'Twere I! Yuppers... I got tired of working in places with no windows... Even when we weren't deployed we had no fricking windows!a bubblehead spook....I got it!
They started cracking down on that here, I was surprised at how often I used language that was considered questionable. I don't usually curse, but I can get very descriptive!Hmmmmm. Everyone at my office curses. I never did it until I came here interestingly enough.
At work??!? Never. Not once. It would be totally unprofessional.
Okay, so I'm something of a Pollyanna. It's true, though: I don't believe I've ever once said anything of the kind at work. I've rarely heard anything of the kind, either. Perhaps I've just been lucky.
Then you must indeed be low on the totem pole. I have heard, with less rudeness to be sure, much the same sentiment spoken at work. And there were times when I pretty much have told people that I needed some personal space without using the most diplomatic terms...
'Twere I! Yuppers... I got tired of working in places with no windows... Even when we weren't deployed we had no fricking windows!