied about what you think of her, because you are afraid of her politically. My goals are Conservative government, I'm not throwing them under the bus by pointing out your fear of Palin and dishonest attempt to cover that fear up.

You are truly a pain in the ass. Raving and raving about how Palin is gong to be the next Reagan revolution, and then claiming that you're not endorsing her. Whatever. We're all used to you're inconsistent partisan hackery already. No need to continue espousing it. We get it.

Again, if she were an airhead capable of hypnotizing a mere 10%, you would be cheering her on, because that would certainly benefit libertarianism, or at least help to fragment the republican party. Of course, your admission that she has 10% of the populace in her pocket, is about 5x better than your libertarian candidate did in the last election, so it's no doubt why you are spreading lies and disinformation about her.

Your hackery is amazing. Do you really think that this is about parties? Yeah, the Libertarian party is inept, lame, stupid and unworthy of anything. I've long since denounced them. They don't speak for me. But we all know who speaks for you. Your thoughts originate in someone else's head, some collectivist leader who has to fire up the sheep to march right off the cliff. Gawd, if you could think for yourself at ALL, instead of spewing talking points and contradicting yourself all the time, you might be enlightened. When I was young, my parents taught me this simple rule "If you don't lie, you don't have to remember what you said." With the amount of times you contradict yourself, I'm guessing your parents never had that conversation with you.

Oh I know, because you are an ideologue libertarian. We've already covered this... Palin is extremely popular, has the spotlight, has charisma, has potential to sweep conservatism into sole power (by your own admissions), but is too stupid to run a 7-11. You can see that I have planted myself firmly in the Palin camp because that is what you want to see, based on the fact I won't join your mindless bashfest, and instead, point out your dishonesty regarding Palin. I don't expect you to cheerlead, I do expect you to address the substance of what she has to say, the issues and her positions on them, and not simply lob personal attacks at her like a sixth-grader.

Give me some of that substance Dixie. Show it to me. Show me how she has the real ability to lead. And if you do, I will gladly take heed. But you are bowing down to a golden calf. You have a figurehead. Tell me Dix, what is it that draws you to her? What ability has she shown you that she can actually make the government do what you claim to want it to do. Give me some examples.

I hate to break it to ya, but I am only one voter, I don't have the power to change what happens with Congress and the Presidency. I did speak out against government expansion, government spending, illegal immigration, and I fundamentally disagree with you on the "imperialism/spying" bullshit. None of it has a damn thing to do with Republican or Democrat, it is what my opinion is.

Bullshit. You have defended the Bush administration in every aspect from expanding the nanny state, to spying on its citizens. You just used different justifications for doing so. You talk out of both sides of your mouth worse than any hack I've ever seen. You will say something, then deny saying it in the same thread, and then bloviate about context. So don't give me that jazz. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. You wanted this giant nanny state, and now you've got it. Congrats. Be careful what you wish for dix. Because you're going to get it, and not in the Limbaugh Letter way you wanted to.

No problem, I never mind leaving you totally speechless.

The only time I'm speechless is when I'm tired of lecturing you about math. 1/3+1/3+1/3 = 1 Not much more I can say about that.

No Beefy... It's about libertarian viewpoints, and lying your ass off to help steer people toward them! If it were about people, you wouldn't have a problem acknowledging how popular Palin is, you would seek to engage in intellectual dialogue regarding the points Palin makes, instead of attacking her because you fear people might start liking her too much.

Yes Dix, how many fucking times to I have to state it? She'll galvanize the wingnuts and splinter any chance for there to be a split congress. Good job detective, after 12 times of me saying it, you finally might get it. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

Small government means a whole bunch of things right now, literally trillions of things. I have my priorities and you have yours, which is why you are so afraid of Sarah Palin. Let's stop trying to divert the topic by bringing up Bush and past history, it has nothing to do with Palin, she hasn't expressed any indication she would follow Bush policies in any way, in fact, she has been quite critical of the Bush administration. But I understand how, in your desperation, you want to tie Palin to Bush... any lie or distortion you can throw out there to stop her momentum... because you are scared as fuck.:cof1:

You brought up Bush fool. You muscled in a bunch of shit about him, so don't try to spin this too.

Here's a tip Dix. A simple tip.

Stop lying to yourself. Get it?
You are truly a pain in the ass. Raving and raving about how Palin is gong to be the next Reagan revolution, and then claiming that you're not endorsing her. Whatever. We're all used to you're inconsistent partisan hackery already. No need to continue espousing it. We get it.

I never said she was going to be anything, I said that is what you fear, and I am correct.

Your hackery is amazing. Do you really think that this is about parties? Yeah, the Libertarian party is inept, lame, stupid and unworthy of anything. I've long since denounced them. They don't speak for me. But we all know who speaks for you. Your thoughts originate in someone else's head, some collectivist leader who has to fire up the sheep to march right off the cliff. Gawd, if you could think for yourself at ALL, instead of spewing talking points and contradicting yourself all the time, you might be enlightened. When I was young, my parents taught me this simple rule "If you don't lie, you don't have to remember what you said." With the amount of times you contradict yourself, I'm guessing your parents never had that conversation with you.

Well I guess you should have listened to your parents and not tried to lie about how you feel about Palin. Then you would have remembered admitting she is a threat to your idea of balanced government due to her enormous popularity among conservatives, and you wouldn't have tried to claim she didn't have the intelligence to run a 7-11. You see, your lie causes a glaring contradiction, and everyone can see it clearly, even though you will continue to deny it.

Give me some of that substance Dixie. Show it to me. Show me how she has the real ability to lead. And if you do, I will gladly take heed. But you are bowing down to a golden calf. You have a figurehead. Tell me Dix, what is it that draws you to her? What ability has she shown you that she can actually make the government do what you claim to want it to do. Give me some examples.

Well I don't have the power to make her the leader so we can see how she would lead, but maybe we republicans can make that happen for ya! But I won't hold my breath for your approval, because you've already demonstrated your inability to give Palin a fair chance, and you aren't interested in engaging her on the issues at all, instead opting for the easier route of personal insult and attack. Rather than listening to what she has to say objectively, and addressing the issues and her positions, you want to continue inferring a negative perception of her, true or not, because you can't stand the thought of her destroying your own ideology.

Bullshit. You have defended the Bush administration in every aspect from expanding the nanny state, to spying on its citizens. You just used different justifications for doing so. You talk out of both sides of your mouth worse than any hack I've ever seen. You will say something, then deny saying it in the same thread, and then bloviate about context. So don't give me that jazz. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. You wanted this giant nanny state, and now you've got it. Congrats. Be careful what you wish for dix. Because you're going to get it, and not in the Limbaugh Letter way you wanted to.

Nope, you can't find one single post I have ever made, endorsing an expansion of government. NONE! NADDA! This is yet another bald faced lie you tell, because you really don't have anything else. I didn't even support the Department of Homeland Security, I felt it was redundant and unnecessary. I was vehemently opposed to TSA taking over security at the airports, didn't want it, didn't think we needed to do that. Time and time again, I have been vocally opposed to expansion of government, and you have offered absolutely no evidence to the contrary.

The only time I'm speechless is when I'm tired of lecturing you about math. 1/3+1/3+1/3 = 1 Not much more I can say about that.

That's cute, but you haven't resolve a problem, you've posted one. Fractions are simple division problems, so do the math and you will find that 1 can't be divided by 3 without producing a remainder. We know this because 10 can't be evenly divided by 3 either. If I have 10 cars to give to 3 people, how many do each get? It's not that hard to understand, but for some reason, you pinheads have some weird mental disconnect when it comes to 1/3. Strange!

Yes Dix, how many fucking times to I have to state it? She'll galvanize the wingnuts and splinter any chance for there to be a split congress. Good job detective, after 12 times of me saying it, you finally might get it. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

Right, and so she isn't really so dumb she couldn't run a 7-11, because this would not be the case if she were. It's really more than just an isolated small minority of extremists who support her, she has the potential to sweep political power in Washington. And all of the personal attacks are designed to sway perception, and nothing more, because you are in total political fear.

Thanks for admitting the truth, your parents would be proud!

You brought up Bush fool. You muscled in a bunch of shit about him, so don't try to spin this too.

Here's a tip Dix. A simple tip.

Stop lying to yourself. Get it?

I only mentioned the way Bush was characterized... MBA Prez, Harvard/Yale grad, mastermind of the new world order, winner of two hot presidential races, but too stupid to tie his shoes. I only asked if the same thing were being done with Palin? Seems awful similar sounding to me.