Senator-elect Jim Webb almost beats up Bu$h...

Hmmmmm. Everyone at my office curses. I never did it until I came here interestingly enough.
Hmmmmm. Everyone at my office curses. I never did it until I came here interestingly enough.
They started cracking down on that here, I was surprised at how often I used language that was considered questionable. I don't usually curse, but I can get very descriptive!
It took me by surprise when I first got here. Eventually I joined the fray. But only to coworkers I'm friendly with on a personal level.
At work??!? Never. Not once. It would be totally unprofessional.

Okay, so I'm something of a Pollyanna. It's true, though: I don't believe I've ever once said anything of the kind at work. I've rarely heard anything of the kind, either. Perhaps I've just been lucky.

I've never told anyone to f off at work either, and I've never heard anyone say it to someone else. The f word is certainly used, but not in that manner.

Honestly, anywhere I've ever worked, you'd be called into someone's office for telling a co-worker to f off. It's not acceptable.
Then you must indeed be low on the totem pole. I have heard, with less rudeness to be sure, much the same sentiment spoken at work. And there were times when I pretty much have told people that I needed some personal space without using the most diplomatic terms...

So you've never actually heard anyone, wherever they might be on the "totem pole" tell a co-worker to fuck off. You've heard "much the same sentiment, with less rudeness".

I see. Well, that changes the question then, doesn't it?
'Twere I! Yuppers... I got tired of working in places with no windows... Even when we weren't deployed we had no fricking windows!

That is why I LOVED the surface Navy. I loved watching the ocean and I loved watching every sunset and every sunrise that I could. I was never happier than when standing 4-8 watches. Also, no matter how rough it got, as long as I could see the surface of the water, regardless of how much swell or wave action there was, I would never get seasick.