Satanism and sex rings: How the QAnon conspiracy theory has taken political root

No worries. It was just an offer. Steven VanderMollen, similar to you, was given the same offer and he, too, refused.

Disagreed on your genetically based assessment of "Western Europeans & Ashkenazi Jews". 99% of your complaints are cultural differences, not genetic.

Disagree with you here to a large extent.

Culture likely only plays a minimal role.

I think the reason why especially Ashkenazi Jews, and to a lesser extent Irish & British are good at Left-Brain Verbal skills, and not so good with Right-Brain Spatial ability.

Comes down to them switching languages so much in the past, Ashkenazi Jews especially switched languages a lot, they were Hebrew, Aramaic speakers, before speaking Yiddish, Polish, German, Russian & now in the USA English.

In the case of Irish they switched to English language, similar to the English who are largely but not fully of Celtic Welsh descent.

Yes, I do have data.

In the UK, Irish & British score well in Verbal, and "Other White" which is likely largely Eastern European & Southern European, score high in Spatial, but not so much in Verbal.

Of course, Chinese are off the charts in spatial ability here, just like in China, and the USA, and Brazil, and everywhere else, coincidence?

ne study found that Ashkenazi Jews had only near-average visual-spatial intelligence, about IQ 98, while a 1958 study of yeshiva students demonstrated that they had an extraordinary high verbal intelligence (which includes verbal reasoning, comprehension, working memory, and mathematical computation) as their median verbal IQ was found to be nearly 126
It's a fair question albeit like "proving God doesn't exist". Icke's Lizard people theories have zero evidence, just like belief in an immortal existence.

A major difference being that Lizard people exist in the Natural Universe and subject to natural laws (i.e. evidence) but eternal existence is not limited by those boundaries.

Yeah, it's a typical religious argument. You can't prove that lizard people DON'T exist, now can you? Checkmate, Atheists.

What makes this use of the argument extra funny is that AHZ said conspiracy nuts don't really believe this theory. The moment I showed him David Icke, he changed the argument to I can't prove Icke wrong.
I think anybody who doesn't notice racial differences, must be painfully stupid.

But, that a lot of people hide those views very well.

In the case of Dutch it's the former, not the latter, I suspect.

You running off into the weeds helps explain why you are focusing on an Art degree, not a Logic degree.

Your mistake is ranting about mental genetic differences, such as left brain/right brain, then leaping sideways to claiming anyone who doesn't notice a physical characteristic like skin tone or hair shape is "painfully stupid".

Kid, when you pull this crap, it just makes you look painfully stupid. Yes, others do it too but guess what? They're painfully stupid too which is why they are not respected either. Try to get it right, Witold. You're young, you can do better.
You running off into the weeds helps explain why you are focusing on an Art degree, not a Logic degree.

Your mistake is ranting about mental genetic differences, such as left brain/right brain, then leaping sideways to claiming anyone who doesn't notice a physical characteristic like skin tone or hair shape is "painfully stupid".

Kid, when you pull this crap, it just makes you look painfully stupid. Yes, others do it too but guess what? They're painfully stupid too which is why they are not respected either. Try to get it right, Witold. You're young, you can do better.

Anybody who can't see that a Puerto Rican is 99 times out of 100 more loud than a Chinese person must be painfully stupid.

Chinese are doing much better, in IQ, income, educational atainment in the USA than Puerto Ricans.

I dare you to explain why, it couldn't possibly be prejudices.

I mean I hear just as much, if not more prejudices against Chinese.

Also note that Chinese have also been here less time overall than Puerto Ricans.

As for systematic oppression, I can't remember when Puerto Rico had an Imperial country genocide them like Japan in WW2, or when Communists oppressed them like Mao did in China.

The tired Liberal arguments on race, just fail over & over again.

So, don't you dare say that it's I who's stupid, when it's you who are stupid.
Disagree with you here to a large extent.

Culture likely only plays a minimal role.....

ne study found that Ashkenazi Jews had only near-average visual-spatial intelligence, about IQ 98, while a 1958 study of yeshiva students demonstrated that they had an extraordinary high verbal intelligence (which includes verbal reasoning, comprehension, working memory, and mathematical computation) as their median verbal IQ was found to be nearly 126

Kid, do you even read your own links? It's good that you post them, but it's very important that you understand what they say or mean. If you don't, then you risk, as you did here, undermining your own argument.

Both studies point out that average IQ people can have high or low test results depending upon their culture.
When you can prove that's genetic, please get back to me.

Why would groups living in NYC after generations STILL have the same values?

It doesn't make much sense, Most Puerto Ricans moved to NYC in the 1960's & 1970's & tend to be far different than Whites.

Including ones in the suburbs who live among White culture.

Same applies to Blacks.
Kid, do you even read your own links? It's good that you post them, but it's very important that you understand what they say or mean. If you don't, then you risk, as you did here, undermining your own argument.

Both studies point out that average IQ people can have high or low test results depending upon their culture.

You need the experts to think for you, because you can't think for yourself.

Even in adoption studies Asians raised in White families had higher IQ's & including spatial IQ's.
Donald Trump is about the weakest human being on the planet, but I do not believe he is an actual sexual pervert.


Did he ever sexually harass women- YES Obviously- PROBABLY THE ONES THAT ENCOURAGED IT!

I think he now realizes he ain't the young handsome rocking buck he may have once been.

Perhaps Donald Trump is, by now, at 75 YO, has a decreased libido like most men his age, so he has to sport a pretty wife for his ego- BUT HAVING SEX IS A SHIP THAT SAILED YEARS AGO!

There are a lot of negative things about Donald Trump- But I don't think being a pervert is one of them.

I have always thought the same thing about Bill Clinton as well. Bill Clinton is not a sexual predator either. Had Monica not eagerly placed her feet behind her ears for him, he would never have touched her with a mopstick! Monica was nothing more than a little curious and opportunist home-breaker and adulteress. SHE TARGETED HIM. He let Monica suck his goober a couple of times and told her it was over. That was the extent of his affairs with her.
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Yes, I did but only to get your attention just like I'd smack an ox with a stick for the same reason. Face it, kid. You're big and strong about about as dumb as an ox. It's not because of your culture, it's for two reasons: 1) genetic lottery and 2) your refusal to learn from every angle.

I'm not a Western Euro.

Who do you mean by "you people"?

I'm going to strongly disagree, that prejudiced people are less intelligent.

According to these 2 Pew poll data sets along with educational PISA scores, the most prejudiced Slavic people towards Muslims are the West Slavs like Poles, Slovaks & Czechs, while South Slavic people are probably the least prejudiced towards Muslims & the least intelligent.
Kid, do you even read your own links? It's good that you post them, but it's very important that you understand what they say or mean. If you don't, then you risk, as you did here, undermining your own argument.

Both studies point out that average IQ people can have high or low test results depending upon their culture.

Most Ashkenazi Jews have been in the USA for 80 - 120 years.

How do they have a much higher Verbal IQ, but a slightly lower Spatial IQ vs other Whites?

First off, you'd have to prove that Verbal IQ is even influenced by Verbal skills, it probably is, but not that much.

Second off, you'd have to prove that Ashkenazi Jews have a culture that pushes Verbal skills more frequently, than that of other Whites.

I don't think that's really true.

I think Ashkenazi Jews have a higher Verbal IQ, because every time they switched languages, presumably the ones who had higher Verbal IQ's were more likely to thrive with the switch of language & produce more offspring.

I don't see Ashkenazi Jews as a totally different culture than Whites.

I mean, first off Ashkenazi Jews lived about 1,000 - 1,500 years maybe even more surrounded by Whites.

Now, they still do.

How come they have much higher Verbal IQ's, and slightly lower Spatial IQ's than other Whites?
Kid, do you even read your own links? It's good that you post them, but it's very important that you understand what they say or mean. If you don't, then you risk, as you did here, undermining your own argument.

Both studies point out that average IQ people can have high or low test results depending upon their culture.

We know for a fact that Jews do have more genes for education attainment.

So, at that rate, why even argue that it's cultural?
I'm going to strongly disagree, that prejudiced people are less intelligent.

According to these 2 Pew poll data sets along with educational PISA scores, the most prejudiced Slavic people towards Muslims are the West Slavs like Poles, Slovaks & Czechs, while South Slavic people are probably the least prejudiced towards Muslims & the least intelligent.

Fucking awesome dude. Your entire argument is summed up as trying very hard to prove stupid people aren't prejudiced therefore, those who are prejudiced, including yourself, must be stable geniuses. Truly fucking awesome. It doesn't work that way, but still fucking awesome, Witold. :)
Fucking awesome dude. Your entire argument is summed up as trying very hard to prove stupid people aren't prejudiced therefore, those who are prejudiced, including yourself, must be stable geniuses. Truly fucking awesome. It doesn't work that way, but still fucking awesome, Witold. :)

kids these daze....
Fucking awesome dude. Your entire argument is summed up as trying very hard to prove stupid people aren't prejudiced therefore, those who are prejudiced, including yourself, must be stable geniuses. Truly fucking awesome. It doesn't work that way, but still fucking awesome, Witold. :)

I don't know, I actually think prejudiced people are more intelligent, or at least have more commonsense.

What's the sense, in Balkanizing & eroding your culture by third-World immigrants?

That's all we have to know about your ilk, that you are detached from your culture.

But, absolutely routine explanations of why 3rd World peoples fall short, tend to fall short.

Things like oppression, prejudices, genocide, slavery, lack of wealth don't alone explain the differences.

If so, why would countries like China, Estonia, South Korea, Finland, Poland, Ireland, Vietnam etc. be at the top of the heap in educational PISA scores?

But, some how Saudi Arabians, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Argentinans,Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, or Brazilians are not?

It just doesn't make sense, but then again anti-prejudiced people, never really have made sense, after-all.