Satanism and sex rings: How the QAnon conspiracy theory has taken political root

You're a special kind of stupid.

One of those people who thinks it's not okay to attack special protected groups like Blacks, Jews, Latinos, Asians, but it's okay to attack Poles & Russians.

Oh, I'm special alright and, maybe even stupid, but clearly I'm smarter than you, young man.

You're such a pussy and too stupid to realize that it's wrong to attack anyone for something they can't change or didn't have a choice in making. Like you; it's okay for me to point out your low IQ and the hate and bigotry you've been taught at home, but it's wrong of me to say all retards and Poles are the same as you. :)

FWIW, your hairstyle is a choice, not a birthright. ;)
Oh, I'm special alright and, maybe even stupid, but clearly I'm smarter than you, young man.

You're such a pussy and too stupid to realize that it's wrong to attack anyone for something they can't change or didn't have a choice in making. Like you; it's okay for me to point out your low IQ and the hate and bigotry you've been taught at home, but it's wrong of me to say all retards and Poles are the same as you. :)

FWIW, your hairstyle is a choice, not a birthright. ;)

You used to attack Poles, and just the other day attacked Russians.

It shows you just do as you're told by the Jewish elite, you literally can't think for yourself.

Please, you Western Europeans are an absurd people.

How did you go from racist genocide, to anti-racist suicide so quickly?

In the case of Western European Americans, they were more offended by racist opinions, than about war that kills people.

Something's not quite right about you people.
You used to attack Poles, and just the other day attacked Russians.

It shows you just do as you're told by the Jewish elite, you literally can't think for yourself.

Please, you Western Europeans are an absurd people.

How did you go from racist genocide, to anti-racist suicide so quickly?

In the case of Western European Americans, they were more offended by racist opinions, than about war that kills people.

Something's not quite right about you people.

Yes, I did but only to get your attention just like I'd smack an ox with a stick for the same reason. Face it, kid. You're big and strong about about as dumb as an ox. It's not because of your culture, it's for two reasons: 1) genetic lottery and 2) your refusal to learn from every angle.

I'm not a Western Euro.

Who do you mean by "you people"?
Yes, I did but only to get your attention just like I'd smack an ox with a stick for the same reason. Face it, kid. You're big and strong about about as dumb as an ox. It's not because of your culture, it's for two reasons: 1) genetic lottery and 2) your refusal to learn from every angle.

I'm not a Western Euro.

Who do you mean by "you people"?

You sort of admitted to being of Irish descent before, Although being in Texas, I suspect it's Northern Irish, or Scots-Irish.

How are they not Western Europeans?

It's not I, but you who are dumb.

You aren't perceptive enough & lack the pattern recognition skills to grasp differences of ethnic groups, or races.

You support destruction of your own culture, by Third-World riff-raffs, that's about as dumb as it gets.
You sort of admitted to being of Irish descent before, Although being in Texas, I suspect it's Northern Irish, or Scots-Irish.

How are they not Western Europeans?

It's not I, but you who are dumb.

You aren't perceptive enough & lack the pattern recognition skills to grasp differences of ethnic groups, or races.

You support destruction of your own culture, by Third-World riff-raffs, that's about as dumb as it gets.

You should understand that being of Irish, English, Spanish, Polish or whatever descent doesn't mean squat if a person is raised in a Middle-Class American household with Middle-Class American values and attending Middle-Class American schools.
You should understand that being of Irish, English, Spanish, Polish or whatever descent doesn't mean squat if a person is raised in a Middle-Class American household with Middle-Class American values and attending Middle-Class American schools.

I'm going to have to disagree with you here.

Italians & to a lesser extent Irish are generally more aggressive than other Whites in this country.

Even though both are generally middle class & slightly above.

Italians are a lot more racist than Irish, though.

Just like Italy today is more racist than Ireland.

On the inverse side, Norse Americans & to a lesser extent German Americans tend to be the least aggressive Whites.

English Americans appear to fall between Irish & other Germanic's in their aggressions.

Which isn't surprising, because English are Celtic & Germanic mixtures.

Poles also aren't the same, they are calmer like Germanics, but tend to have much greater tempers than Germanic's when they get pissed off.

Poles also like Italians are generally more racist in the USA.

But, the difference is Italians are more aggressive about it.
Jesus, kid. No fucking wonder you're stuck in the low paying job you have.

You're a little slow, not your fault though.

Absolutely, Italians are a lot more aggressive & racist than other Whites in the USA.

I grew up in a slightly above Middle Class income neighborhood in New York, called Putnam Lake, NY.

In the early to mid 2000's I witnessed a few Italian dudes beat up Blacks randomly for no reason, other than they're Black.

I witnessed a Italian dominated kid riot against a Black Jamaican kid, they threw rocks, glass bottles, and shot off bottle rocket fireworks at him, while hurling racial slurs.

I witnessed how Italians called bad things LGBTQ or Jewish.

Like stop being a F@g, or stop being a J3w meant stop being lame.

I witnessed in the bar, 1 Italian dude, fight 8 people in 1 night at the bar, half of them were his friends.

I was the biggest guy there, and there was no bouncer, I was expected to solve the fight.

So, He attacked a Black guy for looking at him, and I told him it's not worth it, so he took a swing at me, so I tapped him on the head.

About a month later, went back to the same bar, He said you tapped me on the head, I'll Knock you out.

So, I said good, knock me out, took 1 swing at him & he was on the ground.

Then I was pushed out the door, when a group of Italians jumped me, and knocked me down for attacking their friend.
You're a little slow, not your fault though.

Absolutely, Italians are a lot more aggressive & racist than other Whites in the USA.

I grew up in a slightly above Middle Class income neighborhood in New York, called Putnam Lake, NY....
...and look where you are now, Witold. You had more opportunities than most Americans but are failing to measure up. Where do you think you'll be in five years? Seriously. Honestly tell everyone here which is most likely: "I'll make asst. director/manager" or "I dunno?"

If this theory wasn't popular among conspiracy nuts, then this guy wouldn't be so popular.
can you prove he's wrong?

Get back here with those goalposts!
It's a fair question albeit like "proving God doesn't exist". Icke's Lizard people theories have zero evidence, just like belief in an immortal existence.

A major difference being that Lizard people exist in the Natural Universe and subject to natural laws (i.e. evidence) but eternal existence is not limited by those boundaries.
...and look where you are now, Witold. You had more opportunities than most Americans but are failing to measure up. Where do you think you'll be in five years? Seriously. Honestly tell everyone here which is most likely: "I'll make asst. director/manager" or "I dunno?"

What would that have to do with the discussion of aggression & racism differences in different White groups in America?

I actually score a 124 IQ, have made the Dean's List in college for good grades, Made the Honor roll in Public School for good grades & was in advanced placement Art & Science classes in Public school.

I'm currently in college for Social Services, and plan to either get my Social Workers degree, or go on to get a Masters in Art Therapy.

I spent years with a lot of manuel labor & some managerial responsibility at a Animal feed store / feed warehouse.

My initial plan was to work hard for modest wages & save up in investments, rather than go into college.

But, I can't do manuel labor for ever, despite my investments, so I'm back to college.
...and look where you are now, Witold. You had more opportunities than most Americans but are failing to measure up. Where do you think you'll be in five years? Seriously. Honestly tell everyone here which is most likely: "I'll make asst. director/manager" or "I dunno?"

It's probably a stereotype Jews came up with that racists are dumb.

But, I'm going to say the opposite is truth.

That people who are anti-Prejudices, are often suffering from a lack perception ability & pattern recognition ability.

How Intelligence Leads to Stereotyping
A new study complicates the trope of the stupid bigot
What would that have to do with the discussion of aggression & racism differences in different White groups in America?...

If you really had an IQ of 124 then you'd recall the reason the last time we had this exact same little discussion. To wit: you're basing a claim on facts not evident or conclusive. Kid, you've built your life around a Sand Castle. It's a fabrication. You don't see it but others do and that's why you'll continue to fail.
It's probably a stereotype Jews came up with that racists are dumb.

But, I'm going to say the opposite is truth.

That people who are anti-Prejudices, are often suffering from a lack perception ability & pattern recognition ability.

How Intelligence Leads to Stereotyping
A new study complicates the trope of the stupid bigot


Interesting study. Do you understand what it means? If so, in your own words, please explain it and then I'll do the same so we can compare.
If you really had an IQ of 124 then you'd recall the reason the last time we had this exact same little discussion. To wit: you're basing a claim on facts not evident or conclusive. Kid, you've built your life around a Sand Castle. It's a fabrication. You don't see it but others do and that's why you'll continue to fail.

There's loads more evidence for racial differences, than there is for some staples of science, like the Bing Bang Theory, for example.

Being against racism, is a political sentiment, not really a factual analysis.

Interesting study. Do you understand what it means? If so, in your own words, please explain it and then I'll do the same so we can compare.

I think Western Europeans & Ashkenazi Jews are so anti-racist, because they are generally Left-Brainers

They think in boxes, and can't think outside of the box.

The Right-Brain is involved with spatial & perception ability, which is where racism is likely generally formed.

Although, it depends, some racists,might just be angry A-Holes.

That doesn't speak for all of us, some of us are very logical & calculated on the issue.
There's loads more evidence for racial differences, than there is for some staples of science, like the Bing Bang Theory, for example.

Being against racism, is a political sentiment, not really a factual analysis.

are you saying nobody can be anti racist? and that's science?

Interesting study. Do you understand what it means? If so, in your own words, please explain it and then I'll do the same so we can compare.
I think Western Europeans & Ashkenazi Jews are so anti-racist, because they are generally Left-Brainers

They think in boxes, and can't think outside of the box.

The Right-Brain is involved with spatial & perception ability, which is where racism is likely generally formed.

Although, it depends, some racists,might just be angry A-Holes.

That doesn't speak for all of us, some of us are very logical & calculated on the issue.

No worries. It was just an offer. Steven VanderMollen, similar to you, was given the same offer and he, too, refused.

Disagreed on your genetically based assessment of "Western Europeans & Ashkenazi Jews". 99% of your complaints are cultural differences, not genetic.