Say something good about a poster who has the opposite political view

I love Norah too.
Norah has ya'll fooled with her Texas naive tay. Sure, she's pretty, well scrubbed, sweet natured and probably is a ray of sunshine when she walks into a room.

But scratch the surface and you have all the hallmarks of Satan Spawn. She votes Republican, probably cheats on her taxes, abuses critters, both large and small and trucks too. Shoot she probably drinks warm milk in a dirty glass.

Naw...Norah doesn't fool me one bit. Just like my wife she's purely evil. Which is why I like her so much. :)
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Thing1, capable of dialogue without resorting to personal attacks. Lately he's been a bit angry with some but ... with some of them, who can blame him.

Mott, one of my favorites. I enjoy the [often self-deprecating] humor and the food talk.

Rana, I know I ruffle her feathers from time to time but she is she's a Chiefs fan.

Christiefan, though we have strongly disagreed on various issues I do enjoy our exchanges as they are usually cordial even if pointed.

Jarod, I know I get aggravated sometimes with his asking leading questions ... over and over in different ways... I remind myself that he is a lawyer, after all. And he does seem like a decent fellow.

There are other lefty folks that I like ok. There are probably more "conservatives" whose posts I gloss over or outright ignore because of the language and vulgarity often in them, though I must say we have had an influx of those on the left who are their mirror image.

The above are people who I respect.

Aw shucks, that's nice LR. I took the title literally as "a" poster but you are definitely on my list. Just your tact in saying our exchanges are sometimes "pointed" would get you there!

It's hard to boil down to a single poster. Believe it or not, I like the majority of the people here. Arguing about whose political views are better is just business.
Cawacko. He's always a gentleman and never goes into the gutter. Very classy.
I can't really say nice things about Cawacko and meet the criteria for this thread. I have disagreements with him but I probably agree with him on more things than I disagree. I just don't see him as being on the other side of the fence. So to speak. There are quite a few others on JPP I can say that about.

I do admit though given JPP's rightward lean in its membership I often play devils advocate to keep the discussion moving.

Take gun rights for example. I'm solidly in the pro gun camp but I love saying things that make some of the extreme gun enthusiasts foam at the mouth. I've prompted some really awesome rants by doing that.
I did think about you...but decided to stick with those on this side of the pond. Besides, I find us agreeing a lot more than disagreeing during the last three years.
Yup...that's why I didn't say something nice about you. I don't see us on the opposite side of the fence. We don't agree on everything but we agree on a lot. Now if only you could side with a decent football team.

Same with Tom, Guille, Grind, 3D. I'd say Billy but with Billy there is no fence. He hates everyone.
I can't really say nice things about Cawacko and meet the criteria for this thread. I have disagreements with him but I probably agree with him on more things than I disagree. I just don't see him as being on the other side of the fence. So to speak. There are quite a few others on JPP I can say that about.

I do admit though given JPP's rightward lean in its membership I often play devils advocate to keep the discussion moving.

Take gun rights for example. I'm solidly in the pro gun camp but I love saying things that make some of the extreme gun enthusiasts foam at the mouth. I've prompted some really awesome rants by doing that.

I'm not sure what you mean in your first paragraph. My personal standard for posters is simple, don't descend into filth, racism or doxxing. Otherwise they're entitled to their opinions no matter how dumb and stupid they may be. :D
I'm not sure what you mean in your first paragraph. My personal standard for posters is simple, don't descend into filth, racism or doxxing. Otherwise they're entitled to their opinions no matter how dumb and stupid they may be. :D
I mean the other side of the fence politically or ideologically.
Gosh you're making me feel old. You don't know who Ellie May Clampett is but she was a buxom blond beautiful country girl with a sweet disposition, could whoop her 6'5" 250# brain surgeon cousin Jethro (who was built like a heavyweight champ) and would probably whooped you too cause nothin would rile that gal like someone who mistreats critters like you do (by her lights that is). Ellie would not approve at all with you huntin critters or using them for sport. Not at all.

Ellie's major flaw was she wasn't much of a cook.

I will say that most of the animal rights people I've encountered at rodeos and livestock shows have been some of the meanest people I've ever met. I'm sure there are some well intentioned ones out there but I specifically remember one lady infront of a small group of protesters yelling at me and my friends saying some pretty vile and hurtful things as we were walking past them towards a staging area. Many of them literally value an animal's life over a human's life.

Also what do you mean when you said "by her lights that is"?
Yup...that's why I didn't say something nice about you. I don't see us on the opposite side of the fence. We don't agree on everything but we agree on a lot. Now if only you could side with a decent football team.

Same with Tom, Guille, Grind, 3D. I'd say Billy but with Billy there is no fence. He hates everyone.
Yeah I agree except about Guille he is a nasty piece of work.

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I've heard of the show before I've just never seen it. I was born in 1996.

It still exists though, many of the episodes are on YouTube! They even made a film, pretty dire admittedly, in 1993.

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That still baffles me, after all the Clampetts were from Texas!

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Actually it really doesn't reveal where they are from but I would guess Arkansas. Somewhere near Bugtussle, Arkansas ...

Granny frequently mentions that she was born and raised around Limestone, Tennessee, near Greeneville, but the state from which the Clampetts move to California is never revealed. Although it is mentioned in several episodes they are from the Ozarks, there are various, sometimes conflicting, clues found in certain episodes, but most lean towards southern Missouri or northern Arkansas.

Lol...I like this debate better than any on the current events page. :)
It still exists though, many of the episodes are on YouTube! They even made a film, pretty dire admittedly, in 1993.

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Yes, Norah. Tom is right. I do recommend the show for a look into the past. Some of it is kinda funny.
A couple of my favorites episodes are when Jed and Jethro try to go shoot golf and end up bringing home golf eggs. And then the episode where Jethro takes up with a bunch of hippies and they want him to get granny to,show them how to smoke crawdads.
Interesting exercise.

To begin, I have seen some sentiments that I have lost it a little bit lately. In my ELECTED DONALD FUCKING TRUMP. I hope that explains my current disposition adequately. And it might last; it might be the new me. I don't know. I'm not even trying to be more rational right now. It doesn't seem appropriate.

As far as saying something good about others, there are a lot of righties here whose posts I enjoy reading from time to time. I miss the Freak; he was always a good poster. What happened to him, anyway? We had some great discussions. Damo is always pretty smart & thoughtful in his posting. Annata has gone all in for Trump, but he's intelligent & a good writer. Good about linking sources, too. Leaningright always seems like someone you'd want to go fishing with - probably because of the fishing pic in his avatar. But he has that affable southern thing, and is probably the most reasonable poster on the board. Once in an EXTREMELY great while, USF posts something thoughtful and intelligent. He said something about gay rights one time that blew my mind; I just wish he'd do that more instead of trolling. ILA is a little like that, too. He trolls a lot for fun, but he had some pretty conciliatory words after the election which surprised me, and in general isn't crazy partisan and has been realistic about Trump. I don't consider Threedee to have an opposite political opinion from me, but he might - regardless, I always enjoy his posts. Great sense of humor. Grind has been driving me crazy lately, but he's reasonable to chat with when he's not trolling.
Actually it really doesn't reveal where they are from but I would guess Arkansas. Somewhere near Bugtussle, Arkansas ...

Lol...I like this debate better than any on the current events page. :)

Yes you are right, the opening song just mentions Texas tea aka oil.

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