That is the idealist viewpoint Darla, which I fully agree with, however there is the nasty reality of the political game. And that is pretty much what it is. An entire system of deal making, compromises, kickbacks of various types, cronyism, pandering to lobbyists so you will get a cushy job after you leave politics, etc. And after the end of the day many political oppents socialize with eatch other, after all it is just a competetive game / profession they play/work at like any job....
Very sad but true. I would personally like to see political parties of over 1, 000 members banished.
My comment line used to be "idealistic realist".
I still feel the same, but realize that it is a pipe dream, but just keep chipping in what I can so that one day it might be the way it should be. I guess that is just another pipe dream though when basic human nature is figured in...
That's true. And I guess that every once in a while someone happens along who decides they're not going to play it.