Science from the other side of Climate Change

Only some light is converted to thermal energy...generally the infrared frequencies.
Most of the light from the Sun is infrared.

Never said you couldn't. Indeed, I presented one law that describes such conversion, but you ignored and deny it.

So? They can also strike molecules in the atmosphere and be converted to thermal energy.

Nope. It also depends on the transparency of the surface to a particular color of light, and how much energy the surface already has.
No atom will accept a photon that has less energy then the atom already has.

The Stefan-Boltzmann law has already been presented to you. There is no 'black body' or 'white body'.

Albedo is not used in the Stefan-Boltzmann law.

Absorbing a photon does not make substance able to trap light or energy.

Fallacy fallacy.

I have already presented all the equations to you. You just want to ignore them.

You cannot trap light. You are ignoring the Stefan-Boltzmann law.
You cannot decrease entropy. You are ignoring the 2nd law of thermodynamics.
"You cannot trap light.
You are ignoring the Stefan-Boltzmann law.
You cannot decrease entropy.
You are ignoring the 2nd law of thermodynamics."

Reading your posts is like listening to a science version of one of these toys from when I was a kid. You pull your own string/handle and just spit out some random phrase.

"You cannot trap light.
You are ignoring the Stefan-Boltzmann law.
You cannot decrease entropy.
You are ignoring the 2nd law of thermodynamics."

Reading your posts is like listening to a science version of one of these toys from when I was a kid. You pull your own string/handle and just spit out some random phrase.


It's like listening to the guy on the left telling everyone the guy on the right is a tard...

I think this is exactly right, and the reason it is correct is because the upper atmosphere has always been the thermal radiation surface of the planet.
You are denying the Stefan-Boltzmann law. There is no specific 'top of the atmosphere'. ALL surfaces radiate light in accordance with the Stefan-Boltzmann law.
That is the IR spectrum produced by the black body-like emissions in planetary temperature range have always been completely absorbed by the "greenhouse gasses" dominated by water vapor.
You cannot trap light. ALL gases and vapors emit light in accordance with the Stefan-Boltzmann law. No gas or vapor has the capability to warm the Earth.
The radiation surface is that altitude of the atmosphere where there are no longer significant greenhouse gas molecules above (and this is very high, where the air becomes very dry and the carbon dioxide rarely reaches)
You are AGAIN denying the Stefan-Boltzmann law. ALL materials radiate light.
That IR is not the dominant or even a major conveyor of heat from the crust surface to the radiation surface outside of some (statistically speaking) rare places like high altitude deserts.
There is no frequency component in the Stefan-Boltzmann law. ALL frequencies are considered.
The heat moves by convection primarily, and then by conduction, and then a few IR photons make it through the whole pea soup (but not many).
You are still ignoring the Stefan-Boltzmann law.
This is why planetary temperature has never drastically changed due to "green house gas" concentration, it's always been "pretty much saturated".
No gas or vapor has the capability to warm the Earth. You cannot create energy out of nothing. There is no 'saturation'.
The thermal inertia of the thick atmosphere creates insulation (in concert with the opaqueness to relevant IR) because the more atmosphere there is the higher temperature is needed to keep the convection currents moving. This is why planets like Venus are hot as F despite having a smaller percentage of their atmosphere being carbon dioxide than Mars.
The thermal inertia of the thick atmosphere creates insulation (in concert with the opaqueness to relevant IR) because the more atmosphere there is the higher temperature is needed to keep the convection currents moving. This is why planets like Venus are hot as F despite having a smaller percentage of their atmosphere being carbon dioxide than Mars.
ANY difference of temperature between two regions of any fluid causes convection. Thickness has nothing to do with convection.
The temperature of Venus is unknown. The temperature of Mars is unknown. The temperature of Earth is unknown. None of them can be measured.

No gas or vapor has the capability to warm any planet.
You cannot create energy out of nothing.
You cannot trap heat.
You cannot trap light.
You cannot trap thermal energy. There is always heat.
You cannot use a colder gas to heat a warmer surface.
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"You cannot trap light.
You are ignoring the Stefan-Boltzmann law.
You cannot decrease entropy.
You are ignoring the 2nd law of thermodynamics."

Reading your posts is like listening to a science version of one of these toys from when I was a kid. You pull your own string/handle and just spit out some random phrase.
Mantra 1a. Lame.
...and as usual, believers in the Church of Global Warming here have resorted to word games, projections and insults.

They think that will nullify the theories of science they deny by using these lame tactics.
You removed the important part,
Nothing was removed from your post. Go back and check your post; it's all still there.

If you did, you would stop making the claim that climate change, if it works the way it is believed, "creates" energy.
You still have not offered any explanation other than the goddess Climate creates energy out of nothing via Her miraculous forcings and feedbacks. Your explanation-bungling is not somehow my fault.
Not if the amount of energy changes.
Your English comprehension isn't exactly up to spec, I see. gfm7175 was discussing your scenario of the amount of energy remaining the same.

You have had over a year to provide an explanation that accounts for new/additional energy without violating physics, math or logic, and you have yet to do so.
Your English comprehension isn't exactly up to spec, I see. gfm7175 was discussing your scenario of the amount of energy remaining the same.

You have had over a year to provide an explanation that accounts for new/additional energy without violating physics, math or logic, and you have yet to do so.
Lol.... As I've said repeatedly, nothing in the theory of climate change requires more energy. As I have said repeatedly, IF you had any intellectual curiosity, you'd know that.

Lol.... As I've said repeatedly, nothing in the theory of climate change requires more energy. As I have said repeatedly, IF you had any intellectual curiosity, you'd know that.

There is no 'Theory of Climate Change'. There is only dogma. Climate cannot change.