Scumbag Misogyny Masquerading As Comedy

In negligible numbers by comparison. But kudos to you, for effort. ;)

So it's less painful or important? Of course that says nothing about the fact that rape of men is thought to be WOEFULLY under reported, but let's ignore that. What men think about a subject that affects them doesn't matter.
So it's less painful or important? Of course that says nothing about the fact that rape of men is thought to be WOEFULLY under reported, but let's ignore that. What men think about a subject that affects them doesn't matter.

Is twisting what I wrote the only way for you to claim victory in this debate? Go ahead and post stats on the underreported scourge of male rape victims and I'll be happy to discuss it.
Is twisting what I wrote the only way for you to claim victory in this debate? Go ahead and post stats on the underreported scourge of male rape victims and I'll be happy to discuss it.

Definition of some crimes are outdated and offer police departments an avenue for trimming the crime rate. For example, the FBI's definition of rape is limited to male-to-female intercourse. All same-sex rape cases and assaults of underage victims are left out of UCR.

Pretty hard to find stats that don't exist based on a government bodies misguided definitions.
Rape is rape, and it's ugly and unfunny, regardless of the gender of the victim.

The act, yes. Obviously. But I, and millions of other people (who are not all men), find jokes about it funny. Just like jokes about death. Or cancer (I guess you could call that a subsidiary of death). Everything can be funny.
The act, yes. Obviously. But I, and millions of other people (who are not all men), find jokes about it funny. Just like jokes about death. Or cancer (I guess you could call that a subsidiary of death). Everything can be funny.

Yeah, you've made your point. Rape's funny to you. I know.
So it's less painful or important? Of course that says nothing about the fact that rape of men is thought to be WOEFULLY under reported, but let's ignore that. What men think about a subject that affects them doesn't matter.

Did you and Grind laugh when you cooked this one up?

Here is a fascinating article about male rape.

Important points ( some in the article some not)

-Until just a few weeks ago, when the federal government expanded its definition of rape to include a wider range of sexual assaults, national crime statistics on rape included only assaults against women and girls committed by men under a narrow set of circumstances. Now they will also include male victims. Feminists are responsible for this and it was a long-term campaign. Did Billy participate? Permit me to laugh. I did.

-Let's talk about misogyny, rape culture, and homophobia. Misogyny fuels homophobia. The military stats are horrific, and men are being raped in the other men. This sexual violence is a result of the patriarchy which you can find no better representation of than the military. The result of these attitudes gave us Abu Ghraib and the sexual assault, sexual sadism, and humiliation we saw there. What it is all about? It's about making another man your bitch. Without misogyny and the patriarchy you would not have rape culture. The patriarchy hurts men too. This is a refrain that really needs to be drilled into some thick heads. Rape culture hurts men too. But who are its primary victims? Women.

-If we did not live in a patriarchal culture, a man who was raped, by another man or by a woman, would not feel it was a reflection on his manhood. Who fights against a patriarchal culture? Hint; it's not Billy and Grind.

-From RAIN (If i have to tell you what that is, that's a shame)

1 out of every 6 American women has been the victim of an attempted or completed rape in her lifetime (14.8% completed rape; 2.8% attempted rape).1

17.7 million American women have been victims of attempted or completed rape.1

9 of every 10 rape victims were female in 2003.

About 3% of American men — or 1 in 33 — have experienced an attempted or completed rape in their lifetime.1
In 2003, 1 in every ten rape victims were male.2
2.78 million men in the U.S. have been victims of sexual assault or rape.1

From the CDC:

-While most experts agree women are raped far more often than men, 1.4 percent of men in a recent national survey said they had been raped at some point. The study, by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, found that when rape was defined as oral or anal penetration, one in 71 men said they had been raped or had been the target of attempted rape, usually by a man they knew. (The study did not include men in prison.)

-And one in 21 said they had been forced to penetrate an acquaintance or a partner, usually a woman; had been the victim of an attempt to force penetration; or had been made to receive oral sex.

So yes, men are raped. It is comparatively rare and even rarer that their assailant is a woman. Men are the assailants and women are the victims in most rapes and other sexual assaults. I personally however, have never stopped being deeply emphatic towards the men who have confinded a child hood or teenage rape to me. I think the number of males who are raped or assaulted before the age of 18 is underreported. It pains me every time I hear it, and i have heard it from several men close to me, and another several who I cannot term intimates. Their assailants always seem to be men, but if they told me a woman had raped or sexually assaulted them I would feel just as pained for them.

Prison rape is another issue, but really the same issue. I do not ever laugh at prison rape jokes, nor do I ever say "he'll get what's coming to him in prison" or anything along those lines. Rape is a violent act and a crime. Rape is not an instrument of justice or punishment. What does Billy's culture that he reveals in tell him rape is? I can answer that.

Finally, WTF does this big huge honking red flag attempt at distraction have to do with what happened during the incident described in this thread? NOthing. This was not a joke. It was a man on a stage crossing the fucking line into incitement by saying that if five men got up then and gang raped this woman it would be really fucking funny. If she had been raped he would likely find his smirking ass in prison.

The deflection, whining, and other horseshit on this thread is a defense of rape culture, rape itself, and misogyny. It is inexcusable, not fucking funny, and reflects very badly on its participants. You may think you look "cool". I see a collaborator.

Pretty hard to find stats that don't exist based on a government bodies misguided definitions.

"Definition of some crimes are outdated and offer police departments an avenue for trimming the crime rate. For example, the FBI's definition of rape is limited to male-to-female intercourse. All same-sex rape cases and assaults of underage victims are left out of UCR. "

This is no longer operative. Thanks to a years-long campaign by feminists, this was changed. The definition of rape was changed and among the several outcomes of that change is that male rapes are counted, as they should be.

Too bad in all your "outrage" you didn't know about that fight which feminists took on...maybe you could have helped.
First let me say, I find "rape jokes" to be very unfunny and tacky. It doesn't matter what context, or how they are presented, that's just not funny... it's like making the old sick dead baby jokes... (What's the difference between a truckload of bowling balls and a truckload of dead babies? You can't unload bowling balls with a pitchfork!) ...Just not funny to me!

That said, Lenny Bruce was very often NOT FUNNY to people, they didn't appreciate his humor. Some of the 'satire' written by Mark Twain, was not found humorous to certain people. We don't always get the joke, we don't always see what is funny. We don't all have the same sense of humor. I can't stand Bill Maher's humor, he makes me want to puke. To me, what he does is NOT FUNNY, but other people find him amusing and hilarious. Steve Colbert... I think he is funny, even though he is mocking conservatives, it's still humorous to me. Other people who are conservative, might not like Colbert, and might find him offensive.

We need to either decide to be like uptight Pentecostals and censor everything that can be perceived as 'offensive' in society, or we need to realize we have freedom of speech, and we might not always agree with someone else.... and that's OKAY!
I will just say this, I have noticed an trend in recent years to attempt to try to control comedians and define what is comedic and what isn't. I am afraid that it usually seems to be po faced left wing single issue groups that use something or other as a platform for their particular cause. It is a slippery slope when what is funny is defined by committees and agitprop groups. The ultimate arbiter should be the general public, who if they don't like somebody then won't pay to see them.
Punk ass white boys mansplaining aside, quite a few male comedians were outraged by it and that is probably why he apologized. He took a bad beating on twitter. That is what male allies are for - shaming the rapists, the sexual abusers, and their collaborators who make excuses for them and by doing so protect the atmosphere and culture that rapists, misogynists, sex abusers, harassers etc, flourish in. Sex abusers, rapists, misogynists, sexual harassers, sexual bullies, need male cover in order to operate. Rape culture cannot flourish without the approval of a majority of men.

It's progress IMO that as time goes on there are fewer and fewer Grinds and Billy's and more and more male allies. Eventually the day will come, when Grind and Billy are old men with yellow teeth, where they will be mocked and laughed at and really unable to express their thoughts. They will be very analogous to the sad old men who long for the days of Jim Crow. Out of touch. Objects of another time that people will marvel at and shake their heads.

the mainstream disagrees with you. That's why shows like southpark flourish and are critically acclaimed. Louis CK is one of the biggest standup acts in the world currently. He used some pretty choice words in his act that you would not approve of. The list goes on.
p.s. i haven't commented specifically on the tosh.o thing nor have i watched the video so I am going to nip whatever bullshit generalizations and opinions of me regarding said conflict in the bud. k thanks.
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