Senator-elect Jim Webb almost beats up Bu$h...

Duh! However Cheney hadn't accepted an unnecessary invitation to the dude's house, then tell him to f*ck off...

Clearly Cheney shouldn't have said it, but it takes a special rudeness to accept an invitation to somebody's house then be a jerk.

If you can't be polite for a ten second conversation why
accept the invitation at all?

No, Cheney just used profanity on the floor of the United States Sennate toward a Senator!
As if that had never happened before.


From my understanding of this, IT HAD NEVER happened before.....where the PRESIDENT of the Senate used vulgar and foul language on the floor of the curse out a US Senator.

if you have some proof to back up this statement of yours then can we see it? ;)

imo President Bush should have answered Webb in a professional manner and with concern for Webb's son and all the other sons and daughters of people that are sacraficing their lives for COMMANDER and Chief's decisions.

From my understanding of this, IT HAD NEVER happened before.....where the PRESIDENT of the Senate used vulgar and foul language on the floor of the curse out a US Senator.

if you have some proof to back up this statement of yours then can we see it? ;)

imo President Bush should have answered Webb in a professional manner and with concern for Webb's son and all the other sons and daughters of people that are sacraficing their lives for COMMANDER and Chief's decisions.


Oh so it makes a difference that it was the President of the Senate? What the hell difference does it make? Senators have gone to blows before, but it makes a big difference that it was the President of the Senate.

It was inappropriate that is for sure, but the fact that you rely on it being the President of the Senate to make your case is nothing short of ludicrous.

In my opinion what Senator Elect Webb did was completely appropriate. If the President is not man enough to take criticism then he should not be in office.

No, Cheney just used profanity on the floor of the United States Sennate toward a Senator!
Have you ever cursed at somebody at work? Even in passing? He didn't go to the dudes house to do it, there is a difference.
I have never blown up and cursed at work. Of course I have never been fired from any job I have ever had either :) which blowing up at work is prone to cause to happen.
Too bad Cheny can't be suspended 3 days without pay and such....
1) I think the Senate floor is deserving of more respect that my office.

2) I expect a higher standard of behavyor from a Vice President of the United States.

3) I dont care if its been done before or not... That does not affect the right or wrong of a thing.
I threw a file across a courtroom once, I am embarrassed about it and I said I was sorry to those who witnessed it.

Cheney seemed proud of what he did.
From my understanding of this, IT HAD NEVER happened before.....where the PRESIDENT of the Senate used vulgar and foul language on the floor of the curse out a US Senator.

if you have some proof to back up this statement of yours then can we see it? ;)

imo President Bush should have answered Webb in a professional manner and with concern for Webb's son and all the other sons and daughters of people that are sacraficing their lives for COMMANDER and Chief's decisions.

In the 1850's there was an incident in the Senate, on the Senate floor, in which a Senator from one of the southern states used his walking stick to beat an abolishionist Senator into unconsciousness.
In the 1850's there was an incident in the Senate, on the Senate floor, in which a Senator from one of the southern states used his walking stick to beat an abolishionist Senator into unconsciousness.

I remember that from school. Terrable behavyor and the guy should have been prosecuted. Does that make what Cheney did okay?
I was talking about Cheney... People get upset because he used a curse word on the super sacred Senate floor? Ridiculous...

I dont care as much that he used a curse word so much...

He told a Senator to Fuck off!
I remember that from school. Terrable behavyor and the guy should have been prosecuted. Does that make what Cheney did okay?
What makes what Cheney did okay is the same thing that makes what Webb did okay. We are all human. Honestly, I wouldn't take an invitation to the house of somebody I couldn't at least be polite to. I do have to go to work, and spend an inordinate amount of time there. If I were to have an "incident" it would most likely happen at work.

Either way. As I read more about this, I find it less "rude" each time. Webb answers everybody who asks about his son this way. He feels that no Marine should get top billing over another.
I dont care as much that he used a curse word so much...

He told a Senator to Fuck off!
Honestly, you have never told a peer to F*ck off or something of equivalence? I really can't see the big deal in either of these incidences...

Other than, were I Webb I wouldn't accept any more invitations to the WH unless it was solely business.
In the 1850's there was an incident in the Senate, on the Senate floor, in which a Senator from one of the southern states used his walking stick to beat an abolishionist Senator into unconsciousness.

Yeah and we had slaves then and a war shortly after. I would hope that we have matured a bit since then. We used to beat each other with clubs too....
Are we still neathandral (sp?) ?
I was talking about Cheney... People get upset because he used a curse word on the super sacred Senate floor? Ridiculous...

"He didn't go to the dude's house and do it. There is a difference"

My question then is: WHO DID go to any dude's house and swear? And if no one did, then what is the purpose of injecting it into the discussion?
Honestly, you have never told a peer to F*ck off or something of equivalence? I really can't see the big deal in either of these incidences...

Other than, were I Webb I wouldn't accept any more invitations to the WH unless it was solely business.
At work??!? Never. Not once. It would be totally unprofessional.

Okay, so I'm something of a Pollyanna. It's true, though: I don't believe I've ever once said anything of the kind at work. I've rarely heard anything of the kind, either. Perhaps I've just been lucky.