Seeking advice and comment

Okay, your IP is not static, this is a good thing. All he can really tell without some sort of court order is what provider you use for your internet. Your provider also uses a proxy, my site sees past it but not all of them will or do. It is likely he has nothing on you but the e-mail you used.

I think it would take someone like Grind to really be able to do much more with an IP. from what I remember him saying, Grind was pretty talented with that sort of thing.

I really don't, I swear. I used to drink more when I was in my 20's, because I went to clubs a lot. I do drink on weekend evenings, but not even every weekend. I apparently still get that look, which I am always too buzzed to realize, until I notice the waiter or the bartender is looking back at me like, how you doin? and I am wondering why.

Well I'm a lush.

{singing Amy Winehouse.......they tried to make me go to rehab and I said,}
I think they called that "look" drunk enough to fuck.

WooHooo!!!1!1!! Shrubbie! I like the way you think!


I really don't, I swear. I used to drink more when I was in my 20's, because I went to clubs a lot. I do drink on weekend evenings, but not even every weekend. I apparently still get that look, which I am always too buzzed to realize, until I notice the waiter or the bartender is looking back at me like, how you doin? and I am wondering why.

The chin down, eyes up, glancing over the shoulder with a mischivous smirk.... I think I just felt it move.

Ah, now I've got the visual I've been seeking.

I really don't, I swear. I used to drink more when I was in my 20's, because I went to clubs a lot. I do drink on weekend evenings, but not even every weekend. I apparently still get that look, which I am always too buzzed to realize, until I notice the waiter or the bartender is looking back at me like, how you doin? and I am wondering why.

Luckily I spent my 20s drinking at home with a house full of guys who consisted of my Boyfriend(now my hubby) my brothers , my boyfriends brother and all our mutual friends.

One night a friend came on to me and I looked at him and said (Russel Its me) and that was the end of that.

Hes now some PHD in art history at some college.

I never told anybody though ,I didnt want to embarrass him.
I hope you are not mad at me Darla it was just a joke.

I did add this quote from the guy to my signature over there "1st, you will remove my quote from your signature. You do not have my permission to use it, and if you do not, I will."
I hope you are not mad at me Darla it was just a joke.

I did add this quote from the guy to my signature over there "1st, you will remove my quote from your signature. You do not have my permission to use it, and if you do not, I will."
Was that from a PM, or was it in a thread? It will make a difference.
I hope you are not mad at me Darla it was just a joke.

I did add this quote from the guy to my signature over there "1st, you will remove my quote from your signature. You do not have my permission to use it, and if you do not, I will."

Desh, my best friends call me a floozy and I don't get mad, no worries. ;)

Wow, that is some statement. I wonder if they are going to find out about this thread here, and then come here and there will be like a intramessage board war or something? lol
Originally Posted by Darla
LOL. Back when I was going through, what I think was my misguided, blonde phase, a few people told me I looked like Melanie Griffith. But I'm pretty sure i was always told that when I was drinking, and I think that's because when I drink I get a certain look.

I can't recall ever being told I look like anyone else.

I think they called that "look" drunk enough to fuck.

I just couldnt pass it up
Originally Posted by Darla
LOL. Back when I was going through, what I think was my misguided, blonde phase, a few people told me I looked like Melanie Griffith. But I'm pretty sure i was always told that when I was drinking, and I think that's because when I drink I get a certain look.

I can't recall ever being told I look like anyone else.

I think they called that "look" drunk enough to fuck.

I just couldnt pass it up

It's ok, I thought it was funny. I'm not mad.
So if the original quote that Desh used was in a public post of his on a public thread on the site, HE had no reason to threaten Desh, if she reused it in her hangtag?

Who owns usmb Damo? Or who is in charge/manages it, do you know??
So if the original quote that Desh used was in a public post of his on a public thread on the site, HE had no reason to threaten Desh, if she reused it in her hangtag?

Who owns usmb Damo? Or who is in charge/manages it, do you know??

Scooter/aka Scott. ;)
New development!

this is what I wrote to the admin of the site and what they said.

Truthmatters said:
Thank you , will we being asking peoples permission to have a signature of thier quotes ?

Or is it fair game to quote people from the site as long as it is an accurate quote?

thank you again.
he responds and Im paraphrasing here.
hes said there were no rules preventing it ion the site.

Then he said it would be the right thing to remove it if GunnyL asked me to.
Then he said that wasnt required on the siteto do the right thing.

Then he warns me against turning into a fight or he will make new rules.

then he warns me not to push the issue or he will respond.
Then I write back:
I am not flaming anyone ,I am holding people responsible for what they say.

I have been VERY civil on this site in my time here.

GunnyL has called me MANY names simply because he does not like my political beliefs.

You chose GunnyL , he is acting in an unfair manner and is using his power to threaten people with manipulating their profiles.

Do you think GunnyL would remove a quote of mine if I asked?

I will continue to post on here ,I will continue to be civil and I will continue to have my signature as it is.

If people do like like what they have said they should not say it.

I will do my very best to follow each and every rule of the board.

I would hope that that would keep me save from repercussion from the staff of this board.

Thank you again and I hope fairness and truth will prevail on this site.

So if the original quote that Desh used was in a public post of his on a public thread on the site, HE had no reason to threaten Desh, if she reused it in her hangtag?

Who owns usmb Damo? Or who is in charge/manages it, do you know??
Scooter does.